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1、景观都市主义的前海实践访FieldOperations主创设汇总|The 30 Years Development of Landscape Architecture in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone | 编者按:前海,这个过去略显沉寂的地方,在深圳特区成立30周年之际,随着国务院对“前海深港现代服务业合作区”发展规划的正式批复,一跃成为全国关注的热点。它不仅被视为“特区中的特区”、大珠三角的“曼哈顿”,更被赋予了深圳二次创业重要引擎的历史使命。面对如此关键地块的规划设计,如何回应可持续发展、宜居与活力、土地使用与地块划分、城市系统运作和开发各阶段的效率等问题

2、,参与“前海地区概念规划国际咨询项目”的各家设计机构都给出了自己的答案。如今,项目咨询活动已经落下帷幕。本刊独家采访到第一名获得者美国Field Operations事务所的主创设计师詹姆斯科纳先生,并组织刊发了前三名的精彩方案。希望通过多维度的专题策划,能让读者更深入地了解这一重大城市事件。Editors Note: With the approval from the State ofCouncil of PRC for the Planning Strategy of Qianhai, Qianhai, a formerly neglected place in Shenzhen, ha

3、s become the eye-catcher of China when Shenzhen embraced its 30th anniversary celebration for the founding of Special Economic Zone. Qianhai is not only regarded as a Special Area of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the Manhattan of the Pearl-river Delta Region, but also is commissioned as an importa

4、nt engine for the development of Shenzhen in the future. In the International Consultancy of Conceptual Planning of Qianhai Region, designers from world-wide shared their ideas on how to plan and design this strategic site and how to respond to the sustainability issues, the creation of livable envi

5、ronment, the land use and site zoning, and the operation of urban mechanism. Landscape Architecture had an exclusive interview with Professor James CORNER, principal designer of Field Operations and presented the three winning proposals of this consultancy competition, which will help readers to lea

6、rn more about this city event from different perspectives.风景园林:詹姆斯科纳(James CORNER)教授,欢迎您来到中国!您的到来给予了中国同行极大的鼓舞。难以想象,深圳前海地区概念规划这样城市建设类项目由风景园林师来主持,这是我们一直梦想但极少能实现的。您是怎么参与到这次国际竞标中来的呢?詹姆斯科纳:Field Operations 参与这次竞赛,是因为我们应主办方邀请而递交我们的资格审查资料和相关作品。我们非常荣幸获得评委提名,然后在紧接着的竞赛中成为最后获胜者。风景园林:在你们提交的深圳前海地区概念规划方案中,有机结合城市公

7、共开放空间、水利基础设施和部分城市交通基础设施的“线性滨水走廊”是不是最大的“概念”?这是一次“景观都市主义”(Landscape Urbanism理念的实践吗?詹姆斯科纳:我们的出发点就是询问前海新城如何才能获得独一无二的特征。目前全球各地城市开发如火如荼地进行,但几乎都是同一模式,它们未能挖掘出自身的特色来塑造出独一无二的城市形象。而这种特色应该由城市自身的文化、环境和城市设计共同组成。我们希望把前海新城打造成一座水城,营造成一座可以与悉尼、巴塞罗那、温哥华或香港相媲美的滨水城市。为实现这一目标,我们把这座新城沿前海湾分布,设计了一条非常宽敞舒适的滨水散步道和相关的公园体系。但更为重要的是


9、主义读本(The Landscape Urbanism Reader中所撰写的文章流动的土地(Terra Fluxus)里提到过景观都市主义的4种实践主题:随时间变化的过程(processes over time、为城市生活搭建舞台(the staging of surfaces、运作或工作方法(the operational or working method、城市空间的想象力(imaginary,在深圳前海地区概念规划方案中,它们都体现了吗?如果是,如何表达的?詹姆斯科纳:这4个元素非常好地在前海规划方案中体现出来。我们的方案很好地勾勒了整座城市的未来生活环境,整合大量的地表、元素、网络和


11、问题上拥有更多的权利和信誉,他们就需要理解城市化以及城市规划、工程设计、房地产、建筑、环境、当地文化和公众程序等一整套的运行规则。这并不是说风景园林师应该雄心壮志,宣扬自己无所不能,而是说他们应该成为不同专业人士的指挥者,就像管弦乐队的指挥家那样指导城市建设,如同掌舵一个生态环境或是生态系统。景观都市主义的前海实践The Practice of Landscape Urbanism in Qianhai访Field Operations主创设计师詹姆斯科纳教授Interview with Professor James CORNER, Principal of Field Operations

12、采访:林广思Interviewed by LIN Guang-si 翻译:章健玲Translation: ZHANG Jian-ling校对:周虹Proofreading: ZHOU Hong风景园林 2010 第五期017| 深圳特区风景园林30年风景园林:您1998年创立了Field Operations,其设计哲学是什么?您的事务所最近好像获得了不少“大项目”,您是如何组织团队挑战以及完美完成它们的呢?詹姆斯科纳:设计理念主要围绕如何处理复杂性展开。我想我们的事务所在处理世界上最复杂的城市项目中享有美誉,复杂主要体现在场地状况、技术条件、政治环境、多学科协调合作问题等等。另外,还有巨额项

13、目预算和紧迫的时间限制。也有很多其他公司在设计复杂项目,但我们关注的是如何创造性地解决复杂性问题,并取得一定的成效。换句话说,利用复杂性来创造出创新且有开拓性的设计,因为睿智的设计不仅仅能够解决实际问题,而且能够以优雅的方式解决问题。我们对城市主义和公共领域的使命感是Field Operations设计实践的另一明显特征。虽然城市必须解决金融、交通和建筑方面的问题,但它们必须以提升和加强公共领域、城市地表、和城市衔接空间的方式来进行。能够这样做的城市,比如巴塞罗那、伦敦、巴黎还有纽约或西雅图,就能够创造壮观的城市肌理,使其充满生机活力,吸引人类前往生活和工作。而未能这样做的城市,则变得死气沉沉


15、,它将继续与设计实践形成互惠互补的良好关系。风景园林:让我们回到中国。您对中国的同行的实践工作了解吗?“景观的复兴”(Recovering landscape)的现象会发生在中国吗?风景园林师如何更好的介入城市设计乃至城市规划工作之中?詹姆斯科纳:我想中国现在出现了一些非常优秀的风景园林师,比如俞孔坚。中国还拥有历史悠久的园林艺术,几个世纪以来对自然的喜爱以及独特的公共空间哲学理念。21世纪我们面临的挑战|The 30 Years Development of Landscape Architecture in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone |是如何使快速发展的

16、城市化更加人性化,并切实保证质量。一方面是技术问题,比如水的生态性、空气、绿化、生境等;另一方面则是艺术创造部分,为人们创造更美好的场所;但是重要也更为困难的一方面,则是把风景园林和公共领域设计与城市规划、交通、城市设计和建筑在早期阶段或是在起步阶段协调起来,使得风景园林和公共领域设计能够对塑造城市、创造城市价值和体验城市方面产生重大影响力。风景园林:詹姆斯科纳教授,感谢您的忠告,我们期待您的更多作品能够实验与实施!Landscape Architecture: Congratulations on winning the International Consultancy of Concep

17、tual Planning for Qianhai Region! We are so excited that Shenzhen Qianhai Planning will be hosted by landscape architect. It is so inspiring and encouraging that landscape architects can be in charge of the urban construction project. How are you involved in this competition?James CORNER: Field Oper

18、ations becameinvolved because we were invited to submit our qualifications and experience package as part of a juried competition. We were fortunate to be shortlisted by the jury, and then selected as the final winner of the design competition.Landscape Architecture: In your Qianhai planning proposa

19、l, the linear waterfront corridor integrates the city public space, water facilities and some city traffic facilities. Is the linear waterfront corridor the biggest concept? Is it a practice of the landscape urbanism theory?James CORNER: Our starting point was to ask how this new city of Qianhai cou

20、ld acquire a very special and distinctive identity. There are so many urban developments around the world today that all look and feel the same they fail to develop unique and special characteristics that could become their defining image. Great cities have very powerful personalities, strong identi

21、ties derived from their environment, culture and design. In Qianhai we wanted to brand this new city around the theme of water creating a new waterfront city to rival Sydney, Barcelona, Vancouver or Hong Kong. To achieve this, we face the city around the bay and coast and create a very generous and

22、magnificent waterfront esplanade and park system. But perhaps more significant are the five green fingers that extend the waterfront along the five tributaries that feed the bay. As these tributaries are polluted and pose flood control issues, the five fingers are designed as large water filtration,

23、 improvement and holding basins. They function to improve water quality, control flood water and diversity habitat for wildlife. At the same time, they also function as extensive urban parks and social spaces for public use, recreation and leisure. They also become unique addresses for the surroundi

24、ng development and neighborhoods. The city building massing, urban design and transportation design are all coordinated around this idea. Buildings face outward, to the public spaces, and the transit hubs concentrate the maximum density in order to promote pedestrian lifestyle and accessibility. Thi

25、s integrated, holistic and风景园林 2010 第五期019| 深圳特区风景园林30年comprehensive way of thinking does characterize what has become known as “landscape urbanism” -or understanding the city as if it were a complex ecological landscape, a systemic urbanism.Landscape Architecture: In your article Terra Fluxus from

26、The Landscape Urbanism Reader, you mentioned four topics of the landscape urbanism, namely the processes over time, the staging of surfaces, the operational or working method and imaginary. Are they expressed in the Qianhai Planning? How are they expressed?James CORNER: These four points are very go

27、od and do in fact play out in our Qianhai proposal. The entire city is conceived as if it is being “staged,” with a number of surfaces, elements, networks and systems put into place to enable a coherent city to grow up around the framework. This is inevitably process-based and allows flexibility and

28、 adaptation over time. The operational aspects of the scheme (particularly the water elements, but also transit and the urban block typology convey imaginary aspects as well as pragmatic this is to say that all elements function optimally while also projecting the imaginative potentials and identiti

29、es the city can accrue over time.Landscape Architecture: I learned that you got one bachelor degree of landscape architecture, one master degree of landscape architecture and one master degree of urban designer. Did you obtain your awareness of the urban issues or urban design skills when you were s

30、tudying your master program of urban design? Or are there any factors influenced you?James CORNER: I think that a combination of education, professional experience and my own interests have steered me more and more toward urban design, and urbanism more broadly. If landscape architects are to have m

31、ore power and credibility with regard to urban issues they need to understandurbanization and the panoply of disciplines that come into play (urban planning, engineering, real estate, architecture, environment, local culture, public process, etc. This is not to say that landscape architects should a

32、spire and have any claim to be able to do anything and everything, but more that they might become the orchestrators and conductors of a very diverse group of professionals a lot like steering an ecology or ecosystem.Landscape Architecture: You established Field Operations in 1998. What is the design philosophy of your office? And we also learned that Filed Operations won several big projects recently. How do you organize your team to meet the challenges and achieve your goals?James CORNER: The design philosophy circles around dealing with comp

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