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1、北京市朝阳区届高三英语下学期质量检测一模试题一北京市朝阳区2021届高三英语下学期3月质量检测(一模)试题(一)学习资料班 级: 科 目:北京市朝阳区2021届高三英语下学期3月质量检测(一模)试题(一)(考试时间90分钟 满分100分)本试卷共10页。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Take an OptionJerry was a natural motivator. He was a

2、lways in a good mood and always had something 1 to say, which really made me curious。 One day I went up to ask him how he did that。 “Well, life is all about 2 。 Its your option how you live your life,” Jerry replied。Soon I moved to another city。 Several months later, I heard that Jerry was seriously

3、 injured in the chest while skiing. 3 , he was found quickly and rushed to the hospital。 After 8 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, he was 4 from the hospital. Later, when we met again, I asked Jerry what had 5 his mind during the accident. “As I lay in the snow, I knew I had two options:

4、 One was to live, the other was to die. I chose to live, Jerry said. “The paramedics (急救人员) were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they 6 me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors, I got really 7 。 In their eyes, I read, Hes a dead ma

5、n. I knew I needed to take action。 I told them, Operate on me as if Im alive, not dead. You see, I just tried to 8 their confidence.” Finally Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing 9 to live. Jerry has taught me a lot。 I learn from him that every day we have

6、the choice to live fully. Your 10 , after all, is everything.1。 A。 regular B. familiar C. positive D. typical2. A. choices B。 trends C。 relations D。 secrets3. A. Normally B。 Obviously C. Hopefully D。 Luckily4。 A. preserved B. released C. distinguished D。 abandoned5. A. gone through B. put up C. turn

7、ed in D。 called for6。 A。 forced B。 followed C. wheeled D. recommended7。 A. bored B。 frightened C。 confused D. embarrassed8。 A。 express B. share C。 gain D。 inspire9。 A。 talent B. achievement C. desire D. evidence10。 A。 attitude B。 standard C。 ability D。 control第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1。5分, 共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文

8、内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。 A Learners dictionaries, all in English, are specially designed to help students。 11 confuses students is how they can be easy to use. Well, the definitions are simpler than the words they describethey use highfrequency words。 Students can also get

9、 grammatical and usage guidance, opposites, other expressions 12 (use) the word and lots of examples. So you can see that the dictionary helps to increase your word power, and improve not only your reading and listening, but also your writing and speaking. There may also be a wide range of 13 (pictu

10、re) to help you understand.B If you have been fishing, you know how hard it is to catch a really big fish. One reason is that it is difficult to find the exact position of the fish. The other reason is that big fish wont just jump in the boat once they 14 (locate). Years ago, a man named Alf Dean 15

11、 (overcome) both difficulties. Dean went fishing off the coast of South Australia。 He pulled in a great white shark that weighed 2,664 pounds and measured over sixteen feet in length。 That is 16 (big) fish ever caught by a single person. CMany people like travelling abroad。 The extra money 17 (bring

12、) in can be of great benefit to these countries。 However, tourism has not been good news for the environment。 First, transporting millions of tourists to their holiday destinations 18 (pollute) the air and the seas。 Secondly, some beautiful landscapes are destroyed forever due to the newly-built hot

13、els. And finally, fresh water supplies are running low 19 tourists consume much water. To conclude, I think tourism has a lot of negative consequences on nature. If we want our planet to be a 20 (health) place, we need to travel less。 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节(共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,

14、选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Skillshare is a video lesson app which has become highly popular nowadays. It will likely appeal more to older kids (age 14+) since classes focus primarily on professional development with topics like digital design, technology and marketing. There are also plenty of art and mus

15、ic classes for more creative learners。 Read the developers privacy policy for details on how your kidsinformation is collected, used and shared, and any choices you may have in the matter, and this privacy policy applies to all users. What is it about? Skillshare has a large database of online lesso

16、ns taught by industry experts. Kids can search for a class by topic or by entering key words. Each class contains a series of video lessons that are taught as a lecture. Some classes have only a few lessons, while others have 10 or more。 In fact, one guitar class has more than 100 lessons. Many clas

17、ses include projects, and most end with a brief Final Thoughts lesson to sum up the class content。 Theres a review section where users can leave advice。 Kids can watch the lessons within that class directly from the app。 They can also save classes to watch later, and any classes they begin are autom

18、atically saved to a watch list. Many classes are offered in the free version of the app, and a paid version gives users access to a much more extensive class listmore than 28,000 lessons.Is it any good?All the teachers in the app are passionate about their work, so its an excellent way to foster the

19、 same passion in your kids, as long as there is a genuine interest in the content being offered.What kind of membership are you interested in?1 month6 months12 months36 months$14。99 per month$12.99 per month$10.99 per month$6。99 per monthYou can cancel any time。Email address for contact: skillshareg

20、dpr- 21。 The passage is intended for _。A。 kids B. parents C。 teachers D. industry experts22. How much should you pay monthly for an annual membership? A。 $14.99. B. 12.99。 C。 $10.99 。 D。 6.99。23. What can we learn from the passage?A. Skillshare allows curious older kids to learn at their own pace.B.

21、 The privacy policy is limited to the registered members of Skillshare.C。 Subscribers can only cancel the order within one month of its purchase.D. Each class has more than 100 career-related lessons in the Skillshare app。BWhat animal pulls at your heartstringsa panda or a toad (蟾蜍)? Zoologist Lucy

22、Cooke draws attention to some of the worlds least attractive animals。 She hopes to show the world why some of the most unlovable animals are actually the most interesting and deserving of our attention and protection。Cookes blogs and online videos bring her unusual storytelling style to a serious me

23、ssage: If we only care for the best loved animals, other important parts of the web of life could be ignored. There are so many television shows about lovely animals like koala bears and kittens, she observes。 All the attention seems focused on “celebrity animals. “Those unusual creatures attract me

24、 because they tell an amazing evolutionary (进化) story, Cooke said。 “Im interested in all of nature, not just the shiny bits.”Amphibiansanimals like frogs that live both on land and in watertop Cookes list。 Over a third of amphibians are going extinct; its the worst extinction crisis since the dinosa

25、urs were wiped off the planet. “Amphibians occupy a crucial spot in the middle of the food chain. If you remove them, everything else will be lost as well, she noted. “That motivated me to start my blog, The Amphibian Avenger. When amphibians go extinct, birds and snakes that eat them also disappear

26、. And since they breathe through their skin, they are easily attacked by pollution and climate change。 That makes them fantastic instruments for measuring the health of ecosystems.”One of Cookes most popular online videos is about slothsextremely slow-moving animals that live in trees。 Theyve always

27、 had a reputation for being lazy and stupid。 In fact, “slothfulness” is the key to the animals success, allowing the sloths liver (肝脏) to process poisonous substances found in the leaves it eats。 Moving slowly also keeps it hidden from enemies。 “My video showed the world how interesting they are,” C

28、ooke said.The bats, dung beetles and more get their moment in the sun thanks to Cooke. “I just want people to share my sense of amazement and love for these creatures。” Cooke stated。 “Once you understand why theyre ugly or odd, youll appreciate them and want to save them as much as I do。” 24. Cooke

29、started The Amphibian Avenger in order to _. A. make the animal popular with peopleB。 show her unique appreciation of beautyC。 introduce the research on a new speciesD. explain the importance of this kind of animal25. Cookes video about sloths is an example of _. A. why some animals deserve their re

30、putationB. why she thinks it necessary to save animalsC。 how people focus on some specific animalsD。 how she is trying to change peoples minds26。 What is the best title of the passage?A. Animal DefenderB. Intelligent AnimalsC。 Cookes Storytelling BlogsD. The Secret of Extinct CreaturesCThe Land Unde

31、r the SeaTen thousand years ago, as the last ice age ended, sea levels around the world were far lower than they are today. Much of the land under both the North Sea to the east of Britain and the English Channel which now separates France and Britain was part of a huge region of forests and grassy

32、plains。 Then the climate gradually became warmer and the water trapped in large masses of ice was released。 Now the development of advanced sonar (声纳) technology, known as bathymetry, is making it possible to study this flooded landscape in extraordinary detail. A special echo (回声) sounder is fixed to the bottom of a survey ship and it makes wide sweeps across the seabed。 While previ

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