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1、职业文档服务类一:宾馆管理专业的学生表演在餐馆里怎样为顾客服务。(附视频)Sally Mary: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our restaurant. Mary: This is our great cook, sally. Sally: This is our beautiful waitress. Mary. Sally Mary: Nice to meet you. Sally : (回桌后,摆东西) Mary :(去门边站好) Liu (上) Mary : (手势) Welcome to our restaurant

2、 , madam . Can l help you? Liu: Thank you. Id like a table by the window. Mary: Come with me. The seat, please. This is the menu, Are you reedy to order ?Liu : Yes , a coke and a salad .Mary: What kind of salad do you want? Liu: Fruit salad, please. Mary: Any thing else?Liu: No, thanks. Thats all.Ma

3、ry: Wait a minute, please. Mary; sally. a fruit salad, please.Sally: OK. Lets make it. To make a fruit salad. We need orange. Cherry tomato, kiwi, apple and salad dressing.Mary; Whats the first step?Sally: First cut the cherry tomato into halves.Sally: Cut the kiwi into slice.Sally: Cut the apple in

4、to dice. Mary: And then?Sally: Please give me a pan. Lets please the fruit.Mart: Here you here. Sally: By the way .Sally: Ok, Weve finished it.Mary: It looks astrictive and beautiful.Mary: Madam. Enjoy your salad and coke please. Liu: How delicious it is? That the best salad. Ive ever had. Thank you

5、, waitress.Mary: Really? Im so glad to hear that. I cant help dancing. Liu: Why not? Please give us a dancing show. Mary: My pleasure. 二:在商店,发生在服务员和顾客之间的小故事。Part 1S:Hello, everyone. Im the saleswoman of this T-shirt shop. Oh,what a nice day! But I have to stay in the shop and couldnt go out for shop

6、ping. What a terrible thing it is! (singing and dancing)C: Hello, everyone. Im the customer. I want to buy a T-shirt for myself. Lets have a look at this shop.S: (singing and dancing. Low voice)C: Hello. Hello.S: (singing and dancing)C: Oh. Whats the matter? Let me go up and say it again loudly.( sa

7、y to himself). Hello!(loudly)S: Ah, whats wrong with you? Why did you say “hello” so loudly?(生气)C: Eh. I said once in a low voice but you didnt hear me. So. Thats the reason.S: Ok.(不耐烦的). I have got it. What can I do for you?C: Yes, I want to buy a T-shirt for myself.S: There are many T-shirts and h

8、ave a look by yourself. (继续唱,化妆).C: But. Dont you serve me? Its your duty to help me choose a suitable T-shirt.S: Yeah. But dont you see Im busy now? (继续唱并走开)C: What? I have never seen such a thing in my life. Dont you know your duty? “Customers first, Services foremost”. I dont think you have this

9、professional qualities. So, I dont want to buy anything from your shop. What a bad service attitude! (going out )S: Whats wrong with my attitude? I think its excellent. Hum.(自言自语地走回桌旁,看了一下表) Wow, its time to get off work and I will go shopping. (拿下衣服,唱着歌走出去)Part 2C: Well. This is a shoe shop. Ill co

10、me in and have a look.S: Good evening. Can I help you, madam?(微笑)C: Yes. I want to buy a pair of shoes.S: Ok. What kind of shoes would you like best?C: Let me have look first.S: Ok.(第一双) This pair of shoes is very fashionable and I think the color suits you well.S: (第二双)What about this pair? I think

11、 you look excellent on this. You will like it very much.C: How do you know I like this style? Youre not me!(脱下来)The style is terrible!S: Ok. It doesnt matter. (smile) We have many kinds of shoes for you to choose. I believe you will like one of them.C: (第三双)Youll say this pair is suitable again, rig

12、ht? No.(大声)The heels are too high, dont you see them?(转柜台一圈,寻找)S: Ok. I think you can find your favorite shoes. This one? (手势)How about this one?(手势)Ok. This one?(手势)C: Wow. How wonderful! I like this!(试穿)S: Very good. I think you have made the best choice.(包装)Here you are and 100 yuan in all. C: Ok

13、. Here is the money. S: Thank you. Welcome next time. (The salesman smiles and bows 鞠躬to the customer.) C: (拿着鞋高兴的走出了店铺)Part 3徐:Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that these twobehaviors(行为) both exist (存在)in our service industry(服务行业). Ok. Id like to ask you a question, “What qualities(素质) should a

14、server own?王:I think a server should be considerate(周到), polite and patient(耐心) just like the salesman in the shoe shop. Do you agree with me?Music and dancing.Thank you!三:旅游专业的学生表演怎样为顾客服务(一位游客到一座新的城市去旅游,咨询有关旅游的一些问题)A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the tourist information center is?打扰一下,你能告诉我旅游

15、咨询处在哪儿吗?B: Im new here. You had better ask the policeman over there.我初来此地,你最好问问那边的警察。A: Thank you all the same.谢谢你!A: Is there a tourist information center in this city?本市有没有旅游咨询处?B: Yes, there is one near the airport.有,在飞机场附近有一个。A: Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?你能推荐一家较为廉价的旅馆吗

16、?B: Well, there is Youth Hotel which costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK?有一家青年旅馆,一晚上不到20美元,您觉得如何?A: Yes, But Id like to stay at a hotel near the beach,Too.Would you recommend one? 是的,但是我还想要住在一间靠在海滩的旅馆。你能为我推荐一个吗?B: Well, there is a Moonlight Hotel with excellent service near the beach, and not

17、 too expensive.嗯,有个月光宾馆,离海滩不远,服务是一流的, 而且价格也不贵。A: Thank you! 谢谢!A:Please tell me about some interesting places in this city.请告诉我这座城市一些有趣的地方。B:OK, what are you interested in?好的,你对什么感兴趣?A:I want to visit some historic sites.我想参观一些历史名胜。A:What are the places of special interest here?这里有什么特别有趣的地方吗?B:Why d

18、ont you go to the Disneyland? Im sure youll have fun here.何不去迪斯尼乐园玩玩呢?我相信你在那儿肯定会玩得很开心。A:Thank you!谢谢!A:Id like to know the route of the streetcar.我想知道电车行进的路线。B:Its shown on this map.地图上有。A:Is there a bus to go to the Disneyland?有到迪斯尼乐园的公汽吗?B:Yes, the bus runs every hour.有,每小时一趟。A:By the way, could y

19、ou tell me which bus to take to go there?顺便问一下,能告诉我乘哪路公交去吗?B:No. 12. 12路。A:Thank you. 谢谢!A: How much dose it cost if I stay there for two weeks?我如果在那儿待两周要多少钱?B: It doesnt cost much, because its far from the downtown area.不会花费太多,因为那儿离市中心远A: Thats good. Thank you.那还不错。谢谢!非服务类一:演讲(两人配合朗诵:第一个自然段一名同学朗诵英语

20、,另一名同学翻译,下一个自然段变换角色朗诵。)ThinkPositiveThoughtsEveryDay(积极看待每一天)If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.如果你觉得心有余力不足,觉得缺乏前进的动力,有时候你只需要改变思维的角度。By training your thoughts to concentrate on the b

21、right side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive to follow through on your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance.试着训练自己的思想朝好的一面看,这样你就会汲取实现目标的动力,而不会因为消极沉沦停滞不前。Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choos

22、e to change your perspective. Dont leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessa

23、rily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.一旦变换看问题的角度,你的生活会豁然开朗,幸福快乐会接踵而来。别交出掌握命运的主动权,也别指望局面会不可思议的好转。你必须与内心希望与热情步调一致。建立自信,敢于与困难短兵相接,而非绕道而行。记住,力量不是驾驭局势的法宝,无坚不摧的能力才是最重要的。Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that

24、 lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your worry hours into productive hours. Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things happen wh

25、en you allow yourself to experience the joys of life. You will find happiness when you addopt positive thinking into your daily routine and make it an important part of your world.请坚信,美好的降临并非不可能,失误也许是成功的前奏。将惶恐化作信任,学会超越担忧和疑虑。让“诚惶诚恐”的时光变得“富有成效”。不要挥霍浪费精力,将它投到有意义的事情中去。当你下意识品尝生命的欢愉时,美好就会出现。当你积极地看待生活,并以此作

26、为你的日常准则时,你就会找到快乐的真谛。Life doesnt always give us the joys we want.生活并非总是如你所愿。We dont always get our hopes and dreams, and we dont always get our own way.希望有时会落空,梦想有时会破灭,我们不能一切随心所愿。But dont give up hope, because you can make a difference one situation and one person at a time.但别放弃希望,因为事物并非一成不变;不同时间,不同场

27、合,你会呈现不同的面貌。Look for the beauty around you-in nature, in others, in yourself-and believe in the love of friends, family, and humankind.处处留心你身边的美吧自然中的,别人中的,你自己的请相信,美来自朋友、家庭乃至全人类的融融爱意。You can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just

28、look for it.一个微笑,援助之手,关心的举止,友善的世界,无不传达着爱。爱无所不在,如果你有寻找的话。Give love, for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy, happiness, patience, and understanding.奉献爱心吧,从中你会发现生活的力量,感受生活带来的幸福快乐,学会忍耐和理解。Believe in the goodness of others and remember that anger and depression can be counter

29、ed by love and hope.相信人性本善。记住,爱心和希望能化解一切愤怒和沮丧。 Even when you feel as though there isnt a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little-and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.哪怕生活中挥之不去的不快和困难将你重重包围,让你力不从心,但你仍可以尽力而为。累积点滴努力,最终你将扭转乾坤。二:自编了一个两人旅游,讨论携带东西的对话.

30、 George and Helen are going on a trip to Zhangjiajie(张家界).George: Hello, darling, are you all set? We have to go now. Helen: Not yet, George. I m still packing up things. George: Darling, why are you taking such a big suitcase? Its only a 4-day trip. Tell me what you put in here? Helen: Our clothes,

31、 of course. I was told that it might be cold on the top of the mountain. So I take our light jackets(薄夹克) with us. George: Why are you taking towels(毛巾) and slippers(拖鞋)? There are plenty in the hotel. Helen: I prefer to use my own. George: Why are you taking so many medicines? Helen: Well, you never know what will happen. Remember you had a diarrhea(拉肚子) last time we went to Jiao Zai Gou(九寨沟). Thank god I brought Imodium(拉肚药) with me. So I have a little bit of these and a little bit of that just in case. George: But darling why are you taking a mini fan (迷你风扇)

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