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1、人教新目标英语中考课本考点总复习梳理新目标英语中考课本考点复习七年级上册( Unit 1 Unit 12 )考点归纳考点 1.Thanks for doing sthEg . Thanks for having us .考点 2.Here is / are Eg .Here is a letter for youHere are some flowers for you .考点 3.take /bringtake带/拿走,把sb./sth.从说话处带到别处bring带来/拿来,把sb./sth.从别处带到说话处 eg .The food is bad ,please take it away

2、.Please bring your homework here tomorrow .考点 4.have 用法1).肯定句: Sb/Sth +have/has/had + .2).否定句: Sb/Sth +don t /doesn t /didn t +have 3).疑问句: Do/Does/Did +sb/sth +have + ?回答: Yes, sb +do /does /didNo, sb +don t /doesn t /didn t考点 5.Let s + do sth考点 的用法1)like sth2)like to do sth /like doing sth3

3、)like sb to do sth考点 7.询问价格How much +be +sth ? = What s the price of sth?考点 8.Can I help you ? = What can I do for you ?考点 9.I ll take it = I ll buy it考点 10.price 作名词, 价“格,价钱” 以价格, 用介词 at .at a low /high price 以低/高价考点 11.aslo /too / either1)also /too 表示“也”用于肯定句 ,aslo 用于句中 , too 用于句末 .2)either 用于否定句的

4、句末 .考点 12.询问 sb 的生日是什么时候 ?When is one s birthday I?t s .考点 13.want 用法1)want sth2)want to do sth = would like to do sth = feel like doing sth3)want sb to do sth考点 14.and / or /but 区别1)and /or 表示“并列”用法区别and 表示“并列”用于肯定句 , 否定句或疑问句用 or注:在否定句中并列成分用or连接,若用and则重复使用前面的否定词Eg .I don t like white or black .I ha

5、ve no books and no pens.2).and /butand 表“并列”而 but 表“转折”考点 15.think 用法Sb +think +主语+谓语注: 否定前移 考点 的用法1)play 与乐器连用 ,乐器前一定加定冠词 the2)play 与球类活动搭配 .球类活动前不加冠词3)play with 与 玩/玩耍t .考点 17.Can you +动词原形 ? 回答: Yes, I can / No ,I can考点 18.句型: May I know / have your name考点 19.同义句: What s your favorite sub

6、ject ?=What subject do you like best考点 20.同义句: take a bus to=go to by bus .考点 21.询问职业 :1)What do /does sb do ?2)Whats one s job ?3)What + be +sb ?考点 22.询问爱好 :What +be +one s +hobby/hobbies考点 的用法1)help sb with sth2)help sb do /to do sth3)help do sth4)can t help doing sth 考点 24.what time /when

7、1)what time 常用来问钟点2)when既可以问钟点(这时what time =when )也可问日期,月份,年份,.ago.这 时 what time 工 when )考点 25.How many/How much 的区别1)How many +名词的复数 +一般疑问句 ?2)How much +不可数名词 +一般疑问句 ?3)How much +be + 名词? 询问价格考点 26.listen / hear/hear about 的区别1)listen to 听“” 指努力地听 强调“听”的过程.2)hear 听到/见 ,强调“听”的结果3)hear about /of 听说,

8、强调间接地听到考点 27.look /wacth /see/read 的区别1)look 看“”指看一看 ,不管结果如何 ,强调看的动作 ,后接宾语时常代 at2)watch看:观看”特别留意 ,感兴趣地看运动着的东西.3)see 看“到/见” 强调看的结果 ,有意或无意地看到 , 无进行时 .4)read 看“书籍之类”考点 28.Excuse me /sorry 的区别1)Excuse me 常用来事前请别人帮忙 ,或会打扰别人的情况 .2)Sorry /I m sO对不起:抱歉” 一般用于事后对所犯错误或不能满足对方的要求等表示歉意 .七年级下册( Unit 1Unit6)考点归纳考点

9、e from = be from注: Where do /does sb come from ? =Where be sb from ?考点 2.询问说什么语言What language do /does sb speak ?Sb speak(s) 考点 3.dislike = not like = hate考点 4. There be 句型归纳There be 句型1).定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。2). 结构:(1)There is +单数可数名词 /不可数名词 + 地点状语 .(2)There are +复数名词 +地点状语 .注:谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)

10、的数保持一致。当主语是两个或两 个以上的名词时,谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致。eg. There (be) a bird in the tree.2There (be) a teacher and many students in our classroom.3There (be) two boys and a girl under the tree.3). There be句型与have的区别:(1) There be句型和have都表示 有”的含义。区别如下:There be表示 某处存在 某物或某人”;have表示 某人拥有某物/某人”,它表示所有、拥有关系。 eg.1He has

11、 two son s. 他有两个儿子。2There are two men in the office. 办公室里有两个男人。当have表示 包括” 存在”的含义时,There be句型与其可互换。eg. A week has seve n days. =There are seve n days in a week一 个星期有七天。4)There be 的句型转换a)否定句:There be +not +名词+地点注意:not和no的区别:not是副词,no为形容词,not a/an/any + n.相当于no+ n.。There are some pictures on the wa Th

12、ere arent any pictures on the wall. =There are no pictures on the wall.b) 般疑问句 Be +there +名词+地点?注意:当肯定句中有some时,要将其改为any (否定变化也一样)。There is some water on Mars. Is there any water on Mars?There are some fish in the water. Are t heirne tah neywfiaste r?c).特殊疑问句There be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:1对主语提问:当主语是人时,Wh

13、os+介词短语?当主语是物时,Whats +介词短语? 注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,一般都用 be的单数形式(回答时却要根 据实际情况来决定 )。如:There are many things over there. Whats over there?There is a little girl in the room. is in the rWoohmo ?2对地点状语提问: Where is / are+主语?There is a computer on the desk. Where is the computer?There are four children on the p

14、layground. Where are the four children?3对数量提问:一般有两种句型结构:How man y+复数名词+are there+介词短语?How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?考点 5.with 表伴随1)with + sth2)with +sth + adj3)with +sth +介词短语考点 6.arrive to(in) /get to /reach 的区别1)arrive in + 大地点 / arrive at + 小地点=get to =reach + 2)若地点为地点副词时 ,则省掉介词 in/ at /to3)若后面没有地

15、点时 ,只能用 arrive考点 7.let 的用法1)Let 动司原形.2)Let +sb + 动词原形3)否定形式 : Don t let sb do sth / Let sb not do sth4)Let s not do sth5)反意疑问句 : a) Let s . , shall we ? b) Let us . , will you ?考点 8.other /else 的区别1)other 放在名词之前2)else 放在不定代词 /疑问词之后3)else 的所有格 else s考点 9.across/through /over 的区别1)across 横“穿,穿过”着(重强调从

16、一个物体表面的一面到另一面 )2)through 穿“过”从物体的内部空间穿过3)over 跨“越/越过”从物体上方越过 ,不与物体表面接触 .考点 10.询问天气:How is the weather ?= What s the weather like ?考点 作介词. 作“为”讲He works as a teacher .七年级下册( Unit 7 Unit12 )考点归纳考点 1.询问人的长相 :What does /do sb look like ? 回答用表示人的外貌或长相的词 .What does your aunt look like ? .A. She is t

17、all with curly hair B.She is shy and quiet C.She likes doing chores 考点 2.say /tell /speak /talk 的区别1).say :说/讲着重说的内容 ,它的宾语只能是 “话”不是人.2).tell :告诉某人某事 .A) tell sb sth . B).tell sb about sb /sth3).speak表示讲何种语言/打电话中 eak to sb )4).talk: 交谈. talk to /with sb talk about sthHow do you this in English ?I hav

18、e something important to you .She can three languages now .He is with his penpal now .考点 3.stop 的用法.1)stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情2)stop to do sth 停下(正在做的事情 )来做另一件事3)stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事4)can t stop doing s情不自禁干某事The students stopped (talk)when the teacher came to the classroom .They arevery ti

19、red ,but they didn t want to stop (rest ).考点 4.remember 的用法1).remember to do sth记得将要干某事(事没做)2).remember doing sth 记. 得曾经做过某事 (事已做)考点 /does /did可作代替动词,代替上文的实义动词,以避免重复Who broke the window ? Tom .Who often helps the old man ? He .考点 6.would like 的用法:1).would like sth .2).would like to do sth3).woul

20、d like sb to do sth4).Would you like sth ? 的回答: Yes ,please / No ,thanks .5).Would you like to do sth ?的回答:Yes ,I d love to / I d love to, but 考点 7.spend 的用法 :句型:Sb + time /money +(i n) doing sthSb +time/money + on sthShe spent two hours (read )a story .考点 8. do some /the + v-ing 做某事 do some shoppin

21、g do some cleaning do some washing 考点9.What about的用法1).What about doing sth ?2).How about /What about doing sth ?= Why not do sth ?考点 10.句型:How +be + .?怎么样? 于 What +be + +likeWhat was your weekend like ? = _ was your weekend ?考点 的用法:1).watch sb do sth 观看某人做了某事2).watch sb doing sth 观看某人正在干某事

22、The teacher is watching them (play ) football.I often watch her (play )football.考点 s tim的用法1)It s time for s该到某事的时间了2)It s time to do该!到干某事的时间了3)It s time for sb to do该I到某人干某事的时间了 考点 13.have fun doing sth 很高兴干某事We had great fun (play) in the water .考点 14.find 的用法:1).find sb +adj 发现某人怎么样2).find

23、sb +名词 发现某人是 3).find sb doing sth 发现某人正在干某事4).find it +adj+ to do sth 发现干某事怎么样5).find +that 从句发现He found it was hard to work out the math problem .= He found hard work out the math problem考点 15.make 的用法1).make sb do sth 使某人干某事2).make sb +adj 使某人怎么样3).make sb +名词使某人成为4).make +oneself +过去分词使自己被干某事5).b

24、e made to do sth 被迫干某事That made me (feel) very happy.His words made me (sadly).He raised his voice to make himself (hear).考点 16.句型1)don t have any money for s没有钱干某事2)dont have enough money to do sth =can t afford to do st没有足够多钱干某事I didn t have any money for a taxi.I don t have enough money to buy a

25、car.= I can t buy a car.考点 17.decide 的用法1)同义词组 :decide to do sth= make a decision to do sth = make up one s mind to dosth决定干某事2)decide not to do sth考点 18.同义句 :What do you thi nk of .?=How do you like .?考点19.can t stan的用法1).can t sdtasnth /sb 不能忍受某事 /某人2).can t stand doing sth能忍受干某事考点 20.mind 的用法1).m

26、ind doing sth 介意干某事2)mind one s doing 介意某人干某事3)句型:Would you mi nd 的?回答:不介意: No,please / certainly not / of course not / Not at all介意 : I m sorry ,but I do / Yesd,oI mind / Better not .Would you mind my (close )the door ?考点 21. enjoy doing sth考点 22.too many/ too much /much too1)too many + 复数名词2)too m

27、uch + 不可数名词3)much too + 形容词或副词考点 23.must/ have to 的区别1)must 表示说话人的主观看法 ,没有时态 ,人称变化2)have to 表示客观方面的必须 ,外界迫使某人不得不做某事 . 有人称和时态的变 化.3)must的否定句 mustn不容许,禁止4)have to 的否定句 don t /doesn t /didn t不+必Vfe t= needn tYou needn t come early = You don t come early .八年级上 Unit1 Unit3考点归纳:考点 1.want sb to do sth 想要某人

28、干某事His father wants him (become )an actor.考点 2.try 的用法:1).try to do sth 尽力干某事He tries (eat) lots of vegetables and fruit every day .2).try not to do sth 尽力不干某事We try (not let) my teacher down.3).try one s best to d尽某人最大努力干某事We should try our best (study) all subjects.4)词组: try on 试穿 have a try 试一试考点

29、 3.although 的用法 :although /though 引导让步状语从句, “即使,虽然”,不能与 but 连用,但可与 yet, still 连用。考点 4.finish doing sth 结束干某事I will finish (work )out the problem inanother two minutes .考点5.can t wait to do st迫不及待地干某事I can t wait (open)the TV when I get home .考点 6.decide 的用法:1).decide to do sth 决定干某事2).decide not do

30、sth 决定不干某事3).decide on doing sth 决定干某事4).同义词组:make a decision to do sth = make up one s mi=nddetocidoe stothdo sthHe has decided to leave for Wuhan .=He has a to leave for Wuhan.=He has up his to leave for Wuhan.考点 7.plan to do sth 计划干某事She is planning (take )a vacation in Shanghai next month .考点 8.think about doing sth 考虑干某事He thought about (go ) to Beijing on vacation .考点 9.go + v-ing 的用法:go fishing go boating go skating go shopping go hiking go skateboarding考点 10.句型: It s + adj +for /of sb to do sth同义句:1).It s

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