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1、与run有关的习语和短语与run有关的习语和短语1.dry run(noun) a trial of something, a rehearsal of something before it happens。(名词)某事的试验,在发生之前进行排演。I think we should make a few dry runs before we give the presentation。我觉得,我们应该在成熟之前先排练几次。Lets do just one more dry run before we give it a try!在我们开始之前先再排练一次吧! the long run

2、(prepositional phrase) eventually, over time(介词短语)最终,长远。Many people find that they actually do want to have children in the long run。许多人发现,从长远意义上来讲,他们还是乐意要孩子的。In the long run, well be able to win the contract and keep his business。我们最后一定会成功夺标,将业务延续下去。3.make a run for it(verb phrase) to run as quickl

3、y as you can through the rain or other bad weather; to try to esc(动词短语)因为雨天或坏天气的影响,尽可能有多快跑多快;逃跑。Its pouring done rain。 Lets make a run for it and get to the car。大雨倾盆哪,快跑去车上吧。The thieves made a run for it, but the policemen were able to catch up and arrest them。小偷逃之夭夭,但警察还是将他们抓住并逮捕了。4.make someones b

4、lood run cold(verb phrase) to frighten someone so badly they feel a chill of anticipation of the worst。(动词短语)将某人吓坏,使得他们因为想到最坏的情况而瑟瑟发抖。Seeing her makes my blood run cold。 I wish she would leave。我真是被她吓死了,真希望她能离开。His blood will run cold if he hears that story。如果他听到这个故事会吓坏的。5.get off to a running start(

5、verb phrase) to start a project or event quickly and efficiently。(动词短语)快速而有效率地开始一个项目或事情。If we do our research, well get off to a running start。如果我们要做研究,就得尽快开始。I think this semester has gotten off to a running start。我觉得这个学期开始得很快。 around in circles(verb phrase) waste time, not progress in what yo

6、u want to do。(动词短语)浪费时间,在想做的事上得不到进展。It feels like were just running around in circles。我们似乎只是在浪费时间。It took a few days of running around in circles before I took care of everything。在我搞定所有事之前,也做过几天无用功。 a fever(verb phrase) have a temperature that is very high。 /en(动词短语)发高烧enWe should go to the eme

7、rgency room as shes running a fever。她发高烧了,我们得去一趟急诊室。I think I might be running a fever。 Could you get a thermometer?我好像发高烧了,你有温度计吗? a tight ship(verb phrase) manager very well and efficiently with everyone knowing their place。(动词短语)管理工作做得好而有效,每个人都各司其职。I like to run a tight ship, so get ready to

8、 work!我会进行严格管理的,准备开工吧!She runs a tight ship over at Buy More Stuff Inc。她在买更多公司实施严格化管理。 a temperature(verb phrase) have a slightly elevated temperature, not as severe as run a fever。(动词短语)轻微的发烧,没有run a fever(发高烧)那么严重。The baby is running a temperature。宝宝发烧了。Use this thermometer to check if youre

9、running a temperature。用这个温度计来测测你是不是发烧了。 around like a chicken with its head cut off(verb phrase - idiomatic) go crazy, act without any sense。(动词短语)发狂,无意识地行动。Stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off and tell me what happened!不要像个无头苍蝇似得了,告诉我发生了什么!She ran around like a chicken wit

10、h its head cut off when she heard the bad news。当她听到这个坏消息时,就像个无头苍蝇似的跑来跑去。 for it(verb phrase) try to escape。(动词短语)试图逃跑。Run for it! The cops are coming!快跑!警察来了!He decided to make a run for it and sprinted to his car。他决定开车逃跑。 in the family(verb phrase) be a characteristic that is common in

11、ones family。(动词短语)成为一个家族共有的特色。Musical talent runs in my family。我们家的人都有着音乐细胞。I think his ability with children runs in the family。我觉得他教育孩子的能力是遗传的。 into a stone wall(verb phrase) not be able to progress through a situation。(动词短语)因为条件的限制无法取得进步。We ran into a stone wall when we tried to get a build

12、ing permit。当我们试图拿到施工执照时,却处处碰壁。Dont ask for a raise now。 Youll run into a stone wall。现在先别要求加薪了,你会碰壁的。 out of gas(verb phrase) not have any more gas in your car。(动词短语)汽车的燃料耗尽Were going to run out of gas soon。 Wed better stop。车没油了,我们最好停车。He ran out of gas and had to walk three miles to the closes

13、t gas station。他的车没油了,不得不走走上三英里去往最近的加油站。 someone ragged(verb phrase) make someone very tired because you push them to do too many things(动词短语)因为让某人干了太多活儿,而使其筋疲力尽。Her son run her ragged when he was over the holidays。她儿子假期时把她累得够呛。She says her boss runs everyone ragged at her place of employment。就

14、目前的工作环境,她说老板会把每个人都榨干。 something up(verb phrase) to charge something, to make a bill。(动词短语)付钱,结账。Peter ran his clothes up on his Visa card。皮特用信用卡买了衣服。Hes run up quite the bill at the local tavern。他在当地的酒馆消费了一大笔钱。17.still waters run deep(idiomatic phrase) people who are calm are very wise。(习语)大智若愚的人。Just listen to him for a while。 Still waters run deep。先听他讲一会儿,他是那种大智若愚的人。Remember still waters run deep。 It might take some time to figure out。记住大智若愚,你得花一些时间才能明白。

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