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1、与急诊有关的英语急诊Patient:Nurse, Im not feeling well today.Nurse:Where dont you feel well?P:I have a pain in my abdomen.N:How long have you had it?P:It started in the morning. At the beginning I have a stomachache.N:How long did it last?P:About 3 hours, but this afternoon it moved to the right lower part of

2、 the abdomen for 5 hours.N:Have you had any vomiting?P:I have only nausea.N:Have you any diarrhea?P:No.N:Any fever?P:I dont know.N:Let me take your temperature. All right, you have a slight fever.N:Please lie down on the bed, loosen your belt, please. Let the doctor examine you abdomen.P:Thank you.N

3、:Dont be nervous and try to relax.P:All right.N:The doctor said you need to collect a specimen of blood for examination.P:Yes.N:The result of your blood test tells us that your white blood cell count is 18000.P:I see, thank you.N:The doctor said that you had acute appendicitis.P:Oh, I am scared.N:Do

4、nt be afraid, you will recover. The doctor said that you have to have an operation. So, please sign your name on the consent form to say that you agree to the doctor operation on you.P:Ill co-operate.N:Thanks for your co-operation.病人:护士,我今天感觉不舒服。护士:您哪儿不好?病人:我肚子疼。护士:疼多长时间了?病人:早晨开始的,起初我觉得胃疼。护士:持续了多长时间


6、e:What brings you to the emergency room? Where dont you feel well?Patient:Nurse, I suddenly developed a sharp pain in my upper abdomen.N:When did it begin?P:About three hours ago.N:Have you ever had any pains like this before?P:No, never.N:What kind of pain is it? Intermittent or persistent?P:Its a

7、kind of sharp. It was off and on, but now its all the time.N:Do you feel nausea?P:I feel like vomiting.N:Lets take a white blood count and a blood amylase test, a kind of test for acute pancreatitis.P:Well, thank you.护士:怎么来急症室了?您哪儿不舒服?病人:护士,我上腹部突然剧痛。护士:什么时候开始的?病人:约3小时前。护士:您以前这样疼过吗?病人:不,从来没有过。护士:是怎样的

8、疼?是间歇的还是持续的?病人:是剧痛。本来是一阵一阵的,可是现在一下痛。护士:您觉着恶心吗?病人:我想吐。护士:让我们做个白细胞计数和淀粉酶试验,这是一种专为查急性胰腺炎的试验。病人:好吧,谢谢。十二指肠溃疡Doctor:What seems to be your trouble?Patient:My bowel movements have been a kind of black for the past two days and I feel weak.D:Where is your pain?P:It is in the upper side of my abdomen.D:What

9、kind of pain is it?P:Its sort of burning pain.D:How long have you had this pain?P:Ive had it for two years, but its never been this bad before.D:When do you feel pain the most?P:In the middle of the night.D:According to your symptoms, it looks like you have duodenal ulcer. We shall have to take an x

10、-ray picture of your stomach and intestines. You must notice diet.医生:您有什么不舒服?病人:两天来我的大便有点黑,同时还感到虚弱。医生:您哪儿疼?病人:上腹部。医生:是什么样的疼痛?病人:烧灼样痛。医生:这种疼痛有多长时间了?病人:疼了两年了,但以前从来没有这次疼得厉害。医生:您感觉什么时候最疼?病人:半夜最疼。医生:根据您的症状看,可能是十二指肠溃疡。我们将给您做胃肠X线检查。您必须注意饮食。腹泻医生:您什么时候开始腹泻的?病人:昨天夜里开始。医生:您记得去了几次厕所吗?病人:记不准。要超过10次。医生:您注意大便是什么样的

11、?水样便还是粘液便?病人:开始是水样便,但现在有粘液。医生:您上厕所时感到腹痛吗?病人:是的。医生:呕吐没有?病人:没有,但我感到恶心。医生:我取点您的大便做一下检查。看来您的病不重,但为了防止脱水,必须给您输液,还得给您用点抗菌素。病人:谢谢您。Doctor:When did your diarrhea start?Patient:It started last night.D:Do you remember how many times you went to the toilets?P:I cant remember exactly. It must have been over 10

12、times.D:What kind of stool did you notice, watery or mucous?P:At first it was watery, but there is mucus now.D:Do you feel abdominal pain when you go to the toilet?P:Yes.D:Have you vomited?P:No, but I feel nauseated.D:Ill take a sample of your stool for examination. Your condition doesnt seem serious, but we must give you intravenous infusion to prevent dehydration and antibiotics as well.P:Thank you.

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