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1、中考英语单选易错题教师版九年级单项选择专练C1. - _ do you study for a test? - I study by listening to tapes.A. What B. Which C. How D. WhereB2. I _ really quiet. Now Im very outgoing.A. use to be B. used to be C. use to D. used toA3. Ann _ to choose her own clothes, but she isnt allowed to get her ear pierced穿耳洞 yet.A. i

2、s allowed B. allow C. allowed D. is allowingD4. -What _ you do if you had a million dollars? - Id give it to charity.A. will B. did C. were D. Would提出将来会发生的事:主句:主语would/should/might/could动词原形 从句:if+should动词原形/were to动词原形eg. If he should go to Harvard University, he would make full use of his time. 如

3、果他要上哈佛大学的话,他就会充分利用他的时间了。提出现在的条件: 主句:主语would/should/might/could动词原形 从句:if+动词过去式eg. If he studied at this school, he would know the enviornment around the school very much. 如果他在这所学校学习的话,他会很了解周边环境。提出过去的未发生的条件:主句:主语would/should/might/could have动词过去分词 从句:if+had动词过去分词A5. - Have you ever _ another country?

4、 - Yes, I have.A. been to B. gone to C. be to D. went toB6. - _ would you like to go ? - Id like to go somewhere warm.A. Which B. where C. What D. HowB7. He looks sad. Lets _ .A. to cheer him up B. cheer him up C. to cheer up him D. cheer up himC8. -Jack,you look tired today. Whats wrong?-I was_ bus

5、y _ I didnt go to bed until midnight yesterday.A. too, to B. enough, to C. so, that D. such, thatC9. When I heard that I would go to Beijing with my classmates, I couldnt help _.A. sing and jump B. singing and jump C. singing and jumping D. sing and jumpingB10.I have to finish my homework first _ cl

6、eaning up the room.A. because of B. instead of C. in front of D. at the end ofC11.- Jack, please dont look out of the window.- _.A. Its right. B. I know that. C. Sorry, I dont do it again. D. It doesnt matter.A12.- I have to be home by 10:00 p.m.- _.A. So do I B. So have I C. So I do D. So I have AB

7、这种倒装结构表示“另一个也一样”,主语不同;CD 表示强调或重复前面的话,主语是同一个,的确如此。这里对话的是两个人,主语不同,所以先确定在AB中选择一个,其次have to要用助动词do代替的(have一般代替前面的完成时态)D13.I heard the old man got _ dollars in the lottery彩票A. million B. millions C. two millions D. two millionA14. When she got to school ,she realized she _ her backpack at home.A. had lef

8、t B. leave C. have left D. leavesB15. -When _ the car invented?A. is B. was C. has D. beD16.- Wheres my handbag? - Maybe you have it in the shoe shop.A. got B. forgotten C. thrown D. leftA17. By the time she the room, the bell .A. left ; had rung B. left ; has rung C. leaves ; had rung D. leaves ; h

9、as rungby the time 有两个意思1.到.为止,一般要求主句用过去完成时.He had left by the time we reached home.当我们到家的时候他已经走了.The movie had begun by the time we got there.当我们到那儿的时候,电影已经开始了.2)当的时候;如果只是说过去某个时候的状况,用过去时,而不用完成时.By the time the war was over ,death and suffering were to be seen everywhere.在战争结束的时候,到处可见死亡和饥饿.这里没有“死亡和饥

10、饿”已经完成的意思,只是描述当时这个时间点的状况.所以用过去时.By the time we arrived the meeting was over.我们到达时,会议已结束了.C18. Sarah is _a hard-working girl _she often works late into night.A. so ; that B. too ; to C. such ; that D. not only ; but alsoB19. Everyone thinks that it is the _ joke of all.A. more embarrassing B. most em

11、barrassing C. more embarrassed D. most embarrassedA20. She likes _cookies. They are hard , dry and easily broken.A. crispy B. sweet C. salty D. sour有酸味的A21. As we all know ,Columbus _America and Edison _light bulbs.A. discovered ; invented B. invented ; discovered C. discovered ; discovered D. inven

12、ted ; inventedA22. These new books must _ before the teacher comes to the classroom.必须后面接动词原型 BC都错误A. be given out B. gave out C. are given out D. give outB23. The teacher came into the room with a bottle _ water in his hand .A. filled B. full of C. full with D. be filled withwith 是介词,后面是其宾语,充当介词宾语的

13、不能是一个句子,所以不能出现谓语动词,所以排除AD.装满用full of,所以正确答案是B. A应该是filled withB24. “Please _ my book . I need it now”, the teacher said to the student.A. take B. fetch C. carry D. take awaybring一般是指拿来,即从别处往说话人这里拿,翻译成“带来”。He brought us some good news.他给我们带来了一些好消息。Please dont forget to bring your homework tomorrow.明天

14、请别忘了把家庭作业带来。(2) take一般是指从说话人这里往别处拿,翻译成“带走”。Please take the umbrella with you. Its going to rain.要下雨了,请把伞带上。She took the dictionary away.她把字典拿走了。(3) carry不强调方向,表示“携带、背着、运送、搬扛”等意思。They carried the boxes into the factory. 他们把箱子搬进了工厂。A taxi carried them to the station. 出租车送他们到了车站(4) fetch表示的是“去取来、去拿来、去叫

15、来”等意思,包含去和来两趟。The waiter fetched them some apples.侍者为他们取来了一些苹果。D25. My mother hopes _ her do some housework first.1 hope to do sth 希望去做某事;2 Hope sb do sth A. me to help B. me help C. me that I can help D. that I can helpD26. They think its exciting to trek _ the jungle . Do you agree?A. past B. acro

16、ss C. over D. Through从内部穿过A27. - Why not _to Guilin for holidays ? - Good idea!A. consider going B. to considering going C. consider to go D. considering goingB28. - Whats your plan for the coming vacation ? - Id like to go _ .A. anywhere relaxing B. somewhere relaxing C. relaxing anywhere D. relaxi

17、ng somewhereB29. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China and Japan is _ the east of China.A. in ; in B. in ; to C. to ; to D. to ; ,in, on, to,forat (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在附近,旁边”in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在范围之内”。on 表示毗邻,接壤,“在上面”。to 表示在范围外,不强调是否接壤;或“到”2.above, over, on 在上above 指在上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对;over指垂直的上

18、方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。on表示某物体上面并与之接触。The bird is flying above my head. There is a bridge over the river. He put his watch on the desk. 3.below, under 在下面 under表示在正下方 below表示在下,不一定在正下方There is a cat under the table. Please write your name below the front frantof, in the front of在前

19、面 in front of意思是“在前面”,指甲物在乙物之前,两者互不包括;其反义词是behind(在的后面)。 There are some flowers in front of the house.(房子前面有些花卉。) in the front of 意思是“在.的前部”,即甲物在乙物的内部.反义词是at the back of(在范围内的后部)。 There is a blackboard in the front of our classroom. 我们的教室前边有一块黑板。Our teacher stands in the front of the classroom. 我们的老

20、师站在教室前.(老师在教室里)5.beside,behind beside 表示在旁边 behind 表示在后面Our teacher stands in the front of the classroom. 我们的老师站在教室前.(老师在教室里)5.beside,behind beside 表示在旁边 behind 表示在后面A30. I hate those _ dont help others when they are in trouble.A. who B. which C. they D. themB31. Hurry up , or youll _the early bus .

21、 We cant be late for the meeting.A. catch up B. miss C. take D. expectD32. _ you do , I will support you .A. Whenever B. However C. Whoever D. WhateverB33. The plane_ because of the bad weather.A. put up B. put off C. put away D. put onputaway 把(某物)放在合适的地方;把(某物)藏在合适的地方putup: (1)升起;举起2)建造;搭起;装置puton:

22、 (1)把放上去(2)穿上;戴上(3)开(煤气、收音机等)putin: (1)使加入;使进入;加进;装置(2)提出申请或请求(3)推荐;提名(某人)作为比赛参加者4)指派;选举putoff: (1)脱去;除去(2)关掉(3)推迟(约会、旅行、访问等);推迟和(某人)的约会putdown: (1)把放下(2)使(飞机)降落3)镇压;扑灭;消灭(4)写下putout: (1)拿出;伸出(2)使出(气力等);(俚语)努力(3)生产;产生;供应(4)出版;公布;发布;广播(5)(植物)长出(芽、叶等)C34. - When _you _ your homework ? - I _ it before

23、he came back .A. have, finish ; have finished B. have , finished ; had finishedC. did , finish ; had finished D. did , finish ; have finishedB35. I love places _ the people are friendly.A. which B. where C. that D. in thatD36、I _ popular music to classical musicA、like 、love 、enjoy 、preferD37、He remi

24、nds me _ his brotherA、at 、to 、in 、ofB38、I like the book which _ something to do with maths.A、have 、has 、is 、arehave sth. to do with 意为:与有关系。 主句中book是单数,所以使用have 的单数形式has.A39、The hotel at _ they are staying is very expensive .A、which 、that 、whom 、wherestay是不及物动词,后面必须接介词at, at提前,后面就要用which引导一、以下情况不能用t

25、hat,只能用which:1、在非限定性定语从句中,逗号之后不能用that;2、介词后面不能用that.二、以下情况不能用which,只能用that:1、前面的先行词是不定代词时,如 all ,anything ,nothing,the one 等;2、如果先行词出现了the only ,the very 时;3、如果先行词出现了序数词和形容词最高级时;4、如果先行词中既有人又有物时,如:They are talking about the school and the teachers that they visited yesterday.B40、My biycle is broken.I

26、 can _ by myself.A、fix up it 、fix it up 、fixed it up 、fixde up it.D41、My parents _ about 1,000 yuan for my school education each year.A、spend 、take 、cost. 、pay .B42、Do you know _ girl standing under the tree?Yes,she is Allen.She is _ honest girl .A、the ;a 、the ;an 、a;a 、a;thehonest以元音发音开头,故用anB43、Re

27、ading English aloud in the morning is a good way_English well.A、for learning 、to learn .、that learn 、with learning .B44、Jack is a boy_ doesnt like learning English .But _, he won the second prize in the English speech contest.A、that; in our surprise 、who; to our surpriseC、what; to us surprise D、who;

28、 to our surprisedB45、The movie _ you are talking about is very interesting .A、who 、that 、what 、howC46、Can you tell me _ ?A、where does he live 、how did he come here yesterday、what his job is 、that he is good at EnglishB47、He_ think he was wrong _ I showed the answer to him.A、didt ;at all 、didnt;until

29、 、wont ;until 、not,untilD48、My parents always ask me _ lies because it is bad for a student.A、dont tell 、not telling 、no tell 、not to tellC49、There are some _and two _ in the classroom. They are talking so loudly that we can hear hem clearly.A、boys students;men teachers 、boy student;man teachers、boy students;men teachers 、boys students;men teacherD50. Its _ time since we met last .A. one and half months B. one and a half monthsC. one and half months D. on

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