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1、小镇怪客托马斯完整中英文对照剧本怪客汤马斯ODD THOMAS欢迎来到帕克曼多镇我叫汤马斯My name is Odd Thomas.虽然在这年代 名声是大多数人崇拜的目标Though in this age when fame is the altar at which most people worship.我不知道为什么你应该关心Im not sure why you should care.我是个默默无闻的人 我不是任何名人的小孩Im not a celebrity. Im not the child of a celebrity.我从来没滥情或结婚过Ive never been ma

2、rried to, abused by,也没有捐赠过肾给名人or provided a kidney to a celebrity.绿月保龄球馆Green Moon Bowling但是 我的确拥有不平凡的生活But I do lead an unusual life.潘妮卡洛丝特Penny Kalisto.我名字其实是怪客My name really is Odd.据我老妈说 其实是出生证明搞砸了According to my mother, it was a screw-up on my birth certificate.她说 我本来是要被称为托德 跟着立陶宛叔叔命名She says I

3、was supposed to be called Todd, after a Lithuanian uncle.父亲坚持我的名字一直是怪客My father insists my name was always Odd.他记载着 我所有的叔叔都是保加利亚人and he notes that all of my uncles are Bulgarian.我父亲声称我的母亲疯了My father claims my mother is insane.当然我的母亲 坚持着相反意见My mother, of course, begs to differ.我的能力是来自上帝的礼物My abilitie

4、s are a gift from God!我的父亲赢得了那场争论My father won that argument.我12岁那年 他们终于把她关起来并扔掉了钥匙I was 12 years old when they finally locked her up and threw away the key.我相信 我的母亲和我分享了共同Ive come to believe that my mother and I share certain.能力abilities.因为我不希望被关起来然后钥匙被扔掉Since I dont want to be locked up with the k

5、ey thrown away.我努力隐藏着一个秘密在心底Ive pretty much kept mine a secret.怪客汤马斯Odd Thomas.你好 哈洛Hello, Harlo.好久不见Long time, no see.别这样 伙计 别碰 别想去感觉Whoa! Whoa! Hey, hey. Come on, man. No touchy, no feely.-很抱歉 但我喜欢这辆车 -我知道-Sorry, but I love this car. -I know.这太糟糕了车并不爱你Its too bad a car cant love you back.哪里不对劲 怪客

6、我能帮上些什么吗Whats wrong, Odd? There anything I can do?不 有些事你已经做了No, its something youve already done.别这样 怪客 老兄别胡来Hey! Hey! Come on-oh, Odd. No fooling around, man.-把钥匙还给我 -你的口袋里有她的血-Give me my keys. -Her blood is in your pocket.大多数人会认为这样的讲♥法♥很诡异Most people would think thats a weird thing t

7、o say.但你不觉得这非常诡异 是不是你 哈洛but you dont think its very weird, do you, Harlo?那天晚上On that night.你拿了一块白毡you took a piece of white felt.在杀死潘妮后and after killing Penny.你收集了一些她的血液you collected some of her blood.现在已经干透And now its dry.并且僵硬的 像块饼干一样的脆and stiff and brittle like a cracker.它仍然在你的口袋里and its still in

8、your pocket.这样的时刻我怜悯的泪水In moments like these, pity tears at me.有一种疯狂包围着我And a kind of madness comes over me.迫使我去抓捕像哈洛连得森这样的人forcing me to hunt people like Harlo Landerson.那些我无法怜悯的人who I have no pity for whatsoever.对不起 柯蒂丝小姐Sorry, Mrs. Curtees!对不起 萨林Sorry, Saleen!你到底在干什么What the hell are you doing?妈妈

9、 这是怎么回事Mom, whats going on?史蒂维 跑亲爱的 快跑Stevie, run honey, run!过来Come here!我的生活充满了像哈洛连得森这样的家伙My life is filled with guys like Harlo Landerson.而且因为我喜欢我的脸事情就是这样And since I like my face just the way it is.我学会了如何控制自己I learned how to handle myself.我能看见亡魂 然后 以上帝之名 我做了一些事情I may see dead people, but then, by

10、God, I do something about it.低头 伙计 轻一点Shift down, man! Go easy.对不起 先生 但我没有轻一点的装备Im sorry, sir, but I dont have a go easy gear.你应该注意一点的You should probably get that looked at.现在 警官艾克利斯Now, Officer Eckles.做为一个警♥察♥does being a police officer是给你权力打人打到出屎的吗give you the right to beat the shit

11、out of people?不全然是这样 警官瓦讷Not at all, Officer Varner.但它算是一个工作上的津贴But it is one of the perks of the job.我深信 有一个更高上的力量在来世I believe in a higher power and the afterlife.我有点奇怪Call me strange.别人都这么说Others do.他更是奇怪Hes so strange.不要担心 潘妮Dont worry, Penny.我认为你要去地方是属于灵魂的家I think where youre going is a home for

12、 the spirit.而那个地方充满着善良和奇迹and its filled with kindness and wonder.我很难过 潘妮Im sorry, Penny.我很难过你的生命是如此短暂Im sorry your life was so short.亡者从不说话The dead dont talk.我不知道为什么I dont know why.我们又见面了Here we are again.四处都是捣毁的家具和破碎的玻璃Busted furniture and shattered glass everywhere.大部分不是我弄的Most of it was not my fa

13、ult.除了大熊猫灯和比菲小丑镜Except the panda bear lamp and the Biffy the Clown mirror.-是那家伙弄的 -为什么你不先来找我-That was this guy. -Why didnt you come to me first.给我机会然后找到方法将哈洛绳之以法give me a chance to find a way to get Harlo to entrap himself?每次我们那样做Whenever we do it that way,总是会有更高的效率以及较少的破坏its always more efficient a

14、nd less destructive.是的 我知道 但他必须马上被阻止Yes, I know but he had to be stopped right now.否则他很快的会再干一次or he was gonna do it again soon.这就是潘妮想告诉我的 这就是为什么她还没有离开Thats what Penny wanted to tell me. Thats why she hadnt left yet.小子 你每次都让我的工作变得很复杂Son, you so complicate my life.瞧Look.除了她的血Besides her blood.哈洛的钱包里有潘

15、妮验尸报告的照片Harlo had these photos of Penny post-mortem in his wallet.如果有任何人做文章说你怎么抓到哈洛的If theres any fuss about how you pegged Harlo.只要说 他打开钱包还赌债just say he opened up his wallet to pay off a bet.五块钱赌昨天道奇队的比赛Five bucks on yesterdays Dodgers game.照片掉了出来 你看到了照片the photos fell out, you saw em-他跑了 当然我就追上去了H

16、e ran and naturally, I gave chase.就是这样Naturally.救救我Save me!救救我们Save us!-救救 -我们-Save -Us!-救救 -我们-Save. -Us!从谁那救你呢Save you from who?那是谁Who is that?是谁呢Who is it?邪恶就要降临EviI is coming.将由我来决定着会是谁来握着枪And its up to me to figure out whos gonna be holding the gun.早安 猫王Morning, Elvis.帕克曼多快餐店休息中Pico Mundo Grill

17、 CLOSED许多生活是我无法控制的So much of my life is out of my controI.如果我没有简化早就得了各种精神病I would have gone 7 kinds of crazy if I hadnt simplified.所以我没有车子 没有房♥子So I have no motorized vehicles, no homeownership.没有保险 没有豪情壮志no insurance, and no grand ambitions.女士们Ladies.蛋 破坏它们和伸展它们Eggs! Wreck em and stretch em!

18、破坏它们是指炒 伸展它们是指.Wreck em means scrambled, and stretch em means.添加额外鸡蛋add an extra egg.心脏带状疱疹和洋芋Cardiac shingles and hash browns!心脏带状疱疹是指用很多奶油去煎Cardiac shingles are toast with lots of butter.而洋芋And hash browns.只是洋芋are just hash browns.并不是每一个字我们都使用顾客的行话Not every word we use is diner lingo.正如不是每一位打工厨师Ju

19、st as not every short-order cook都是为亡魂办案的卧底侦探is an undercover detective for dead people.烤鸭Duck.这位是史东蜜路薇儿That is Stormy Lewellyn.史东蜜和我是注定永远在一起的Stormy and I are destined to be together forever.吉普赛木乃伊先知眼G YPS Y MUMMY ALL SEEING EYE你们注定永远在一起You are destined to be together forever.警长 清腹的来了Hey, Chief. Tumm

20、y Tickler coming at ya.你知道 我还是不高兴你昨天做的事 怪客You know, Im still not happy about what you did yesterday, Oddie.你可能会让自己被杀的You could have gotten yourself killed.我才不怕死I am not afraid of death.当然 我也还没准备好要去见上帝Of course, Im not ready to go on a date with him, either.你会为了我跳下悬崖吗Would you throw yourself off a cl

21、iff for me?当然 我会的Of course I would.上刀山下火海Into a river of razor blades and lemon juice?没问题Absolutely.当然 我想知道怎样的理由会有这样要求Of course, Id like to know the reasoning behind such a request.幸运之神眷顾着我but, fortunately for me.你恶心的情报和气节you reek of intelligence and integrity.而你恶心的桃精洗发水And you reek of peach shampoo

22、.就是我喜欢你的原因Just the way I like you.-警长 -早安 史东蜜-Chief. -Morning, Stormy.这是什么邪恶的微笑Whats with the cat-ate-the-canary smile?今天晚上有约会Tonight is date night.所以 你认为你会得到一些甜头 是吧So you think youre gonna get yourself some, huh?-我不会往那方面想 -史东蜜特餐-I wouldnt put it quite that way. -Stormy SpeciaI.-女朋友 -早上好 伙计-Girlfrie

23、nd. -Morning, dude.我叫他们波达斯I call them bodachs.不是他们的脸 我希望Well, not to their faces, I hope.我从来没有遇见任何人 可以看到它们I never met anybody that could see em before.-我也没有 -每个人都告诉我 它就在我脑中-Neither have I. -Everyone told me its in my head.那么 你应该停止到处宣传Well, you should stop telling everyone.我试图告诉我的父母I tried telling my

24、 parents.如果我告诉我的父母 我费尽所有生命If I told my parents, Id ve spent my whole life.挑选乐透的中奖号♥码picking winning lottery numbers.你可以选出赢得乐透的号♥码吗You can pick winning lotto numbers?-不 我不能 回到主题上 -好的-No, I cant. Stay on point. -Right. Yeah.昨天 我终于看到了一个Yesterday, when I finally saw one.我给他指了个方向回家I gave hi

25、m the finger, Homes.难道你不知道吗Dont you know?如果他们发现你可以看到他们 他们会杀了你If they find out you can see them, they will kill you.他们会杀了你They will kill you.-一点建议吗 -是吗-Little advice? -Yeah?卡拉喜欢巧克力花Karla prefers chocolate to flowers然后你应该去弄一些蜡烛回来and you should get yourself some candles.蜡烛Candles?谢谢 好主意Thanks. Good ide

26、a.好险Whew, close.差一点就尴尬了That would have been a little awkward.你们两个真是了不起You two are really something.我不知道是什么 但就是有I dont know what, but something.我们是胡搞的怪人但我们很好Were weird and screwed up but were okay.我不知道I dont know.你You are.真酷so cooI.所以 你不同意我的古怪 却同意我胡搞了So, you deny me my weirdness, but agree that Im sc

27、rewed up?你说得对 我知道你的问题Youre right. I see your problem.古怪 它可以很有趣 它可以是一种酷Weirdness, it can be fun. It can be kind of cooI.胡搞 就没有那么多Screwed-up-ness, not so much.你说的很怪异You are quite weird.-我接受道歉 -好了 你们两个 我得走了-Apology accepted. -I gotta go. Be good, you two.你不用担心我Its not me you have to worry about.难道我不知道这

28、一点Dont I know it.我也得上班了 怪客I gotta go to work, too, Oddie.-好吧 -晚点见 我的爱-Okay. -Later, my love.史东蜜Stormy!开始想你了Miss you already.-以他的名字 -每一个该死的一天-Living up to his name. -Every damn day.晚点见Later.一个月过去再也没有看到波达斯Months often pass when I dont see a single bodach.当他们出现时When they do show up.代表着大屠♥杀&heart

29、s;和流血将随之而来its a sure sign that carnage and bloodshed are not far behind.早安Morning.它们不是祸因 它们是依此维生They dont cause it. They feed on it.越多的波达斯代表着 越严重的事故The more bodachs that show up, the bigger the eventuaI feast.他们依附着邪恶就像花朵上的蜜蜂Theyre attracted to eviI like bees to flowers.他们知道什么时候死亡正在来临而且想要观看They know

30、when death is coming and want to watch.他们不会现身在任何自然的死亡They dont show up for any ordinary death.他们要极端 戏剧式的暴♥力♥和恐怖They want extreme, operatic violence and terror.潘妮卡洛丝特的死没有足够的恐怖Penny Kalistos death wasnt horrific enough.可以引来任何波达斯来到我们的世界to bring a single bodach into our world.这个镇有大♥麻♥烦了This town is in ser

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