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moudle 1 Deep South.docx

1、moudle 1 Deep SouthModule 1Deep South Period Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary (1)教学目标:了解神秘的南极大陆。教学重点:学习和初步运用有关词语,回答有关南极大陆的各种问题。教学难点:通过阅读提高概括和略读、查读能力。Step1: Lead-in It is well-known to all that seven continents exist on the earth. Which one was the last continent to be discovered? (Antarctica)It

2、 is its unique natural features and scientific research value that attract interests of many tourists, explorers and scientists. As the exploration goes on, people know more and more about Antarctica. How much do you know about it? Ok, lets have an Antarctic general knowledge quiz.which month is the

3、 coldest month in Antarctica?(September, July, December )Generally a penguin weighs about .(1 kg, 5 kg, 50 kg )The China Great Wall Station was founded .(in 1985, in 1989)The blood colour of fishes in Antarctica is .(brown, red, blue, white) What is the southernmost point of The Earth?(the south pol

4、e /deep south)Opposite the south pole is the north pole. what are the similarities and differences between the north pole and the south pole?Lets go on with the quick quiz.Step2: Introduction Activity 1Step3: Reading and Vocabulary (1) Since Antarctica is so fantastic, why not learn more details abo

5、ut it through reading?1 Presentation The teacher says: “Are you familiar with the South Pole? Who would like to tell us something about it?” Then the teacher may ask some questions, such as: Which pole has penguins, the North Pole or the South Pole?Do you know when the Chinese arrived at the South P

6、ole for the first time ?(On December, 26th)How many times have the Chinese scientists have been to the South Pole? (22times)When did they come back from the South Pole this year?( On March 28th)2 Today we will know about the South Pole from the lesson. We will study Antarctic: the Last Continent. No

7、w please read the passage and choose a heading for each paragraph. The answer: Para1. The land Para2. Plants and animals Para3. A great place for researchers Para4. The discovery of Antarctica Para5. The Antarctic Treaty3 Finish activity 4 on page 4. The key: 1(a) 2(b)3(a)4(b)5(b)6(b)7(a)8(b) 4 Deal

8、 with each paragraphHeading main idea Part 1The land Antarctica is an inhospitable place to live in because it is the coldest and the driest continent on earth and is permanently covered with ice. Part 2Plants and animalsAs a result of its extreme conditions only few types of plants can survive ther

9、e, but it is full of wildlife.Part 3A great place for researchers Antarctic ice and rocks can give researchers lots of useful information.Part 4The discovery of Antarctica Antarctica was the last continent to be discovered and Carstens Borchgrevink was the first man to set foot on the Antarctic main

10、land.Part 5The Antarctic Treaty The aim of the treaty signed by 12 countries is to protect Antarctica and Antarctica has become the most successful symbol of mans efforts to work together for progress and peace.2. Activities 25Step 4Language points in Introduction & Reading and vocabulary (1)Languag

11、e Points in Introduction1. polar adj. (1)(南、北)极的,地极的,近地极的 e.g. the polar regions(2)磁极的 e.g. polar attraction 极向引力2. pole n. 地极e.g. the North/South Pole3. quiz c 竞赛,比赛(尤指电视或电台中人们竞相回答问题以测验其知识者) e.g. take part in a quiz, a sports/music/general knowledge quiz vt. 问某人问题 e.g. quiz sb about sb/sth4. explor

12、e vt(i) (1)探险(测),考察e.g. explore the Arctic regions, explore the new continent vt. (为测试或了解)仔细检查,探索(究)e.g. explore the solution to the problem n. exploration n. explorerLanguage Points in Reading and Vocabulary1. range: (1) (山、丘等)连贯而成的脉,排, 列, 行e.g. a mountain-range (2)成套或成系列的东西、种类 e.g. a range of tool

13、s/foods, have a wide / narrow range of interests, hobbies (3)限度,范围 e.g. This subject is outside my range.2. imagine vt. 想像,设想 imagine (1)that: Imagine that you are a university student.(2)sb/sbs doing sth: imagine me/my doing it(3)sb/sth+(to be)+adj.: imagine her to be beautiful(4)sb/sth + as + n.:

14、imagine him as a tall man(5)doing sth3. adapt vt. (1)adapt sth for sth 使某事物适合新的用途、情况等/修改某事物 This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater. 这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好。(2)adapt sth for sth (from sth) (为电视、舞台等)改编或改写 (3)adapt one

15、self to sth使自己适应 adapt himself to the new environment/climate n. adaptation adj. adaptable4. survive vi. 生存,幸存 vt. (1)经历(某事物)幸存 survive an earthquake (经历地震而死里逃生)(2)比活得长She survived her husband for ten years. n. survival n. survivor5. stand out (from/against sth) 突出/显眼 e.g. Red stands out against a w

16、hite background. 白底衬着红色特别醒目。6. identify vt. (1)认出/识别/鉴定 Identify ones baggage among hundreds of others. 在几百件行李中认出自己的行李。(2)identify oneself with sb/sth 支持某人(物),与某人/物有关联He refused to identify himself with her. n. identification 7. balance c 天平, 秤 u 平衡,平稳 out of balance keep/lose ones balance balance v

17、t. 使某物保持平衡 vt(i). (使)平衡,(使)相抵 My accounts balance. 我的账收支相抵8. set foot on/in sth 进入,到达,参观(某地) e.g. The first man to set foot on the moon. set sb/sth. on sbs/its feet 使某人/某事物独立9. rivalry c.u 竞争(赛),对抗,较量 the usual rivalry between them 他们之间的勾心斗角 rival n. 竞争者/对手 business rival rival v. 与竞争/与相匹敌The natura

18、l silk rivals the best in the world.这种天然丝可与世界上最好的媲美。10. promote vt. (1)促进,发扬,提倡,引起promote growth (prosperity, understanding) 促进生长(繁荣,谅解) promote what is right 提倡(发扬)正确的东西 promote disorder 引起混乱11. argue vt. 争论,辩论(1)说服 sb into(out of) doing sth 说服某人做(不做)某事vi. 争论/辩论 argue with sb about/over sth argueme

19、nt c (1)争论/辩论 be engaged in an arguement 参加一场辩论 (2)论据/点, 理由 put forward an arguement 12. represent vt. (1)代表,象征,标The rose represents England. 玫瑰花是英格兰的象征。(2)反映,体现 The film represents a good subject.representative n.(1)代表 (2)典型,有代表的人/物 adj. 典型的,具有代表性的13. aim:(c) 目的,意图 (u) 瞄/对准aim vt(i). aim(sth) at st

20、h/sb 瞄准,对准He aimed(his gun)at the target. 他用枪瞄准目标开火。vi. at/for sth. (向某方向)努力,力争Shes aiming at a scholarship. 她争取获得奖学金。aim at doing sth. 意欲,企图,力求做某事Step 8 Homework Finish the exercises on students workbook.Period Speaking and writing & Reading and vocabulary (2)Step1. 预习并完成 Speaking and writing Activ

21、ity 2Step2. 预习 Reading and Vocabulary (2),完成Activity 2,3,5,6.Step3.Language Points in Reading and Vocabulary (2)1. board vt. (1)给某人提供膳宿She usually boards students.(2)上(船,火车,飞机等) board plane n. board (1)木板 (2)船舷 on board 在(船等)上2. via: prep by way of /through 经由, 通过eg. Send him a note via her go from

22、London to Washing ton via New York.3. come into sight 看见The ship came into sight out of the fog. 那艘船驶出浓雾,依稀可见。4. trap vt. 使某人陷入困境They were trapped in the burning hotel.trap sb into sth/doing sth 用计捕捉某人/使某人上当。I was trapped into telling the police all I knew.我中计了,把所有知道的全部告诉了警方。n. 陷阱圈套 set a trap 设置陷阱/

23、圈套5. break up:(1)变得衰弱,瓦解崩溃(2)使某物结束 They decide to break up the cooperation.break(up)with sb 与某人绝交break away from sb/sth 摆脱 脱离break down 出故障,失灵,崩溃break out 突然发生break into 闯入6. sink(sank, sunk) vi. 下沉, 沉没, (太阳)落下The sun sank slowly behind the hills. 太阳慢慢落山了。vt. 使下沉 They sank the ship. sink n. 洗涤槽7. he

24、ad: vi. (向特定方向)出发 动身;(船)驶往The ship headed for Beijing.8. float vt(i). (使)漂浮,使漂流/飘动 float a raft of logs down the river 使圆木筏顺河漂下9. come up with: 找到/提出(答案、办法)She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.她想出了增加销售量的新主意。10. rescue vt. 救出某人/某物rescue sb/sth from sth(from: 从,免受)rescue a man from attack援

25、救一男子免遭攻击n. come/go to the/sbs rescue 援救或帮助某人。e.g. A wealthy man came to our rescue with a generous donation.有个富人慷慨捐赠来解救我们。12. abandon vt. (1)遗弃 抛弃 Its parents abandoned the baby.(2)完全放弃(尤指开始的事物)abandon a project(方案)/plan(计划)/design(设计)PeriodReading practice教学目标:通过各种不同形式的有一定难度的阅读活动,提高学生获取、理解和运用信息的能力及

26、分析问题的能力。学习重点:1.明确文章主旨大意的把握方法:注意首句或尾句;通过对细节提炼,归纳大意。2.用最简洁明了的字词句来表述支持中心句的信息。教学难点:考纲范围内的重点词discourage, glare, inspiration, numb等的用法。Step 1. Fill in each paragraph the main idea and its supporting ideas.Paragraph Main idea /theme sentence Supporting ideas South poles? How many are there?There are three

27、south poles.1.a ceremonial pole2.a geographical pole 3.a magnetic pole Is it safe?Theres a severe risk that you will damage your eyesight or get badly sun burnt . 1. high altitude intense sunlight 2. Its also reflected by the snow Is it cold?Be very careful out in the open air 1.-21 in the summer -7

28、8 in the winter 2. become num without realizing 3. hear breath freeze 4. dress warmly and carry dry clothing and a portable radio Is there anything good about the weather?Its possibly the calmest place on Earth.1. The air is very pure.2. It doesnt snow very much.3. Theres very little wind and the sk

29、y is usually clear.Whats it like to live here?Life is quite abnormal.1. Sunrise and sunset, total absence of daylight in the winter 2. totally isolated Where do we live?The south pole scientific is situated on a plat form of ice 1. a min of 28 people citing here in the winter and a max of 125 people

30、 in the summer2. The living quartzes are modest, with few luxuries, but lousy. Any other advice?There are some important thing to remember in the south pole.1. Conventional equipment doesnt always work as it should do.2. Dont leave any rubbish.3. Remember its a right to be here.Step 2. Find a word i

31、n each part to fill in the blanks and translate the whole sentence into English.Part 1: The block becomes magnetic when the current (电流)is switched on .翻译:一通上电流,这块板就会有磁性。Part 2: When the suns rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space 翻译:在阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。 Part 3: Ive just been to the dentist and my face is still numb.翻译:我刚去看了牙医,脸上现在还没知觉。Part 4part 5: Elderly people easily become socially isolated.翻译:上了年纪的人很容易变得与社会隔绝。Part 6. It was a luxury if you had a washing machine in those days .翻译:那时候有洗

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