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1、我国地方政府债务问题的研究以海南省XX县为例摘 要分税制改革后,中央和地方政府的财力和事权进行了重新划分和界定,地方政府的财力呈上走的趋势,且地方政府的支出责任也越来越多,财政支出和收入不匹配导致地方政府在行使地方职能和运转时出现一定的困难。在这种形势下,地方政府只能通过举债,来维持不断增长的支出运转。因此,随着我国地方政府债务规模的日益扩张,地方政府债务问题所带来的风险逐渐成为学界研究的方向。土地财政是大多数地方政府财政增收的主力军,同时也是地方政府偿还债务的主要还款来源。而在当前国家对土地收储、出让要有一定比例等宏观调控政策的不断严格要求形势下,地方政府如果再过度依懒举债来满足融资和政府职



4、层面提出防范和化解债务风险的对策和建议。关键词:地方政府债务;债务风险;风险指标AbstractSince the tax system reform, the central government and local government property rights and powers have been reclassified. The local government financial move it, and the scope of local government spending is growing. Revenues and expenses do not matc

5、h a limiting local government to exercise the functions of the main local obstacles. In this case, the local government had to borrow to meet the growing expenditure needs. Thus, with the continuous expansion of Chinas local government debt, local government debt problem is increasingly becoming the

6、 focus of academic controversy. In recent years, land finance local government fiscal revenue has played a big role, but also an important source of repayment of local government debt. The land under the future financial trend change in the situation faced by local governments if we rely on excessiv

7、e borrowing to meet investment demand is not wise. The debt has become effective measures to make financial payments gap, which is bound to make our local government debt problem has become increasingly serious. Local government debt is not only facing the problem more difficult, while the risks of

8、the debt may lead to fiscal crisis, thereby affecting the local social, economic and cultural development. Thus, in the current context of our local government how to deal with local government debt situation of expanding, becoming a major issue in the theory and practice to be solved.In this paper,

9、 literature research, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis method of combining the basic theory of local government debt begin to introduce the basic theory of government debt classifications, definitions and related debt were subsequently subject from borrowing, debt sources of debt capit

10、al term debt and invest in the future of the four aspects of the basic situation of debt elaborate XX county of Hainan. Gross domestic product is estimated debt burden ratio and its changes at XX county of government debt and the balance from the past five years. Reflecting XX county amount of debt

11、assumed by the county government in the same year with respect to the ratio between the total output of the local economy of scale, and then analyze the situation of its debt burden, combined with the actual situation XX county government to identify problems at last. For in-depth study of the probl

12、ems, have four major reasons that the financial policy, economic policy, management policy and government investment, and from the XX countys economic development , integrated financial situation estimated debt ratio debt risk indicators, overdue debt rate, debt service ratio and debt dependence, co

13、mprehensive analysis to determine whether the presence of debt risk, and deepen financial system reform from rational division of financial resources and powers, to clarify the responsibilities of the government and the market to promote economic development, debt management mechanisms, norms ration

14、alize borrowing behavior, innovative local government investment and financing system, strengthen supervision and promote the standardized management audit made five levels to prevent and resolve debt risk countermeasures and suggestions.Key Words:Local Government Debt;Debt Risk;Risk Indicators绪 论一、

15、研究背景及意义(一)研究背景中国政府在金融危机之前,实施稳健的财政政策,严格限制债务的增长,也不允许地方政府自行发行债券,政府在这段时间内的债务规模较小,基本不存在爆发债务危机的可能。但是在金融危机后,中国高速经济发展的速度降了下来,房产泡沫等问题逐渐出现,政府转变经济发展方式,将稳定的财政政策转变为积极的财政政策。中央提供 4 万亿的救市计划,其中大部分的资金是由地方政府自己承担。各地方政府为了获取中央政府资金的支持,通过多渠道来筹集配套资金。政府加大投入形势蕴含着地方政府债务的巨大风险,并且经济计划执行过程中大量涌现专为地方政府贷款的平台公司,导致地方政府债务的风险加大。这样的形势在一定程

16、度上解决了地方政府融资困难的问题,缓解了地方政府的债务风险。但由于地方融资平台举债的范围难以预计。另外,融资平台由于是以政府给予的土地等实物抵押,并且以政府的信用作为担保,银行等金融机构在资金提供给政府方面根本不严格审核,增加了政府债务的隐性负债,给地方政府债务出现危机埋下了隐患。2013年底,审计署公布的全国政府性债务审计结果得出,截至2013年6月底,全国政府性债务余额共计是 178908.66亿元,较2010年末债务总额增长66.9%,地方政府的债务规模达到十万亿元以上,增长速度也比较快。中央政府认识到地方债务对经济发展造成危害,已经制定了一系列的解决地方债务风险的政策,如各地按照国务院部署和有关部门的规定,认真化解存量债务,加大新增债务管理力度,进一步筛选整合融资平台公司,取得了较好的效果。审计署2013年的数据中,地方政府债务规模不断扩大,政府可能承担的债务规模逐步增大,政府加大对融资平台的管控,数量较2011年下降幅度比较大。举新债还旧债的方式增多。随着经济的逐渐恢复,地方政府的债务风险并不随着债务规模

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