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1、江苏省永丰初级中学中考英语复习学案8无答案江苏省永丰初级中学中考英语复习学案8(无答案)Words:a.oppositeshelpfulunhelpful ; kindunkind; gratefulungrateful ;happyunhappysad; able unable; friendlyunfriendly;importantunimportant;trueuntrue; comfortableuncomfortable; commonuncommon;necessaryunnecessary; luckyunlucky ;tidyuntidy; welcomeunwelcome;

2、 popular-unpopular;grateful-ungrateful; pleasantunpleasant; likeunlikedislike;healthyunhealthy; certainuncertain; carefulcareless; quickslow; politerudeimpolite; possible- impossible;honest- dishonest; appear- disappear; correctincorrect;direct - indirect; regularirregular;b.careless-(名词)_;appear-(名

3、词)_;direct-(名词,导演)_;happy-(名词)_;important-(名词)_; lucky-(名词)_-(副词)_;healthy-(比较级)_-(副词)_;true-(名词)_-(副词)_;sad-(比较级)_; careful with matches fire当心火柴、火 careful = look out =take care当心、小心 sth carefully 认真干某事 4.give an award to sb 给某人发奖 5.recommend sb for the Grade 7 Most Helpful Stu

4、dent Award推荐某人获七年级最乐于助人奖; recommend sb. as the new chairperson 推荐某人做新主席 6. go into (out of) a house 走进(出)屋子7.give a seat to sb on the bus在公交车上给人让座 8.collect things for Project Hope 为希望工程筹集东西 9. visit a home for the elderly.参观老年之家 10. help sb out of fire danger 帮某人逃离火(危险)11.keep sb safe from danger使某

5、人安全而远离危险 12.keep your long hair away from fire让你的长发离火远点 13.keep stopprevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事 sth alone by oneself on ones own 独自干某事15.go in out 进(出)去 16. clean up the park打扫公园17. an eight-hundred-word letter 一封八百字的信18. work out a five-year plan制定一个五年计划 ;an 11-year-old boy = a boy of 11

6、(years old)一位八岁男孩19. an unusual day不寻常的一天; 20. a useful book一本有用的书21. pour water over the house把水浇到房子上 22 .put out the fire with a blanket用毯子扑灭火 ill in hospital生病住院 24.learn from each other互相学习25.leave the stove on使炉火开着26.leave him alone 让他自己呆着 27.leave sth at home把某物落在家里 28.feel happy sad感到开心(

7、难过) 29.think of others first首先想到别人 think over仔细考虑 / think about考虑30 .tell younger students to be careful叫小一点的学生当心 31.fall down from the bike = fall off the bike从自行车上摔下了 32. in the past在过去; in the past few months在过去的几个月; 33.organize a summer camp组织一次夏令营 the piano guitarviolin弹钢琴(吉他、小提琴)

8、ay badminton volleyball打羽毛球(排球) 36. practise playing volleyball hard努力练习排球 37.a parents meeting 一个家长会 38. a clothes shop 一家服装店39. be good at be weak in在-好(弱)40.have a good memory =remember things well记忆力好 41.much better好得多 42. better and better 越来越好43.much more beautiful 更美丽 44. more and more expens

9、ive 越来越贵 45.more polite often更有礼貌(更频繁)46. do try ones best尽力 47.have good grades in Chinese在语文方面取得好成绩48. get better results in Geography在地理方面取得更好的成绩、结果 49. get into the school team进入校队; be on / in the school team 在校队50 .next term 下学期 51.hear from = receive a letter from受到某人的来信 52. the day before yes

10、terday 前天 53. the day after tomorrow 后天54. plant trees种树, Tree Planting Day植树节55.feel lonely感到孤独, live alone独自生活, a lonely island一座荒凉的岛56.hear /see /watch /look at /listen to noitice sb. do / doing sth.57. hurt ones leg伤了腿 His leg hurts.他的腿疼58. run /go /come back to回去 59. rush into/out of冲进(出) rush

11、 the newspaper 在报纸上 61. call for help呼救, hear sb. calling for help听到某人在呼救62. row a boat划船63. have /get /win the award 得奖 64. forget /remember to do sth忘记(记得)去干某事(还未干).; forgetremember doing sth.忘记(记得)做了某事(事已做) 65. play water sports 玩水上运动 66. be grateful/ thankful to sb. for sth.因为某事感谢某人67. do

12、 sth more often更频繁地做某事68. lose/win the game输(赢)了比赛69. at the Helping Hands Club 在援手俱乐部70. know a lot about Chinese history 了解很多中国历史71. work out the problem解决问题;work as an engineer从事工程师工作72. teach sb. how to dance教某人怎样跳舞 73. Youth Award 青年奖 74. tell the differences between A and B. 说出A、B之间的不同 ;tell A

13、. from B. 把A、B区分开来 kind polite rudefriendly to sb 对某人亲切(礼貌、粗鲁、友好) 76. lose ones way 迷路 get /be lost 丢了;迷路 77. on ones /the way to the club on ones /the way home/here/there在去-的路上78.get information from the Internet ;search the Internet for some information. 从因特网上搜寻信息; likely to be 可能; Sente

14、nces:1.感叹句:What a brave young man! =How brave the young man is!What hard work it is! = How hard the work is! What fine weather it is! = How fine the weather is!What fun it is to swim in a river in summer!What a good time I had talking with you !How fast he swims!2.Its kind of you to give me a hand.;

15、Its important for us to keep healthy.3.can could e.g. I can speak English now.But I couldnt last year.(can 表示现在的能力、could表示过去的能力。)e.g. -Could you help me ? - Yes, I can.(could语气较委婉)e.g. He cant be Mr Wang . He may be Mr Li.(表可能性can 常用于否定句和一般疑问句。)注:could也可用于现在表猜测,但可能性比can小。Could can 不可用于将来时。4.-May I g

16、o home now? -Yes,please. No, you mustnt.5.- Must he finish it today?- Yes ,he must . No , he neednt .6. -Need I sweep the floor ? - Yes, you must . No , you neednt.7. I think you are a student, arent you? I dont think he is lonely, is he? He thinks we are friendly, doesnt he?8. Its highly possible t

17、hat Ill go walking instead of swimming. Is she getting better now?9. We look forward to hearing from you soon. receive /get a letter from 10.Do not put anything hot into the dustbin.11.Thank you for joining us this evening.12.Did you do anything for your own safety ?13.How long did you stay in hospi

18、tal after the fire ?14.Im very happy that shes well now.15.Maybe Ill catch a fish within five minutes.I may catch a fish within five minutes.Some exercises:.Word spelling1. Are you f _(go by plane)to Japan next week ?2. Be_(taking care)with the dog. It might bite you.3. Thank you for c_(get from man

19、y persons or places)so much money for the poor children .4. Why is Millie sitting there a_(by oneself)?5. The house must be on fire .A lot of_(烟)is coming out of the windows.6. Jack fell off his bike. He_(使受伤)his left leg badly.7. Sometimes, we can use wet_(毯子)to put out fire.8. Mr Smith was ill in

20、hospital . A lot of v _(person who goes to see sb. or sp. )went to see him with flowers.9. Its r_(not polite)to talk loudly in the library.10. All the three girls want to be_(运动员)after they grow up.11. Its fun to go s_(move over snow)in winter.12. Amy and her twin sister have good m_(ability of reme

21、mbering things). They can remember everything.13. They thanked me for_(组织)this class activity.14. This maths problem is too d_(not easy)for me to work out.15. He is not l_(possibly)to come for dinner.Translate the following sentences: 1他老是伤着自己, 真是太粗心了。 (It is +adj )2. 那个时候任何事情都有可能发生在他身上。 (could)3. 他

22、有着一个多么好的记忆力啊! (what)4. 他将一切都计划得很好。 他想得多么周到啊。 (how) 5多晴朗的天气啊!6这个8个月大的婴儿正处于危险之中, 医生们正尽力挽救他。 (try)7如果我们不小心, 火很有可能引起危险。 (can/could) 8张华冲进厨房将他的邻居从大火中救了出来。 9这是一项多艰苦的工作啊。 (what)10.这音乐听起来多美啊! (how).Multiple choices:( )1.We have no desks _ chairs. A. or B. and C. but D. with ( )2. The computer games centre i

23、s small and there are _ people there. A. too much B. many too C. too many D. much too ( )3. I know this shopping mall very _. A. good B. much C. nice D. well ( )4. The girl is crying _ her hands on her stomach. A. with B. to C. in D. of( )5. After the train goes _the tunnel, it will go_ a plain. (平原

24、) A. through; across B. across; down C. into; on D. up;down( )6. This cap is too small for me. Could you show me_? A. big one B. otherC. the other D. another one( )7. Lucy is _ of the twins .A.tall B. taller C. the taller D. tallest ( )8.He is famous _ a writer _ the book .A.for , for B. for , as C.

25、 as , for, as( )8.Could you give me some_?A.advices B.advises C. pieces of advice D.advise ( )10. He _ a teacher at 18.A.turned B. grew C.became Writing a recommendation letter Think of a classmate to recommend for an award .(见书7B Unit5 P81;P89-90;)7B Unit 6Phrases:1、bring me

26、 my lunch= bing my lunch to me; 给我带午餐2、the Most Polite Student Award;最有礼貌学生奖3、learnknow about how they live ;了解它们怎么生活4、take some photos of sp sb;给-拍照 5、two goldfish ;两条金鱼;three mice ; 三只老鼠6、like watching the goldfish swim around ;喜欢看鱼游来游去7、sleep on my lap ;在我膝上睡觉 8、hold a white mouse in my hand; 手里握

27、着一只白鼠9、feed carrots to sb ; feed sb carrots ;喂胡萝卜给某人吃feed sb on with rice ; 喂某人吃米饭;feed the baby with a spoon ; 用勺子喂小孩吃饭sb feed on sth ; 某人以-为食;take grass as food; 吃草10、the cleverest of all ; 最聪明的11、chase a cat = run after a cat ;追猫12、catch a (bad)cold ;着凉、感冒13、catch keep up with others ; 赶上(跟上)别人;c

28、atch a bus 赶车; fall behind落后14、open his eyes wide ;眼睛睁得大大的;with ones eye open wide;be widely used .15、hunt for me = look around for me;寻找我16、 play a trick joke on me ;开我玩笑17、doplay wonderful tricks ; 玩精彩的把戏18、build me a camp out of sticks 用棍子为我建营地= use sticks to build a camp for me;19、look after him

29、 until the end. 一直照顾他20、on the edge of the window ledge ;在窗台边上21、make a lot of noise ; make a noise吵闹;make too much noise22、most of the time ;大多数时间 ;most of the students; most students;23、at table;在吃饭 ; at the table;在桌旁24、 a black-and-white tail ;一条黑白相间的尾巴25、get be tired;累了 be full hungry tiredquiet

30、 quick ;26、hide oneself in the cupboard; 把自己藏在碗橱里27、my best friend ; 我最好的朋友;28、look beautiful in the sun; 在阳光下看起来美;with the teachers help 在老师的帮助下;29、repeat the words I say =repeat what I say 重复我所说的话;30、knock onat the cage door with its beak用它的喙敲笼子门 bark a lot ; 31、sing happily; 开心地唱 32、frighten the cat ; 吓猫 ;be frightened frightening 33、clean the fish tank ;清洗鱼缸34、take the dog for a walk= walk the dog;

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