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1、人教版九年级英语Unit4第1课时同步教学设计英语 九年级全册Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.Period 1Content Section A 1a, 1b, 1c; 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d教学目标要求1能谈论人物过去的特点,如:I used to be short. Paula used to be really quiet.2能询问人物过去的特点并能作简要回答,如:A: Did Mario use to be short? B: Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.3能听懂并指认表达人物特点的形容词,如:humorou

2、s, silent, helpful等。4能听懂并写出描述人物特点的形容词,如:quiet, outgoing, humorous, silent, helpful等。5能认读并工整书写所学词汇,如:humorous, silent, helpful, score等。6能正确使用所学的常用表达,如:from time to time等。7能正确认读英文名字,如:Paula, Alfred, Billy等。8能模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材上的对话,并能模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达,如:A: Did Mario use to be short? B: Yes, he did. He used

3、to be really short. Whats he like now? A: Hes tall now.教学过程活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用复习时间3 m1复习已学目标语和导入谈论人物特点的话题。(指向一图片)Look at the picture and answer my question: What does the girl look like? She is Thank you! Now lets watch and listen.2仿照上述对话,组织Pair work复习活动。OK. Now lets see pictures. Lets do pair wor

4、k: Talk about the people in pairs.学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生。导入时间1 m3引入单元标题,导入新课话题。Today lets go on talking about peoples appearance and personality. Lets learn Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.教师板书并课件显示:Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 11a时间5 m4(指向图片)Look at the picture: What adjectives ca

5、n you think of? 5完成表格,复习已学的描述性格及外貌的形容词。Look at the chart. Please fill in the chart with words to describe people. 6本活动的检查评价。教师点一名学生分享他所写的形容词。Could you please share your answers?1b时间5 m7读图,了解主题图场景和人物。Look at the picture. (指着说话的男孩) This is Bob. He is seeing some friends for the first time in four year

6、s. Please watch and read. Then, answer: (指着Bob)What is Bob saying? (Mario, you used to be short, didnt you?)(指着右边说话的男孩)Who is this? (This is Mario.) Whats his answering? (Yes, I did.)Lets watch this picture: What are they talking bout? (They are talking about what they used to be like.) 8听前活动,让学生运用想

7、象力结合场景图和语言内容预测对话内容。Read the sentences in 1b, an d try to predict the missing words.9听力实践,在语境中听辨目标词汇。Now listen to the tape and check your answers.核对答案What did Mario use to be like? (点一名学生回答,其他学生纠正。)What did he use to wear? (点一名学生回答,其他学生纠正。)(用同样的交流核对另外两小题的答案。)10视听会话的动画,模仿跟读会话,呈现谈论人物特点的目标语。Look, liste

8、n and repeat. 播放过程中,暂停让学生重复(教师纠正语音语调)。1c时间4 m11学生齐读对话,感受目标语言。Please read the conversation together.学生齐读时教师板书: Did Mario use to be short? Yes, he did. He used to be really short. Whats he like now? Hes tall now.12组织pair work,针对目标语进行实践活动。Now look at the picture. Please make conversations to talk about

9、 what they used to be like.学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生。2a时间4 m13单词分类,进行词汇预备。Here are also some adjectives in 2a. Could you please read the words by yourself?学生朗读时,教师黑板上划出以下线段:(教师纠正发音,随机教授单词humorous, silent, helpful)Could you please put the words in the right column?核对答案。14听前活动,了解听力的情景和主题。1Lets watch the picture

10、 and read, then answer:What are they doing?(They are having a party. / They are at a party.)Yes. The students in the picture didnt see for a long time. They are talking about their changes. 15听力实践,在语境中听辨对话所谈及的目标词汇。We will listen to a longer conversation. First, listen and check the words you hear. 教

11、师播放录音。OK. What adjectives did you hear?核对答案。 2b时间4 m16听前活动,预测人物特点。1There is some information in the chart. Read it by yourself, please.What do we already know about Paula in the past and Paula for now?(随机教授人名Paula。)(Paula was always silent in class. She was never brave enough to ask questions. She s

12、eems to be more active now.)其他可供参考的问题:Was she good at school work in the past?Did she like music in the past?Does she often do any sports now?Has she said goodbye to music now?How do we get to know all these things?2Try to fill in the missing words with the information you have heard in 2b. 17听力实践,从

13、对话中获取信息。Listen to the tape again and check your predictions. 18听后核对答案,培养学生运用目标语言。(点两名学生分别叙述Paula过去的特点和现在的变化)What did Paula use to be like?What is Paula like now?学生齐读表格以明确答案。19进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子,模仿纠正语音语调。Listen and repeat.(课件领读,学生模仿朗读会话) 2c时间3 m20听后口语会话。教师扮演A,一学生为B,示范表演:A: Paula used to be really qui

14、et.B: I know, She was always silent in class.Now work in pairs to make conversations about Paula using the information in 2b.学生双人活动,教师抽查几组学生。2d时间6 m21上一活动的检查反馈,导入对话。Alfred and Gina are also at the party. They are talking about Billy. (随机教授人名Alfred和Billy。)22结伴分角色试读对话,找出困难,就近寻求帮助。Role-play the convers

15、ation in pairs to understand it. If you have problems in reading, ask for help in groups.教师获得反馈后板书学生可能出现的语言障碍:Billy has changed so much.He got good scores on his exams.(教师教授生词score,请学生互相解答,教师做出必要的补充)学生解答或教师补充后,教师板书:has changed so much = has become very differentgood scores = good grades 23填表格,理解对话内容

16、。What did Billy use to be like and how has he changed today? Please fill in the chart.核对答案。 24朗读对话,纠正语音语调,理解对话,深化对对话的印象。Lets role-play the conversation.学生首先齐读。然后两人一组分角色朗读对话至熟练,再交换角色朗读对话至熟练.Now who can perform the conversation?小结时间4 m25本活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标。1请几组同学给全班分角色朗读(也可要求程度好的学生在2d对话的基础上进行创造性的改编并表演。其他学生挑出他们语音语调上的错误,朗读中情感表达准确与否。)2What have you learned from this lesson?鼓励学生先自己总结,教师最后归纳。 作业1 m26Homework(布置作业)

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