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1、初中英语学科教学设计Unit 8 When is your birthday?(Section A)【整体设计说明】本单元是在前一单元学习了基数词10-31的基础上,提升到让学生学习日期(月份、序数词1st-31st)的表达法。词汇量大、跨度大、难度也较大。如何使学生用这些难读,难记、又单调的词汇进行交流与交际,将是本课时的一大挑战。要求学生在第一课时集中学习了月份、序数词等单词以后,学会对这些知识进行灵活运用。学会谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日。培养学生关心家人、关心同学朋友的良好情感品质,并理解生日更多的含义。本课时交际的话题全是围绕“When is your/your mothers/

2、your fathers birthday? My/ Her/ His birthday is-./Its-.”和询问年龄“How old are you?”展开的。一提到生日,学生就会联想到生日party、 蜡烛、蛋糕、同学欢聚等浪漫而又轻松热闹的场面,是学生感兴趣的话题,因此创设情景,以兴趣刺激学生的学习主动性和交际的主动性,是本单元教法与学法上的一大特点。整个单元分二个课时进行(Period 1:Section A: 1a、2a、1b、1c;Period 2:Section A: 2b、2c 、2d、3a、3b、4 Self check 3 ),以谈论“生日”为主线,将12个月份的名称、

3、序数词的学习融入到一系列的小任务中,学生通过询问对方的生日来完成一个最终的目标,即学会应用日期的表达方法。其中Section A 主要以 When is your birthday?为线索,重点呈现日期的表达,包括12个月份的名称及序数词的学习。第二部分扩展到When is Nicks birthday? 继续学习与巩固日期的表达法,最后以“The Birthday Game”结束。所以A部分的教学设计以循序渐进的教学方法,兼顾了听、说、读、写各种能力的培养,但重点放在听和说上。Period One教学目标(SectionA:1a、2a 、1b 、1c) 1、知识目标a、Sub Topic:

4、Talk about the datesb、Language focus: When is your birthday?c、Vocabulary: January February March April May June July August September October November December first second third thirty-first when birthday month yeard、Structures: When is your birthday? My birthday is 2、能力目标 能用所学到的语言知识与实际生活结合起来,使学习过程

5、生活化。3、情感目标 培养学生积极主动的学习心理状态,调动学习内驱力,通过两人对话、小组活动、查询一些名人的生日等一系列活动,培养学生的交际能力和学习主动性。 4、跨学科知识渗透a、音乐课: 歌曲的欣赏Happy Birthdayb、社会实践:参加各种团队活动,养成团队意识。【说明】在第七单元学习了基数词10-31的基础上, 这一课时提升到让学生学习日期(月份、序数词1st-31st)的表达法。以谈论“生日”为主线,将12个月份的名称、序数词的学习融入到一系列的小任务中,学生通过询问对方的生日来完成一个最终的目标,即学会应用日期的表达方法。教学过程与方法Step 1: Warming upA、

6、Listen to the birthday song.B、Sing togetherC、Ask when is my birthday?Step 2: PresentationT: When is my birthday? My birthday is March 12th. And when is your birthday? You may answer it in Chinese. 【教学思路设计】引出12个月的单词的教学,可用12个月的图片或幻灯片进行教学。课件展示T: There are 12 months in a year .They are January, February

7、, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December 【学生活动设计】逐个教学后,然后听、跟读 ,直到学生能流利地朗读。【教学思路设计】生日除了讲几月外,还要有具体的几号,我们已经学过基数词one, two, three 到thirty-one。那么我们是否就用这些基数词呢?No. 我们还有把这些数词稍微改变一下。然后引出序数词的学习,教学日期的表达法。A、复习from one to thirty-oneB、 教学序数词,再教学生几句基数词变序数词的几句口诀,以便学生记忆。基变序,有

8、规律,第一、二、三单独记。-th 从四加起,八去t来九去e。遇到ve, f替,-ty变为tie,后跟-th莫迟疑。若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。C、Listen and repeat 2a(Section A)D、Do some practice about the date【学生活动的设计】Practice 每组派一个同学到黑板上写出四个你喜欢的日期,然后让另外小组的成员用英语说出你写的日期,每个同学说一个,如果错了,就让同一组的同学纠正,看看哪一组同学能一次就说正确,那么就是获胜者。F、 Ask and answer When is your birthday? My birthday

9、isStep 3: PracticeA、Listen and repeat (1a 2a 1c)B、PairworkStudent A: When is your birthday?Student B: My birthday is C 、Ask some pairs to act (目的是看看学生对日期的表达有没有问题)Step 4: Interview One may go out of your seat to interview anyone you like, Then do a report. 【教学思路设计】做这个task课堂看上去会有些乱,但学生们喜欢这种活动,会激起他们说的欲

10、望。Step 5 Exercises in class1)A: How many months are there in a year?B: There are twelve. They are _,_,_,_, _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_.2) A: Hello! Im Number One. B: Yes, you are so early today. You are the first person.one1st first two2nd_three_ four_five_ six_seven_ eight_nine_ ten_eleven_ twelve_thirteen_ tw

11、enty_twenty-one_ twenty-two_3)A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is (写出指定的日期)1. 3 月12日 2. 8月8 日 3. 1月5日 4. 7月20 日 5. 12月1日 6. 9月9日 7. 4月3日 8. 11月2日 9. 2月14日 10. 5月30 日 11. 6月23日 12. 10月21日【课堂作业设计】课堂作业主要是检查学生的掌握情况,学生在做作业是很容易出现日期写基数词或者形式不转换、写月份时首字母没有大写的错误,日期读法和写法上的差别,在学生的反馈时如出现错误再进行强调,使得课后作业出错的情

12、况减少,增加学生学习的兴趣。Step 6:Task after class A、了解家人出生的具体日期B、了解一下明天班里有人过生日吗C、 查寻Self check 3里人物的出生日期【课堂教学过程的说明】这节课的词汇容量比较大,12个月份的单词也比较难记,对于基础较薄弱的学生来说全部掌握有一定困难,但是假如他们记住了自己出身的月份,家人出身的月份及好朋友出身的月份,那么对于他们来说目的也就达到了。我把1-31序数词的学习也放在这节课里,因为基数词1-31刚在前一个单元学过,所以对学生来说困难不会很大。通过课堂的操练,学生在一节课内要把月、日流利的说正确可能有一定的困难,主要是学生会经常把“日

13、”的表达用基数词,还需要有更多的练习。Period Two教学目标(Section A: 2b、2c 、2d、3a、3b、4 、 Self check 3)1、知识目标a. Revise months and ordinal numbers; Can use the months and ordinal words to talk about birthday.b. Learn to use the following sentences to communicate: When is your birthday? My birthday is -./ Its -.When is your m

14、others birthday? Her birthday is -. / Its -How old are you? Im 14.2、能力目标 能用所学到的语言知识与实际生活结合起来,使学习过程生活化。3、情感目标 培养学生积极主动的学习心理状态,调动学习内驱力,通过两人对话、小组活动、说说名人的生日等一系列活动,培养学生的交际能力和学习主动性。 4、跨学科知识渗透a、音乐课: 歌曲的欣赏Happy Birthdayb、思想品德教育:培养学生关心家人、关心同学朋友的良好情感品质【说明】本课时交际的话题全是围绕“When is your/your mothers/your fathers bi

15、rthday? My/ Her/ His birthday is-./Its-.”和询问年龄“How old are you?”展开的。一提到生日,学生就会联想到生日party、 蜡烛、蛋糕、同学欢聚等浪漫而又轻松热闹的场面,是学生感兴趣的话题,因此创设情景,以兴趣刺激学生的学习主动性和交际的主动性,是本课时教法与学法上的一大特点。教学过程和方法Step 1: Warm up: Everyday EnglishS-S: What day is today? Whats the date today? How are you today?A、Free talk: Ss talk about th

16、eir friends, their school things, their family, their clothes, etc. 【教学思路设计】 学生与学生之间的交谈是每一节课前的固定3分钟谈话节目。这一活动有利于学生熟悉并逐步积累表示星期,日期,月份的表达;同时复习巩固所学过的知识,而且一定要复习前一堂课的知识。为了提高这3分钟的效率,就必须让学生课前准备好要谈的话题和内容,培养好的学习习惯。长期坚持充分利用课前3分钟进行展示与练习,能极大的提高学生的口语交际能力和学习英语的兴趣。Step 2: Revision:A、Revise numbers.a、Count numbers (1

17、-40). Ss say the numbers one by one quickly.b、Play a number game. To match numbers in pairs quickly. e.g. : one _ first; two _ second .c、Ask the Ss to write the other special ordinal numbers. Then check answers on the projection. B、Revise months.a. Ss look at the projection, listen and say the chant

18、, try to remember the months words.b. Ask and answer questions.T: How many months are there in a year ? Ss:T: What are they ? Ss:T: Which is the first month of the year(年) ? Can you write the word? Ss:T: Which month is after January ? Ss:c. Ss ask and answer in pairs to finish the following forms.Ja

19、nuaryMarchMayJulySeptemberNovember【教学思路设计】写出下列日期的英文表达法,每组做3个。其中每组派一个代表到黑板上做。目的是看一看学生在会说的基础上,笔头能力怎样,反过来,写正确了也会促进说的能力。C、Please write down the dates in English1. 12月25日 2. 10月1 日 3. 3月12日 4. 8月15 日5. 4月1日 6. 9月10日 7. 4月3日 8. 5月17日9. 2月14日 10. 5月30 日 11. 6月1日 12. 10月21日【学生活动的设计】通过说唱,到读写,这种循序渐进的从输入到输出的方式

20、教学可减轻学生的畏难情绪,保持轻松愉快的心情,有利于提高学生学习的积极性,可以在这一教学环节中告诉学生一些特殊的日子,让学生更关注生活细节。Step3: Presentation.A、lead in: A birthday cake -, A birthday party-.Ss watch the flash and answer some questions:a. Whats this in English ? Whose birthday is it ?Yes, its the girls birthday. Who is the girl, do you know ?Oh, the g

21、irl is Leila. Today is Leilas birthday.b. Now please listen to the conversation between Leila and Nick, then tell me “When is Nicks birthday? How old is Leila?”c. Lets read their conversation, then act it out in pairs.(以下为录音材料)Nick: Hello, Leila.Leila: Hello, Nick. Welcome to my birthday party.N: Ha

22、ppy birthday, Leila.L: Thank you !N: How old are you, Leila?L: Can you guess?N: Let me see, 1, 2,3-oh, 12.L: Yes, Im twelve years old. And when is your birthday, Nick?N: My birthday is July fourth.L: Its July fourth. OK, Ill remember that.N: Thank you.d. When is Leilas birthday? (板书) Nicks Roberts J

23、anesHer /His birthday is 【教学思路设计】让学生猜 xs 在这里是什么意思,然后引出名词所有格,老师简单讲一下名词所有格的有关内容,并且适当举例说明。如 Micks cat Toms bag Janes desk Roberts CD your fathers car your mothers name 等。Step4: Practice:A、show the key sentences on the projection, teach them to read and use.S1: When is your birthday? S2: My birthday is

24、September fifth.S1: How old are you? S2: Im fourteen.B、Ss practice the key sentences in pairs, then act out their a calendar, ask Ss to find out their family members birthday. Then ask and answer as the following.T: When is your mothers birthday?Ss: My mothers birthday is ./ Her birth

25、day is. / Its .T: When is your fathers birthday?Ss: My fathers birthday is. / His birthday is. / Its .Step 5: Listening and writing practice.A. 2c.The teacher and the students are making a class birthday calendar. Now listen and match the names、months、and days.B. Listen again, and then check the ans

26、wers. Show a students answer on the projection.C. Look at 2d, ask your partner the questions, write down the answers quickly. Then Ss act out their dialogues. Step 6、Self check 3 Look at the photos of these famous people. Talk about their birthdays in groups.【教学思路设计】另外老师再准备一些学生喜欢的明星的照片,当然最好用课件展示来讨论明

27、星们的生日,如:赵微、周杰伦、刘翔、杨臣刚、Twins等等,因为现在的学生对明星都非常熟悉,而且能引起他们交流的欲望,能培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。 基本资料:姓名:刘翔(Liu Xiang)性别:男 籍贯:上海生日:1983.7.13身高:1.88米体重:74公斤课件展示Step 7: Making an ID card.A、Choose an ID card and make a conversation in 3a(Section A)B、Group work 3b and 4 (Section A)a. Ask and answer about your name ,your birth

28、day and your age.b. Practice again, using your own name, age and date of birth. Then ask some pairs to act. (Four students a group) Rank your partners from the youngest to the oldest. Report about your name, your birthday and your age one by one from the youngest to the My name is * Im fi

29、fteen. My birthday isc. show an short passage then fill in the ID card . Today is Friday, October 10th.Its my birthday. My name is John Miller. Im 13 years old. My cousins, Xiao Ming and Xiao Chuan are in our home. My parents buy me a big birthday cake. Its on the table. You can see some birthday ca

30、ndles on the cake. My cousins bring me some fruit and school things as their presents. They sing the “Happy birthday”song to me and I blow out the candles. Im very happy today. 课件展示NAME: John MillerDATE OF BIRTH(出生日): October 10th st.AGE:13Answer:d. Ask Ss to make their own English ID card,then write a short passage to introduce themselves.【教学思路设计】这一步骤的设计,主要是培养学生的阅读能力和写作能力。【学生活动的设计】学生能使用本堂课的几个句型问答来设计自己的或者是朋友的身份证,再用身份证

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