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1、雅思剑桥同义词转换雅思阅读同义词替换(剑 1-剑 9) 剑 9 第一篇: 1. recognise ones ability/ perceive ones talent/ones talent be perceived 2. enrol in a school/attend a school 3. sth that made him rich and famous/ sth bring him both fame and fortune 4. Immediately understand/instant recognition 5. refer to/ known as 6. consult/

2、 ask advice of 7. now/ current/present/happening 8. transmission/ sending information 9. response/ reply 10. ground rules/ assumptions underlying the research 11. likelihood/ it seems/ perhaps, guess, estimate 12. life expectancy/ the lifetime of 13. most powerful/ the largest/ the biggest/ the best

3、/ the greatest 14. resemble/ pretty well like/ be similar to/ same as 15. promptly/ immediately/instantly 16. migrant/ migrate/ migration 17. before/ in advance/ prior/ previously/ former 18. make big changes/ redesign/modification/alteration 19. lack/ never/no/not/in need of/want 20. incomplete fos

4、silised remains/ only fragments are found 21. determine/ decide 22. obtain/ acquire/ earn / gain / get/ procure/ receive / secure 23. dense/ tight/thick/heavy 24. indicate/ demonstrate / disclose / display / exhibit/ express/ hint/ imply/ point out/ pr esent/ reveal/ show /signify/suggest 剑 9 第二篇: 1

5、. Initiative/initiate/ launch/ pioneer/ introduce/ develop 2. National policy/ New Zealand strategy 3. Global/international 4. Team effort/ institutional working party 5. Hypothesis/guess/ speculation/ possibility/theory/potential 6. Suitable/appropriate 7. Worldwide regulations/ international stand

6、ard 8. Medical conditions/ illness/ disease 9. Placeat risk/ leavevulnerable 10. Auditory problems/hearing loss 11. Study/carry out research 12. Machinery noise/ noise generated by machine 13. Child which have not been diagnosed/ undiagnosed children 14. Current teaching method/ modern teaching prac

7、tices 15. Cooling systems/ air-conditioning/mechanical means of ventilation 16. Different/distinct/varied/reverse 17. Prevent/keep from/inhibit/stop/thwart 18. Potential/future/be expected to be/possible/likely 19. Fail to do/never/not/unable to do 20. Calculate/determine the value 21. Be worked out

8、/be calculated 22. Realise/recognise/show/see/understand 23. Witness/view/see/observe 24. Distorted/look smeared/not circular 剑 9 第三篇: 1. Competitive/competitors/competition 2. Achievement/success 3. Because/thus/It is that 强调句型/so 4. Rely on previous events/draw on past experience 5. A result of/ a

9、 product of 6. Pitfalls/ traps/snares 7. Exposure to /bombardwith 8. Receptive/receive/embrace/accept/agree 9. Novelty/new experience 10. Fear/phobia 11. Embarrassment/ridicule 12. Psychological illness/mental disorder 13. Decide/decision 14. Scientific/science/technology/technological 15. Argue/arg

10、ument/debate/debatable/discuss/dispute/disputable 16. Understandable/understand/reasonable 17. Be affected by/influence 18. Stil exist/be still with us 19. Stop/halt/prevent/end 20. Pointless/not/no point of 21. Misrepresented/paint unreal pictures 22. The custom of speaking/ popular speech 23. Gram

11、matical rules/ rules of grammar 24. Alternative/choice/way/replacement 剑 9 第四篇 1. Back into Britain/ re-import into Britain 2. Reliable/predictable 3. Cut down/reduce 4. Increase income/export earner 5. Power station/power plant 6. In the vicinity of/around/nearby 7. Extraction of seaweed/clean seaw

12、eed 8. Result from/cause 9. In danger/at risk 10. Comparatively/relatively 11. Explanation/explain/reason 12. Transmission of information/information pass on/information send back/transmit 13. Unnecessary/redundant/superfluous 14. Incident/event 15. Initial y/original y 16. Be about to stop working/

13、on the brink of failing 17. Be used to/by means of 18. Send messages over distances/transmit information from place to place 19. Signal strength/ strength of the signal 20. From her childhood/when she was a child 21. Her children were born/birth of her two daughters 22. Marie took over the teaching

14、position/she was appointed to the professorship 23. Have the same property/is true for 24. Receive recognition/be awarded 剑 9 其他: 1. Col ect/accumulate 2. Bothand/not onlybut also 3. Stock sth./ a stock of sth. 4. Be exposed to/ by exposure to 5. Imitation/imitate/mimic 6. Be contingent on/ depend o

15、n 7. Mastery/power 8. The aspects of self-awareness is difficult to research directly/Empirical investigation of the se lf-as-subject are rather scarce 9. is link to /the link betweenand 10. Primarily intend for the public/for the ordinary visitor 11. Personal involvement/themselves can act as if pa

16、rt of the historical environment 112. and are less easy to distinguish than before/ the sharp distinction is gradual y evapor ating 13. Balance the conflicting priorities/ steer a narrow course between the demand of 14. Reveal/present/presentation 15. Durable objects/ transitory nature of the materi

17、als(反义词) 16. Consumer/market force 17. Give false impression/ bias in the representation 18. Current trend/majority of the public 剑 8: Cambridge 8 TEST 11. agree=concur=go along with=fal in with=go with v.同意 2. sceptic and advocate=different attitude 不同的看法 3. significance=impressive=meaning=sense n.

18、重要性 4. meditation: the practice of emptying your mind of thoughts and feelings, in order to relax completely or for religious reasons n.冥想,沉思 5. parapsychology: the scientific study of mysterious abilities that some people claim to have, such as knowing what wil happen in the future n.通灵学 6. environ

19、ment=condition=light, sound, warmth=situation=circumstance n.环境 7. alter=change=revise=make changes v. 改变 8. trial=experiment=test n.实验 9. success rate=positive result=achievement=progress=breakthrough=accomplishment n.成就 10. pick out=identify=recognize=know=tel v.认出,识别 11. limit=minimize=maximum=th

20、e most=ceiling=cut-off point v.限制 12. different=individual=not like=vary=not the same=contrast with=diverse adj.独特的 13. invention=device=creation=innovation n.发明,装置 14. cold temperature=freezing weather=chil y=frosty=wintry=cold snap adj.寒冷的 15. farming=agriculture n.农业 16. simultaneous=at the same

21、time=together=at once=at one time adj.同时的 17. uniform=equal=homogeneous adj.均衡的 18. devise=formulate=invent=create=come up with=make up=conceive=coin=dream up v.创造 19. civil=municipal=metropolitan adj.城市的 20. divide=split=separate=break up=break down=take apart=take something to piece v. 分开 21. new=

22、revolutionary=original=innovation=fresh=novel=be in its infancy adj.新的,革命的 22. create=introduce=invent=make sth. do sth.=be the cause=lead to sth. v.发明 23. organize=co-ordinate=arrange=set out=put something in order=line up v.组织,使协调 24. public event=communal activity 公众、社交活动 25. aviation disaster=sk

23、y accident=air crash 空难 26. prompt=result in=lead to=make somebody do something=cause somebody to do something=lead somebody to do something=motivate=induce somebody to do something v. 导致 27. resemble=like=similar=alike=much the same=comparable v.类似 28. oversimplify=incomplete=simplistic=generalize=

24、see things in black and white adj. 过于简化的,不完整的 29. altitude=frommeters above the ground=height=how high=level n.高度 30. zone=airspace=region=area=district=quarter=block=suburb n.区域 31. weather=meteorological=climate=condition n.气候 32. categorize=class / type=sort=classify=be grouped=grade v.分类 33. cre

25、ate=establish=invent=start up=open=set up=found=inception v.创建 34. beacon and flashing=light=beam n.灯光 35. improve=develop=evolve=get better=catch up=pick up=things are looking up v.发展,进化 36. aircraft=plane=by air n.飞机 37. average-sized=medium-sized adj. 中等的 38. city=metropolitan=urban=town=vil age=

26、civic=municipal=downtown n.城市 39. pendulum : a long metal stick with a weight at the bottom that swings regularly from side to side to control the working of a clock n.钟摆 40. coincidental : happening completely by chance without being planned adj.巧合的 41. disobey : to refuse to do what someone with a

27、uthority tel s you to do, or refuse to obey a rule or law v.不服从 Cambridge 8 TEST 2drastical y : extreme and sudden adv.彻底地 carry out : subject to : 使服从 remain=stay=keep=continue to be=stil v.保持 detect=inspect=examine=notice=spot=become aware / conscious=note=conserve=perceive v.检查 fault=flaw=defect=

28、trouble=bug=virus=be something wrong with=be something matter with n.缺陷,缺点 enough=sufficient=adequate=cover=meet somebodys need adj.足够的 main=largely=principal=chief=major=key=primary=prime=predominant=core adj.主要的: documentation=written account=evidence=proof n.证明 shift=switch=transfer=move=jerk v.转

29、换 consistent=lasting=stay the same=constant=unchanging adj.持续的 drought=no rain at al =dry=dusty adj.干旱的 period=cycle=era=age n.年代 random=arbitrary=at random adj.随机的 molten=hot=heat=boiling / boiling hot=scalding / scalding hot adj.熔化的 intense=strong=passionate=powerful=deep adj.强烈的 discover=explore=

30、find / unearth=turn up v.开发,发现 pattern=trade / commodity=business n.贸易 relate to=associate with=link to / connect to=identify with 联系 feeling=emotional response / sensory=a sense of=passion n. 感觉 unappreciated=undervalued adj.低估的 difficult=elusive=hard / tough=easier said than done adj.困难的,难懂的 study

31、=research=analyse=do/conduct research v.研究 smell=odour=scent n.气味 interpretation=be considered to be=understanding=reading n.理解 define=distinguish=tel the difference v.使明确 damage=impair=break=do/cause damage=scratch v.损害 realize=consciously consider=occur to=become aware=sink in=strike=hit=wake up to the fact that v.想到 reveal=show=demonstrate=let somebody see=present=expose=let somebody take a look v.显示 to be defined=unanswered 无答案的 husbands and wives=marriage partner / spouse=couple=newlyweds 夫妇 linguistic=language n.语言 describe=name=expre

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