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最新 外研版 七年级下册英语 Module9 Life history4课时教案新版外研版.docx

1、最新 外研版 七年级下册英语 Module9 Life history4课时教案新版外研版Module 9 Life history Unit 3 Language in use教学目标1. To learn some key words and use expressions2. To master the past form of irregular verbs3. To learn about Mark Twain教学重点the past form of irregular verbs教学难点1. Understand the new words and expressions2. Ex

2、change the sentences about the past form of irregular verbs学情分析 The level of the ss is very poor.学法指导 Listening and speaking教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测(可能出现的问题)补救措施修改意见一、Activity 1二、Activity 2三、Activity 3,4 , 5,6 and 71、Lead in2、Ask the ss some questions3、Teach the ss to read the new wordsand the dialog

3、ue of Activity 34、Explain the important and difficult points1、Match the festivals with the months of Activity 12、Work in pairs. Read part3, ask and answer the questions about Mark Twain. 3、 Read and find the past form of the verbs of Activity 41、It will be hard for the ss to master the words about m

4、onths 2、The SS will be interested in the festivals.1、2、板书设计March , April, May , June , July , August , September ,October ,November ,December ,writer , real , newspaper , exact , date , becomeWhen were you born ?Which month is your birthday in?When is your mothers birthday? How many months are there

5、 in a year ? What are they? ?Which festival do you like best?参考书目及推荐资料The teaching materialThe reference book for teaching教学反思Module 9 Life history Unit 3 Language in use教学目标1.To consolidate the new vocabulary:become, born, go, come2.To summarize and consolidate some past simple irregular verbs.教学重点

6、To summarize and consolidate some past simple irregular verbs.教学难点To master some past simple irregular verbs.学情分析 根据英语新课程标准规定,通过在情境中的语法操练,激发学生的学习兴趣. 学生英语水平参差不齐, 普遍学习不够积极不够主动,极度依赖老师的讲解;对于基础知识,同学们普遍掌握的不够扎实,个别同学上课的时候注意力不能长时间集中,很容易分心,对于老师的问题一问三不知。 为学生打下良好的英语基础,提高为交际初步运用英语的能力。 此外,根据我国国情和外语教学大纲的要求,现阶段外语教学

7、的素质教育应该包括思想素质教育、目的语素质教育、潜在外语能力的培养、非智力因素的培养等四方面。学法指导Formal and interactive practice, task-based approach 教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测(可能出现的问题)补救措施修改意见Step 1 Lead-in Step 2 Review the new words Step 3 Review the past simple regular verbs. Step 4Write down the past tense forms of the irregular verbs.Step 5

8、Around the world Step 6 Module Task Step6 HomeworkAsk Ss to listen to the song and find out the words using past simple regular verbs.Ask Ss to speak out the words meaning according to the context.A. Ask students to read the verbs in the box in pairs. Have them say the words in the past form.B. Give

9、 out word cards or chalks. Ask Ss to come up and stick or write verbs on the blackboard.A.Complete the sentences about Bettys life.B.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.C.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words.D.Complete the conversation with the cor

10、rect form of the words from the box. You can use the words twiceAsk Ss to enjoy Shakespeares hometown.Writing about people in the past.Write a paragraph about your past live.Listen to the music and write down the words using past simple regular verbs.Speak out the words meaning according to the cont

11、ext.Write down the past form of the verbs.A.Find out the irregular verbs。B.Do the exercisesWatch the video.Read the passage in page 59, tick true (T) or false (F).Find out about your parents or grandparents lives when they were young板书设计 Module 9 Unit 3 language in use 1. work live study stop join 2

12、.be- do - get- leave- come- begin-参考书目及推荐资料 教师用书教学反思Module 9 Life history Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve【教学目标】1. 知识目标:掌握重点单词、短语用法:(1). March ,April, May ,June ,July, August ,September ,October ,November ,December,writer, real, newspaper, exact, date, become ;(2). Find out,

13、 at the age of, in the 1860s, Womens Day, National Day, Childrens Day, Teachers Day , New Years Day, Spring Festivel, be born in-. 掌握句型:(1).Hey, we can find out about him on the Internet(2)He left school and began work at the age of 12.(3).Later he got work on a boat.(4).He took the name Mark Twain

14、and became very famous.(5).He was born in 1835 in Missouri.2.能力目标:能听懂含有一般过去时态的句子,能运用一般过去时态询问并回答过去发生的事情和经历。 3.情感目标:通过对马克. 吐温及其作品的了解,体验到珍惜现在生活的美好,增加对学习的信心和对生活的热爱。【教学重点】: 一般过去时态的用法。 【教学难点】: 一般过去时的句型转换。(重点不规则动词过去式)【教学过程】课前朗读:朗读重点词汇,根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促使学生迅速进入学习状态。检查词汇预习:a.采取结对、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇

15、的预习情况。b.朗读单词,注意发音。一、导入新课(头脑风暴)1, 教师可问学生:When is your birthday? When is your mothers birthday? How many festivals are there in a year ? What are they? Which festival do you like best? When is it?How many months are there in a year? What are they? Show a photo of Mark Twain, ask Ss some questions.教师可以

16、以此为情境,导入本课。 2, 教师问学生What festivals do you know? 以及When are they? 进而用PPT展示各个节日图片,教师和学生问答节日的英文表达及节日对应的月份。图片涉及日常生活常见节日,如:New Year Day, Spring Festival, Womens Day, May Day, Childrens Day, Teachers Day, Christmas Day , National Day,3, Follow the examples. 学生模范操练,掌握月份前用介词in, 并熟读,背诵节日及对应月份。 4,自主完成Activity

17、 1,订正答案后疯狂背诵。二、小听力(自主完成,合作释疑) 1, 听Activity 2 ,选择正确答案。 2,再听Activity 2 , 教师和学生一起修正答案。Twain.3, 听activity 3,判断正误。1) Tom Saeyer is wfitten by the famous English writer , Mark Twain.2) Mark Twain left school and began work in his childhood.3) Mark Twain wrote for a newspaper and got work on a boat.4) Mark

18、 Twain became very famous in the 1960s and began his stories. 5) Mark Twain went to Europe and China.4. 听activity3 again,完成其后表格,让学生小组内交流答案。5. Read again and answer the following questions about Mark Twain.回答屏幕上6 个问题。四、理解意思(1).小组内合作解决activity 3的汉语意思,找出不懂的地方。(2).小组间合作解决不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。五、突破重点与难点对重点内容和疑难问题

19、进行合作探究学习。1,find out, find sth out ,find sb out 的用法,find ,find out, look for 的辨析及练习。2,work ,job 的用法及辨析。3,at the age of 的用法及练习。4,become and in the 1860s的解析。5,as well的解析。6、小组自我补充六、listen and repeat.合作解决activity 6.七、归纳短语1. 通过对对话的学习,让学生归纳本课的短语,可以小组合作,然后通过展示呈现出每一个小组的成果,然后其他小组补充完善。1. _ 5._ 2. _ 6._3. _ 7._

20、4. _ 8._2. 疯狂朗读,听写落实,组长交叉监督。对默写错的进行改正,直至巩固。八、跟读对话、疯狂读熟(一)跟录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。(二)读熟对话,同桌间分角色朗读。(三)读烂下列重点句子( 1).Hey, we can find out about him on the Internet(2)He left school and began work at the age of 12.(3).Later he got work on a boat. (4).He took the name Mark Twain and became very famous.(5). He wa

21、s born in 1835 in Missouri. (6)He wrote for a newspaper.(7) Late he got work on a boat(8)He went to New York, and other cities, but he didnt come to China.九、说的训练1.Work in pairs.结对练习,用一般过去时的一般疑问句谈论过去的事情。2.教师鼓励学生向老师或同学们大胆地展示自己学到的知识,尽可能多地用上对话中的重点词汇和句型,使语言得以更好地运用。十、当堂检测:(一)句型转换。1. Tom was born on 17 Feb

22、ruary 1995.(划线部分提问) Tom ?2. My uncle made me a model plane yesterday.(改为否定句)My uncle _ _ me a model plane yesterday.3. I watched films last Sunday.( 划线部分提问)_ _ you _ last Sunday?4. They lived in Beijing when they were young?( 划线部分提问) they live in Beijing?5. He rode a bike to school yesterday.(同义句) H

23、e _ _ school _ bike yesterday.(二)用所给词的正确形式填空。1、 I _(meet) my friend Jim yesterday. 2、We _(not have) a TV ten years ago. 3、We _(travel) by train last month.4、- _ (do) you watch TV ? Yes , I did .5、They _ (not have ) a car .They travelled by train.6、- Did you ride a bicycle ? - No, I _ (not do).7、- Di

24、d _ (you) parents have a computer? -No, they didnt .十一、作业:1. 在作业本上用本课的重难点进行造句。2. 继续疯狂朗读对话,争取背熟并自主默写。 3,Write some sentences about what you did when you were young.Module 9 Life history Unit 2 He decided to be an actor教学目标1. To master these new words: successful build on fire die rich around the worl

25、d play poem marry work language.2. To introduce a writer you know well.3. To learn some past simple irregular verbs.4. To get information from the reading.教学重点To get information from the reading.教学难点5. To learn some past simple irregular verbs.To get information from the reading.学情分析整体的英语水平参差不齐, 普遍学

26、习不够积极不够主动,极度依赖老师的讲解;对于基础知识,同学们普遍掌握的不够扎实,对关于发表自己的意见与观点的能力就更差了;个别同学上课的时候注意力不能长时间集中,很容易分心,对于老师的问题一问三不知。在教学中让学生动起来是必须考虑的环节,要做到师生互动,生生互动。学法指导共享学习策略;阅读中学会猜测词义的策略。教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测(可能出现的问题)补救措施修改意见一、Step 1 Revision二、Step 2Presentation三Step 3Activities四Step 4Activities五Step 5Activities六Step 6.Activiti

27、es七Step 7Activities1、Ask students whether they like writing or not. Then ask what they like to like to write.2、Work in pairs. Read the passage and decide what William Shakespeare wrote.3.Put the sentences in the correct order.4.Complete the timeline for Shakespeare .5.Ask and answer questions about

28、Shakespeare.6.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.7.Look at the sentences1、Put students into groups of 3-4.Ask them to name as many famous writers and their works as possible and make a list.2、Ask if anyone knows who Shakespeare was.Ask students to read quickly to ch

29、eck their ideas.3.Ask students to discuss the order of events in pairs.4.Tell the students to read the passage again and find the answers.5.Nominate students to ask others for open pair practice to demonstrate.6.Ask students to read the words in the box first.Tell students to work individually to complete the passage.7.Put students in pairs or groups to ask and answerAsk students to check what they have written in pairs.1、2、1、2、板书设计 Module 9 Life history Unit 2 He decided to be an act

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