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1、奇迹餐厅2修改全攻略常用版奇迹餐厅2修改全攻略关于奇迹餐厅2的修改网上找过一些,但都不完整,而且还是得自己试验才有意思,GAMEPLAY.RES,我们就修改这个文件,路径在 Restaurant Empire IIresource,首先修改前一定要做好文件的备份,如果出现什么没法改回来的错误就直接替换下关于使用什么来打开这个文件,可以使用Ultra Edit、 WinHex,不能用记事本修改,虽然能打开,而且不是乱码,不过里面的数据应该都是用16进制来保存,记事本修改会出错,已经试验过了一下是GAMEPLAY.RES内容:-ACOMPEXP a ACUSATT ARECIPE CAR ? CH

2、EF ? CITYVIEW CUSTOMER = ECON ? FIRM 慇 INFO UN ITEM Q MINIGAME R PERFGP 苚 REPOGOAL q SANDBOX Kr SOUND s TCUSTOM2 +v TCUSTOM3 ,x TILEGAME 晐 TIPS 詟 TRECIPE TRESTATT 杽 TSTAFF H UNIT 輾 VISITOR 嗑 WALKER / For game-play variables defined in rt complaints explanation.sdw./ = / max number of recipes allowed

3、 in a food menu/ used in aiconst.cpp/ all set to 9999 - no limit/RECIPMAX/BREAKFAS9999 /5/APPETIZE9999 /10/SOUPS9999 /5/MAIN9999 /20/DESSERTS9999 /10/BEVERAGE9999 /5/ min number of recipes recommended in a food menu (before complaints start to occur)/ used in aiconst.cpp/RECIPMIN/BREAKFAS3/APPETIZE5

4、/SOUPS3/MAIN10/DESSERTS5/BEVERAGE3/ special requirement parameters for steak house restaurantSSTEAK/ required number of main course steak recipesNSTEAK8/ special requirement parameters for french restaurantSFRENCH/ required food rating for each recipeFDRATING70/ required number of qualified recipesN

5、QUALIFY20/ special requirement parameters for music restaurantSMUSIC/ required number of american recipesNAMERICA10/ required number of french recipesNFRENCH10/ required number of italian recipesNITALIAN10/ special requirement parameters for seafood restaurantSSEAFOOD/ required number of seafood rec

6、ipesNSEAFOOD20/ special requirement parameters for italian restaurantSITALIAN/ required number of pasta recipesNPASTA20/ parameters for calculating noise level以下是噪音等级可以调低参数,0就没噪音了NOISE/ noise level per unit square of the restaurantUNITSQUA3/ noise level added per customerCUSTOMER4/ effective distanc

7、e of each customerEFFCUSDI10/ noise level subtracted per partition set upPARTITIO6/ effective distance of each partitionEFFPATDI6/ basic noise levelBASENOIS10/ parameters for calculating light level灯的亮度LIGHT/ area lit per light in the restaurantAREALIT8/ max light radius最大辐射MAXRADIU400/ max light in



10、D615/LLOW115/LLOW215/LLOW315/LLOW415/LLOW515/LLOW615/TPRE115/TPRE215/TPRE315/TPRE415/TPRE515/TPRE615/TUPP115/TUPP215/TUPP315/TUPP415/TUPP515/TUPP615/TMID115/TMID215/TMID315/TMID415/TMID515/TMID615/TLOW115/TLOW215/TLOW315/TLOW415/TLOW515/TLOW615/ Backup valuesLPRE1180LPRE210LPRE335LPRE425LPRE517LPRE6


12、0TPRE529TPRE65TUPP1140TUPP220TUPP328TUPP425TUPP532TUPP620TMID1100TMID212TMID340TMID427TMID527TMID630TLOW160TLOW25TLOW340TLOW423TLOW540TLOW645/ Game play variable in recipe/ the default eating time of each recipe type (in game minutes)/ Use in RecipRes.h/EATMETHO/BREAKFAS20/APPETIZE7/SOUP7/MAINCOUR20

13、/DESSERT6COOKMETH/ the prepare time ratio for converting prepare time from sum of all animation to the time in business sim/ Use in RecipRes.h / RecipRes.cpp / UChef.cppPREPARET0.04/ the max/min animation time of each cooking method in cooking contest/ in term of milliseconds/ Use in Uplayer.cppMAXA

14、NIM15000MINANIM10000/ constant multiplied to the cooking time (interior only)CMCHOP1.1CMFRY1.1CMBOIL1.0CMGRILL1.0CMMICRO1.0CMMIX1.0CMBAKE0.8/ the max number of a type in a set/ Use In FoodMenu/SETREQIR/APPETIZE2/SOUP1/MAINCOUR1/DESSERT1/HOTBEVER1/ Gameplay variables for car./ = /CAR/ Pre-add this ma

15、ny cars城市车的过往数PreCount0/ % maximum number of cars in a city, per hour.下面的数大点车就多%max000010.0%max010010.0%max 010.0%max030010.0%max040021.0%max050027.0%max060033.0%max070039.0%max080045.0%max090058.0%max100068.0%max110078.0%max120088.0%max130098.0%max1400100.0%max1500100.0%max1600100.0%max1700100.0%ma

16、x180080.0%max190060.0%max200040.0%max210020.0%max220015.0%max230010.0/ Road count to car count ratio/ i.e. the maximum number of cars in a city = (cityPtr-road_count() / road/car)/road/car1.2/ Process delete car time interval (in ms).pDelTime250/ Process add car time interval (in ms).pAddTime250/ Ca

17、r variables./carAccel80.0 / car_accel/carDecel-170.0 / car_decel/stopDist355.3 / car_stop_dist/minSpeed80.0 / car_std_min_speed/stdSpeed713.7 / car_std_speed/msfsdp9999.0 / min_speed_for_skip_decel_process/npeal800.0 / next_path_expected_arc_length/cclrsd9999.9 / car_check_left_right_signal_dist/css

18、fc8 / car_stopped_skip_frame_count/ptdd-180.0 / pre_tlight_delta_distminCDist48.0 / min_car_distancemaxWidth128.0 / max_car_widthmaxLenth300.0 / max_car_lengthminRWait5000.0 / min_reposition_time (in ms)maxCWait15000.0 / max_car_wait_time (in ms)maxCWaiS10 / max_car_wait_speed - speed slower than th

19、is is consider as waitstartSpd128.0 / init_car_speedmaxSpd512.0 / max_car_speedmaxAccel150.0 / max_car_accelmaxDecel-80.0 / max_car_decelmaxCentA200.0 / max_car_centripetal_accel/ Game-play variable related to chef/ = /CHEFSKIL/ increment constant when a chef cooks a foodFOODCONS100./ increment divi

20、der when a chef cooks a foodFOODDIVI1/ increment divider for a food course when have a higher skill chefCOURDIVI100/ increment divider for a food category when have a higher skill chefCATEDIVI400/ food-category-based skill/ = food count x CATSFCC + average food skill x CATSASC/CATSFCC0.0CATSASC1.0/

21、For game-play variables in the City View.CITYV_3D/ Far clip plane and near clip plane.far_clip10008.0nearclip8.0/ Far clip plane and near clip plane for editor.ear_clip16392.0eearclip8.0/ = / Initial settings of the gameINITCITYmapNameparis.mapnumCity1mapName2rome.mapnumCity21firm/cit0buil/cit0MAINM

22、ENUmapName1mainmenu1.mapnumCity1mapName2mainmenu2.mapnumCity1mapName3mainmenu3.mapnumCity1mapName4mainmenu4.mapnumCity1mapName5mainmenu5.mapnumCity1firm/cit10buil/cit30/ = / Default camera settingsDEF_CAMdef_x12643.79def_y5956.28def_z0def_hDir0.66184def_vDir0.60848cam_dist3250.0perspfld0.8/def_x4096

23、.0/def_y4096.0/def_z0.0/def_hDir-2.356194/def_vDir0.785398/cam_dist2700.0/perspfld0.8/ = / Mouse sensitivityMOUSEVAR/ SCROLL/ 1st value for interior, 2nd value for exterior/ lr means l+r drag, ed edge scroll/ = * * + /sc-lr-mf0.0016/0.0040sc-ed-mf0.0672/0.1680sc-lr-mt0.0/0.0sc-ed-mt0.0/0.0sc-lr-ap0.

24、0/0.0sc-ed-ap0.0/0.0sc-lr-dp1.0/1.0sc-ed-dp1.0/1.0/ ZOOM/ 1st value for interior, 2nd value for exterior/ mw means mouse wheel, sd means shift+drag/zm-mw-mf0.4/1.6zm-sd-mf0.2/0.8/ ROTATE/ 1st value for interior, 2nd value for exterior/ xh means horizontal rotation, yv means vertical rotation /rt-xh-mf0.001/0.001rt-yv-mf0.001/0.001/ GENERAL/ total move time, in msmoveTime200/ deceleration percentage, 0 to 1decelPer0.8/ = / Mouse limitsMOUSELIM

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