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本文(优质小学英语冀教版六年级下册Unit 1 Lesson 2 At the Sports Shop 优质公开课教案.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

优质小学英语冀教版六年级下册Unit 1 Lesson 2 At the Sports Shop 优质公开课教案.docx

1、优质小学英语冀教版六年级下册Unit 1 Lesson 2 At the Sports Shop 优质公开课教案冀教版 六年级下册Lesson 2 At the Sports Shop教学设计一、教材分析:本课选自于冀教版小学英语第七册教材At the Sports Shop。这是一个会话课,内容围绕李明和Jenny在体育用品店买东西展开。本课重点句型是Do you want or? 并涉及指示代词this, that,these,those以及单词有T-shirt和ping-pong ball.通过本课学习,学生能运用所学句型并综合以前所学,运用英语进行购物交流。二、学生分析:六年级的学生已

2、经有了一定的听、说、读、写能力,也接触过服装、水果、食品等的购物对话。学生对于体育用品、运动服以及购物情境比较感兴趣,乐于参与。因此本课最重要的是创设情境激发学生的学习兴趣,在孩子共同参与、体验教学活动中培养其综合语言运用能力。三、教学目标:1、知识与技能:(1)能够熟练使用选择疑问句Do you want this or that?询问对方在两者中的选择,能准确理解or的意思;(2)适当拓展运动服类单词和球类运动器材;(3)能理解课文内容,能能在教师创设的情境中,联系生活实际进行购物场景的会话与表演。2、过程与方法:创设生活化的语言情境,充分利用多媒体丰富情境,通过两两说、小组活动等形式,让

3、学生掌握本课重点内容,多角度全方位的培养学生听、说、读、写的基本能力,在拓展提升环节,放手让学生小组合作表演,为学生提供更多的交流的机会。3、情感态度与价值观:通过本节课的学习,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生沟通交流及小组合作的能力。四、教学重点难点:1、重点:熟练使用选择疑问句Do you want or?询问对方在两者中的选择 。2、难点:these/those的发音及其运用;能联系新旧知识在情境中交流表演,实现语言的综合运用。五、教学方法:情境教学法、交际法六、教学用具:CAI, PPT,book,sport clothes, balls七、教学策略及设计理念:1、以 “新课标”

4、为主要理论基础,灵活运用多媒体网络环境,创设贴近学生生活的语言环境,以语言运用为中心,培养学生综合语言能力。2、让每一个学生都能在轻松的氛围中快乐学习,面向全体学生,通过师生互动,生生互动,情境表演,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让全班同学都能得到锻炼的机会,活学活用,最终有所提高。3、加大英语信息量的输入。利用多媒体技术和丰富的实物,给学生创设真实、多样化的学习情景,使学生达到量的积累,这样才能更好地输出。八、教学过程:Step I: Warm-up & revision热身、复习1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morn

5、ing, Ms Yang.T: Lets say a chant, OK?2. Say a chantSs伴随鼓点节奏说Chant:This is near, that is far.This is my ear, that is a star.I have these, you have those.These are my knees, those are your toes.This, that, these, those,Near, far, now we know.T: Good job! Sit down, please!【设计思路:配乐歌谣热身,歌谣内容又是本文设计到的指示代词,

6、为后面的学习做了铺垫。】3. Memory game (和一生打招呼)Hello, Tom! Hows the weather today?S: Its a day.T: Yes. And look at the picture. It is a sunny day. Some people go to the park. They are enjoying sunshine and beautiful flowers. Now lets play a game. First, please look at the picture carefully, try to remember the

7、colours of their clothes and the flowers. After 5 seconds, I will challenge your memory. Are you ready? Go!【设计思路:利用游戏的形式复习指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。对课后习题进行了整合处理,增加了趣味性。】Step II: Lead in情境导入T: Yes. And they are very happy. Today, I am very happy. Can you guess why?预设学生猜测:Did you get a present. T:

8、 No, I didnt.T: Please look at my clothes. I am wearingSs: Sports clothes.T: Yes. Where are my clothes from? You cant get it. Let me tell you- they are from my shop. (PPT展示sports shop图片) Lets look! I have a new sports shop. It is Sunshine Sports Shop. Is it nice?Ss: Yes.T: Yes, it is big and nice. P

9、lease look! My shop opens! (PPT展示开业,配乐) Welcome to my shop! Now, guess: Whats in my shop?预设学生猜测:T-shirt, coat, shorts, shoes, basketball, football, ping-pong balls T: Yes, I have a lot of clothes, they are-(PPT展示以clothes为中心展开的单词)学生读出:T-shirts, coats, trousers, shorts, shoes, socks, caps.T: I also ha

10、ve sports equipment, please look! They are-(PPT展示图片)T: Why? S1:Because I like blue.T: Oh, that blue coat is nice. (问S2) How about you,? Do you want the blue one or the black one?预设一:S2:I want the blue one.T: You like blue, too. Youre the same.预设二:S2:I want the black one.T:OK. Black is cool. I like b

11、lack, too.(2)用图案的不同练习Do you want or ?句型PPT呈现Snoopy图案,然后出现Snoopy图案在一件T-shirt上。T:Look there! That is a - Snoopy. And now it is on a T-shirt. And here is Mickey. Well, who wants a T-shirt?S3: I want a T-shirt.T: Do you want this T-shirt or that T-shirt?预设S1:I want this one.T: Why? S1: Because I like Mi

12、ckey.T:I like Mickey, too. It is so lovely and clever. Who else wants a T-shirt.预设一男生举手:I want a T-shirt.T: Well, They are T-shirts for girls. You want to buy a T-shirt for-S2: For my mother.T: Good boy! Do you want the Mickey one or the Snoopy one?S2: I want the one.T: So your mother likesS2: Yes.T

13、: Good boy! (问S3) How about you,? Do you like this one or that one?S3: I dont like Mickey or Snoopy. T: What kind of T-shirt do you like? Do you like a T-shirt with Mig Mouth Monkey? Or Kitty? Or (PPT一角呈现几个卡通形象) And maybe you want a T-shirt with Minnie, Kitty, Teddy Bear, or a superman. Now, I ask y

14、ou you ask other people. (利用chain drill练习)PPT呈现Do you like this or that? I like_ one!I dont like them. I like a T-shirt with(3) 用价格的不同练习Do you want or ?句型(PPT呈现2个篮球)T:Now,two basketballs on sale. Who needs a basketball?S5: I need a basketball.T: Do you want this one or that one?预设一:S1:I want that on

15、e.T: Why?S1:Because that one is cheap.T: Good choice! That one is cheap and nice.预设二:S1:I want this one.T: Why?S1:Because this one is expensive, and I think it is good.T: Good choice! That one is a little expensive but it is very nice.(4) 用男女款鞋,游戏形式操练Do you want these or those?句型(PPT呈现两双女款鞋子)T:Prett

16、y girls, look here please. Two pairs of beautiful shoes for you! Do you want these or those?S1: I want those.T: Why?S1:.T: How about you,?(问另一生)问一男生,而后引入两双男鞋,交流Do you want these or those?引导该男生去问别的男生,一次类推。Play a game: 15秒内两组分别问答,看哪组参加有机会参与交流的人多。T:Now,lets play a game. Ask and answer in 15 seconds. Le

17、ts see how many of you can get a chance to talk. OK?【设计思路:创设贴近学生生活的商店新品推介的语言情境,通过颜色、图案、价格等不同形式让学生在两者中做出选择,让学生充分感知并练习句型,并综合运用到已有的知识。】2.真人模特秀展示商品,Pair-work对话交流操练句型T:I have so many new clothes. I also have many things on sale. They are very cheap and nice. But now I need some models to show them. Who w

18、ants to be my model?在音乐伴奏下,4名学生展示帽子,夹克、裤子及篮球,并用简单的语言介绍:S1:Look at this cap. It is blue. It is 20yuan.S2:And this one is only 10 yuan.T:Thank you for your wonderful show! (转向学生)My clothes are nice and cheap. What do you want?Ss: I want a cap.T: Do you like this cap or that cap?S: I like oneT: Why?S:

19、Because T: Come here. You can try it one. It is just right. Do want to take it?S: Yes.T: And you can buy it later, OK?T: (问另一生)Hi,! The trousers are cool. Do you like these trousers or those trousers?T Now you can talk about which one you like. (PPT呈现句型提示:Do you like/want or ? Why?Pair-work; Show th

20、e dialogue.【设计思路:充分利用实物,真人展示,更明确地体现出指示代词的用法,通过两两说在情境中进行交流。】4. 处理课文对话T:My clothes and sports equipment are very nice. Many people come to my shop. Now, please look! Whos coming?Ss: Li Ming and Jenny.T: Yes. Lets listen: What do they need?听课本前两句录音。Ss: They need a T-shirt and some ping-pong balls.T: No

21、w they are in the shop. Lets listen and imitate. Are you ready? One two, go!播放课文录音,学生跟读模仿。T:(PPT呈现李明买T-shirt图片)Does Li Ming like this red T-shirt or that green T-shirt?Ss: He likes the red one.T: Now look at these ping-pong balls and those balls. Does Jenny want these or those?Ss: She wants those.T:

22、 Why?S: Because those balls are cheap.T: How much are they?S: Those are 4 dollars. These are 5 dollars.T: Do you know: one dollar is about (PPT出示:1 dollar_ yuan)Ss: 6 yuan.T: Yes! It is about 6 yuan.T:Now lets read the dialogue. Who wants to be Li Ming?. 分角色朗读【设计思路: 重点知识已在之前的情境交流中处理,因此文本处理注重听力和跟读模仿,

23、培养良好的听说能力,注重语音语调的练习。】Step : Consolidation and show综合展示 Now Li Ming gets a T-shirt, and they get some ping-pong balls. They go to play ping-pong. Do you want to play sports? Do you want to go hiking? Do you want to buy a present for your mother? Do you want to change your old clothes?Welcome to my sh

24、op!Now, who wants to buy something from my shop?叫两名举手的学生一起来购物,教师当shop-keeper,作为示范。给示范的学生代金券做奖励。T:Now,3 people as a group. One is the shop-keeper, the other two go shopping together. Practice in your group. And who did a good job can come to buy something from my shop.Group-work:3 人练习购物交流,并完成信息统计表格。综合展示,2组到我的店里购物。【设计思路:创设贴近学生生活的商店场景,引导学生联系生活创设购物情境,在情境中交流、展示,达到综合语言运用能力的提升。】Step V: Homework: 1. Listen and read Lesson 2.2. Try to write your dialogue down.

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