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1、0057词汇学复习大纲样题及答案(0057)词汇学复习大纲Chapter One Introduction1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with at least examples.):Lexicology (p. 1)Vocabulary (p. 1)Morphology (p. 1)Etymology (p. 2)Semantics (p. 2)Stylistics (p. 2)Phonetics (p.2)2. Some fundamental ideas (the five

2、points in section 1.3.2)1) The vocabulary of any language never remains stable, but is constantly changing, growing and decaying, together with the development of human society.2) The word is the principal and basic unit of the language. The word is a structural and semantic entity within the langua

3、ge system. 3) The word is a two-facet unit possessing both form and content. 4) Structurally words are inseparable lexical units taking shape in a definite system of grammatical forms and syntactic characteristics, which distinguishes them both from morphemes and words groups.5) Two approaches of in

4、vestigations lexicology. The synchronic approach is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as it exists are given time, for instance, at the present time. The Diachronic approach deals with the changes and the development of vocabulary in the course of time. The two approaches should be interco

5、nnected and interdependent.3. The Division of the History of English 1) The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) periodDuration: roughly from 450-1150The three characteristics of Old English (page 7-8)(1) pronunciation difference; (2) Teutonic vocabulary; (3) full of inflectional 2) The Middle English period D

6、uration: 1150-1500 The three Characteristics of Middle English (page 8) (1) resemblance to Old English; (2) borrowing and loss in vocabulary; (3) less inflectional 3) The Modern English period (page 8) Early Modern English (1500-1700) Late Modern English (Since 1700)Chapter Two Sources of English Vo

7、cabulary1. The naive elements of English Vocabulary 1) The nine characteristics of the native element (pp. 10-11) a. all-national character b. great stability c. mono-syllabic words d. Great word-forming ability e. wide collocability f. plurality of meanings g. high frequency value h. stylistically

8、neutral2. The foreign elements of English Vocabulary (pp. 11-26) 1) The three ways of the foreign elements entering into the English vocabulary (p. 12) a. through oral speech b. through written speech c. through invaders2) Classification of the foreign borrowings (or, the four types of foreign eleme

9、nts in English vocabulary) (pp. 12-13) a. aliens ; b. denizens; c. translation loan; d. semantic loan3) Some useful Latin phrases and abbreviations vice versa, per cent, per cap., persona non grata; a.m., p.m., i.e., e.g., c.f., viz. 4) doublets, hybrids and international words in English (pp. 26-30

10、)5) The three types of assimilated words: completely assimilated words, partly assimilated words and non-assimilated words. (pp. 32-33)Chapter Three Word-Building1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.): morpheme, free morpheme, bound morpheme, root, ste

11、m2. Ways of word-building (attentions should also be paid to the examples appearing the ways of word-building) 1) affixation (pp. 39-51) 2) conversion (pp.51-55) 3) compounding (pp.55-59) 4) backformation (pp. 59-60) 5) shortening (pp. 60-63) 6) blending (pp. 63-64) 7) imitation (p. 64)3. All the ex

12、ercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Four Semantics1. definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.):polysemy (p. 72), homonymy (p. 77), perfect homonym (p. 77), homograph (p. 78), homophone p. 78), synonym (p. 80), antonym (p.

13、86),2. important points1) the relation between a word and its meaning (p. 70)2) the relation between words and concepts (p. 70-71)3) the meaning of “nice” (p. 72)4) types of synonyms (pp. 83-84)5) the origin of synonyms (p. 84)6) the example words of antonym (pp. 86-88)7) ways of coining neologism (

14、p. 91)8) the exercises of Chapter Four (pp. 94-100)Chapter Five Change of Meaning1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.):extension of meaning (p. 101), narrowing of meaning (p. 102), degradation of meaning (p. 104), metonymy (p. 114), synecdoche (p. 116

15、), oxymoron (p. 119)2. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Six English Idioms1. Characteristics of English idioms (four points) (pp. 124-128) 2. Characteristics of phrasal verbs (three points) (pp. 133-134) 3. All the exercises of this chapter are possib

16、le sources for the final exam!Chapter Seven Varieties of English1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.): slang (p. 149), jargon (p. 149), 2. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Eight American English 1. Char

17、acteristics of American English (pp. 158-162) 2. Differences between British English and American English (pp. 162-164)3. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Nine Application and Comprehension 1. Attention should be paid to the example words given in thi

18、s chapter2. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Ten English Lexicography1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.):monolingual dictionary (p. 185), bilingual dictionary (p. 185), encyclopedia (p. 186), encyclop

19、edic dictionary (p. 186).(0057)词汇学样题Part I Definition (15 points)Directions: Defining the following terms with examples.1. aliens2. homophone 3. jargon4. compounding 5. bilingual dictionaryPart II True or False Decision (15 points)Directions: Decide whether the following statements are T (true) or F

20、 (false). 1. Every word has two aspects: the outer aspect written form and the inner aspect sound.2. Some affixes are free morphemes while some others are bound morphemes.3. Old English is a language of full inflections.4. “Popular words” mainly refer to words of French origin in the English languag

21、e.5. Strictly speaking, in the English language, there are no two words which are absolutely identical in meaning6. We should put our hands on the deck, when we hear “All hands on deck” on a boat.7. In the word “modify”, the root is “mod”, the stem is “modi” and the suffix is “-fy”.8. Most of the af

22、fixes are derived from Old English, or from Latin and Greek.9. In the compound word “blood test”, the second part, i.e. “test”, indicates the action upon the first part.10. Absolute synonyms can be found in ordinary life, e.g. begin commence.11. Simile, metaphor and personification are figures of sp

23、eech based on resemblances.12. Phonologically, compounds can often be identified as having a main stress on the first element and secondary stress on the second element.13. Actual meaning refers to the meaning of an isolated word in a dictionary.14. Most of the English words are polysemic.15. Americ

24、an English is characterized by creativeness but not conservativeness in usage.Part III Multiple Choice (15 points)Directions: There are 15 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that correctly completes the s

25、entence.1. The word “question” is a word borrowed from . A. Latin B. French C. Greek D. Scandinavian2. He is wise enough to see all these fine pretensions. A. out B. to C. through D. over3. You should remember that the building is a war memorial and speak more . A. respectively B. respectably C. res

26、pectfully D. respected4. The crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London. A. valued B. valueless C. invaluable D. usable5. When the crowd saw the prize-fighter stretched out on the canvas, shouts and cheers from it. A. broke up B. broke forth C. broke through D. break upon6. The scientists realized

27、 it would be too to ship all people in one boat because it was fragile. A. bold B. daring C. risky D. dangerous7. The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the night to enable the necessary chemical reactions to in his body. A. precede B. proceed C. progress D. practise8. There is a of

28、vegetables in Shanghai at the moment because of the cold weather. A. shortage B. want C. need D. desire9. When the Victorians had family reunions, the hosts went their way to entertain the guests. A. in for B. over C. out of D. back on10. Having pushed her son, Eve gave him a dismissive towards the

29、car. A. push B. pull C. draw D. drag 11. Which of the following usually appears in poems? A. horse B. steed C. gee-gee D. nag12. Which of the following words is INCORROCT in word formation? A. unhorse B. unmanned C. unfrost D. unhappy13. Which of the following is formed by blending? A. pop B. sights

30、ee C. copter D. boatel14. The antonym of “fresh” in “fresh bread” is _. A. stale B. stuffy C. faded D. tired15. I will take you to a most interesting _ of nineteenth century. A. wonder B. exhibition C. exposition D. displayPart IV Translation (10 points) Directions: Translating the following sentenc

31、es into Chinese.1. The sea has smoothed down.2. Kissinger got the plans and helicoptered to Camp David.3. He commanded a fleet of thirty sails.4. Strike while the iron is hot.5. Most of the city families have a fridge.Part V Answer the following questions with examples (15 points)1. What are the classifications of Homonyms? (7 points)2. What are the characteristic features of English idioms? (8 points)(0057)词汇学样题答案Part I Definition (15 point

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