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Section A 第1课时1a2d.docx

1、Section A 第1课时1a2dSection A 单词 垃圾;废弃物乱扔 n.litter v. 底部;最下部bottom n. 渔民;钓鱼的人fisherman n. 煤;煤块coal n. 丑陋的;难看的ugly adj. 优点;有利条件advantage n. n.花费;价钱cost v.花费 wooden adj.木制的;木头的 n.塑料;塑胶塑料的 plastic adj. 残酷的;残忍的cruel adj. 有害的harmful adj. 行业工业; industry n. 法律;法规law n. scientific adj.科学上的;科学的 承担得起(后果);买得起aff

2、ord v. 外卖食物takeaway n. 垃圾箱bin n. 鲨鱼shark n. )鳍fin n.(鱼 链子;链条chain n. ecosystem n.生态系统 页 1 第 可重复使用的;可再次使用的reusable adj. 运输业;transportation n.短语 be harmful to对有害 at the top of在顶部或顶端 the food chain食物链 take part in参加 turn off关掉 付费;付出代价pay for 采取行动take action 句型 !我们正在努力拯救地球!1.Were trying to save the eart

3、h 这里的空气污染很严重。2.The air is badly polluted.3. No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health. 没有科学研究表明鲨鱼鳍对健康有利。 4. We should help save the sharks. 我们应该帮助拯救鲨鱼。Section B 单词 recycle v.回收利用;再利用 大门gate n. n. 瓶子bottle 负责人;主席;总统president n. work n.(音乐、艺术)作品 页 2 第 metal n.金属 napkin n.餐巾;

4、餐巾纸 inspiration n.灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物) iron n.铁 creativity n.创造力;独创性短语 扔掉;抛弃throw away 好好利用某物put sth. to good use 拆下;摧毁downpull 上下颠倒;倒转upside down bring back恢复;使想起;归还 句型你是否1. Do you often throw away things you dont need anymore? 经常把你不再需要的东西扔掉呢?2. Have you ever thought about how these things can actually b

5、e put 你曾经考虑过怎样将这些东西好好利用吗?to good use? 3. The windows and doors come from old buildings around her town that were pulled down. 门窗来自她所住的镇上被拆除的旧建筑物。4. She opened a small shop where she sells her bags, and she has also 她开了一家小店卖她制作的包,set up a website to sell them online. 并且她还开了一家网店出售它们。 语法 现在进行时;被动语态;现在完

6、成时 页 3 第 知识目标 复习现在进行时、现在完成时和被动语态等的用法。 能力目标以“保护环境”为主题,运用本课相关句型与他人展开讨论;能向大家 介绍有哪几种污染类型,怎样回收利用废弃物品等。 情感目标体会到保护环境的重要性,学会保护大自然、保护地球,从身边的小事 做起,号召大家参与到保护环境的行动中来。 课时 本单元建议5【课时建议】 课时)1Section A (1a2d 1课时)(3a4cSection A 1课时(1a1d) Section B 课时2e)12aSection B ( 1)课时Section B (3a3b 词汇短语:主要采用多媒体及图片展示法。 基本句子:采用图片展

7、示及交际法(利用多媒体展示两人进行交际时的情景)。 语法:复习现在进行时、现在完成时和被动语态采用“巧记歌诀”记忆法。 被动语态的用法 谁的动作不知道,说出谁做没必要; 承受之人需强调,被动语态莫忘了。 )课时( 第11a2dSection A 类别 学习重点 页 4 第 重点单词litter, bottom, fisherman, coal, ugly, advantage, cost, wooden, plastic 重点短语 close down, play a part in, clean up, cut down, instead of, make a difference, lea

8、d to 重点句式1. It used to be so clean. 2. Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up!3. The air has become really polluted around here. 4. Well, to cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. 课前预习 写一写fisherman 渔民 3. 底部 2.bottom 1.垃圾litter advantage 优点 6.

9、 5.丑陋的ugly 4.煤coal plastic 9.塑料 8.木制的wooden 7.花费cost 译一译play a part in 参与;起作用 2. close down 1.关闭 cut down 减少 4. 3.打扫干净clean up make a difference 6.起作用;有影响 5.代替instead of lead to 8.通往;导致 used to 7.过去常常背一背 它过去是那么干净。1.It used to be so clean. 这个镇上每个人都应该参与清理河流。2.Everyone in this town should play a part i

10、n cleaning it up! 3.这附近的空气真的被污染了。 页 5 第The air has become really polluted around here. 4.为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘公汽或地铁,而不开车。To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. 新课 导入Theres more and more pollution in the world now, such as noise pollution, air pollution, water pollut

11、ion and so on. Is there any pollution in your hometown? Please discuss with your partner. 页 6 第新课展示 【完成教材1a1c的教学任务】 1.要求学生仔细看1a的图片,并完成相应练习。 2.请23名同学展示自己的答案,老师可做适当的补充并总结。 3.听录音,完成1b的练习,让学生模仿1c中的对话,用1a中的信息编造自己的对话,并请23组同学当堂演示。 典例参考 A: The street was so noisy. B: But it used to be quieter. A: Yes, but t

12、here are too many shops playing loud music. B: Everyone in this city should play a part in cutting down noise. 【语法提要】 1.used to ,表示过去存在或经常发生但现在已used to为固定结构,意为“曾经;过去常常” 经停止的行为或习惯,后接动词原形。 We used to live in London. 我们曾在伦敦居住过。例句:但是现她过去真的很文静,She used to be really quiet, but now she is very outgoing. 在她

13、很外向。+ didnt + use 它的否定结构为“主语used to注意:不与表示过去的时间状语连用。Used+“其他?”动词原形+或主语;to+动词原形”它的一般疑问结构为“Did+use to+ 其他?”+。主语+to+动词原形 她过去不常来。She didnt use to / usednt to come.例句: =Used he to be a writer? 他过去是名作家吗?Did he use to be a writer 页 7 第 。其中做某事”适应于某事/ 拓展:be / get used to sth. / doing sth.,表示“习惯于/ 。used是形容词,意

14、为“习惯;适应” 我习惯早起。例句:I am used to getting up early. Youll soon get/be used to his sense of humor. 你不久就会适应他的幽默感。 a part in 形式。代词或v.-ing“参与某事;在方面起作用”,后接名词、play a part in意为play an important part in ;某事”play an active part in (doing) sth. “积极参与(做) 。(doing) sth.“在(做)某事中发挥重要作用” 她积极参与政治活动。例句:She plays a

15、n active part in politics. 我想积极参加学校活动。I want to play an active part in school activities. 公共交通在我们的日Public transportation plays an important part in our daily life. 常生活中发挥着重要作用。 【问题探究】) so many trees on the hills. 过去有1. There used to be (2. We should play a part in cleaning (clean) the city up. 【完成教材

16、2a2d的教学任务】 的听力任务。2a,2b1.要求学生翻开课本P98。播放第一遍录音,完成 要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。2.听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干3. 学生给出自己的答案,以巩固对听力内容的理解。(1) The air has become really polluted around there. 页 8 第 (2)I used to see the stars clearly. (3)People are also littering in public places. 4.大声朗读听力材料。 5.播放听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内

17、容,利用2a,2b信息谈论空气污染情况,然后邀请23名同学当堂表演,看谁的表现最佳。 6.两人一组练习2d的对话,并让23组同学当堂表演。 7.教师根据学生的理解对其重难点进行讲解。 【语法提要】 1.cost cost作动词,意为花费,它的主语只能是物,不能是人。 辨析:take, spend, cost与pay 四者均用作动词,表“花费”,但其用法却大不相同。具体区别如下表:take spend cost pay 常用it作形式主语 常用于it takes/took sb. some time to do sth.“做某事花费 某人多长时间”句型中 其主语是人spend some 或常用于

18、spend some time/money doing sth./time/money on sth.“花费时间/金钱做某事”或“在某事 金钱”句型中某物上花时间/ 其主语是物某物花费某人“某事/常用于sth. cost(s) sb. some money 多少钱”句型中其主语是人 “某人为某物花常用于sb. pay(s) some time/money for sth.费多少时间/金钱”句型中 页 9 第 instead of作介词短语,意为“代替;而不是”,后面常跟名词、代词或v.ing形式。 意为“代替做某事”。instead of doing sth.例句:She went to sc

19、hool instead of staying at home. 她没有待在家里而是去上学了。辨析:instead of与instead instead of instead 【问题探究】(A)1.(山东青岛中考)A one-way round-trip. A. costs; pay (B)2. We went to climb mountains _going shopping. A. instead 介词短语,其后可跟名词、 形式。代词或v.-ingWe can take a bus to work instead of driving. 我们可以坐公交车而不是开车 去上班。副词,常位于句

20、末,位于 句首时,其后有逗号。He didnt reply. Instead, he left the 他没回答,反而离开了房间。room. How much is the ticket to Central Park? a $20 for and you can_ another ticket_$40, D. spends; pay B. cost; spend C. pay; spend D. take the place C. prefer to B. instead of 活学活练 (A)1.(贵州黔西南州中考)Maria watch TV, but now she listening

21、 to music. A. used to; is used to used to; used to used to; used to C. used to; used to 页 10 第 the environment. 2.Everyone should play a part in (C)D. protected C. protecting B. protects A. protect Smart phones are more and more popular now. 湖北十堰中考)(B)3.(So they are. But they still _ too m

22、uch. D. spend C. take A .pay B. cost ) for whats right instead of_about )4.We should be grateful(心存感激的(Cwhats wrong. D. complained A. complain B. complains C. complaining 布置作业:教师引导学生课后完成本课时对应练习,并预习下一课时内容。教学反思 本课时通过听、说、读、写训练让学生对污染的词汇及其相关的语言知识有了 初步的掌握,并能听懂和表达有关污染的现象、导致污染的原因及治理措施。 教学过程中老师的疑问: 教师点评和总结: 页 11 第

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