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1、翻译句子练习翻译句子练习公司内部编号:(GOODTMMTMMUTUUPTYUUYYDTTI1 作为护士, 她的工作不仅仅是照顾病人。As a nurse, her work goes beyond taking care of /looking after thepatients2.为了避免再次迟到,他比往常早了 20分钟离家。In order to /To avoid being late again , he left home 20 minutes earlier than usua 16 plus占用的地方比iphone 4大得多.IPhone 6 Plus takes up much

2、 /far more space/room than iPhone 44.她对音乐很有天赋,她妈妈鼓励她参加中国好声音Voice of China的选 拔。She has a real gift for music, her mother encourges her to try out forVoice of China5.屠呦呦博士毕生致力于研究传统中医药物。Dr Tu Youyou devoted herself to studying traditional Chinese medicine6.对孩子们来说,拥有父母的支持很重要。Its very important for child

3、ren to have their parents support7.昨天我母亲太忙了,没能去购物。Yesterday my mother was too busy to go shopping/was so busy that shecouldn,t go shopping8.他离开实验室已经不止一小时了。He has been away from the lab for over /more than an hour9.在古代中国纸曾经由幺幺绸制成。In ancient China, paper was once made of /from silk10.你认为我们青少年应该远离网络吗Do

4、 you think we teenagers should keep away from the Internet11.我想知道你和你的新同学相处怎样I wonder how you are getting along/on with your new classmates12.对我来说,想要取得学业和兴趣爱好之间的平衡很难。Its hard for me to achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies13.查尔斯.狄更斯的那部小说近距离观察了当时的社会生活。The novel written by Charles Dickens ta

5、kes/took a close look at the social life then.14.我们被告知要对周边的任何可能的危险提高警惕。we are told to guard against any possible danger around us.15.除了他住在我楼上,我与那个男的毫无关系。I have nothing to do with the man except that he lives upstairs16.你认为这部由那个年轻导演执导的影片值得高度赞扬吗Do you think the film directed by the young director is w

6、orth thinking highly of17.我和我的父亲都对明星秀不感兴趣。Neither I nor my parents are interested in /Neither my parents nor I am interested in star shows18.我们都想知道我们何时有机会在天安门广场看升国旗仪式。We wonder when we will have the chance to watch the raising of the national flag on Tian,anmen Square.19根据领导在会议上所说的,我们定了一个外出的计划。Accor

7、ding to what the leader said at the meeting , we made a plan for outing.20.那位着需作家的新书很有价值,己引起广大读者的关注。The new book by the famous writer is so valuable that it has caught most readers attention.21.机器人足够聪明,能做人做的同样的事情。Robots are clever enough to do the same things as people do.22.你能告诉我这本书她借了多久了吗Can you t

8、ell me how long she has kept the book23.你能告诉我你去过南京儿次吗Could you tell me how many times you have been to Nanjing24.湿地不但为鸟类提供食物和栖息地,还能防止洪涝。Wetlands not only provide food and shelters for birds, but also prevent floods25.这家工厂过去常常把废物倒进河里。This factory used to pour its waste into the river26.最后,那只大熊猫被发现死在森

9、林里。At last , the giant panda was found dead in the forest27.从学校到世界公园的行程乘长途汽车大约花费两个小时。The trip/journey from the school to the World Park takes/will take about two hours by coach28.老师常常告诉我们不要整天忙于做作业。The teacher often tells us not to be busy with our homework all day.29.如果我们不注意防范错误的观念,那么我们还会犯同样的错误。If w

10、e dont pay at tention to guarding agaist the wrong idea , we will make the same mistake30.那些孩子们从来没有离开家这么长时间。Those children have never been away from home (for) so long31.我希望毕业后在这家公司找到一份工作。I hope to find a job in this company after I leave school32.请教教我如何将鼠标连到电脑上。Please show/teach me how to connect t

11、he mouse to the computer33.我想知道你妈妈是否去过英国。I wonder if your mother has been to England34.你能向我解释一下你为什么没有按时交作业吗Can you explain to me why you didn,t hand in your homework on time35.埃米的建议肯定有极大的价值并很值得采纳。Amys advice must be of great value and well worth taking 36.这张照片使你想起了什么What did the photo remind you of3

12、7.我们儿乎无法想象到2100年火星上的生活会是什么样子。We can hardly imagine what life will be like on Mars by 2100.38.我想知道您是否给我一些如何把英语学得更好的建议。I wonder if you can give me some advice on how to improve my English 39他宁愿步行很长时间,也不愿花很多钱打车。He perfers walking for a long time to spending much money taking a taxi.40.当你离开教室时,确保关掉所有的灯。

13、When you leave the classroom, make sure all the lights are tured off41.乔在无锡工作多年,并且已习惯这里的生活了。Joe has worked in Wuxi for years , and (has ) been used to living here/the life here42.露西老是抱怨父母只关心她的考试分数。Lucy is always complaining to her parents that they only care about the marks in her exams43.这个句子可以被划分成

14、三个部分。This sentence can be divided into there parts.44.我们做朋友已经十多年了。We have been friends for over 10 years45.节约用水对我们每个人来说都是有意义的。It is meaningful for each of us to save water46.我确信什么也无法阻止我们去帮他。r m sure that nothing can prevent us/stop/keep from helping him.47.你去过澳大利亚多少次了How many times have been to Aust

15、ralia48.孩子们很高兴你为他们提供了这么多有趣的图书。Children are very happy that you provide them with so many interesting books49.图书馆的书保管得井井有条,并能满足我们的需要。The library books are kept in good order and can satify our needs50.这个害羞的孩子既不参加体育运动,也不注意健康的生活方式。Some children neither play sports nor pay attention to the healthy lifes

16、tyle51.我做家庭作业时,我哥哥在电脑上搜寻信息。My brother was searching for information on the computer while I was doing my homework52.我想象不出月球上的生活是什么样的。I can t imagine what life on the Moon is like53.她从不希望别人误认为她女儿是个书呆子。She never wishes others to mistake her daughter for a bookworm54.毕竟,我们希望你会满意我们的发明。After all,I hope y

17、ou will be happy /satisfied with our inventions55.你如何使食物色香味俱佳How do you make food look as good as it tastes and smells56.机器人将使我们执行危险任务变得更容易吗Will robots make it easier for us to carry out dangerous tasks57.有时我妈妈手洗衣服。Sometimes my mother prefers to wash clothes by hand58.因为人们对他的评价很高,所以常选他来执导这场晚会。People

18、 think highly of him, so he is often chosen to direct the party.59.你认为谁是在月球上行走的第一人Who do you think was the first man to walk on the moon60.我起得很早为了能观看升旗仪式。I got up early so that I could watch the raising of the nationalflag/in order to watch the raising of the national flag61.外国人对传统的中国艺术很着迷,例如中国戏曲。Th

19、e foreigners are crazy about traditional Chinese art, like Chinese opera62.他碰巧发现了一些有持续价值的东西。He happened to find something with a lasting value63.众所周知现在老人的数量正变得越来越多。It is known that the number of the old (people) is getting larger andlarger64.这位女演员为了获得这个奖每天都花五个半小时练习跳舞吗Does it take the actress five ho

20、urs and a half to practise dancingevery day to win the prize65.成龙已经花了很多年的时间参加了许多的慈善活动。Jackie Chan has spent many years taking part in many charityactivities66.张艺谋是一位如此天生的导演,以至于他在电影界起着重要作用。Zhang Yimou is such a born director that he plays an important role inthe film industry.67.令我惊讶的是,所有的人都坚持认为这位作家和

21、谋杀有关。To my surprise:all people insist that the writer has something to do with the murder.68他看上去很不高兴。没有人知道这个访谈节目让他想起了谁。He looks unhappy. Nobody knows who the chat show reminds him of.69.除非你工作达到高标准,否则你会落后的。You will fall behind unless you work to a high standerd70.去年他很白豪地为有线电视新闻网(CNN)现场报道了这场比赛。He was

22、proud to cover the match live for CNN last year71.这位艺术家直到去世后才因他的艺术作品而出名。The artist wasn t famous/didn t become famous for his works of art until he passed away.72.这个女孩不仅对音乐感兴趣,而且有舞蹈天赋。The girl not only shows interest in music but also has a gift for/isnot only interested in music but also has a gift

23、 for dancing73.这位老师经常鼓励孩子们改善他们的发音。The teacher often encourages the children to improve theirpronunciation74.这位发明家从不灰心,最终成功地发明了这个最新的机器人。This inventor never lost heart and succeeded in inventing this up-to- date robot at last75.他不断练习并且在英语上取得了进步。He keeps on practising and makes progress in English76.我父

24、母不允许我熬夜。I am not allowed to stay up late by my parents.77 每当我们难以做出决策时,总盼望着您宝贵的意见。We always look forward to your valuable adv ice/suggestions whenever we have difficulty (in) making a decision.78.现在,由于空气污染,许多人宁愿住在乡下。Nowadays, many people would rather live in the country because of air pollution.79.我怀

25、疑他是否撒谎,并且是否值得和他谈一谈。I doubt whether he is telling a lie and worth talking with /is telling a lie and it is worth talking with hiim.80.他的父母别无办法,只能承诺帮助他。His parents have no choice but to promise to help him.81.莫言在50多岁时被授予诺贝尔文学奖。Mo yan was presented with the Nobel Prize in literature in his fifties.82.这

26、套别墅太贵,我们买不起。The villa was too expensive for us to afford83.如果你遵循这些小步骤,它们会对地球产生巨大的影响。If you Follow these small steps, they can make a big difference to theEarth84.采取更多的措施来关注每个细节。More action should be taken to pay attention to every detail.85.这些大学生们已经下定决心为贫困地区的孩子们创办新学校了。The college students have made

27、up their minds/decided toset up a new school for the children in poor areas 86 他把他的一生都贡献于基础教育的发展。He devoted all his lifetime to the development of basic education.87.医生们尽快地给这个生病的男孩动了手术。The doctors did an operation on the sick boy as soon as possible 88.教练们将如何设法帮助他们实现梦想what method will the coaches us

28、e to (manage to) help them realize their dreams89.今天,这位着名的人士将根据他自己的经历来谈谈餐桌礼仪。The famous man will talk about table manners according to his own experiences today.90.我们认为打断别人说话是不礼貌的。We think it (is) impolite to cut in on others /dont think it (is)polite to cut in on others91.我们相信谭盾的音乐将会给我们开启一个全新的世界。We

29、 believe Tan Dun? s music will open up a whole new world to us.92.这本书给我许多关于如何改善我们生活的好建议。This book gives me much advice /many suggestions on how to improve our lives.93.据说这本书将被译成英语。It is said that this book will be translated into English94.这个老人没有可倾述的朋友,所以感到有点孤独。The old man has no friends/doesn,t hav

30、e any friends to talk to:so he feels a littie lonely 95当我们來到山顶时,我再也走不动了。I couldn,t walk any further when we got to the top of the mountain.96.我认为这双鞋子和我的不是同一个尺码。I don t think this pair of shoes is the same size as mine97.这位学生分发所以的杂志有困难。The student has difficulty handing out all the magaines98.他己经决定放弃

31、工作去周游世界。He has decided to give up his work/job to travel around the world99.我以前常常梦想成为一名世界闻名的音乐家。I used to dream of becoming a world-famous musician.100.我父母对我如此严格,以致我真的感到精疲力尽。My parents are so strict with me that i really feel tired out101.去年你父亲多久去北京出差一次How often did your father go to Beijing on business last year102.我的一位外国朋友来中国很多年了,所以他中文说得很好。One of my foreign friends have been in China for many years, so he can speak Chinese wel1.103.他建议我们接受新挑战并三思而行。He advised us to take on

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