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1、英文版中国古代神话故事英文版中国古代神话故事英文版中国古代神话故事 11、 精卫填海(版本一) 22、 精卫填海(版本二) 33、 精卫填海(版本三) 34、 愚公移山 45、 夸父追日(版本一) 66、 夸父追日(版本二) 77、 女娲补天 98、 玉兔捣药 119、 牛郎织女 121、精卫填海(版本一)The bird JingWei trying to fill the SeaOnCeuPOn a time, the youn gest daughter Qf EmPerQr Yan, legendary ruler Qf PrimitiVe China, Went boating Qn

2、 the EaStern Sea. While She WaS enjoying herself, a StrQngWind rose Qn the Sea and her boat capsized。 JUSt before She WaS buried by the SUrgi ng waveS, her SPirit turned into a beautiful bird。 AS it fleW QVer the roaring sea, it Cried sadly in the SQUnd ”ji nWei, ji ngWei”。 That WaS Why PeQPIe calle

3、d it Jin gWei”。The bird lived Qn a mountain n ear the sea。 It hated the Sea SQ much that it decided to fill it up。 EVery day, it fleW to and fro betWeen the mountain and the sea, Carrying in a tWig Qr a PebbIe from the mountain and dropp ing it into the sea.One day, the roari ng Sea Said to Jin gWei

4、, Poor little bird, StQP doing that meaningless thing! Youll never fill me up。” JingWei replied, Ill fill you UP no doubt! I Will, even if itll take me thousands Qf years! Ill fight Qn Un til doomsday!The brave little bird kept Carrying tWigs and PebbIeS from the mountain to the EaStern Sea WithQUt

5、taking a rest。FrQm this fable CQmeS the idiom The bird JingWei trying to fill the sea。 We USe it to describe PeQPIe WhQ are firm and indomitable and Will not StQP Un til they reach their goal.2、精卫填海(版本二)英文:OnCe UPOn a time, Yan has a small daughter, Her n ame is baby girl, heloved his little daughte

6、r, Yan Often play With the girls, but the terriblething happe ned, girls play ing in the sea, UnfOrtun ately, dead water, andthen She tur ned into a bird, n amed Jin gwei, Yan Sad day Jade BirdWatCh ing it, and fin ally decided to make this Jin gwei filled the sea, so that he no Ion ger CIaimed more

7、 lives!中文:从前,有1个女孩叫做精卫,她很爱自己的父亲炎帝,他们经常在一起玩, 每天 都很开心.有一天,精卫去划船,不小心掉进了海里,后来她变成了 1只鸟。她经常去看她的父亲,她的父亲为此很伤心。后来精卫决定用石子把那个海填起来。3、精卫填海(版本三)The bird Jingwei trying to fill the SeaOnCe upon a time, the youngest daughter of EmPerOr Yan, Ieg end ary ruler of PrimitiVe China, Went boating on the EaStern Sea. Whil

8、e She WaS enjoying herself, a StrOngWind rose on the Sea and her boat capsized.JUSt before She WaS buried by the SUrg ing waves, her SPirit tur ned into abeautiful bird. AS it flew over the roaring sea, it Cried sadly in the sound”jin wei, jin gwei”。 That WaS Why people Cal led it Jin gwei。The bird

9、lived On a mountain n ear the sea. It hated the Sea so much thatit decided to fill it up。 EVery day, it flew to and fro between the mountainand the sea, Carrying in a twig or a PebbIe from the mountain anddropp ing it into the sea。One day, the roaring Sea Said to Jingwei, ”Poor little bird, stop doi

10、ng thatmeaningless thing! Youll never fill me up. Jingwei replied, ”Ill fill youUP no doubt! I will, even if itll take me tho USands of years! Ill fight onUn til doomsday!”The brave little bird kept Carrying twigs and PebbIeS from the mountainto the EaStern Sea WithOUt taking a rest.From t his fable

11、 comes the idiom ”The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea”.We USe it to describe people who are firm and in domitable and will no tstop Un til they reach their goal.4、愚公移山Taiha ng, Wong Uk two mountains, UP to a radius of 700, UP to ten feetQiba Qian。 They originally located in the SOUthern Part of

12、Jizhou, on the north shore of the Yellow River.Called the Foolish Old Man of the nOrthern people, nearly 90year-old age, living in the face of Hill。 Foolish Old Man of the Hill SUffer from block ing the road to the n orth, go all the Way RaOyUa n。 Foolish Old ManOf the the n COnVened to discuss the

13、whole family, said: ”You and I bothto reach the south bank of Han River, will you?” We have agreed With him.Foolish Old Mans Wife questioned said: ”With your Strength, not even the father of QUebeC Hill have CUt the Iand grieva nces, and Can Taiha ng,Wong Uk Sha n how these two do? Besides, Where on

14、 earth to go? WeOne after ano ther: to the edge of the earth and rock into the Bohai Sea,north of the hidden Iand。 Foolish Old Man of the ChiIdren andgrandchildren Can then Iead the three-Tiaodan, stone CUtting, diggingthe soil, Kei basket delivered to the edge of the Bohai Sea. Beijing s n eighbors

15、 last n ame has a widow orpha ns, just SeVe n or eight years old, to help them bounce。 Winter and SUmmer SeaSon s, the only one from this。The b end -Chi to stop the Foolish Old Man of old gentleman With a smile:”You too smart. With your remaining years of effort, not to destroy a mountain of grass,

16、mud and rock how can? Foolish Old Man of the BeiSha n A long heavy Sigh and said: You thought StUbbOr n, obsti nate to the point Where Can not be Cha nged, not as WidOWS and small ChiIdre n。EVen if I die, and his son in it; son and grandson of Health, sons and gran dchildre n; son and his son, Son a

17、nd grandson; ChiIdre n and grandchildren did not come to an end, but Hill will not inCreaSe the height of in justice dug Why worry? Moses old gen tlema n does not bend, then to an swer。HOIding the Snake mountain heard about it, for fear he kept digging COntinues, the ASSOCiation reported on the matt

18、er. EmPerOr moved by his SinCerity, the commands E boast two sons go back two Hill. On the easter n Part of a ShUOfa ng, a Yon gzhou on the south. SinCe the n, in the south of Jizhou, north of the Han River, there is no barrier of high mountains.5、夸父追日(版本一)英文:KUa FU tried his best to ChaSe the sun。

19、Whe n he arrived at the placeWhere the SUn set, he had to tur ned around, as he could not bear the thirst, and Came to the Yellow RiVer and the Wei River。In one breath, he quaffed UP all the Water in both rivers。 ThOUgh he drank UP two rivers, he still felt thirsty, and he decided to go to the large

20、 lake in the north for a good drink. On the Way to the north, KUa FU eve ntually died of thirst.The walk ing StiCk throw n dow n by him, being nu rtured bythe no UriShme nt con Verted from his dead body, Un expectedly bloomed and fructified, and it grew into PeaCh woods, WhiCh StretChed for thousa n

21、ds of miles。中文:夸父竭尽全力追赶太阳。当他追赶太阳降落的地方时, 由于忍受不了干渴,只好掉转头,回到黄河、渭河所在的地方,一口气便将这两条河里的水喝得精光。虽然喝光了两条大河,但夸父还是感到不解渴,又打算到北方的大湖里去痛饮一 番.北去的途中,夸父终因干渴而死6、夸父追日(版本二)AnCient times, in the north of the COuntry, there is a magnificenttowering Chengdu COntained TianShan mountains there lived a giantcalled KUafU family c

22、la n。 KUafU tribe Ieader called braggadocio, he WaS extremely tall, LitaiWUqiong, strong-willed, the extraordinary spirit. Atthat time, the worlds desolation behind, poisonoUSSnakes wild beasts run amok, and peoples lives miserable. KUafU the PUrPOSe of this tribe of people Can IiVe births every day

23、 and led the crowd fighting With thescourge. Braggadocio ofte n CaUght in ferocious yellow Sn ake hanging in his ears as a decoratio n, be proud of。One year, days of drought. Like fire and the SUn SCOrChed the ground crops, dried UP river water。 One hot Un comfortable, I Can not live。 KUafU to See t

24、his SCenario, We Set ambitious vowed to CatCh the Sun and Iet itIiSte n to the peoples in StrUCt ions, and better SerViCe for every one.One day, the Sun had just rise n from the sea, Kuafu take Sig nifica nt StePS from the edge of the EaSt China Sea began his daily journey.SUn in the Sky flew forwar

25、d, braggadocio on the ground as high WindS to recover。 KUafU kept ChaSing 呀 chase, hungry, PiCking a wild fruit boxes;thirsty, and holding a river mouth thirstquenching; tired, and WaS only a n ap。 HiS heart has bee n en COUragi ng ourselves: ”So on, We must CatCh UP With the sun, and peoples lives

26、will be happy. He CatCh for nine days and nine ni ghts, from the sun, closer to us, glow ing red, bur ning hot sun on his own head 啦。KUafU has CrOSSed the one Seat mountain, CrOSSed a river SeCtion, andfin ally We must CatCh UP With the SUnYU Gu。 At this time, KUafU mind extremely excited。 He may re

27、ach out to CatCh the sun, because of overexcitement, PhySiCaI and psychological haggard, SUddenly, KUafU felt dizz in ess, actually PaSSed out。 Whe n he awoke, the SUn has long gone.KUafU still not discouraged, he SUmmon the bodys Strength, She isPrePari ng to Set out. However, the closer from the s

28、un, the more intenseSUn light, KUafU feel more and more in tolerable an xiety, he felt he WaS COVered in Water have bee n evaporated, and Urge nt, he n eeds to drink plenty of water. So Stand UP and walk SOUth-east of KUafU the Yellow River, Fu XiaShen son, drank the Water Of the Yellow River, the Y

29、ellow RiVer Water WaS that he Hega n, and he WaS going to drink the Water in the Weihe River. Who kno ws, he Hega n Of the Weihe RiVer water, or not to que nch your thirst。 AS a result, he inten ded to go n orth, going to drink a large Ze water. However, the braggadocio is really tired and too thirs

30、ty, and Whe n he Went half way, the body will no Ion ger Un able to cope, and slowly fall to the ground, dead。Kuafus death, his body tur ned into a mountain。 ThiS is the braggadocio MOUntain ”,it WaS Said Lin gbao Coun ty, Henan PrOVinCe is located in the WeSt is now 35 SPirit Lake valley and the po

31、ol Where the middle valley。KUafU dropped the Cane Whe n he died, but also has become a colorfulYUnXia Taolin the same。 Taolin of the difficult terrain, and their desce ndants treat this place called the ”Taol in chai.”KUafU dead, he did not CatCh the sun。 However, the EmPerOr of HeaVe n by his SaCri

32、fice, moved by the SPirit of the brave heroes to PUniSh the sun。SinCe then, every year of his tribal days, all things flourish. Kuafus desce ndants live in KUafU Yamashita, Pare nthood, OffSPri ng, life is Very happy。7、女娲补天英文:It is Said that there WaS no man Whe n the Sky an dthe earth Were SeParat ed by Pan gu. It WaS NUWaWhO made huma n beings after her OWn model Withyellow clay。From the n on, man bega n to live in PeaCe an dhapp ines S On the

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