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1、杭州师范大学堪培拉教育领导与管理硕士项目杭州师范大学堪培拉教育领导与管理硕士项目英语入学考试模拟试卷PART A LISTENING(共30分,每小题1分)Read these notes carefully:You will hear everything twice.Write all your answers on your Answer Sheet.SECTION 1 Questions 1-8You will hear two telephone conversations.Write down one word or number in each of the numbered s

2、paces on the forms below.Conversation 1 (Questions 1-4)Renting an ApartmentRequirements: 80 pounds to (1) _ pounds a month near the university in a (2) _ street two bedrooms the kitchen and the dining room separate or (3) _Appointment: meeting at (4) _ oclock tomorrow morningConversation 2 (Question

3、s 5-8)Booking a Hotel RoomTime to stay: August 12th to (5) _ Room type: a double room, (6) _, on higher floorsPrice: $ (7) _ per night including breakfast and one (8) _ service SECTION 2 Questions 9-13You will hear five people talking about whether they write for themselves or for their readers. For

4、 questions 9 to 13, choose from the list A to F what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.9A.It all depends on the type of writing. Speaker 1 B.I always write for myself and never 10care about the readers. Speaker 2 11C.I definitely wri

5、te for myself but I try not to cause unnecessary offences. Speaker 3 12D.I actually write both for myself and for my readers. Speaker 4 13E.I have no idea at all for whom I write. Speaker 5 F.I write mostly for myself and hope for any readership.SECTION 3 Questions 14-23Look at the ten statements.Yo

6、u will hear a school proposal.Decide whether you think each statement is right, wrong or not mentioned.Mark your answers on your Answer Sheet.14. The school combines different learning philosophies.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned15. The school consists of three levels of education.A. Right B. Wro

7、ng C. Not mentioned16. There is a teacher and a teachers aid for every 14 students.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned17. The school charges a high tuition due to the good pupil/teacher ratios.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned18. Students of the same age from different classes study together in the

8、morning.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned19. Montessori method is widely adopted in preschools in the United States.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned20. Students make lunch together in the school.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned21. Some of the afternoon clubs are compulsory.A. Right B. Wrong C.

9、Not mentioned22. Students will be assigned homework after nature experiences.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned23. The idea of small class sizes is based on Classical Education approach.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentionedSECTION 4 Questions 24-30Look at the questions.You will hear a story titled Tick

10、et to Happiness.For questions 24-30, indicate which of the alternatives A, B, or C is the most appropriate response.Mark one letter A, B or C on your Answer Sheet.24. Aarons birthday is in _. A. August B. September C. October25. Before coming across Michael Teicher, the Brunses had walked the street

11、s for _. A. two hours B. three hours C. half of the day26. The lowest price for two tickets from scalpers is _.A. $175B. $350C. $52527. When finding that his father couldnt afford to buy tickets from scalpers, Aaron _. A. felt helpless B. was frustrated C. didnt complain28. Joe Podesta couldnt watch

12、 the World Series games this time because _. A. he suffered from a heart attack B. he would attend a business meeting C. he had to go through a heart surgery29. Joe Podesta required to give the ticket to people who would _. A. do something in return for his company B. be sincerely grateful for his k

13、indness C. be really excited to get them30. When Michael Teicher was a kid, he _. A. never got a chance to watch a World Series game with his father B. never asked his father to watch the World Series games with him C. got only one chance to watch a World Series game with his fatherPART B READING(共5

14、0分,每小题2分)Reading Passage 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-12 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.Right-and left-handedness in humansWhy do humans, virtually alone among all animal species, display a distinct left of right-handedness? Not even our closest relatives among the

15、apes possess such decided lateral asymmetry, as psychologists call it. Yet about 90 percent of every human population that has ever lived appears to have been right-handed. Professor Bryan Turner at Deakin University has studied the research literature on left-handedness and found that handedness go

16、es with sidedness. So nine out of the people are right-handed and eight are right-footed. He noted that this distinctive asymmetry in the human population is itself systematic. Humans think in categories: black and white, up and down, left and right. Its a system of signs that enables us to categori

17、se phenomena that are essentially ambiguous.Research has shown that there is a genetic or inherited element to handedness. But while left-handedness tends to run in families, neither left nor right handers will automatically produce off-spring with the same handedness; in fact about 6 per cent of ch

18、ildren with two right-handed parents will be left-handed. However, among two left-handed parents, perhaps 40 per cent of the children will also be left-handed. With one right and one left-handed parent, 15 to 20 per cent of the offspring will be left-handed. Even among identical twins who have exact

19、ly the same genes, one in six pairs will differ in their handedness.What then makes people left-handed if it is not simply genetic? Other factors must be at work and researchers have turned to the brain for clues. In the 1860s the French surgeon and anthropologist, Dr Paul Broca, made the remarkable

20、 finding that patients who had lost their powers of speech as a result of a stroke (a blood clot in the brain) had paralysis of the right half of their body. He noted that since the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right half of the body, and vice versa, the brain damage must have been in t

21、he brains left hemisphere. Psychologists now believe that among right-handed people, probably 95 per cent have their language centre in the left hemisphere, while 5 per cent have right-sided language. Left-handers, however, do not show the reverse pattern but instead a majority also have their langu

22、age in the left hemisphere. Some 30 per cent have right hemisphere language.Dr Brinkman, a brain researcher at the Australian National University in Canberra, has suggested that evolution of speech went with right-handed preference. According to Brinkman, as the brain evolved, one side became specia

23、lized for fine control of movement (necessary for producing speech) and along with this evolution came right-hand preference. According to Brinkman, most left-handers have left hemisphere dominance but also some capacity in the right hemisphere. She has observed that if a left-handed person is brain

24、-damaged in the left hemisphere, the recovery of speech is quite often better and this is explained by the fact that left-handers have a more bilateral speech function.In her studies of macaque monkeys, Brinkman has noticed that primates (monkeys) seem to learn a hand preference from their mother in

25、 the first year of life but this could be one hand or the other. In humans, however, the specialisation in function of the two hemispheres results in anatomical differences: areas that are involved with the production of speech are usually larger on the left side than on the right. Since monkeys hav

26、e not acquired the art of speech, one would not expect to see such a variation but Brinkman claims to have discovered a trend in monkeys towards the asymmetry that is evident in the human brain.Two American researchers, Geschwind and Galaburda, studied the brains of human embryos and discovered that

27、 the left-right asymmetry exists before birth. But as the brain develops, a number of things can affect it. Every brain is initially female in its organization and it only becomes a male brain when the male foetus begins to secrete hormones. Geschwind and Calaburda knew that different parts of brain

28、 mature at different rates; the right hemisphere develops first, then the left. Moreover, a girls brain develops somewhat faster than that of a boy. So, if something happens to the brains development during pregnancy, it is more likely to be affected in a male and the hemisphere more likely to be in

29、volved is the left. The brain may become less lateralized and this in turn could result in left-handedness and the development of certain superior skills that have their origins in the left hemisphere such as logic, rationality and abstraction. It should be no surprise then that among mathematicians

30、 and architects, left-handers tend to be more common and there are more left-handed males than females.The results of this research may be some consolation to left-handers who have for centuries lived in a world designed to suit right-handed people. However, what is alarming, according to Mr Charles

31、 Moore, a writer and journalist, is the way the word right reinforces its own virtue. Subliminally he says, language tells people to think that anything on the right can be trusted while anything on the left is dangerous or even sinister. We speak of left-handed compliments and according Moore, it is no coincidence that left-handed children, forced to use their right hand, often develop a stammer as they are robbed of their freedom o

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