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1、Unit05Quickfixsociety原文译文Text A急于求成的社会Quick Fix Society詹妮特曼德尔戈德斯坦Janet Mendell Goldstein我和老公在西弗吉尼亚州度了一周的假,刚回来。My husband and I just got back from a weeks vacation in West Virginia. 不用说,我们迫不及待地想到那里,于是便走了宾夕法尼亚收费高速公路和几条州际公路。Of course, we couldnt wait to get there, so we took the Pennsylvania Turnpike a

2、nd a couple of interstates. “看哪,那些美丽的农场!”老公高声喊道,田园景色以每小时五十五英里的速度在我们身边滑过。Look at those gorgeous farms! my husband exclaimed as pastoral scenery slid by us at 55 mph. “你看见那些奶牛了吗?”可是,每小时五十五英里的速度,很难看清任何东西。美丽的农场像移动的绿色棋盘,成群的奶牛在后视镜里缩成了几个小黑点。 “Did you see those cows?” But at 55 mph, its difficult to see any

3、thing; the gorgeous farms look like moving green checkerboards, and the herd of cows is reduced to a few dots in the rear-view mirror. 四个小时里,我们唯一真正的乐趣就是数出口的标志,还有就是想再次停车时会有什么样的感觉。For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold sti

4、ll again. I can feel how cold the water is. 我能摸出来这水有多么凉。The water feels warm. 觉得出这水是温的. This wallet feels to me like leather. 我觉得这钱包像是皮的. It feels like rain. 感觉好似要下雨.How does it feel to be alone all day? 整日单独一人感觉如何?确实,去那里看上去没多少快乐,事实上根本就没一点儿快乐。Getting there certainly didnt seem like half the fun; in

5、fact, getting there wasnt any fun at all.所以,该回费城外的家的时候,我坚持要换条路走。So, when it was time to return to our home outside of Philadelphia, I insisted that we take a different route. 我建议说:“咱们去考察一下农村吧。”结果,我们返程的两天里满是新鲜的经历。“Lets explore that countryside,” I suggested. The two days it took us to make the return

6、 trip were filled with new experiences. 我们游览了内战时的一个战场,站在了一座小山上。一百二十五年前,也是一个七月炎热的下午,一万五千名南部邦联的士兵曾努力想攻占它,不想他们当中有一半人在徒劳的尝试中身亡。We toured a Civil War battlefield and stood on the little hill that fifteen thousand Confederate soldiers had tried to take on another hot July afternoon, one hundred and twenty

7、-five years ago, not knowing that half of them would get killed in the vain attempt. 我们驾车缓慢地驶过宾夕法尼亚安静的德国城的主要街道,将速度降至每小时二十英里,以免和去赶集的马匹和马车挤在一起。We drove slowly through main streets of sleepy Pennsylvania Dutch towns, slowing to twenty miles an hour so as not to crowd the horses and horse carriages on t

8、heir way to market. 在县城的博物馆里,我们欣赏了玩具火车和老式汽车;在工厂的直销商店里购物,省了七成的钱。We admired toy trains and antique cars in county museums and saved 70 percent in factory outlets. 在农户的自助餐厅里,我们饱饱地吃了一顿香料沙拉和家庭自制面包,而后便在外边闲逛,享受着阳光,欣赏着卧在阳光里的成群奶牛这时可不是小黑点了。We stuffed ourselves with spicy salads and homemade bread in an all-yo

9、u-can-eat farmhouse restaurant, then wandered outside to enjoy the sunshine and the herds of cowsno little dots this time lying in it. 我们回到家里,恢复了精力,也恢复了活力,还又一次受到教育。这回到那儿确实是快乐啊。We returned home refreshed, revitalized, and reeducated. This time, getting there had been the fun.毫无特色的收费高速公路和州际公路成了我们许多人的专

10、门选择,这是为什么呢?Why is it that the featureless turnpikes and interstates are the routes of choice for so many of us? 大家为什么不试着放慢速度,去考察一下农村呢?Why doesnt everybody try slowing down and exploring the countryside? 可是,越来越多的情况是,快车道看来成了我们要走的唯一道路。But more and more, the fast lane seems to be the only way for us to

11、go. 实际上,大多数美国人总是匆匆忙忙而且不光是在从甲地赶到乙地这样的事上。In fact, most Americans are constantly in a hurryand not just to get from Point A to Point B. 我们的国家已经变成了一个追求速战速决的国家不止在一个方面。Our country has become a nation in search of the quick fixin more ways than one.不要将来,只求现在:从前,美国人明白“好事多磨”的道理。我们从每次的收入里拿出一小部分,以备不时之需。Now ins

12、tead of later: Once upon a time, Americans understood the principle of deferred gratification (被推迟的满足). We put a little of each paycheck away for a rainy day. 如果我们想要一个新沙发,或者在湖边的小屋里过上一周,我们就为此攒些钱。银行则会提供特别的圣诞购物储蓄账户和度假储蓄账户帮我们渡过难关。If we wanted a new sofa or a week at a lakeside cabin, we saved up for it,

13、 and the banks helped us out by providing special Christmas Club and Vacation Club accounts. Christmas Club:美为圣诞节购买东西的圣诞储蓄金Vacation Club:美为度假准备的零存整用储蓄金如果我们住在乡下,地方合适,就种下玉米和豆子,耐心地等待着收获。If we lived in the right part of the country, we planted corn and beans and waited patiently for the harvest. 如果我们想要瘦

14、一些,我们就少吃一些最喜爱的食物,耐心地等着磅秤降下来,一次降一磅。If we wanted to be thinner, we simply ate less of our favorite foods and waited patiently for the scale to drop, a pound at a time.可是现在,我们没有这份耐心了。我们不攒钱了,而是去贷款;我们用信用卡去买家具、去度假旅行眼下要放松,以后再付钱。But today we arent so patient. We take out loans instead of making deposits, or

15、 we use our credit card to get that furniture or vacation triprelax now, pay later. 我们买食品也像买衣服一样,都是已经弄好的,现成的。We buy our food, like our clothing, ready-made and off the rack. 如果我们急着要减轻体重,就试用最新的神奇套餐,它保证能在十天之内减去十磅除非我们很有钱,可以去做吸脂手术。If were in a hurry to lose weight, we try the latest miracle diet, guaran

16、teed to take away ten pounds in ten days . unless were rich enough to afford liposuction.不要缓慢,只求快速:我们不但现在就要,我们甚至不想被动地等待。Faster instead of slower: Not only do we want it now; we dont even want to be kept waiting for it. 这种急躁、“讨厌等待”的普遍心态已经影响了我们生活的各个层面。This general impatience, the I-hate-to-wait attitu

17、de, has infected every level of our lives. 我们用二十秒从自动取款机里取出二十元钱,而不会去银行排队等候。Instead of standing in line at the bank, we withdraw twenty dollars in as many seconds from an automatic teller machine. as many: He made six mistakes in as many paragraphs他在6段里错了6处。We saw three films in as many days. 我们三天里看了三

18、部电影。I waited for seven minutes; they seemed to me as many hours我等了7分钟,但对我来说,就像等了7个小时。而后我们拿着这快速取出的钱去一家快捷的便利商店为什么在超市里排队呢?,购买已经全部包好、随时可放进微波炉的速冻晚餐除非我们不介意等那么长时间买些快餐来代替。Then we take our fast money to a fast convenience store (why wait in line at the supermarket?), where we buy a frozen dinner all wrapped

19、up and ready to be put into the microwave . unless we dont care to wait even that long and pick up some fast food instead. I shall go there tomorrow unless Im too busy.除非我太忙,否则明天我将到那里去。明天我将到那里去,除非我太忙。如果我不太忙,明天将到那儿去。Unless you go at once you will be late.除非你马上走,否则你会迟到的。你会迟到啦,除非你马上走。如果你不马上走,就会迟到的。We b

20、uy a frozen dinner all wrapped up and ready to be put into the microwave . unless we dont care to wait even that long and pick up some fast food instead. 我们购买已经全部包好、随时可放进微波炉的速冻晚餐除非我们不介意愿意等很长时间买些快餐来代替。如果我们不愿意等很长时间买些快餐来代替,我们就购买已经全部包好、随时可放进微波炉的速冻晚餐假设吃了快餐感觉不适,我们赶紧去药箱里找药,为了你猜对了找点快速镇痛剂药。If our fast meal d

21、oesnt agree with us, we hurry to the medicine cabinet foryou guessed itsome fast relief. 牛津:doctors working for the relief of suffering, hardship, etc 为解除病痛、痛苦等而工作的医生我们喜欢快照,于是就购买宝丽来拍立得照相机。We like fast pictures, so we buy Polaroid cameras. 我们喜欢快捷的娱乐,于是便用录像机将最喜爱的电视节目录制下来。We like fast entertainment, so

22、 we record our favorite TV show on the VCR. 我们也喜欢能快速传送的信息,例如电脑屏幕上闪现的消息、从你的 机传到我的 机上的文件、“目击者新闻”节目里九十秒快速时事报道,以及浓缩成“二百年难忘瞬间”的历史。We like our information fast, too: messages flashed on a computer screen, documents faxed from your telephone to mine, current events in 90-second bursts on Eyewitness News, h

23、istory reduced to Bicentennial Minutes. burst: a burst of anger, enthusiasm, etc怒火、热情等的迸发;a burst of applause 一阵欢呼bursts of news: 新闻快速广播作为象征,“美国之鹰”正在为“邮政速递”飞翔。有谁还敢让美国多等一晚上?Symbolically, the American eagle now flies for Express Mail. How dare anyone keep America waiting longer than overnight?不要透彻,只求浅

24、薄:而且,我们甚至不想彻底了解一个事物。Superficially instead of thoroughly: Whats more, we dont even want all of it. 以前,我们仔细阅读经典小说或最新畅销书的每一个词,而现在,由于越快就越好,我们读浓缩版的书,或者把书的录音磁带放进汽车的录音机里,在上班的路上收听。Once, we lingered over every word of a classic novel or the latest best seller. Today, since faster is better, we read the conde

25、nsed version or put a tape of the book into our cars tape player to listen to on the way to work. 要么就是去买克利夫笔记,尤其当我们是学生时。这样我们就根本不用去阅读原书了。Or we buy the Cliffs Notes, especially if we are students, so we dont have to deal with the book at all. Cliffs Notes: a series of reference books written to help u

26、ndergraduate students to understand and appreciate important literary works. It consists of a chapter-by-chapter detailed summary and comment on the work, critical commentary, and essay questions and answers for review. With such notes, the students dont have to read the work itself to be able to wr

27、ite papers and take exams.一套学习指南丛书,其中包括文学、写作、外语、数学、科学等课程,以及备考和大学课程的学习指南与参考。以前,我们聆听贝多芬第五交响曲的每一个音符。而现在,我们没有那个时间了;作为代替,我们可以从古典音乐精华片断CD上欣赏那段“哒哒哒嘟”主旋律的二十六秒长的片段,CD上还有九十九个同样著名乐曲的选段。Once, we listened to every note of Beethovens Fifth Symphony. Today, we dont have the time; instead, we can enjoy 26 seconds o

28、f that famous da-da-da-DUM themeand 99 other musical excerpts almost as famouson our Greatest Moments of the Classic CD. Beethoven beituvn n. 贝多芬 (Ludwigvan, 1770-1827, 德国作曲家)Fifth Symphony:第五交响乐,即“命运交响曲”。毕竟,既然有人已经选择出最优秀的部分,为我们省去了的麻烦,干嘛还要浪费四十五分钟去听整首曲子呢?After all, why waste 45 minutes listening to th

29、e whole thing when someone else has saved us the trouble of picking out the best parts? 像读者文摘这样的杂志上的文章,到我们手里时已经被缩简了。因为有了今日美国报,简要报道的新闻比以前更简单了。Our magazine articles come to us pre-digested in Readers Digest. Our news briefings, thanks to USA Today, are more brief than ever. USA Today今日美国报: 主要有四大特点。一是专


31、就是没时间。Even our personal relationships have become compressed. Instead of devoting large parts of our days to our loved ones, we replace them with something called quality time, which, more often than not, is no time at all. quality time: time spent giving your full attention to sb, especially to you

32、r children after work 在我们匆匆忙忙地看书,再去听音乐、读新闻、与人交往的同时,我们没有认识到,我们是在依照“冰山原理”过日子仅仅注意了冰山的顶端,而无视了隐蔽在水面下的那九分之八的部分。As we rush from book to music to news item to relationship, we do not realize that we are living our lives by the iceberg principlepaying attention only to the top and ignoring the 8/9 that lies just bel

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