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1、鼠来宝3完整中英文对照剧本鼠来宝3完整中英文对照剧本Okay.All right, one, two, three好了 1 2 3Guys! One孩子们 1 Hold on.Guys, freeze! 孩子们 别动! Wheres Alvin? Hey, Dave.艾尔文在哪 嘿 戴夫! Where have you been? Where have I been? 你去哪了 我去哪了 Trying to board the ship.我正要上船 Already done that.Also, checked out our room, 我已经上船了 还检查了一下房间 dibbed the

2、side of the bed closest to the dow, 占好了床上靠窗的那边 ordered us a round of virgin pina coladas 给咱们预定了饮料 and signed us up for parasailing.而且 我还报名玩滑翔翼 Alvin, youre too young for parasailing.艾尔文 你太小了玩不了滑翔翼 I thought we were going on vacation to have fun.我以为我们假期是出来玩的 Dont worry, family vacations are all about

3、 fun.别担心 全家度假就是出来玩的 But first were gonna need to set some rules.首先我们得定一些规则 Lets start with you cant call dibs 首先t;还没人进房间 on a bed until everyones in the room.你不能先进去占床位t; Good rule.Thats right.好规则 好 Thats a good one, Simon.All right, so thats our first rule.主意不错 西蒙 好了 这就是第一条 Should we go over the res

4、t of them? 需要我们再说其他的吗 Dave, e on.t;Rulest; is my middle name.戴夫 拜托 要知道t;规矩t;是我的小名 Hey, Dave.Alvin! 嘿 戴夫! 艾尔文 This is your captain speaking.这里是你们的船长 All kids are now allowed to play 所有的小孩现在被获准 on the adults only Serenity Deck.去贵宾区 Alvin! 艾尔文 Alvin! 艾尔文! We talked about setting rules, Alvin.咱们得谈谈规定 艾尔

5、文 Im sorry.对不起 I didnt know the agreement meant no fun.我不知道规则没乐趣 Youre allowed to have fun.你当然可以去玩 When are you going to s acting like a child? 你什么时候能不那么孩子气 When are you going to s treating me like a child? 你何时才能不把我看成孩子 Ill s treating you like a child 要我不把你当成个孩子 when you start acting like a grown up

6、! 除非你的行为能像个大人 Ill start acting like a grown up when you start想让我做的像个大人你必须Hey, girls, not now, please.OK? 姑娘们 等会 好吗 Sorry, Dave.抱歉 I need to get ready for dinner with the captain.我得准备好和船长共进晚餐 Were having dinner with the captain? 我们要和船长共进晚餐 No, I am.Youre staying here.不是 只有我 你们留在这 I have to go apologi

7、ze for everything Alvin did.我得去为艾尔文做的所有事道歉 This is so not fair.Not to us, not to Dave, 这太不公平了 对我们 对戴夫 and certainly not to the captain, 而且当然也对船长 who Im sure was really looking forward to dining with me.我确信他肯定很遗憾没能和我共进晚餐 Why dont I go speak with Dave? 为啥不让我去和戴夫谈谈 See if I can smooth things over.说不定能缓

8、解一下 Knock knock.有人吗 What is it, Simon? 怎么 西蒙 Well, I would never say this to Alvin.好吧 我没这么说过艾尔文 Goodness knows he can be totally irresponsible, 谁都知道他一点都不可靠 but I actually have a suggestion.不过 我有个建议 You have a suggestion for me? 你要给我建议 Hes been driving me crazy a lot longer than hes been driving you

9、crazy.他惹我发疯的时间可远比你长 All right.So what is it? 好吧 说 Imagine Alvin is a spirited racehorse.把艾尔文想像成一匹烈马 Thats your advice? 就这个 No.Im not done yet, Dave.等下 我没说完 戴夫 All right, so Alvin is a racehorse好吧 艾尔文是匹马 And you, Dave, are his incredibly helpful jockey 而你 戴夫 是一个巨牛叉的骑手 whos there to guide him down the

10、 racetrack of life.正准备把他驯服听你的话 But if you hold the reins too tight, 但是如果你把缰绳套的太牢 that racehorse is going to fight and buck, 那匹烈马就会反抗 然后捣乱 which is no fun for anyone.这对谁都没有好处 But if you loosen the reins just a little但如果你稍微放松一下Hell fly right off the track and crash into the fence.他就会冲出大道然后陷到沼泽里 I know

11、 you want to protect Alvin, 我知道你想保护艾尔文但是 but, Dave, sometimes kids will rise to the occasion 戴夫 孩子会在假期里成长 if you just show them a little trust.只要你信任他们 All right, guys, room service is on its way.Lights out by 9:00.好了孩子们 客房服务就要来了 9 点要熄灯睡觉 Dave, question.戴夫 有个问题 If were going to be held captive in thi

12、s room如果我们不得不留在房间Because of Alvin! 因为艾尔文 Can we at least watch a movie? 至少能看个电影吧 All right, lets see whats on.好吧 看看有什么 You know what, why dont you guys pick a movie? 这样 你们咋不自己选一个 Youre old enough to make your own decision.你们知道自己想要什么 For real, Dave? 真的吗 戴夫 Absolutely.当然 Ooh! Dave looks so elegant.戴夫好

13、潇洒啊 Have fun! 好好玩 Wait, Dave, before you go, I made something for you.等下 戴夫 走之前 我想给你点东西 Wow, its really哇哦 这真是Its soft so you can sleep in it 这很软 能当枕头 and I made it with all the colors, so it will go with everything! 而且亓颜六色 所以你做什么都能好运 Great.Ill put it on after dinner.不错 我晚饭后就戴上 You could put it on no

14、w, so everyone at the captains table could see it.你现在就可以戴上 这样餐桌上的人都能看见了 Nice.很好 A real chick mag.很有t;气氛t; All right, guys, have fun.好了伙计们 玩得开心 But not too much fun, because Im still very upset.但别太嗨 因为我还是很不爽 Goodbye, Dave.走好 戴夫 And, hello, ladies! 晚上好 女士们 I like my tail shaken, not stirred.老子今晚要爽 不只是

15、嗨 Where are you going? 你要去哪 To the casino.Im feeling lucky.娱乐场 我觉得今晚有好运 Oh, no.No, no, no, no.Dave said哦别 别别别 戴夫说 Dave said, and I te, 戴夫说 我t;Were old enough to make our own decisions.t; 我们知道自己想要什么 He meant we were old enough to choose a film! 他是说我们知道要看什么电影 Well, were clearly not.Check out what Theo

16、dore just picked.显然不知道 看看希欧多尔选了什么 Whats wrong with this movie? 这个怎么了 Its for babies! 那是给婴儿的 Which is probably why Dave treats us like babies.就像是戴夫对待我们一样 当我们是孩子 Munk up, Theodore.成熟点 希欧多尔 There.Thats more like it.这个 这才像回事 Alvin, please! 艾尔文 求你了! I say we go to Salsa Night! 我说 咱们去震撼这个夜晚 In our pajamas

17、? 穿着睡衣 Oh, I know! 哦 我有办法 Alvin! 艾尔文! Alvin! Alvin! 艾尔文! 艾尔文! And we have a ner.恭喜这位赢家 Ellie, I love these dresses! 埃莉诺 我爱这裙子 Youre so crafty.你真有才 Thanks.Its what I do.谢谢 这就是我的水准 Ow! Oh! Sorry! 哦 抱歉 Ew! What are you? 你 你是什么 We are the Chipettes.我们是花鼠美眉 Hi, Im Eleanor! 你好 我是埃莉诺 My sister was just try

18、ing to apologize.我的妹妹正想道歉 Whats she sorry for? Stepping on my friends foot? 为什么 踩我朋友的脚 Or her busted, tired little dance moves? 还是为了她那糟糕的舞步 Oh, no, you didnt! 哦 你不敢 Oh, yes, she did! 哦 当然敢 You better get those Lee Press Ons out of my face 你最好赶紧把那个假指甲从我脸上拿开 unless you want to meet my claws.否则让你尝尝我的爪子

19、 And, yeah, baby, theyre real.没错 它们可是真的 Do you wanna go? Hit it! 想比试比试吗 放音乐 Captain, Im really sorry about what hened.船长 我对发生的事情感到抱歉 Alvin, hes a kid.Hes just trying to have some fun.艾尔文 他是个孩子 他只是想找点乐子 Theres nothing wrong with fun.找乐子没有错 Our pelican makes sure that everybody on the ship has fun.我们的

20、鸭子可以让船上每一个人取乐 In fact, in port, he circles the ship on a hang glider.事实上 他驾着悬挂式滑翔机在港口绕穿飞行 Its really quite amusing.还真挺搞笑的 However, my number one priority is the passengers safety.但是我的第一准则就是保证游客的安全 So I simply cannot have Alvin put himself, or anyone else, at risk again.所以我不能让艾尔文再拿自己或是任何人冒险 Believe m

21、e, I understand.相信我 我明白 If Alvin breaks any more of our rules, there will be consequences.如果艾尔文再闯什么祸 他就会被驱逐下船 The last thing we want is anyone getting hurt.只要没有人受伤就好 E_cuse me.抱歉 Sorry.对不起 Hot! 烫! Unbelievable.Gravy pants.真不可思议 肉汁裤子 Hey.hey! 嘿 嘿! Do you have a problem with me? 你对我有意见吗 You bet I have

22、 a problem with you.当然对你有意见 Why? As if you didnt know.为什么 别装不知道 I dont know.我真不知道 Ian? What are you doing here? 伊恩 你在这干嘛 Im working, Dave.我在工作 戴夫 This is your job? 你就干这个 Yeah, not too many record labels are interested in hiring the guy 是啊 没几个唱片公司乐意雇用一个 who blew it with the Chipmunks, blew it with th

23、e Chipettes 弄丢了花鼠 放跑了花鼠美眉 and passed on Justin Bieber.还错过了贾斯汀比伯的人 Twice.两次 Look, Ian, Im sorry you lost your job and your dignity.伊恩 我很抱歉你丢了工作和你的身份地位 But spilling things, hot things, on me 但是往我身上泼东西 还很烫 isnt going to bring any of that stuff back.也弄不回来这些东西 Youre right, Dave.Its too late for me to get

24、 my old life back.没错 戴夫 想回到我原来的生活太晚了 But its not too late to ruin yours.但是破坏你的 还不晚 You want to ruin my life? 你想破坏我的生活 Why dont we just start with this vacation? 从这个度假开始吧 If I see those chipmunks break so much as one rule, 如果被我发现花栗鼠破坏了什么规定 哪怕一件! Im going straight to Captain Correlli.我立刻去打你的小报告 Youre

25、in my house now! 你在我的地盘上 Although, technically its not a house, its a ship.当然 这不是地 是艘船 The point is, Ill be watching you.重点是 我会盯着你 Like a hawk! 随时随地 Theodore? 希欧多尔 Please dont eat my brain! 求你了 别吃我的脑子 Why are you watching Jungle Monster 4? 为什么你在看丛林野怪 4 Alvin, how could you艾尔文 你怎么能Alvin? 艾尔文 Simon? 西

26、蒙 Girls? 姑娘们 Oh, no.No, no, no, no, no, no, no! 哦 不 不不不 Ill be right back! 我马上回来 Its dark.变黑了 Youre up for an International Music Award.Thats fantastic! 你去参加世界音乐大赛 太厉害了 Yeah, its pretty cool.是啊 算是比较不错吧 I guess.If you like a lot of adulation.如果你喜欢太多的阿谀奉承 We fly there right after the cruise.我们等所有人到齐了再

27、去 Hoping to take home Record of the Year.估计能拿个t;年度最佳唱片t;回来吧 That would make you the youngest ner ever.那会让你成为最年轻的获胜者 Im not that young.我没那么小 I mean, Im hanging out in a casino way past my bedtime.你看 睡觉时间我还在娱乐场 Not that I have a bedtime! 不是那个睡觉时间 No one tells me what to do.没人能管我干什么 Alvin! 艾尔文 Whos Ala

28、n, I wonder? 奇怪 谁是艾尔文 Anyway嗯 Id love to chat more, but Ive gotta run.很高兴和你聊天 不过我得走了 Youre in a lot of trouble, young man! 你有的受了 年轻人 You can follow me on Critter! 你可以加我好友 Alvin! Alvin! 艾尔文 艾尔文 Simon? 西蒙 I wasnt betting.Honest.我没赌博 真的 Your nings, sir.你赢了 先生 Oh, busted! 露馅咯 I didnt sneak out.I mean, I

29、 did.But only to s Alvin.我没遛出来 我是说 我遛出来了 只是为了找艾尔文 Right.是吗 There they are, Captain.他们在那 船长 Captain.船长 Whats he going to do, make us walk the plank? 他能怎么样 让我们走跳板吗 Theres a plank? 有跳板 No, theres no plank, but if you guys disobey me one more time, 没有什么跳板 但是如果你们几个在违反一次规定 you will be off the ship.你们都会被驱逐

30、下船 And youll miss the International Music Awards.Do you understand? 而且会错过你们的t;国际音乐大赛t; 你们懂吗 Yes, Dave.Uh huh.知道了 戴夫 嗯 Absolutely.懂了 What if we need to disobey you? 如果我们t;需要t;违反你怎么办 And why would you need to do that? 为什么你们t;需要t; Well, lets say that you tell me to stay put.嗯 比如 你先说 t;Alvin, if you mov

31、e from that chair, youre grounded!t; t;艾尔文 如果你离开那个椅子 你就死定了t; But then I hen to see pirates 但是 我看到了海盗 climbing up ropes, ever so stealthy, from the side of the ship.爬上绳子 从一侧偷偷的遛上船 Now, it would be easy for me to take my trusty old Swiss Army knife and cut the ropes.现在 要我用我的瑞士刀割断绳子易如反掌 But I have to stay put.Or do I? 但是我必须坐在这 我该怎么办 Yes, Alvin, you do.你可以动 And what are you doing with a pocket knife? 但是你拿瑞士刀干嘛 What pocket knife are you referring to? 你说什么瑞士刀 e on, give it to me.You could cut yourself.快 给我 你会切到自己的 So, I could have saved the whole ship from robbag

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