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裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第54课.docx

1、裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第54课Lesson 54 sticky fingers 粘糊的手指【New words and expressions】(14) sticky adj. 粘的 finger n. 手指pie n. 馅饼 mix v. 混合,拌和pastry n. 面糊 annoying adj. 恼人的receiver n. 电话的话筒 dismay v. 失望,泄气recognize v. 认出,听出 persuade v. 说服,劝说mess n. 乱七八糟 doorknob n. 门把手sign v. 签字 register v. 挂号邮寄一單詞講解: sticky adj.

2、 粘的同義詞adhesive, tacky, gluey, glutinous變化形 形變stickierstickieststicky fingers covered with jam meet a sticky end 口落得不好的下場,得到極不愉快的結果惨結末stick n.棍,手杖collect dry sticks to make a firewalking-stick 手杖the carrot and the stick 胡蘿蔔與棍子,獎賞與懲罰、軟硬兼施政策cancer-stick 香煙、香煙(因吸煙易患癌症,故名) vt. 插於, 刺入, 豎起eg:The needle stu

3、ck in my finger. vi. 釘住, 粘貼, 堅持 stick a stamp on a letter eg:The glue doesnt stick very well . 這種膠水粘不住 glue glu: n.膠,膠水 vt.膠合,粘貼stick to sth 堅持做某事eg:Never say die , Stick to it!stick together(stay together)團結一致,互相支持、呆在一起stick at(keep on doing sth)繼續努力做,堅持幹stick sth up(口) 用槍脅迫(某處) 的人以便行搶stick up a ba

4、nk 、stick up a post office 持槍搶劫銀行、郵局等sticky fingers n. 偷竊習慣(接球能力) 、粘糊的手指 finger n. 手指同義詞touch, handle, feel, manipulate 反義詞thumb, toe變化形 名複fingers 變化形 動變fingeredfingeredfingeringeg:She is very clever with her finger . 她的手藝靈巧eg:He cut his finger on broken glass.cross ones fingers keep ones fingers cr

5、ossed 祈求好運、交叉手指eg:Im keeping my fingers crossed that youll win the game .我雙手合十祈求好運,你會贏得這場比賽shake ones finger 用食指點某人(表示責備、警告、威脅等)、表達憤怒、朝某人晃手指 thumb大拇指 ; index finger食指 (index n vi vt)middle finger中指 ; ring finger无名指little finger小指 ; toe 脚趾 pie n. 馅饼 mix v. 混合,拌和 、使混和, 攙和(+with)同義詞stir, join, blend, c

6、ombine 反義詞scatter, separate, divide變化形 動變mixedmixedmixing 變化形 名複mixesmix cocktails 調雞尾酒mix Bloody Mary 血瑪麗混合物eg:The chemist mixed some medicine for me . 藥劑師給我配了些藥. mix butter and flour mix butter with flourmixed adj. 混合的, 形形色色的, 弄糊塗的mixed doubles 男女混合雙打 、(男女)混合mixture n.混合;混合物mixer 攪拌機 (口) 交際的人 eg:H

7、e is a good / bed mixer. 善於/不善於交際的人 pastry n. 麵糊 變化形 名複pastries n. 麵糊 ,(u) 醬糊(黏貼某物用) 同義詞 :glue膠水 v. 塗醬糊 、 黏貼某物eg:She pasted posters onto the wall . 她把海報貼在牆上了pastry (c)(u) 麵糊、糕點annoying adj. 恼人的(irritate iriteitvt.使惱怒,使煩燥;使不適,使疼痛) eg:His constant sniffing annoys me . 他不停地抽鼻子使我心煩 sniff snif v.用力吸入;嗅,聞

8、 n.吸氣(聲);嗅,聞eg:The mosquitoes annoyed me so much that I couldnt sleep .annoying adj. 令人煩惱的 、令人生氣的annoyed adj. 感到煩惱的、感到生氣的eg:He got very annoyed with me about my annoying !I left my wallet at home .真討厭!我把我的錢包留在家裡了eg:Nothing could have been more annoying . 沒有什麼比這更令人惱火了 receiver n.

9、电话的话筒、收款員, 接待者同義詞recipient, beneficiary, legatee, grantee反義詞transmitter, sender 變化形 名複receiverspick up the receiver 接電話;聽電話put down the receiver hung up the receiver receive vt.收到;受到;接待,接見,歡迎dismay 同義詞bewilder, disturb, embarrass, bother反義詞cheer 變化形 動變dismayeddismayeddismaying v. 失望,泄气 be dismayed a

10、t . 對.感到沮喪。eg:She was dismayed at the news . 她得知消息感到很沮喪eg:We were dismayed at his refusal . 我們被他拒絕感到沮喪 n.氣餒;驚恐to ones dismay 使人沮喪的是 、令(人)感到害怕地 recognize 認出, 識別; 認識(+as)同義詞acknowledge, see, behold, know變化形 動變recognizedrecognizedrecognizing v. 认出,听出(不用進行時) recognize a tune 認出一聽過的歌曲(舊相識)、聽出一首聽過的曲子recog

11、nize an old friend 認出一個老朋友recognize your voice 識別出你的聲音, 認可, 承認,eg:Everybody recognized that he was the most diligent in our class. diligent dilidnt a.勤勉的,勤奮的每個人都承認,他是我們班上最勤奮的eg:We all recognized her talent for dancing .我們都認可她的天賦跳舞eg:They recognized him to be a great leader .他們認可他是一位偉大的領袖 persuade v.

12、 說服, 勸服(+into/out of).同義詞convince, convert, induce, win over反義詞dissuade 變化形 動變persuadedpersuadedpersuadingpersuade sb to do sth 勸說某人做某事eg:She finally persuaded her son to go to college .她終於說服了她兒子去上大學persuade sb into doing sth 說服某人做某事eg:He persuaded me into lending him all my savings.他說服我把我所有的積蓄借給了他p

13、ersuade sb out of doing sth 說服某人不做某事 Persuade sb out of(doing) sth 說服某人不要做某事eg:We persuaded him out of his foolish plan.我們勸他放棄他的愚蠢的計劃persuade sb of 使信服、使同意eg:He tried to persuade me of his innocence .他設法讓我想信他是無辜的persuade sb that 使某人相信eg:Will you persuade him that he has made the wrong decision ?你們能不

14、能使他相信,他已經做出了錯誤的決定?try to persuade sb to do 試圖說服某人做某事convince sb to do 說服某人做某事reason with sb 為反對或贊成和某人評理persuasion pswein n.說服(力),勸說;信念,信仰eg:It is my persuasion that business will pick up soon .我的見解是生意會好轉的 Business will pick up soon 生意快會好起來了a persuasive opinion 有說服力的意見 mess 伙食團; 食堂; 集體用膳人員; 伙食C.同義詞di

15、rty, disfigure, contaminate, pollute變化形 名複messes 變化形 動變messedmessedmessing n. 乱七八糟eg:The kitchen is a mess!eg:My life is a real mess !我的生活是一團糟!eg:You are a mess. 你真是個笨蛋!eg:What a mess ! 真是糟糕透了!be at sixes and sevens 亂七八糟;七嘴八舌;眾說紛紜 v. mess around / mess about 浪費時間, 瞎混 doorknob n. 球形门把手doorbell n. 門鈴

16、; doornail n. 門釘as dead as a doornail(口)死翹翹!door plate 門上注意牌 ; doorstep n.門階 ; doorman n.看門人knob nb n.球形把手,球形柄;旋鈕;小塊turn a knob 轉動旋鈕sign 同義詞symbol, gesture, signal, symptom變化形 名複signs 變化形 動變signedsignedsigning n.標記,符號;招牌;跡象the sign of a barbers shop barbers shop(hairdressers) 理髮店a traffic sign 交通標志

17、v. 签字eg:He sighed the check. 在支票签字eg:Please sign here . 請在這兒簽字sign a legislative bill into law . 簽署立法法案成為法律 legislative ledisltiv vi.有立法權的sign for 簽收register 同義詞record, inscribe, write, enroll 變化形 名複registers變化形 動變registeredregisteredregistering v. 登記,注冊,申報 register at a hotel check in 登記入住旅館registe

18、r ones car 登記一輛汽車register the birth of a child 登記小孩的出生register at a school 注冊入學 登記簿,花名冊Ca household register 戶口登記簿 ;a hotel register 旅館旅客登記簿 keep a register of their names and addresses 登記他們的姓名和地址 v. 挂号邮寄a registered letter 掛號信registered post recorded delivery n. 掛號郵寄, 掛號投遞registration 登記(或注冊、掛號)人數C

19、eg:The university has a large registration of Chinese students .這所大學有許多在冊的中國學生automobile registration 自動車登録証明書 、車輛登記motor registration 機動車登記二Key structures: a 、the 、some 、anysome 和any 表示不定數量的代詞,相當於一些講時some 多用於肯定句 ; any 多用於否定句、疑問句eg:Did you get any information?你有沒有得什麼消息了嗎?I want some information. 我想要

20、一些消息Exercise :用some和any填空: Did you do any work yesterday?I did some work before breakfast . Is there any news in the paper ?There is some interesting news in the paper. the 在英文中,不分形容詞前加定冠詞the ,用來表是一個群體:the rich , the poor , the dead , the living , the strong the weak , the sick , the healthy , the o

21、ld the young , the blind , the deaf , the new eg:He was very poor before , but now he is a rich man .eg:The rich should the poor , 形容詞的最高級必須帶定冠詞 the (用most 構成的最高級當然也不列外), 但most當大多數,大部分講時,則不帶定冠詞:eg:It is the biggest shop in London .eg:It is the most interesting exhibition I have ever seen .Most peopl

22、e enjoy it . 這是我所見過的最有趣的展覽,大部分人都喜歡它。 the 的最常用用法是和名詞連用,表是某個或某特定的人或東西:eg:We must catch the next bus .eg:This is the head of our delegation . 這是我國代表團團長 第二次提到某東西(甚至和他有關的東西) 時常加定冠詞:eg:He bought a TV and a video recorder , but he returned the video recorder .eg:She bought a bicycle , but when she rode it

23、one of the wheels came off . came off 甩掉、脫落她買了一輛自行車,她騎上去時一個輪子掉了 另外在某些短語中,名詞前必須加定冠詞thehit sb on the chin 打某人的下巴 chin tin n.下巴,頦pull sb by the hair 拉某人的頭髮go to the cathedral 去教堂go to the cinema ; go to the theatergo to the office ; be at the office(be at work)play the piano 但有些短語不加定冠詞:go to school , g

24、o to church ; go to college , go to market go to bed , go to sea ; go to court 打官司go to work去上班, be at work 在工作 、在上班go to hospital 入院 、住院 、去醫院看病 ,be in hospital 在住院 (狀態) go to prison去坐牢 、入獄 , be in prison 在獄中 、在坐牢Exercise:在必要處選擇冠詞填空:1)She was born deaf and blind . 她生來又聾又瞎2)Take care of the wounded .

25、 注意照顧受傷人員 wounded 形 : 負傷3)A / The horse is a useful animal .4)He gave me a pat on the back . 他拍了一下我的背。 pat pt v./ n.輕拍(打) a.非常恰當的,適時的5)Aunty is taking my sister out for a walk .6)I often go to the cinema and the theater .7)We need a new cinema .8) The sun is down.9) most shops are closed on Saturday

26、 afternoon .【Text】What two interruptions did the writer have?After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops. It was still early when I returned home. The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. So I decided to make some meat pies. In a sh

27、ort time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. It took m

28、e ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the doorknobs. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead. This time it was the postman and he want

29、ed me to sign for a registered letter!三課文講解: After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops. 早饭后, 我送孩子们上学, 然后就去了商店. breakfast(break打破+ fast絕食) ,打破了前晚開始絕食的行為,即早餐breakfast , lunch , supper , dinner 前通常不加冠詞be at breakfast 在吃早飯eg:What did you eat for breakfast . 你早飯吃的什麼?brea

30、kfast 加上形容詞或形容詞性的詞時,前面要加不定冠詞:have a light breakfast 吃一頓簡單的早餐 、have a good breakfast 吃一頓豐盛的早餐meal n.膳食,一餐,一頓(飯);進餐,進餐時間 have a meal進餐 、吃頓飯breakfast ; lunch brunch 早午餐(遲吃的早餐,用以代替午餐)supper n.晚餐 ; dinner n.正餐,主餐;宴會 sent sb to school 送.上學 ; school 前不加定冠詞go to school 去上學 ; go to the shops 逛商店(買東西)go shopping 購物It was still early when I returned home. The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. So I decided to make some meat pies.我回到家时, 时间还早. 孩子们在上学, 我丈夫在上班, 家里清静得很. 于

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