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新牛津深圳版八年级英语上册Unit8 精编学案与习题.docx

1、新牛津深圳版八年级英语上册Unit8 精编学案与习题Unit 8 English Week 精编学案与习题 词汇清单:1. speech 演说2. notice 能告3. competition 比赛4. treasure 珍宝5. text 文本6. chance 机会7. confidently 自信地8. winner 优胜者9. whole 整个的10. suggestion建议11. communicate 沟能12. whenever 任何时候13. rich 富有的14. poor 贫穷的15. hide 隐藏16. attack 袭击17. shy 羞怯的18. choose

2、选择19. else 其他的20. spoken English 英语口语21. treasure hunt 寻宝游戏22. in public 公开地23. put on 上演;穿上24. in my opinion 在我看来25. above all 最重要的26. look out 小心;当心27. be careful 小心28. ought to 应该29. sweep the floor 扫地30. turn off 关闭31. belong to 属于32. pull out 拉出来33. make a speech做演讲 知识拓展notice sb doing sth. (动作

3、正在进行)notice sb do sth. (动作经常发生)compete v. 参加比赛competitor n. 参赛选手competition n. 竞赛(contest,match,game,race)chance = opportunity 机会(1) by chance=by accident (2) take ones chance 碰运气,听天由命(3) get a chance 有机会be fun to do sth. 做某事有趣It must be fun to hang out with friends. 和朋友们在外边闲逛一定很有趣。have fun doing 愉快

4、地做某事We had great fun playing in the waves. 我们在海浪中尽情地玩耍。above all 最重要的是after all 毕竟first of all 首先take off 摘下,脱下put off 推迟,拖延pull out 拉出来,把分开belong to 属于单项选择.1. -Could you tell me what you think about Hainan?-Oh, if you get a chance _ there, take it.A.going B.gone C.go go 2. When Andy nearly rea

5、ched the end of the race, she felt _ because all the other were far behind her. A.unhappy B.nervous C.confident D.unlucky 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 她和妈妈一起购物很愉快。She _ _ _ _ with her mother. 2. 自信的人不会害怕在公共场所讲话。Confident people arent afraid to speak _ _.3. 对你们学一来说动力学习是责任。It is your duty for you students to _ _.4.

6、正在演什么?What is _ _?5. 如果你能给我机会解释一下,我想你会同意我的观点的。If you _ _ _ _ to explain myself, I think youll agree with my idea.6. 以她的观点来看,学好英语是很重要的。_ _ _, learning English well is very important. 7. 那个想法很值得考虑。That idea _ well _ _.8. 最要紧的是,你们彼此一定要保持联系。_ _, make sure you keep in touch with each other. 9. 这本词典对我们有帮助

7、。The dictionary _ _ _ _.10. 对于如何回答这些问题,你能不能给我一些建议?Could you _ _ some _ _ how to answer these questions?11. 你能跟我一起去吗?Can you _ _ with me?12. 学生应该努力学习。Students _ _ study hard. 13. 如果你不小心,就会伤到自己。If you _ not _, youll hurt yourself.14. 他脱下了鞋。He _ _ his shoes.15. 你上床睡觉之前,不要忘记把所有的灯都关上。Dont forget to _ all

8、 the lights _ before you go to bed. 16. 我真想让医生拔出我的坏牙。I really want to have a doctor _ _ my bad tooth.17. 那本词典属于学校图书馆。That dictionary _ _ the school library. 18. 我们最好等一等,以寻找更好的机会。We _ _ _ and _ for a better chance. 19. 事实是黄岩岛属于中国。Its a fact that Huang Yan Island _ _ China. 根据汉语意思提示完成句子。1. The _ (告示)o

9、n the gate says “NO PARKING”.2. The teacher made a _ (演说)today. 3. Thank you for giving us so much good _(建议).4. So you can choose to go _ (在任何时候)you like, spring, summer, autumn or winter!5. The _ (整个的)class was quiet,no one spoke. 6. Ive seen that film _ (一些)times. 7. Knowledge is a _(财宝),but prac

10、tice is the key to it. 8. The history book contains 300 pages of _(文本).9. Have you ever entered a swimming _(比赛)?10. The doctor _ (建议)me to give up smoking. 11. They want to _(沟通) better with their kids. 12. I have the same _ (意见)as you. 13. The young woman was _ (害羞的)at first. 14. You may _( 选择) wh

11、at you like. 15. What _ (别的)do you have to do?用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The old man was _(attack) and his money was stolen.2. He _(hide) the money under the floor. 3. This used to be a very _(poor) village.4. The woman wanted to make friends with the _(rich) man.根据中文以及首字母提示完成句子。1. Tom is such an honest and _ (

12、乐于助人的)boy that all the neighbors like him. 2. Time waits for no one. Please t_ every moment you have. 3. There is no doubt that he Huangyan Island _(belong) to China. 4. Be _(care) when you cross the street. 5. Thanks to your _(suggest). I got to complete the job in time. 6. My plane will _(take off

13、) right away. 7. The novel is so moving that its well worth _(read). 单项填空。1. We _ fight against pollution. A.may B.should C.mustnt D.neednt 2. Schools _ allow students at least one hour a day for sports. A.would B.might C.should D.could3. -Its time for the weather report. Could I _ the TV, dad?-Go a

14、head, please. I also want to know about the weather for tomorrow. A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down 4. Dont forget _ the light before you leave the room. A.turning off turn off be turned off 5. Our school had to _ the soccer games because of the bad weather,which made students frustrated. A

15、.put on B.put off C.put up6. My cousin gave up the _ of working abroad and returned to his hometown. A.opportunity B.challenge C.experience7. -Our teacher wants us to be _ when we talk with the foreigners. -Yes, we should believe in ourselves. A.comfortable B.confident C.unusual D.energetic 8. You _

16、 make any noise. Mum is sleeping. A.had better B.hadnt better C.had better to D.had better not9. -What _? -He had a little accident on his way to school. A.did he have B.was he C.did he do D.happened to him10. Dont forget to _ the lights when you leave the classroom. A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down

17、 D. turn up 11. Its important for the parents to communicate _ their children. A.on C.with D. about12. -There _ two football matches on TV tomorrow afternoon. -Really? This is great. A.will have B.are going to be going to be D. are going to have 13. Three computers are for you be ch

18、osen choose from choose out choose of Unit 8 English Week重点词汇掌握:1. fun for life fun是: 其形容词是: have fun= = 其后常+doing sth You will have fun learning English this term. 这个学期你英语将学得很愉快。2. Some students put on an English play. put on 此处意为: play 此处词性是: 请尝试解释put on的其他意思:1. Its cold outside, pl

19、ease put on you coat. put on: 2. I eat a lot, but I never put on weight. put on: 3. Other students take part in an English singing petition 意为: 动词形式: 形容词形式: 常用短语:compete with sb 与竞争4. The students had to speak on a topic in English for two minutes. on “关于;就”,与其意思相近的词: in English“用英语”; in “用” 请用中文来讨论

20、这一个话题。 5. We spoke to the winner. winner 意为: 动词形式: 过去式: speak to “对-说;与-交谈”,与talk to意思相近6. I advise people to speak slowly. advise 意为: 名词形式: 常用短语:advise sb to do sth. 也可以是advise that sb (should) do sth 表示建议的表达有: suggest sb doing sth=suggest that sb (should) do sth why no do sth=why dont you do sth H

21、ow about doing sth? = What about doing sth?7. If they want to be good public speakers, theyd better speak clearly and confidently.(1)public speaker意为: 请尝试解释下列短语的意思: 1. Its rude to speak loudly in the public area. 2. Are you good at speaking in public? (2) d better= 后常用动词原形,“最好(做某事)”,常用于表达建议、劝告等否定形式:

22、 例:Youd better wash your hands first.Youd better go to see the doctor at once.Simon, youd better not go there alone.(3)confidently 意为: 形容词形式: 名词形式: 常用短语:be confident in sb/sth 8. It gave me a chance to learn new words. chance意为: 常用短语:have a chance to do sth. 有机会做by chance=by accident 偶然地9. In my opi

23、nion, every school should have an English my opinion意为: in ones opinion“依某人之见”这是表达观点时的常用说法,相当于: In my opinion, your plan will work.= I think your plan will work.10. On the last day of English Week, the head teacher gave a speech to the whole school. (1)on是时间介词辨析时间介词:at,on,in (2)head teacher“

24、校长”,英式英语; 美式英语用principal(3)speech 意为: speak: speaker: 常用短语:have/give a speech to “给-做演讲” 例:Doctor Li gave a speech about trees to us last week.11. He gave students some suggestions on how to improve their English.(1)suggestion 意为: 动词形式: 常用短语:suggest sb doing sth=suggest that sb (should) do sth give

25、sb some suggestions on 就给某人建议(2)how to improve 动词不定式做宾语 例:Can you tell me how to learn English?12. You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you municate 意为: 名词形式: 常用短语:communicate with “与-交流”13. Above all, you should enjoy English. above all“最重要的是;尤其是”= You have your family to co

26、nsider above all.Above all, you must be independent.语法专项1、 情态动词should的用法【教材典句】1. You should communicate in Engils with your friends whenever you can.2. You should read English books and magazines, and watch English television programmes.3. She told the class that they should study hard for the next

27、exam.4. Emily should pronounce her words more clearly when she speaks in English. 以上四个句子,主要围绕着情态动词should的用法展开,形象鲜明地展现了should的用法。【语法全解】Should为情态动词,意为“应该”,后接动词原形,其否定形式为shouldnt,变为一般疑问句时, should提到句首。无人称和数的变化。其用法如下:(1) 表示委婉地提出意见或建议时,意为“应该,应当”。 You should brush your teeth before you go to bed.(2) 表示义务,责任

28、时,意为“应该,应当”。You should help your mother with your housework.We should study hard.(3) 表示命令或要求时,语气比较强烈。You shouldnt go out at night.(4) Should与ought to。 肯定句:Students should study hard.= Students ought to study hard 否定句:Students shouldnt study hard.= Students ought not to study hard. 疑问句:Should student

29、s study hard?= Ought students to study hard? 回答:Yes, they should./No, they shouldnt. Yes, they ought to. /No, they ought not to.练习链接(1) You _ drive your car so fast. Its very dangerous. A. wouldnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. mightnt(2) A country has dreams. We teenagers _ also have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created.A. may B. must C. shoul

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