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八年级英语下册Module 6 Hobbies教案外研版.docx

1、八年级英语下册Module 6 Hobbies教案外研版2014年八年级英语下册Module 6 Hobbies教案(外研版) dule 6 Hbbies【教材分析】dule 6的主要内容为通过对自己和他人爱好的介绍等活动学习简单句的基本句型,重点学习have a l, tid up, as a result, e ut等短语的用法。从全书看,本模块承接下一模块对并列复合句的学习和运用,内容有层次的展开,学生容易接受。Unit 1 D u llet anthing?【教学目标】nledge betive1 rds:fan, stap, tid up, shelf, as, in, nte, p

2、und, dllar, ent, ust, valuable, ith, value, ust2 简单句的基本结构。Abilit betive能听懂和阅读关于介绍爱好的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的爱好;能编写关于爱好的对话。ral betive学会倾听他人的爱好,了解他人的爱好;能够与同伴积极合作,参与堂活动,大胆实践;能形成广泛的兴趣爱好。【教学重点】 简单句的结构。【教学难点】1 简单句的基本结构。2 tid up和have a l短语的使用。【教学方法】PP ethd, tas-based ethd and interative apprah 【教学手段】A tape

3、rerder, ultiedia and se pitures【教学过程】Teahing Predures:Step 1 aring up Ss l the pitures and anser the questinsStep 2 Ne rds L and sa The teaher shs the pitures f ne rds and let the students t sa as quil as pssible fan, stap, shelf, tid up, have a l at, in, nte, pund, dllar, ust, valuableStep 3 Listen

4、ing 1 Listen and find ut h llets the things in the pitures es: Tn: a, Tns father: b, Tns u: d, e2 Anser the questins Use the rds and expressin in the bx t help ullet fan pstard stap tiet tid up t 1) hat des Tns u ant hi t d?2) hih hbb des Tn thin is expensive?3) hih hbb d u thin taes up the st spae?

5、 es: 1) She ants hi t tid up his r 2) Tn thins stap-lleting is expensive 3) I thin lleting t ars taes up the st spaeStep 4 Reading 1 Listen t the nversatin and anser the flling questins1) here did Lingling get fans?2) Are the ins and ntes valuable?es: 1) Peple ften give Lingling fans as presents 2)

6、es, the are2 Read the dialgue and ar T r F1) There are abut sixt fans in Linglings huse 2) Lingling llets British punds and US dllars 3) Bett llets six r seven bs f staps fr all ver the rld es: T, F, TN plete the ntesLinglings hbb: _Betts hbbies: _Tns hbb: _es: 1) lleting fans 2) lleting ins and nte

7、s, lleting staps 3) lleting bus and train tietsStep Everda EnglishSrr, its a bit f a essLet e have a lan I see the?Right!Step 6 Language pints1 hih hbb d u thin taes up the st spae?tae up 占用,从事eg Thetae upt uh spae 它们占了太多空间。 He deided ttae upurnalis 他决定从事新闻业。2 Let e have a l have a l 看一看,后面不加名词。have

8、 a l at sth 看, 后加宾语。eg ud better g t the fatr andhave a l 你最好到厂里去看一看。 Let ehave a lat the ap 让我看看这张地图。3 Peple ften give e fans as presents beause the n I lie theas prep 作为,当eg The freigner ill e t ur he as a guest 那个外国人将会作为客人我们家。4 The ust be ver valuableust 一定,肯定,用于表示某事可能是真实的。ust be 必定是,用于表示确切判断。eg

9、In England traffiusteep t the left 在英国,车辆必须靠左行驶。 He ustbe an hnest b 他肯定是一个诚实的孩子。 hbb desnt st as uh as ursas as 和一样eg His fans are as valuable as urs 他的扇子和你的一样有价值。6 Their value isnt alas iprtantvalue n 价值;有用性valuable ad 值钱的;有价值的eg This b ill be f greatvaluet hi in his stud这本书将对他的研究有很大价值。 This paint

10、ing is vervaluable 这幅绘画非常名贵。Step 7 plete the passage ith the rret fr f the rds in the bxin, dllar, pund, reeber, shelf, sehere an peple llet things, lie pstards and ts The lie t put the (1) _ speial t l at Lingling llets fans and eeps the n a (2) _ in her bedr Bett llets (3) _ and ntes, suh as Briti

11、sh (4) _ and US () _ She als llets staps fr all ver the rld Tn llets tiets, but Bett thins that u annt d anthing ith ld tiets Lingling thins that peple als en lleting things t (6) _ sething iprtant in their lives es: sehere, shelf, ins, punds, dllars, reeberStep 8 Prnuniatin and speaingListen and nt

12、ie the intnatinLet e have a lD u llet anthing?es, I llet ins and ntesan I see the?N listen again and repeatStep 9 Graar简单句的基本结构英语是一种结构型的语言,动词在句型构成中起着重要作用。英语的句子以谓语为中心,前面是动作的执行者(被动语态除外),后面接动作的承受者。1主语+系动词+表语(+状语)主语系动词表语状语These bsareinterestingT isver happtda2 主语+谓语(不及物动词)(+状语)主语谓语状语The first bae ut in

13、2009The rainhas stpped3(状语+)主语+谓(及物动词+宾(+状语)状语主语谓语宾语状语I bughta ver gd blast eeEver da therpreparesbreafast fr eStep 10 riting As and anser the questins abut ur hbbies in pairshats ur hbb?h d u en ur hbb?hen did u start ding it? H ften d u ?here d u ?Step 11 Exerises1 ur r is a bit f a ess Please _ n

14、 A tid up it B tid it up tae up it D tae it up2 - a I _ ur b? - ine is issing A have a l B have a l at l D hear3 He ill give a tal _ ur nitr in the hall A fr B ith as D fr4 The fan ith a lng histr is _ A value B valuable nderfules: B, B, , BStep 12 中考链接 I alled u esterda evening, but u ere nt in Srr

15、, I _ in the shp ith ther 【2013重庆】 A a B ill be as D have been2 an Peter pla gaes ith us, rs Haing? ait a inute He _ a sher 【2013浙江绍兴】 A is taing B taes t D as taing3 unle _ bs in the r at this tie esterda 【2013绥化】 A as seeing B is reading as reading4 hat _ the nise, Bill? Srr, I bre glass 【2013河南】

16、A is B as has been D ill bees: , A, , BStep 13 Her 编写对话,介绍一下你的爱好。60词左右Unit 2 Hbbies an ae u gr as a persn【教学目标】nledge betivee vabularpersn, interest, sill, ativit, sailing, result, pleasure, suesse struturesas a result, as ell as, e ut, develp nes interestAbilit betiveT get infratin abut Davids hbbi

17、esT aster the struture f the siple senteneral betiveT n re abut thers hbbies; T develp n interest in hbbies【教学重点】1 T learn se expressins in the passage2 T learn the siple sentenes【教学难点】1 T get infratin fr the artile2 The use f as a result, as ell as and suh as【教学方法】PP ethd, tas-based ethd 【教学手段】A ta

18、pe rerder, ultiedia and se pitures【教学过程】Teahing Predures:Step 1 aring up L at the pitures and guess hats the hbb?Step 2 nslidate ne rdsL and sa The teaher shs the pitures f ne rds and let the students t sa as quil as pssibleStep 3 Pre-readingr in pairs Tal abut ur hbbies Use the rds and expressins i

19、n the bx t help ur in pairs hse the rds fr the bx t desribe ur hbbiesStep 4 ListeningListen t the passage and anser the questinsIs riting ne f Davids hbbies?h enuraged David t rite abut the experienes at the ap?Ansers: 1 es, it is2 Davids teaherStep Reading Read the passage and anser the questinshat

20、 advantages an hbbies bring t ung peple? Hbbies an ae u gr as a persn, develp ur interests and help u learn ne sills 2 hat hbbies des David have?David lies riting, plaing vlleball and an ther things 3 hen did David bee a suessful riter?After his str abut the life f a sixteen-ear-ld b ae ut as a b in

21、 20124 ill Davids ne bs be suessful?abe The passage desnt saplete the sentenes ith the rret fr f the rds in the bxativit pleasure result sill suesshat _ d u en ding?hat ne _ have u learnt thrugh ur hbbies?3 Has an f ur hbbies brught u _ and _?4 Have u ade ne friends as a(n)_ f ur hbb?Anser: ativitie

22、s, sills, pleasure suess, resultAs and anser the questins in Ativit 4 in pairsStep 6 Learning t learnLet Ss find a hbb t iprve EnglishFind a hbb t help u iprve ur English If u lie ftball, fll an English tea If ur hbb is athing fils, tr t ath English filsStep 7 Language pints1 an students have hbbies

23、, suh as reading, painting, gring vegetables and ling after anials suh as 表示“例如”,等于fr exaple。 例如:He learns an subets, suh as English, ath and hinese 他学习好多科目,比如,英语,数学和语。2 Hbbies an ae u gr as a persn, develp ur interests and help u learn ne sillsgr as a persn,表示“长大成人”。develp nes interests,表示“发展某人的兴趣”

24、。develp 表示“发展,提高”。eg The urse an help u develp ur speaing sills 这门程可以帮助你提高口语表达能力。3 As ell as the usual ativities, suh as sailing and libing, there as a riting lass as ell as 表示“也,还,而且”。后面加名词或动词ing形式。 例如: e all ant t visit Beiing as ell as Shanghai 我们除了想去北京以外,还想去上海。4 Then she enuraged us t rite abut

25、ur experienes at the ap enurage sb t d sth 表示“鼓励某人去做某事”。 例如: father alas enuraged e t spea alud in frnt f peple 我父亲总是鼓励我在人们面前大声说话。 Ba at shl, David rte a str abut the life f a sixteen-ear-ld b, and it ae ut as a b in 2012 e ut 表示“出版,发行”。还表示“显露”。例如:The b ae ut at his earl age这本书在他年龄还小的时候就出版了。At last

26、the truth ae ut 真相终于大白了。 6, and as a result, David has bee a suessful ung riter as a result表示“结果”。后面用逗号隔开。 s表示“因此”,后面不用逗号隔开。例如:The girl ept studing hard, as a result, she gt gd ars in the final exaThe girl ept studing hard, s she gt gd ars in the final exa这个女孩学习一直很努力,因此,她在期末考试的时候考了好成绩。7 I spend se f

27、 free tie plaing vlleball fr shl teaspend tie (in) ding sth 表示“花费时间做某事”。介词in可以省略;如果表示“在某物上花费时间”,要用spend tie n sth 例如:I spend ne hur (in) reading ever evening 我每天晚上花一个小时看书。Step 8 Graar简单句的基本句型4主语 + 谓语(及物动词)+ 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 +(状语)主语谓语间接宾语直接宾语状语His hbbhas brughthienent fatherbughtea ver gd bien birthda主语 +

28、 谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语 + 宾语补足语(+状语)主语谓语宾语宾语补足语状语e an helpudevelp ne sillsstep b stepI d nt antut r t hardThe nesadeevernehapp6 There +be +主语(+状语)There be主语状语There arean bsin his shlbagThere isa ver nie upn the tableStep 9 ritingL at the flling sentenes ith “as ell as, suh as and as a result”As ell as the usu

29、al ativities suh as sailing and libing as a result, David has bee a suessful ung riter2 N rite a shrt passage alled lassates hbb Use as ell as, suh as r as a result Use the flling exaple t help uSe hbbies, fr exaple, reading and painting, are ver relaxingSe hbbies, suh as reading and painting, are ver relaxingDavid lies riting He als lies plaing vlleballDavid lies riting as ell as plaing vlleballan ung peple lve Davids b, an

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