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1、高考英语通用版单项选择抓分练习精品题9及答案2014高考英语通用版单项选择抓分练习精品题(9)及答案意义相近但用法不同的动词或动词词组的辨析-专题探究 专题探究:专题详解:主要考查的知识点:每年必考的考点,主要从以下几个角度来命题:意义相近但用法不同的动词或动词词组的辨析。用法相同但含义不同的动词或动词短语的辨析。习惯性用法。测试语境中动词的词义辨析;测试一些习惯用语中的动词;测试一些系动词。下列动词组成的短语: break,carry,come,get,give,go,look,pick,send,set,take,turn。英语词组的深层含义挖掘、多种含义拓宽也是当今考题的一个热点。每年的

2、高考英语科考试大纲中虽列出了单词和词组,但并未注明其具体的含义,这就给命题者留下了自由的伸缩空间。所以在复习时,不能拘泥于其在教材上的含义,要大胆地对其深层含义进行挖掘。如:go out,便可挖掘出以下含义:出去;出国;发出去;贴出去;出去参加社交活动;离家出去工作;压塌;(火)熄灭;过时;死去;消失;辞职;下台;结束;罢工等。考题1 (典型例题) Theyre _ us $ 3000 for the car. Shall we take it? A. provided B. supplied C. shown D. offered考题2 ( 典型例题 分 ) To our surprise,

3、 the fashionable young lady _ to be a thief. A. found out B. proved out C. put out D. turned out考题1点拨:答案为D。解答本题时不能只依据表面意思来选择。provide表示。提供”之意,但常构成provide sbwith sth(提供某人某物)或provide sthfor sb(提供某物给某人);supply也表示“提供”之意,但常构成:supply sbwith sth或supply sthto sb;show意为“带路,给某人看”,不合句意;offer常用为:offer sbsth(提供某物

4、给某人)。 考题2点拨:答案为D。find out表示“打听,查明”prove out搭配错误;put out表示“扑灭,熄灭”,turn out表示“证明是,结果是”。 句意为:“使我们吃惊的是:那个衣着时尚的年轻女士证明是个小偷。”意义相近但用法不同的动词或动词词组的辨析-考题类型 回顾1 测试考点 9 (典型例题It is almost five years we saw each other last time. A. before B. since C. after D. when1B 点拨since作连词意为“自从以来”。句意为:自从我们最后一次见面以来已经将近五年了。回顾2 测试

5、考点 1 (典型例题he man insisted a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby. A. find B. to find C. on finding D. to finding2C点拨:insist on为固定词组搭配,后接名词或动名词形式表示“坚持某事/坚持做某事。”回顾3 测试专题探究, (典型例题)Before building a house, you will have to _ the governments permission. A. get from B. follow C. receive D. as

6、k for3D点拨ask for请求。必须请求政府同意。follow遵循:re ceive收到。 回顾4 测试专题探究 (典型例题)Its the present Situation in poor areas that much higher spending on ed-ucation and training. A. answers for B. provides for C. calls for D. plans for 4c点拨call for要求,要求在教育和训练方面花费更多的资金。answer for负责,保证;provide for供养,规定; plan for为作计划,打算。

7、 回顾5 测试专题探究 (典型例题 Julin said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it? Oh, really! I havent my mailbox yet. A. examined B. reviewed C. tested ,D. checked5D点拨:check检查;test测试examine体检;review复习,回顾。根据宾语mailbox可知答案为D。意义相近但用法不同的动词或动词词组的辨析-强化训练备考1测试专题探究 Having decided to rent a flat. We cont

8、acting all the accommodation agencies in the city. A. set about B. set down C. set out D. set up1A 点拨set about doing sth开始/着手干某事;set down停下来。让下车,记下来;set out to do sth开始干某事;set up搭起,搭建。备考2测试专题探究 Good Heavens! How could you stand by and such a thing to happen! A. promise B. permit C. allow D. let2c点拨p

9、romise许诺;有的希望/可能;permit准许;allow允许;let让,使。备考3测试专题探究 May I have a talk with one of your sports reporters? Sorry. but all of them are out to the main events of the day. A. get B. find C. cover D. search 3c 点拨cbver the events对事件进行采访、报道。 备考4测试考点 5 I bougbt this dress for S 35. which used to be S 38, A. f

10、or sale . B. on sale C. at sale D. in sale4B点拨:从which used to be$38可看出,此件衣服正在减价,故选B。on sale表示“在出售,减价”。备考5测试考点 3 Though we made every effot to persuade him to stop drinking, it proved A. in vains B. vain C. vainly D. to be in vain5D点拨:句意为:“虽然我们尽力去劝他停止喝酒,但是被证明是徒劳的”。prove(to be)in vain“被证明是徒劳的”。备考6测试考点

11、 8 China isnt A. what it liked B. how it looked like C. what it looked D. what it used to be6D点拨:what it used to be为表语从句,表示“中国不再是过去的那个样子了”。B项应改为“what it looked like。 备考7测试考点 1 He got wet all over. so I his clothes. A. insisted on his changed B. insisted he changed C. insisted on his changing D. insi

12、sted on he changing7c点拨:insist on doing sth“坚持做某事”;hs作changing的逻辑主语。动名词的复合结构为“形容词性物主代词或名词所有格+doing”。备考8测试考点 2 In some countries, old people are with medical care for free. A. offered B. Supplied C. given D. got8B点拨此题考查be supplied with短语的用法,表示“被供给”。备考9测试考点 9 Its quite a long time I started toteach at

13、 this school. A. before B. after C. since D. when9C点拨:It is+段时间+since为固定句型,而since从句常用一般过去时态表示。 备考10测试语法 Tomorrow Ill go to Hong Kong. Do you have anything ? A. take B. to take C. to be taken D. taking10c 点拨此题考查不定式短语作定语。take与前面被修饰词anything为动宾关系且take的逻辑主语不是前面的代词you,故用被动。have something to be taken“有东西需

14、要被捎”。 第一节:单项选择(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。1We are planning to have a casual get-together this Saturday or Sunday. Are you coming? _. Ive got rather a full day this weekend. A. I hope so B. Sounds great C. Im afraid not D. Youd better not2. _ worlds largest retail

15、er, Wal-Mart, has opened its _ third store in Beijing, which means the firm now has 52 stores in China.A. The; a B. A; a C. The; the D. The; /3. _ size and population, how big is the European Union _ China?A. In terms of; compared with B. In honor of; comparing withC. In addition to; compared to D.

16、In favor of; compared to 4. Did you get home a little earlier yesterday? No. It was six oclock_ we got home.A. that B. when C. since D. after5. More than 100 students have entered for the competition and_ gains the most points will be the winner. A. anyone B. the one C. that D. whoever6. Two weeks a

17、go in Guangzhou, a two-year-old girl, Yue Yue, was hit by a car seriously and left lying on the road with no one offering help, _ a heated discussion on the Internet .A. caused B. to cause C. causing D. being caused7. Did Zhou Libo say anything that _ you in Mr Zhou Live Show? Not really. Actually I

18、 slept through his performance.A. adapted to B. attached to C. referred to D. appealed to8. Fortunately, with the help of some local villagers, rescuers were able to gain _ to the disaster-hit area soon enough. A. track B. access C. means D. passage9. After that, he knew he could _any emergency by d

19、oing what he could to the best of his ability. A. get away with B. get on with C. get through D. get across10. Nowadays, sending e-mails to each other has become a way _ what they think to others. A. many a student expresses B. in which more than one student express C. that most of students express

20、D. the majority of students expresses11. _ providing entertainment, the website also turns out to be a helpful learning tool.A. Far from B. Apart from C. Instead of D. Regardless of12. Im driving to Beijing after breakfast. Take care, with all this fog.A. especially B. mainly C. extremely D. really1

21、3. Have you understood what he really means? _. A. Now and then B. More or less C. From time to time D. Here and there14. A turning point of the continuously high housing price wont appear suddenly because there must be a certain process _ many factors lead to the change. A. which B. what C. where D

22、. that15. You may find the key to the math problem on page 107.Ah, its so simple. I wonder why I _ of that. A. hadnt thought B. havent thought C. didnt think D. wasnt thinking16. Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously _ situations that will brin

23、g you nearer to your goal.A. aware of B. worried about C. familiar with D. accustomed to 17. This is my treat and next is yours. Hows that? OK. _. A. It doesnt matter B. It depends C. No way D. Its a deal18. Dont forget to go to the football match tomorrow.I _.A. dont B. wont C. shouldnt D. mustnt19

24、. According to a report, cigarette smoking_ in all indoor public places in China already.A. will ban B. has banned C. will be banned D. has been banned20. I need to advertise for a second-hand mountain bike. _?David just plans to sell his present one.A. Why bother B. Why not C. So what D. What for 单

25、项填空(每题0.5分,满分10分)1-5 CDABD 6-10 CDBCA 11-15BABCC 16-20 ADBDA16- Good evening, Mr. Green. Im sorry to bother you. But its fourth of December. - Oh, Mrs Baxter, rent! Im sorry its late. Ill write you check right now. Athe, the Bthe, the, a Cthe, a, a Da, the, a17 the problem of land erosion getting mo

26、re serious, the local government is searching for a way to deal with it. AAs BWith CWhen DIf 18The way he did it was different we were used to. Ain which Bin what Cfrom what Dfrom which19Mum my suggestion while Dad spoke my idea. Aturned off, in favor of Bturned down, in favor of Cturned down, in ne

27、ed of Dturned on, in hope of 20 the green valley, we thought we had reached the land. ASeeing, promised BSeeing, promising CSeen, promising DSeen, promised21He kept a little notebook, in which the names and addresses of his friends. Awrote Bwriting Cwas written Dwere written22- Flight 321 . Id bette

28、r be on my way. Bye. - Bye, Happy landing! Awas announced Bis being announced Chad announced Dis announced23Sometimes we just believe what we see, the reality may be different. Aeven though Bas if Csince Dunless24They were pretty poor but most of their friends were even . Aricher Bbadly off Cworse o

29、ff Dwell off25- What do you think of teaching, Bob? - I find it and challenging. It is a job you are doing something serious but interesting. Afunny, that Bfun, that Cfun, where Dfunny, which26- The floor is dirty. Can anyone clean it? - . I do it all the time. ADont mention it. BWhy you? CNot sure.

30、 DNot me again.27His reactions are no one can match him. Aso that Bsuch Csuch that Dso28It is in the very village, Mary was born 35 years ago, she will build her first school, inspires everyone to help her. Awhere; that; which Bthat; that; that Cthat; when; which Dwhere; when; that29- The research is difficult. Who do you think can do the job? - my students have a try? AWill BShall CMust DMay30- The weather has been very hot and dry.- Yes. If it had rained even a drop, thing

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