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1、高考英语词汇真题单选50题单项选择 50 题1.I will never forget the day _ I came to my university and the day _I spent in a new city.A. when; whichB. which;when C. what; thatD. on which; when2.Although he was in poor health, Robert succeeded _ other more famous engineers failed.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. where3.The meeti

2、ng was expected to start at 9 oclock but the manager didnt turn up _ twenty minutes later.A. beforeB. untilC. afterD. since4._ difficulties we meet, we can work them out.A. WhateverB. HoweverC. WhereverD. Whenever5.What impresses me most is _ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and cha

3、rming smile A whichB thatC whereD that whenever6. Could I use your dictionary? I m sorry it isnt here. I d get it for you_ I could remember who last borrowed it.A. expect thatB. now thatC. only ifD. even though7. _ we gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister.A. WhateverB.

4、 HoweverC. WheneverD. Whichever8. Hard-working though he was, _ there was never enough money to pay the bills.A. /B. andC. butD. therefore9. Much hard _ he tried , he flailed to catch up with the first runner.A. althoughB. asC. whileD. when10.I got in touch with Charles _ I received his letter.A. wh

5、en immediatelyB. soonC. immediatelyD. suddenly11.Mr. Saddam Hussein had to go with the American soldiers, _ .A. no matter he likes or notB. no matter he should like it or notC. no matter whether he likes or notD. no matter he may like it or not12._ , I have to put it away and focus my attention on s

6、tudy this week.A. However the story is amusingB. No matter amusing the story isC. However amusing the story isD. No matter how the story is amusing13. It wasn t long _ the two daughters of President Obama got used to the life in the White HouseA thatB beforeC untilD and14.These foreign teachers say

7、they will go _ they are needed to teach English after they arrive in China.A. to place B. to where C. wherever D. to matter where15. _ you ve got two film tickets, you may as well invite Mary to go with you tonight.A .Now that B. After all C. Although D. As soon as16. What are you going to do this a

8、fternoon? I will probably play computer games _ my parents are out.17._, he knows well about his family history and dreams of being a writer in the future.A To be a child B A child as he is C As a child D Child as he is18. John plays the piano _, if not better than, David. But he never shows off in

9、public.A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as19 . It s a long time _ I drunk so much. Yes, and what a pity it is since it will be a long time _ we see each other again.A before; sinceB. when; whenC. since; beforeD. when; then20._ your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be a

10、voided.A. Having checked B. CheckC. If you checkD. To check21.I would never speak to someone like that _ they said something unpleasant to me.A. even ifB. so thatC. as ifD. ever since22. Did you remember to return the book to our English teacher? Yes. I gave it to him _ I saw him.A. once B. while C.

11、 if D. the moment23. May I go now? _ youve finished your work, you may go.A. AfterB. AlthoughC. Now thatD. As soon as24.It will be five years _ we meet again.A. sinceB. untilC. beforeD. when25.Never lose heart _ difficulty you may meet with.A. whatB. whateverC. howD. however26.You can still find bon

12、es of the birds _ they used to live.A. in whichB. in the placeC. whereD. that27. _ I admit that there are problems, I don A. While B. IfC. As t agree that they cannot be solved.D. Unless28. “ _ my feet remain standing above the water level, there is hope.”said the captain.A. Where B. Even if C. Whil

13、e D. Although29. Is there anybody in the classroom ? No, the teacher, together with the students _ to the playground.A. go B. went C. has gone D. have gone30. Are these your sheep ? No. Mine _ on grass at the foot of the hill.A. are feedingB. feedC. is fedD. is feeding31.Sittingat the back of the ro

14、om but in front of some old men and women _ a very shy girl with twobright eyes.A. wasB. areC. wereD. there was32.Mr. Bush,together with his wife and daughter _ going to Japan next week.A. areB. isC. will beD. would be33.Not the teacher but the students _ excited.A. isB. hasC. areD. have34.As I have

15、 a meeting at four, ten minutes _ all that I can spare to talk with you.A. areB. wasC. isD. were35. _ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifths; are C. Two fifth; are D. Two fifths; is36.He is the only one of the students who _a winner of scholarship

16、 for three years.A. is B. are C. have been D. has been37.Professor Smith, along with his assistants,_ on the project day and night to meet the deadline.A. work B. working C. is working D. are working38.Not only _interested in football but _beginning to show an interest in it.A. the teacher himself i

17、s all his studentsB.theareteacher himself is are all his studentsC. is the teacher himself are all his studentsD.isthe teacher himselftudentsallhisares39. “Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons,_ to go to university.”“ So do I.”A. hopeB. hopesC. hopingD. hoped40.E-mail, as well as

18、 telephone,_ an important part in daily communication.A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. hoped41.Books of this kind _ well.A. sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold42. Was it in the waiting room _ only allows mothers-to-be to enter that you lost your wallet?A. / B. where C. that D. when43_

19、 has been announced, our government will take more measures to make the falling economics recoveras soon as possible.A That B As C It44. But for the help you gave me, I _ the examinations.D WhatA. would have passedB. would passC. wouldn t have passed D. wouldn t pass45 The book is meant to _needs it

20、 .A. who B. whoever C. whomever D. whom46 What _ me most was that my parents were so _ with my school grades.A. disappointed; disappointed B. disappointing; disappointingC. disappointed; disappointing D. disappointing; disappointed47 The evening new s comes on at seven o clock and _ only thirty minu

21、tes.A. keeps B. continues C. finishes D. lasts48 “ Will you really qui t the job ? ” he asked, _ into my eyes.A. looked B. looks C. looking D. to look49 Don t make a noiseMr. Wang is sleeping in the next room. _.A. Yes, I will B. You are right C. Of course D. No, I won t50 Well, that was delicious!

22、I have never had _.A. a best meal B. the best meal C. a better meal D. the better meal1【. 解析】 A在本句中两个先行词the day 都是表示时间的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语 ,因此要用关系副词when.第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which 或 that 来引导定语从句。2.【解析】 D 本句意为“尽管罗伯特身体不好,但是他在其他著名的工程师失败的领域里获得了成功。 ”这里是由 where 引导的地点状语从句,在“ , 领域”是个抽象概念,

23、但是在句中相当于地点状语3.【解析】 B 本句含到了时间状语从句,也可以看成是 not, until , 结构,意为“直到 , 才 , ” 。句意为“直到 20 分钟后经理才出现”4.【解析】 A 这四个选项都可以引导让步状语从句,但是还要看 选项连接词的意思和用法,这里需要一个连接副词而且后面可跟副词,只有B 符合条件5.【解析】 D 本题结合名词性从句里的表语从句来考查时间状语从句,that 引导的表语从句里含到了一个whenever 引导的时间状语从句。句意为 “他给我印象最深的就是无论何时他在人面前都面带真诚友好的笑容”6.【解析】 C 这里考查在 only if这个短语中,副词 on

24、ly 是中心词 ,而从属连接词if 则只是用来连接从句的,因此,它表示“只有 ,(才 );只有在 , 的时候,唯一的条件是 , ”的意思,它同 if 一样,也能引出条件状语从句。 now that “既然“和 even though/ if “即使”不合题意7.【解析】 C. 因为 gave 后面已经有表示物的直接宾语了,排除代词A 、 C、和 D。 however 意为“无论如何”; whenever 意为“每当 , ” ,根据句意,只有选 C,意义才通。8.【解析】 A. 因为前面已经连词though 了,所以不再需要连词了。 Hard-working though he was=Alth

25、ough hewas hard-working9.【解析】 B. 因为 as 引导让步状语从句,要求将从句的表语或状语等放到句首。而although, while 表示让步时,都用正常语序;另外, though 引导的让步状语从句,其表语或状语等可提前也可不提前10.【解析】C. 因为immediately, instantly, directly和the moment, the instant, the minute等都可以用作连词,引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as11.【解析C. 因为no matter后一定要接疑问词或whether12.【解析】C. 引导状语从句时no ma

26、tter how=however,其后接形容词或副词,只有C 正确。13.【解析】 B这个题只要弄清选项的意思就可以一个一个的往题目中代,看哪个填进去合适。that 当连词,没有意义; before“在 - 之前”; until “直到”; and“和”。只有填 before 时这句话才是通顺的。意思是“没过多久奥巴马的两个女儿就习惯了白宫生活”14.【解析】C 这里在考查地点状语从句,地点状语从句主要的由where, wherever, everywhere 等引导。wherever作连接副词,意为“在任何地方,无论在哪里”。在意思上和语气上要比where强烈15.【解析】 A 这里考查原因

27、状语从句, now that 意为“既然” ,在句中要表达的意思是“既然你得到了两张票,就应该邀请玛丽同去” 。After all 不是连词, Although “尽管”和 As soon as“一 , 就, ”不合题意16.【解析】 B 这里考查条件状语从句, so/as long as“只要”符合题意。 As far as“远达”, even if 意为 “即使”和 as if“好像”不合题意17.【解析】 D 句意:尽管他是个小孩,他却了解家史还梦想将来当个作家。由 as 引导的让步状语从句位于句首,从句要引起部分倒装,主句不到装,以示强调从句的核心部分。但如果强调的是名词,且其前面有冠词,那么就必须将冠词去掉18【.解析】B 这是一个比较状语从句, 引导比较状语从句的连词和词组有: as, as,than, not so, as, the more, ,the more, 等。这是个肯定句,所以不能用 D ,因为有比较的对象也就是有宾语,所以不能省略第二个 as19.【解析】 C 本句考查到了两个结构,也是时间状语从句,第一个空 :由 since 引导的时间状语从句 ,如从句中的谓语动词是持续性动词 ,动作从结束时算起 ,本句表示的意思是 “我很久没有见你了” 。第二个空由 before引导的时间状语从句意为在 , 之前很久 , ,也就是“很久之后” ,本句意为“

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