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1、公共英语等级考试三级PETS3学习笔记三公共英语等级考试三级(PETS3)学习笔记(三)Unit 6 Eating and DrinkingDialogues /monologues:1、 Im in a hurry.我得赶紧。 “in a hurry”指匆忙,有时用作口语也表示轻易地做好某件事情。2、 These days the most sought-after tables are hidden away, several floors above ground, in the citys high-rise apartments, which are run by chefs out

2、 of their own homes or from rented spaces.这句话的意思我翻译为:目前,很多广受欢迎的餐馆总是藏匿在公寓大厦地面上方的楼层,就在厨师们自家门口或是租的空地外面营业。3、 Merely requesting a reservation can be as difficult as getting one.哪怕是仅仅要求预定(房间)都有可能象真要得到它一样那么难。4、 Exclusively is the main attraction for customers in a city that is still obsessed with status.独有

3、性(专用权)是吸引城市消费者的主要因素,因为人们还是会被身份地位(带来的虚荣感)所迷惑的。5、 I cant make up my mind about what to have for dessert.make up ones mind:下决心、作决定。本句的意思是:餐后吃什么甜点,我还没能做出决定。Passage:The ladies were puzzled. Cheryl Spangler, Valeria Borunda Jameson and Susan Puckett, three university-admissions workers on a training visit

4、 to Florence, Kentucky, had walked into a local barbecue joint called Chung Kiwha. But instead of sauce-covered mutton served up from the kitchen, they saw a buffet of uncooked meats and vegetables. Instead of knives and forks, they were given large scissors, chopsticks and metal tongs. No candle fl

5、ickered at their table, but a bucket of fiery wood charcoal hissed in the tabletop grill pit. Chung Kiwha served barbecue, all rightcook-it-your-self Korean barbecue. “I didnt realize there were restaurants like this,” marveled Spangler to her friends, who hail from Knoxville, Tennessee, and I worke

6、d in restaurants for 20 years.The secret is out, thanks to the growing popularity of restaurants where the customer is the chef. Long a staple of immigrant communities in big cities, restaurants where diners chop, grill, boil, or dip their dip their food are hot in the American heartland. St.Paul, M

7、innesota, has Thai hot-pot cooking. Indianapolis, Indiana, has Japanese shabu-shabu (another type of hot pot). A pizzeria in Las Vegas lets customers roll the dough.Why would people bother going out to cook their own meal? “Americans want control,” says Hudson Riehle, senior vice president of resear

8、ch for the National Restaurant Association. “The cook-it-your-self experience embodies the American values of freedom of choice and independence.” With families spending 46% of their food budget on meals outside the home, they miss the cooking experiencesort of. “Psychologically, people want to be a

9、 little involved,” says Pamela Parseghian, executive food editor at Nations Restaurant News.Not every diner, however, embraces the experience. Dragged in by enthusiastic wives, “men often sit with their arms crossedthat is, until we fill them up with good wine,” says Will Layfield, owner of the Melt

10、ing Pot in Westwood, New Jersey. At the Vinoklet, diner Grey Schafer says, “I dont cook at home, and if Im going to pay good money, I want someone to do the cooking for me.” Whats more, do-it-your-self dining isnt cheap. At the Minturn Country Club in Minturn, Colorado, Kobe beef costs $49.95uncooke

11、d. Still, restaurant-owners insist that the customer knows best. “Who knows what to them is rare?” says Mikulic, owner of Vinoklet. “This way, if they screw it up, I get no complaints.” Back at Chung Kiwha in Florence, diner Puckett sees it this way: “We dont have to clean up, do we?.”参考译文:这些女士有些迷惑不




15、收拾碗筷,不是吗?”Unit 7 Food cultureDialogues /monologues:1、 Cooking at table side has always been part of traditional haute cuisine, or art of of cooking:烹饪术,例:art of defense: 武术。2、 Im a very cook.这里应该翻译为:我是一个绝对的厨师。3、 Stir the mixture until it leaves sides of the bowl.直译:与碗边脱离,即不沾碗边。引申义:就是要求充分

16、搅匀.4、 Roll the crust mixture into a round shape.roll into: 卷成, 使合为一体。将外面的蛋糕皮混合物卷成一团。5、 Yes, the apple pie is ready to ready to: 预备, 即将是的,苹果派可以预备供应/享用了。Passage:What should be more French than an outdoor market on a sunny Sunday morning? The air is filled with vital fragrances from the fruits

17、 and vegetables piled high in the greengrocers creative layouts. A trace of the Atlantic blows off the shellfish on the fishmongers bed of ice.This, you think, is the very essence of France, until read those little signs that tell you the tomatoes (which are really pretty tasteless) come from Morocc

18、an hothouses, the grapes from South Africa, and the kiwis from Chile.For generations, the French have prided themselves on their distinctiveness. Nothing has stood for Frances sense of exceptionalism more famously than its cooking. Gallic talent, taste and techniques have been exported all over the

19、world. And therein lies part of the problem. From the Thames to Tokyo, non-French cooks have cracked the codes of the best French cuisine. Meanwhile, what was mediocre elsewhere has been imported. (Believe it or not, one restaurant associate with a famous Paris chef serves steak with a sauce thats i

20、ndistinguishable from the stuff on a Big Mac.) The result: many touristsas well as the French themselvesno longer see whats so special about French cooking.The decline goes well beyond recent surveys that show growing complaints about mediocre quality and high prices. More and more restaurants-owner

21、s say that government tax and economic policies are limiting their profits, and thereby hurting their capacity to invest and hire more staff. They have got stuck in the red tape for which France is infamousnot to mention regulations from Brussels that affect everything from sales taxes to the bacter

22、ia in the Brie cheese. Many warn that expanding the European Union to the east will hurt small French farmers, who remain the backbone of traditional cuisineand, hence French identity: Unfortunately for the French, there are few reassuring answers to these questions.Frances problem isnt the lack of

23、creativity, but rather an unfavorable political environment for creativity. If youre choked by bureaucracy and taxes, as so much of France is, “there is not much you can do,” says Raymond Blanc, born in the Jura region of France and chef of the two-star hotel-restaurant Manoir aux Quatsaisons. “I ca

24、n open a business in England in five days. In France it would take three months.” The manoir aux Quatsaisons, by the way, is in Oxford, Britain, Frances ancient rival. And, when it comes to cooking, a future one as well.参考译文:还有什么比晴朗的周日上午的露天市场更具法国风情呢?空气中满是水果和蔬菜的香味,这些水果和蔬菜被商贩们摆放得极具创意。鱼贩子们冰床上的新产品还带着大西洋



27、瑞蒙德.布朗说道,他出生在法国的钕拉地区,现在是一家叫做四季庄园的二星级宾馆的主厨。“在英国,我能在五天之内开店,而在法国则要花上三个月时间。”顺便说一句,四季庄园开在英国的牛津,法国的老对手那里。在烹饪方面,英国在未来仍将是法国的竞争对手。Unit 8 At HomeDialogues /monologues:1、 Karen has just had her house redecorated.凯瑞刚让人把房子重新装修。注意这里的用法,had sth done 强调的是让别人做了什么例:I had my clothes washed.(我让人把衣服洗了)2、 The architect a

28、nd Tom put there heads together to discuss what we wanted and what was possible.put heads together:共同商量、集思广益。建筑师和提姆共同商讨以可行的方式来满足我们的需求。3、 After a few meetings, they came up with some super idea that everybody agreed e up with:提出、拿出。经过一会儿的交谈,他们拿出了一些大家都同意的好点子。4、 But the rest of it was surprisingly expe

29、nsive.the rest:其余者。It:代指装修所用的材料。但是其余的材料简直便宜得让人吃惊。5、 We were able to make do with the materials we already have.make do with:设法应付。我们设法将我们已经拥有的材料都用上了。6、 I made up some of the curtains and pillows on the couch form mere sheets.make up :在这里指做缝制.编织.我缝制了一些窗帘和睡椅靠垫,仅仅是用一些床单做的.7、 Its funny how people can fin

30、d solution after they kick something around for a while.kick something around:直译将什么东西踢来踢去。引申意讨论。人们怎样通过暂时的讨论之后,就能找到解决方法是件有趣的事情。8、 Youre on your own.on ones own:独立地、独自地。本句的意思为:你自己玩吧!9、 Id like to concentrate on getting the best score ever on this game.concentrate on:精中(精力)、全神贯注于我将集中精力在这个游戏上取得最好的分数。注意e

31、ven在这里的用法10、No matter how busy you are, always take time out to check that your child hasnt gotten hold ofsomething that could hurt him.take time out to:暂停下来。Get hold of:抓住、得到。11、But quit my job and took up housekeeping the year after my marriage. Daily household chores keepme on my toes; Im delighted all day long.take up:开始从事。 on ones toe :准备行动。 all day long:一整天。keep me on my toes:让我保持活力的状态,结合句意就:一刻也闲不着,乐此不疲。我的翻译是:但是自从我结婚以后,便放弃了工作,开始打理家务。每天的家务琐事让我乐此不疲。我一整天都眉天眼笑的。12、“in a moment”与 “or so”一个表示“立刻”,一个表示“大约”。都是形容时间的。13、Thats the “tremendous business” for me ou

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