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本文(学年英语北师大版选修6学案Unit+18+Section+III+Lesson+2+Lesson+3Pre+reading.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、学年英语北师大版选修6学案Unit+18+Section+III+Lesson+2+Lesson+3Pre+readingSection_Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 Prereading原文呈现 A Tranquil Nightby Li BaiBefore my bed a frost of light,Is it hoarfrost upon the ground?Eyes raised, I see the moon so bright;Head bent, in homesickness I am drowned.Translated by Yu Yuanzhang The

2、 Night Before ChristmasAdapted and abridgedOriginal by Major Henry Livingstone Jr. or Clement Clarke MooreIt was the night before Christmas,And all through the houseNothing was moving,Not even a mouse.The stockings had been hungWith attention and careIn the hope that SantaSoon would be there.The chi

3、ldren were sleepingSafe in their beds,While vague dreams of presentsDanced in their heads.My wife, wearing a scarf,And I, wearing a cap,Had just settled ourselvesFor a long winter nap.And then, in an instant,I heard on the roofThe stepping and scratchingOf each little hoof.As I pulled in my head,And

4、 was turning around,Down came stout SantaIn a single bound.His oval eyes shinedAnd his face looked so merry!His cheeks were like roses His nose like a cherry!His cute little mouthTurned up like a bow,And the beard and moustacheWere as white as the snow;He didnt speak a wordAnd went straight to work.

5、He filled all the stockingsAnd then turned with a jerk.After looking aroundAnd scratching his nose,He gave a nodAnd up the chimney he rose.He jumped into his sleighAnd gave a loud whistle,And away he flewLike the seeds of a thistle.But I heard him shout,Before he drove out of sight,“Merry Christmas

6、to all,And to all a good night.” 读文清障tranquil/trkwIl/adj.平静的,宁静的hoarfrost/hfrst/n.白霜eyes raised是“名词过去分词”类型的独立主格结构,在句中作状语。下句中的head bent也是此用法。bend/bend/v.弯曲homesickness/hmsIknIs/n.想家,思乡drown/dran/vi.&vt.淹没,淹死be drowned in沉浸在中,淹没在中adapt vt.改编,改写adapt . from .根据改编adapt . for .把改编成abridge v删节,节略hang v吊,悬

7、挂其过去式、过去分词分别为hung, hung。hang作“绞死、吊死”讲时,其过去式、过去分词分别为hanged,hanged。with attention留心地,注意地with care 小心地;慎重地in the hope that .抱着的希望形容词短语safe in their beds作状语,说明主语所处的状态。vague/veI/adj.模糊的wearing a scarfwho was wearing a scarfsettle v定居;安排settle in在定居settle down(使)平静,(使)安定nap n小睡in an instant马上,立刻(in a whil

8、e/moment/minute)the instant (that)一就hoof/huf/n.蹄以in, out, away, off, up, down等副词开头的句子中,动词是come, go, jump, rush等,若主语不是代词而是名词,则用完全倒装结构。stout/stat/adj.肥胖的bound/band/n.一跳,一跃oval/vl/adj.卵形的,椭圆形的his nose .中省略了was。turn up向上翘bow/b/n.弓;弧形物;蝴蝶结beard指下巴上的胡须moustache指唇上部的胡须jerk/dk/n.猛拉,猛的一动look around环顾四周chimne

9、y/tImni/n.烟囱rise vi.(rose,risen)上升,升起sleigh/sleI/n.雪车,雪橇thistle/Is l/n.蓟(一种野生植物,叶片带刺,开紫花)out of sight在视线之外,看不见引号中的两行是shout的直接引语。课文翻译静夜思李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。由Yu Yuanzhang翻译圣诞节前夜(节选并改写自小梅杰亨利利文斯通或克莱门特克拉克穆尔的原作)这是圣诞节的前夜,整座屋子毫无声响,没有一人走动,连老鼠也一样。小心翼翼将长袜挂好,满怀着希望,盼圣诞老人到来。孩子们都已安睡在各自的床上,脑海中闪动着收到礼物的梦想。妻子戴上围

10、巾,我戴上帽子,做好准备,睡个冬天的长觉。转眼之间在屋顶上,传来小蹄子踢踏的声响。等我缩回头,再转过身,健壮的圣诞老人一跃而下。他椭圆的眼睛闪闪发光,脸上满是欢笑!他的两颊像玫瑰,鼻子像是樱桃!他那可爱的小嘴向上翘着像把弯弓,他的胡须像雪一样白;他一句话也不说,赶忙开始干活,把长袜都装满,匆忙就把身转。他向四周望望,用手指挠挠鼻子,又满意地点点头,纵身跃上烟囱。他跳上雪橇,大声吹个口哨,迅速远去,好像蓟花的绒毛。在离开之前,我听见他高喊“圣诞快乐,各位晚安。” PrereadingPlease match the words with their proper meanings.1access

11、ible Ato excite or please sb. very much2deliver Bto become or make oneself fresh again3thrill Ccapable of being reached; easily obtained4refresh Dto take goods, letters etc. to a particular place or person5vain Ea positive feeling of liking6convey Fto make ideas, feelings, etc. known to sb.7tendency

12、 Gan attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others8affection Hthinking too highly of oneself9bend Inever finishing10endless Jto cause sth. to be out of straight line15_610_答案:15CDABH610FGEJILeadinDo you like poems? Can you guess the names of the following poets in the pictu

13、res? Give a poem written by one of them. 参考答案:They_are_Li_Bai_and_Xu_Zhimo.Through the Yangzi GorgesLi BaiFrom the walls of Baidi high in the coloured dawn, To Jiangling by nightfall is three hundred miles. Yet monkeys are still calling on both banks behind me, To my boat these ten thousand mountain

14、s away.下 江 陵李白朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。WhilereadingFastreadingWrite down the main ideas of Poem A and Poem B.1What is Poem A about?It_conveys_the_poets_sadness_at_being_far_from_his_home_and_family.2What is Poem B about?Its_about_the_night_before_Christmas_when_Santa_visits_each_house.Careful

15、readingTrue (T) or False (F)1It is autumn then because there is hoarfrost on the ground._T_2Poem B has a lovely and cheerful tone._T_3The children are looking forward to Santas coming._T_4Only the children are fond of Christmas because they can receive presents from Santa._F_StudyreadingAnalyze the

16、following difficult sentences in the text.1Head bent, in homesickness I am drowned.句式分析head bent为独立主格结构,非谓语动词bent的逻辑主语为head而非主句主语。主句的主语是I。尝试翻译低头思故乡。2Down came stout SantaIn a single bound.句式分析该句为完全倒装结构,came是谓语,stout Santa是主语。尝试翻译健壮的圣诞老人一跃而下。.阅读理解A“Beauty is only skin deep.” This expression means tha

17、t beauty is only a temporary surface quality. And some beauty products can cause lasting damage that goes far below the surface of the skin.In the United States, many people use sunlight and nonnatural light to darken their skin.Health experts advise against what is called “tanning” because of its l

18、inks to skin cancer.In the African country of Senegal (塞内加尔), some women take health risks trying to do just the_opposite.An average beauty supply shop in Dakar has many kinds of skinlightening creams and soaps.The World Health Organization says that 25 percent of Senegalese women use skinlightening

19、 products on a usual basis.These products can contain chemicals such as mercury (汞), hydroquinone (对苯二酚), etc.These are dangerous ingredients that can cause cancer and possibly other physical damage to the skin.They can actually burn the eyes and skin.Shop worker Adama Diagne advises her visitors to

20、 avoid the stronger products that promise fast results.She uses a cream that is made from carrots and not the strong chemical, hydroquinone.She says that it is a personal choice and that no one pressures her.Some women want to be black every day, but for her, she likes to be a shade of brown.Women i

21、n Senegal say they lighten their skin for the same reason that women all over the world make changes to their appearance.They say they want to look beautiful, to find a husband, or to stand out in a crowd or simply to look great for a special event.This thinking troubles Senegalese filmmaker Khardia

22、ta Pouye Sall.So, she made This Color That Bothers Me, a film about the subject of skin lightening.She said, “I used the most shocking images so that women would see the dangers.It is hard to understand why a woman says that dark skin is not beautiful.It is in their heads.They want to please a man,

23、to be loved.Or they want to please society, to succeed.”Ms Sall says that the government needs to better control the marketing and sale of skin lightening products.But she adds that education is the best way to persuade people against using them.语篇解读:本文是说明文。塞内加尔的女性为了美使用的一些化学产品给其带来了极大的危害。1.The underl

24、ined parts “the opposite” in Paragraph 2 means some Senegalese women _.Ause sunlight to darken their skinBtry creams to prevent skin cancerCuse products to lighten their skinDtake health risks to become beautiful解析:选C词义猜测题。根据第二段的第一句“In the United States, many people use sunlight and nonnatural light

25、 to darken their skin.”可推知,塞内加尔的一些女性正好和美国人相反,与“darken their skin”相反。2According to Adama Diagne, women shouldnt believe _.Abeauty is just a personal choiceBa cream from carrots is healthierCit is beautiful to be black every dayDa product can make you beautiful quickly解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段的第一句“Shop worker

26、Adama Diagne advises her visitors to avoid the stronger products that promise fast results.”可知,Adama Diagne不赞同人们用快速见效的美容产品。3We can infer that women in Senegal _.Aattract attention with shocking imagesBdont consider dark skin to be beautifulCfind it hard to understand the true beautyDput beauty in th

27、eir first place in their heads解析:选B推理判断题。根据第六段的“It is hard to understand why a woman says that dark skin is not beautiful.”可推知,塞内加尔的女性并不认为黑皮肤是漂亮的。4What is Salls attitude towards skinlightening products?AUnsupportive. BCasual.CReasonable. DPositive.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第六段的“I used the most shocking images so

28、 that women would see the dangers.”以及最后一段的内容可推知,Ms Sall对亮肤产品持不赞成态度。BGenerally speaking, waiting rooms are always filled with a lot of impatient people.However, a project carried out by The Observer suggests that people regard these spaces as a place of refuge (避难), a window in their tightly schedule

29、d lives.Ella Doroudy, Margate StationWe were at the beach for the day, and now are on our way home.We dont have to wait very long, because we checked the timetable so we got here in time for the train.I just chat with my mates, really, and listen to music until the train comes.Waiting with other peo

30、ple is easier because you can kill time when youre talking about stuff.Caroline Lacey, Streatham Dental CenterI dont really get nervous about seeing the dentist, but since these two fillings (补牙的材料) came out Ive been in sharp pain.Its very bright and airy here, so its quite calming.Usually I kill time by reading magazines.Ive been coming to the dentist as and when I need to, but now its got to be regular.Katie Hawkins, Model Ca

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