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unit 5 答案及翻译.docx

1、unit 5 答案及翻译Unit 5 A place in societyActive reading (1)Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 money or goods that you give to an organization, especially one that helps people (donation)2 involving or done with a lot of energy, effort, attention etc (inten

2、se)3 knowing and understanding a lot about a complicated subject (sophisticated)4 supporting social and political change that aims to make a system fairer (progressive)5 capable of doing something in a satisfactory or effective way (competent)6 a new member of a company or an organization, especiall

3、y someone who has recently joined (recruit)7 to deliberately make someone feel frightened, especially so that they will do what you want (intimidate)8 to experience or deal with something, especially a problem (encounter)5 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.There

4、 are two big political parties in the United States: the Republican party, which is traditionallythe more conservative of the two, and the Democratic party, which is said to be more (1) progressive.One of the most interesting and (2) intense moments in American political life is the election campaig

5、nwhich comes before the presidential elections. Both parties need a lot of money to pay for the campaign,for which they rely on (3) donations made by individuals and organizations. They also need a lot of new(4) recruits to work on the campaign. These people are usually young, intelligent and hard-w

6、orking,(5) competent in their jobs and not easily (6) intimidated, since they are likely to (7) encounter a lot ofproblems which have to be resolved quickly. But they also need to be highly (8) sophisticated, to beable to understand what the American people want, and to communicate with them through

7、 the style andorganization of the election campaign.6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 Shes a pleasant young woman, who is always very good company. (agreeable)Shes an agreeable young woman, who is always very good compa

8、ny.2 Im afraid the reasons he gave me for not coming to the meeting were silly and unreasonable. (laughable)3 It is important to fight dishonest and illegal behaviour by officials. (corruption)4 Its freezing out here, Im shaking with cold. (shiver)5 You might find someone to help you in the office,

9、but Im not sure. (doubtful)6 The attendant moved his shoulders up to suggest that he didnt know the answer. (shrugged)7 Dont be so annoyed because the service is slow, you wont miss your flight. (impatient)8 The sound of people clapping at the end of the Senators speech lasted for five minutes. (app

10、lause)7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If you track down something, do you (a) find it, or (b) lose it after a long search?2 Does someone who thinks on their feet make decisions (a) quickly, or (b) slowly?3 If you know something inside out, do you know it (a) only in part, or

11、 (b) very well?4 If you are in the running for a job, do you have (a) some chance, or (b) no chance of being chosen?5 Is a hall-of-fame athlete someone who will be (a) quickly forgotten, or (b) remembered for a long time?6 If the market is heaving with people, is there (a) a crowd of people there, o

12、r (b) not many people there?7 If you summon someone, do you want them to (a) come to see you immediately, or (b) go away?8 If you refrain from doing something, do you (a) do it, or (b) not do it?9 If there is a flurry of activity, do a lot of things happen (a) all at once, or (b) over a long period

13、of time?Active reading (2)Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 support that you always give to someone or something because of your feelings of duty and love towards them (loyalty)2 to give someone the ability or opportunity to do something (enable)3 a c

14、ompany that sells the same goods or services as another company (competitor)4 a written legal agreement between two people or businesses that says what each must do for the other or give to the other (contract)5 the control and operation of a business or organization (management)6 money used in a wa

15、y that may earn you more money (investment)6 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.A Does your company do a lot of business abroad?B Yes, it does. Weve recently signed a number of (1) contracts in the Middle East.A So youre making a major (2) investment in that a

16、rea?B Yes, we are. We also have a lot of (3) competitors in our line of business, so it wont be easy.A Have you ever thought of working for one of them?B Not really, Ive got a certain amount of (4) loyalty to my own company. I think that Ive been treatedrather well by the (5) management. And if thin

17、gs go well, the new project Im working on should(6) enable me to get promotion quite quickly.7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. You mayneed to make other changes.1 These 2,000 words form the most basic part of the English language. (core)2 S

18、ome British people think belonging to the European Union is vital to the UKs national interests.(membership)Some British people think membership of the European Union is vital to the UKs national interests.3 The process of sending the books may take up to two weeks. (delivery)The delivery of the boo

19、ks may take up to two weeks.4 They said they would cancel the contract if they werent paid by next Thursday. (threatened)They threatened to cancel the contract if they werent paid by next Thursday.5 Cant you see the positive side? You always spend time talking about the bad things. (dwell on)You alw

20、ays dwell on the bad things.6 Your inner strength will enable you to overcome lifes obstacles. (prevail over)8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 Does an intermediary try to get two people or groups to (a) agree, or (b) disagree with each other?2 Is your successor in a job the pe

21、rson who comes (a) after, or (b) before you?3 If you have been nominated for a job, have you been (a) formally, or (b) only informally appointed?4 Is a go-between someone who (a) takes messages between two people, or (b) prevents them fromcommunicating?5 Is an individualist someone who (a) is, or (b

22、) isnt dependent on other people?6 If you can stand on your own feet, can you (a) look after yourself, or (b) see further than most people?7 Does parental advice come from (a) the government, or (b) your mother and / or father?Language in useword formation: pro- and anti-1 Look at the sentence from

23、the passage Dinner at Joannes and answer the questions.She was pro-abortion, anti-corruption, pro-low carbon emissions and anti-capital punishment, as fine aprogressive liberal as you could find this side of the Atlantic.1 If she was pro-abortion, was she in favour of or against the possibility of h

24、aving an abortion?She was in favour of the possibility of having an abortion.2 If she was anti-capital punishment, was she in favour of or against the death penalty?She was against the death penalty.3 How are the words formed?These words are formed using the prefixes pro- and anti-.4 What informatio

25、n do they give about peoples characters?They indicate a persons political ideas.Now form new words to describe someone who is:(a) against racismAn anti-racist: a person who is against racism, ie against the belief that people of their own race are better than others, and against the unfair and viole

26、nt treatment to people from other races.(b) in favour of devolutionA pro-devolutionist: a person who is in favour of devolution of power, finance, decision-making on education, health etc to regional or local administrative bodies, rather than keeping such power and control centrally with the govern

27、ment.(c) against interventionAn anti-interventionist: a person who is against intervention by the central government in business, education, health etc, especially for regional or local matters.(d) against protecting the environmentAn anti-environmentalist: a person who is against environmentalism,

28、ie who is against those who think we need special action to protect the environment.(e) in favour of a market economyA pro-market economist: a person who is in favour of letting market forces have their own process with minimal government intervention or control.(f) in favour of the governmentA pro-

29、governmentist:a person who is in favour of the government policies and actions.not just to but to 2 Rewrite the sentences using not just to but to 1 I needed to see him for two reasons. I wanted to tell him about the new contract, and I also wanted to check whether he was still interested in working

30、 with us.I needed to see him not just to tell him about the new contract, but to check whether he was still interested in working with us.2 People went to Joannes for two reasons. They went because they were curious to see who their fellow diners were, but also to be seen themselves.People went to J

31、oannes not just to see who their fellow diners were, but to be seen themselves.3 Matthew decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for two reasons. Firstly, it was a personal challenge, and secondly, he wanted to raise money for a childrens charity.Matthew decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro not just to fac

32、e this personal challenge, but to raise money for a childrens charity.4 I agreed to go to Egypt for two reasons. I wanted to see an old friend, and I also needed a break from the northern winter.I agreed to go to Egypt not just to see an old friend, but to take a needed break from the northern winter.5 Florence left home for two reasons. She couldnt find a job in the area where she lived, and she was beginning to find f

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