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Unit4 IlikemusicthatIcandanceto教案表格doc.docx

1、Unit4 IlikemusicthatIcandanceto教案表格docUnit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A(la2d)一、 创设情境,切入主题Step 1: Lead-inPlay different kinds of music.(pop music, classical music, rock, jazz.)Ask students whether they like the music or not.When the teacher talks about the music with students, some wo

2、rds and phrases about music can be taught.设计意图:尽量播放学生熟知的不同类型的音乐,激发学生的学习兴趣。在这个情境中很自 然地引入一些与音乐有关的词汇及短语,学生可以在接下来的交流中体会并运用。二、 展开过程,探究新知Step 2: Presentation(la&lb)After playing some music, ask students what kind of music they like and why.And then write some attributive clauses according to what they say

3、Make sure they understand the meanings设计意图:有了前面所学习的词汇及短语的支撑,学生能很容易地表达出自己喜欢某种类型 音乐的原因。教师可以把学生的表达转换成定语从句,使学生不知不觉地在语境中开始了用 定语从句表达喜好的学习。Step 3: Before listeningWork on la, understand the four sentences and pay attention to the attributive clauses.And then ask them to write their own sentences-设计意图:熟知四个句

4、子,在第二步的基础上能仿写定语从句来表达对音乐的喜好,并为下 一步的听力作好铺垫。Step 4: While listening(l )Listen and check the kinds of music Tony and Betty like(2)Check the answers.(3)Play the tape a second time to let students answer some questions.(4)Play again to let students read after the tape.设计意图:通过听的方式输入本课功能句。在听的过程中先完成lb的表格,再让学

5、生回答教 师自己设计的几个问题,充分地利用听力材料进行听力训练。完成听力任务后让学生跟读录 音,培养学生学习英语的良好习惯。After listeningStep 5: Practice lc(1 )Students look at lc.And then make their own dialogues according to their preference(2)Students show their dialogues.设计意图:学生通过两人交谈,在语境中感知和模仿所学到的语言,培养学生运用目标语言 进行交际的能力。Step 6: Work on 2a&2bBefore listeni

6、ngT: What do we call a person who plays music ? .Yes! A musician(板 书: musician) What kind of musicians do you prefer?S: I prefer musicians who play fast and exciting music(教师板书本句话) T: What kind of musicians do Carmen and Xu Fei like? Lets look at 2a.While listening(1 )Students read the four sentence

7、s in 2a.Make sure they understand the meanings.(2)Play the tape and students circle T or E(3)Check the answers.Ask students to correct the false informatio n in the sec ond sente nee. A nd then ask students to read the four right sentences.(4)Let students look through the chart in 2b and then play t

8、he tape again.(5)Check the answers.(6)The teacher asks some questions according to the chart and let students answer them.设计意图:在每次听力之前都要为听的材料作铺垫,引字学生尽快进入听力材料中的语境。 听之前给学生设置具体的任务,这样能让学生在听的时候有的放矢。完成2b的表格后,充分 利用表格内容让学生练习目标语言。After listening(1)Students practice in pairs.Talk freely according to 2a and 2b

9、(2)Students show their dialogues.Step 7: Work on 2d(1 )Lead in 2d.(2)Read 2d again and fill in the diagram.About musicAbout moviesScottJill(3)Check the answers.(4)Let students underline the attributive clauses in 2d(5)Let students role-play 2d角色扮演任务分层:(1)学困生能朗读对话;屮等生替换对话屮的一些信息;(3)优等生有创造性地结合生活实际进行交流。

10、设计意图:读2d时设计一些问题,能让学生一步一步地获取一些有效信息,帮助学生更好地 理解对话内容。让学生画出有定语从句的句子,是让学生进一步巩固本单元重点句型。角色扮演任务的分层,使不同层次的学生都能得到不同程度的提高并获得成就感。三、布置作业1.听、读、模仿lb、2“、2b和2d中的内容并背诵2血 要求语咅语调准确优美。(背诵2d为 选做作业)2.记住本节课中所学习的单词及短语。3.用定语从句写出自己喜欢的音乐、音乐家及电影。(至少三个句子)I教学小结I【板书设计】Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A(la 2d)重点单词:isn

11、t too loudpreferplay different kinds of musicmusicianplay quiet and slow songsAustralianhave spare timeelectronicin that casesuppose重点句型:smooth(1)1 prefer music that/which has greatdirectorlyrics.war(2)1 only like movies that/which aredance tofunny.sing along with(3)1 prefer musicians who play fast

12、andhas great lyricsexciting music.Section A(3a4c)I教学过程设计|一创设情境,切入主题Step 1: Lead-inBefore reading: Show some short videos of different movies.Ask students what kind of movies they like.And then teach some new words.设计意图:读前播放一些影片的片段,让学生直观感受不同类型的电影,深刻理解部分新单 词的意义,同时能激发学生学习本课的兴趣,为下一步的阅读做好准备。二、展开过程,探究新知St

13、ep 2: While readingT: What kind of movies are mentioned in 3a? Please underline them and circle the movie names.Check the answers with students设计意图:学生刚刚观看并了解了影片的类型,在第一步的阅读中得到了复习和运用。Step 3: Detail taskAsk students to read the passage carefully and fill in the chartKinds of moviesMovie namesInformatio

14、n about the moviesThe writers feelingsStep 4Ask students to retell the passage according to the chart.设计意图:训练学生有效获取阅读信息的能力,然后由浅入深,层层推进。通过上面的表格 让学生获取文章的具体细节内容;根据表格复述课文既是检验对课文的掌握程度,也是一种 语言的输出。Step 5: After readingAsk students to find all the attributive clauses in the passage, try to understand the me

15、anings and read the sentences aloudStep 6: Pair work 3cLet students talk about the kind of movies they like in pairs, and then fill in the chart.Express according to the chart, trying to use the drills in 3a.设计意图:用从文章中学到的一些语言,并加以想象发挥,充分地理解并运用定语从句表达 对于电影的喜好。Step 7: Work on 4aStudents try to make thei

16、r own sentences according to the topics of food/clothes/people.Step 8: Work on 4bStudents read 4b, and then finish the sentences using attributive clauses.Check the answers.设计意图:学生由前面Section A中谈论的音乐、音乐家、电影,延伸到了对于食物、衣服、人等的喜好,由点到面地展开,可以更加自如地运用所学语言进行表达。三、布置作业口头作业:1听、读、模仿3“内容,要求语咅语调准确优美。2.用自己的话将3a课文复述一遍

17、。书面作业:1.抄写3a课文屮含有定语从句的句子。2.发挥想彖,将本课内容改编成对话写下来。I教学小结I【板书设计】Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A(3a4c)documentaryplenty ofcomedyshut offdramaonce in a whilethrillerWhen Im,I like/love/prefer moviesstick tothat.Section B(laId)一、创设情境,切入主题Step 1: Lead-inThe teacher talks about weekend activi

18、ties with students, leading to movies books, music, musicians, bands, etc.And then asks students what kind of movies/books/music/musicians/bandsthey prefer.设计意图:谈论的内容都是学生熟知的东西,能很快引起学生的共鸣和兴趣,而且在谈论过 程中复习了 lhat等引导的定语从句。二、 展开过程,探究新知Step 2: Let students look at the picture in lb, guessing what things the

19、 two boys are talking about. 设计意图:预测将要听到的谈话内容,同样能激发学生的学习兴趣。引导学生观察并谈论自 己的看法,培养学生的预测能力。为听力作好铺垫。Step 3: Play the tape and let students finish lb.Step 4: Play it again and let students finish lc.Step 5: Check the answersStep 6: The teacher asks some questions according to the chart and let the students

20、answer them. Students ask and answer in pairs.设计意图:对表格里面的内容进行问答,使学生更深刻地理解听力内容,并充分利用现有的 语言材料,进行说的练习。Step 7: Play the tape again.Students read after the tape.Step 8: Let students say something about Michaels preference.Step 9: Students talk about the things they like in pairs, using attributive clause

21、s 设计意图:有了前面足够的语言输入,学生能很自然地输出自己的喜好。三、 布置作业1.听录音并跟读听力原文两遍。2.写出听力原文屮含有定语从句的句子。3.写一篇自己对于音乐、音乐家、电影等喜好的短文。I教学小结I【板书设计】Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Section B(laId)I like/He likes clothes that.I like/He likes writers whoI like/He likes movies thatSection B(2a2e)I教学过程设计I一、创设情境,切入主题Step 1: Lead-in

22、Pre-reading:Students listen to different kinds of famous music that are played on different instruments.Let students guess what instruments they are.设计意图:学生通过听各种乐器弹奏出的名曲,可以拓展视野,了解民族的及世界的音乐。 最后教师播放阿炳的二泉映月,很自然地导入新课。二、 展开过程,探究新知Step 2: Let students look at the title and the picture of the passage, pred

23、icting the answers to the three questions in 2b.Students discuss the questions with partners.设计意图:培养学生根据文章题目及图片预测文本的能力。Step 3: While readingStudents read the whole passage quickly and check whether their predictions are right or not.And then check the answers with the teache匚Step 4: Students read th

24、e passage again and fill in the chart in 2c.The teacher can make an example for the students to find the details of each paragraph.Let the students talk about answers with partners.Step 5: Reading Strategy: Noting supporting detailsThe teacher and students check the answers together. Write some usef

25、ul expressions on the blackboard.Step 6: Let the students read the whole passage aloud and then finish 2dCheck the answers.设计意图:通过快速阅读,让学生了解本文是一篇关于音乐介绍及评价的文章,并总结出每 段的大意。然后细读课文,从文中找出支撑这些大意的细节。最后通过概括本文的一段文字 让学生准确地确定定语从句的引导词。通过如此反复阅读,学生既对整篇文章有了准确而细 致地了解,又逐步掌握noting supporting details的阅读策略和定语从句的关系词。Step

26、 7: Post-readingSuppose one student is an interviewer and the other student knows Abing and his music very well.Make an interview.设计意图:了解了阿炳后,让学生根据自己已有的知识经验进行讨论并拓展。依靠集体的力 量,加深对于民族音乐的了解。同时教师可以引导学生适当了解西洋音乐,培养学生的跨文 化意识。三、 布置作业从网上搜索了解民族音乐、著名音乐人及西洋音乐,并与同伴分享。I教学小结I【板书设计】Unit 9 I like music that I can danc

27、e toSection B(2a2e)sensesad, sadness pain, painfulcontinue to doduring his lifetimebecome one of Chinas national treasuresSection B(3aSelf Check)I教学过程设计|一、 创设情境,切入主题Step 1: Lead-inT: Do you like listening to music or going to the movies at weekends? What kind of music do you enjoy? Or what kind of m

28、ovies do you like? Why?二、 展开过程,探究新知Step 2The teacher talks about the topics with students.Get students review different kinds of music and movies.Let students say out the names of their favorite music or movies.Step 3Ask students to talk about them in groups according to the questions in the chart o

29、f 3a.(Group survey)Step 4Let the reporter give the report in front of the class.设计意图:充分思考并讨论汇报,为写作构建语言框架。Step 5Give students some useful expressions and let students use them to write an article.Step 6Let some students come to the front to read their compositions.设计意图:和全班同学分享自己的文章,既是一次相互学习的机会,也是一次相互

30、纠错的机 会。学困生可以把好的文章当作范文来学习。三、 布養作业1.根据老师的点评,重新修改作文,并眷写在作业本上。2.抄写并背熟Self Check中的单词和句型。3.写一篇关于自己喜好(音乐、电影、书籍等)的短文。教学小结I【板书设计】Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section B(3aSelf Check)Kinds of music:loud music, soft music, classical music, rock music, jazz, music that you can dance to, music that you can sing along with, music that has great lyrics, music that can make you excited, music that can make you relaxedKinds of movies:comedies, thrillers, documentaries, action movies, dramas.

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