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1、中西方思维差异对影视作品翻译的影响南 通 大 学 毕 业 设 计(论文)题目:中西方思维差异对影视作品翻译的影响 姓 名: 指导教师: 专 业: 南通大学外国语学院2012年6月The Impact of Chinese and Western Thinking Differences On Screen TranslationbyUnder the Supervision ofSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts School of Foreign Stu

2、diesNantong UniversityJune 2012摘 要本文介绍和分析了中西方思维差异对影视作品翻译的影响。通过对中西方影视作品翻译的研究,我们一方面可以培养自己的探究技能,另一方面也可以探究在影视作品台词和翻译的对比之中所体现出的中西方思维的异同,从而避免误解,正确理解他国的文化。本文通过研究影视作品中台词和翻译之间的异同,探索其所体现的中西方思维的差异。首先,本文从文化的角度研究中西方在思维方式上的差异,探讨这些差异的由来及其演变。然后,对比中西方影视作品中常见的翻译中体现的差异。最后,分析中西方思维差异在影视作品翻译上的体现。关键词:中西方,思维差异, 影视作品,翻译ABST

3、RACTThis paper gives a brief introduction and analysis of the impact of Chinese and Western thinking differences on the screen translation. Through the study on the screen translation between Chinese and western, on one hand we can cultivate our research skills, on the other hand we can also explore

4、 the similarities and differences of works in the translation that in film and television works and contrast reflects of Chinese and Western thinking, so as to avoid misunderstanding, and get a correct understanding of other countrys culture. Through the study of film and television works and the si

5、milarities and differences of translation, we aim to explore the Chinese and Western thinking differences. First of all, this article explores these differences in the origin and evolution from the angle of culture of Chinese and western in the differences in ways of thinking. Then, points out the c

6、ontrast between Chinese and Western movie and television works in the common translation differences. Finally, makes an analysis of Chinese and Western thinking differences in the translation of movie works.Key words: Chinese and Western, thinking differences, film and television works, translateAck

7、nowledgementsThis paper grew out of my preparation for months. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all respectable teachers who have taught and helped me during the process of my thesis. Special thanks go to my supervisor. He has been available at all times with a helpful advice and a

8、helping hand throughout my whole writing process of the thesis. He has provided me with instructive guidance in modifying the topic, in preparing the material pertinent to the topic and in writing the thesis, and has paid great patience in reading and revising the entire manuscript. Without his pati

9、ence, generous help and advice, I would never have been able to bring this thesis into light. His erudition and strictness as a supervisor, kindness and consideration and tolerance as a friend make my study more than meaningful. In a word, it is his profound knowledge and insight, and constant stric

10、tness and kind understanding that helps me overcoming many difficulties, mastering basic writing skills, and forming my own ideals, which consequently have enabled me to finish this thesis. In addition, I give my heartfelt thanks to my dear friends who have accompanied me throughout the four years a

11、t the university, sharing sadness and happiness with me and teaching me a lot. I should acknowledge a debt to those whos ideal or work has been adopted in this thesis.Contents1. Introduction1.1 The current situation of the screen translationWith the rapid development, the world linked more and more

12、closely today. The film and television works today, as a global and popular media, in a direct and rapid way, is a reflection of the thinking difference in the dissemination and communication. Understanding the differences of Chinese and Western in thinking will do great help to understand the simil

13、arities and differences between foreign language of both the original script and the later translations. 1.2 The history of the study on film and television works Studies on the screen translation field initialed in the western countries, and now the experts who are active in the forefront of the fi

14、eld are mainly western scholars, especially the European researchers. Ivarsson, a Sweden subtitle translator, published Subtitling for the Media: A Handbook of an Art(Ivarsson,1992). This book can be said to be the first comprehensive study of subtitle translation of book in Europe, and in the book,

15、 Ivarsson describes in detail the subtitle translation technology development. The experience that the author long engaged in translation practice makes the book in translation skills and other aspects one-upmanship, and has theoretical value and practical value at the same time. In 1998, with the h

16、elp of Carroll, Ivarsson published the second edition of the book, adding many strategies and skills such as digital technology and other new technologies under the screen translation into the book, and the title was changed to be more neutral as Subtitling at the same time. Ivarsson can be said to

17、be the clear leader of the screen translation field. The scope his research involves is deep and wide, His study are quite accomplished at the point on the classification of the translation model, the strategies and skills of the screen translation, and the audience of screen translation and so on.1

18、.3 The screen translation in China China started late compared with western countries, the number of related papers and monographs of the screen translation can be said to be much rarer. Professor Qian Shaochang, from School of Journalism and Communication of Shanghai International Studies Universit

19、y, is one of the most famous scholars in the field of media translation, and he published the paper Film Translation - Growing Importance of Translation Field in 2000 and called for the translation field to give attention to the screen translation. In this paper he pointed out the importance of scre

20、en translation, the in-depth analysis of the film language and literary works and written language difference, and summarizes five characteristics of the language about film and television work. They are the characteristic of listen, the characteristic of comprehensive, the characteristic of moments

21、, the characteristic of popular and the characteristic of without injection. And based on his experience for many years of translation, he put forward the seven experiences to the screen translation. He believes that in film translation, to achieve the goal of Fluency is of the most importance among

22、 the Honesty, Fluency and Elegancy.1.4 Significance of the studyTranslation as a conversion activity from one language to another language, it in nature is not only a kind of language activity, but also a kind of thinking activity. In the long historical process of Chinese and Western development, i

23、t has formed great differences on the way of thinking. This difference has often been overlooked in the conversion process of the two languages, and it makes the translation to be obscurity, or even mistake. Therefore, understanding the Chinese and Western differences in thinking is of great help to

24、 understand the similarities and differences between the original script and later translation.2. Chinese and Western thinking differencesThinking differences refer to the expressions shared by different countries but implying different connotation. Although human beings have the same biological dri

25、ve, they keep their own unique way of life, set of mind and values which are shaped by their unique experience in certain circumstances.2.1 Differences in valuesValues are the defining expressions of thinking. They express in words and deeds what is important to thinking. Value is the bedrock and en

26、during of thinking. It cannot be changed quickly or easily. Think of values as the very strong and rigid foundation on which mutable attitudes rest. Attitudes are, in turn, influenced by values, as well as by many other sources.Obviously, translation has to be consistent with values, but cannot easi

27、ly or quickly changes. What translators should do is to make the translations consistent with the values of a people. If they are not, they will be likely rejected.Many argue that the best (most effective) translations are those that best express and affirm core thinking values. For example, one Ame

28、rican core value is individualism, or the predisposition to value the individual over the group. It is at the center of American social identity. Translators that celebrate or affirm this value are more likely to succeed than the ones that denigrate or ignore it.2.2 Differences in viewpointsPeople a

29、ll hold a view of themselves. Chinese thinking has the monism viewpoint and the western thinking has the pluralism viewpoint. Nature and human are in oneness is one of Chinese philosophy concepts in Chinese traditional thinking. It insists that nature and human should be in harmony. Contrary to the

30、Chinese thinking, the western thinking insists on the view of pluralism. It emphasizes on the changes and differences of the matter, self-development, and enterprising spirits.Some Chinese translators meet the culture psychology of Chinese public, and create some preferable translation words. They s

31、how the ideas in western value system that people can change everything and people can create everything. The translations manifest the belief that people should pursuit the freedom and self-development, and create the future. These expressions satisfy the consumers personality development and arous

32、e the agreeable responses.2.3 Differences in authorityAuthority worship is the product of state. Because of power concentration under monarch that had reigned for thousands of years, Chinese have a strong hierarchical notion. From the angle of the Honesty of translation, this attitude is mainly embodied in authority worship. 2.4Differences in national character and aesthetic standardsDifferent nations have different characters and temperaments. People often choose several kinds of animals or plants a

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