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届一轮复习人教版选修7 Unit 4Sharing学案设计17页word解析版.docx

1、届一轮复习人教版选修7 Unit 4Sharing学案设计17页word解析版 2019届一轮复习人教版选修7 Unit 4-Sharing学案设计单元核心词汇语篇记忆An astronaut,along with his interpreter,visited a remote village in Africa.However,things shocked them greatly.Owing to high levels of poverty,the children couldnt enjoy the privilege of being educated.They had no co

2、ncept of clicking a computer! The income distribution system had not yet been established there,let alone the social security system.The astronaut made a voluntary donation.He purchased books for children and tractors for farmers.He had a clinic built for the elderly.He even adjusted his arrangement

3、 and stayed there for a fortnight,showing the children how to operate computers.Such knowledge,he thought,would be relevant to their future careers.默写识记默写单词1adjust vi.& vt. 调整;(使)适合2participate vi. 参与;参加3otherwise conj. 否则;不然adv. 用别的方法;其他方面4remote adj. 遥远的;偏僻的5platform n. 台;平台;讲台;(火车站的)月台6donate vt.

4、 捐赠7astronaut n. 宇航员;太空人8voluntary adj. 自愿的;志愿的;无偿的9operate vi. 工作;运转vt. 操作10relevant adj. 有关的;切题的11security n. 安全;保护;保障12purchase vt.& n. 买;购买13distribute vt. 分配;分发14click vi.& vt. (使)发出咔嗒声n. 咔嗒声记住词义1fortnight n. 两星期2toast vt. 烤(面包等);敬酒n. 烤面包(片);干杯3concept n. 观念;概念4privilege n. 特权;特别优待5sniff vt.& v

5、i. 嗅;闻;用鼻子吸6comb n. 梳子vi. 梳(发)7angle n. 角;角度8catalogue n. 目录9anniversary n. 周年纪念(日)10tractor n. 拖拉机;牵引机11clinic n. 门诊部;小诊所写出短语1hear from 接到的信2(be) dying to 极想;渴望3the other day 不久前的一天4dry out (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透5dry up (指河流、井等)干涸6in need 在困难中;在危急中联想拓展形容词后缀ary1imaginary 想象的;假想的;虚构的2revolutionary 革命的3prima

6、ry 首要的4elementary 基本的短语串记1date from 追溯到2result from 由于3escape from 从逃脱4benefit from 从中获益 调节以适应6devote .to . 把投身到7adapt .to . 使适应于8addict .to . 使对上瘾9apply .to . 把应用于10prefer .to . 喜欢胜过11compare .to . 把比作12link .to . 把与联系上13one day 有一天;某一天14some day (将来)总有一天15day and night 日日夜夜16in need 在困难

7、中;在危急中17in need of 需要18satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需要经典例句The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.赤道是一条假想的环绕地球中心的线。The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.这门课的主要目的是提高你的英语口语。All the cupboards and appliances dated from the 1950s.所有这些橱柜和家用电器都是 20世纪 50 年代的物品。W

8、ho exactly stands to benefit from these changes?到底是谁会从这些变革中直接获益?He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation.他决定将自己的余生献给科学研究事业。His project is concerned with applying the technology to practical business problems.他的项目是将这项技术应用于实际的商务问题。The house is in need of a thorough clean.这

9、房子需要来个大扫除。词汇异空间派生词汇原词词义派生词词义adjust vi.& vt.调整;(使)适合adjustment n1.调整;调节;适应participate vi.参与;参加participation n.participant n2.参加;参与3参与者operate vi.& vt.工作;运转;操作operation n.operator n4.手术;运转5操作人员donate vt.捐赠donation n6.捐赠secure vt.使安全security n7.安全;保护;保障mud n泥;泥浆muddy adj.8.泥泞的;泥土般的volun teer n志愿者;自愿者vo

10、luntary adj.9.自愿的;志愿的原创语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)Landslides have occurred in a mountain village.Hundreds of soldiers and other 1.participants (participate) are making their way there for rescue 2.operations (operate)However,they have been held up by a heavy rainfall,which makes the roads to the village 3.mud

11、dy (mud) and even blocked.The rescue team leaders have made some 4.adjustments (adjust) to the rescue plan to make sure potential landslides do not threaten the (secure) of the villagers and the rescue workers.Many people are doing 6.voluntary(volunteer) work,calling for public financial

12、7.donations (donate) for the stricken area in support of its healing and recovery. 【导学号:11470134】词法新图谱核心词汇灵活多变的动词词汇词性意义现在分词过去分词adjustvi.& vt.调整;(使)适合adjustingadjustedparticipatevi.参与;参加participatingparticipateddonatevt.捐赠donatingdonateddistributevt.分配;分发distributingdistributedoperatevi.& vt.工作;运转;操作

13、operatingoperatedpurchasevt.买;购买purchasingpurchasedclickvi.& vt.(使)发出咔嗒声clickingclicked.原创语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)A remote town was hit by floods Monday morning.The rescue work 1.operated (operate) very well.Firefighters arrived quickly to carry out rescue operations with volunteers actively 2.participatin

14、g (participate) in.Many people didnt hesitate donate (donate) money to the floodstricken town.Others 4.purchased (purchase) daily necessities for those in need.Food,fresh water and clothing 5.were distributed (distribute) to the survivors.Even the president 6.adjusted (adjust) his work schedule

15、 and came to express sympathy and comfort.Here you are requested to donate by 7.clicking (click) the website at. 【导学号:11470135】.原创语境改错Li Jie is disabled but he has learned to adjust to live on his own.Three years ago he managed to operate on a small online shop selling toys.Because an increasing num

16、ber of people adore purchase things on the Internet,his business is beginning to take off.Li Jie likes doing voluntary work and he had participated in many charity activities,donated money to those in need.Last month,he worked as a volunteer in a floodstricken area.When the food and clothing distrib

17、uted to the victims,he felt a strong sense of pride.【答案】Li Jie is disabled but he has learned to adjust to on his own.Three years ago he managed to operate a small online shop selling toys.Because an increasing number of people adore things on the Internet,his business is beginning to take off.Li Ji

18、e likes doing voluntary work and he participated in many charity activities, money to those in need.Last month,he worked as a volunteer in a floodstricken area.When the food and clothing distributed to the victims,he felt a strong sense of pride.operate well“进展顺利;运转良好”;operate a computer“操作电脑”;opera

19、te a company“经营公司”;operate on.“给做手术”。participate in“参加;分担”,与join in意义相近。donate把捐给。distribute sb.把某物分配给某人。“调整以适应”;adjust to (doing) sth.适应或习惯(做)某事;adjust oneself to适应。相依为命的词搭配搭配例释、联想、拓展动介hear from接到的信operate on sb. 给某人做手术I havent heard from her for a long time.我很长时间没有收到

20、她的来信了。动副dry out 完全变干;干透dry up (指河流、井等)干涸stick out 伸出;突出;坚持He hates the job but hes determined to stick it out because he needs the money.他讨厌那份工作,但因为需要钱,只好横下心来干下去。形介be dying for sth.渴望得到某物be relevant to 与相关What he said was not directly relevant to what he had done.他说的话与他所做的事情没有直接的关系。介名in need在困难中;在危急

21、中in need of需要.原创语境填空(填入一个适当的词)I heard 1.from my friend Jim last week.He is now in Africa doing voluntary work.People there are dying 2.for food and fresh drinking water.Children from families need are starving or thirsting to death.Some countries are even at war,so they are in need 4.of doctors

22、,especially those who can operate 5.on the wounded.The rivers and lakes are drying 6.up due to the extreme heat.If exposed to the sun,your skin will soon dry 7.outThough the working conditions are terrible,Jim is determined to stick it 8.out.原创语境改错I am in need for some information relevant to Xinjia

23、ngs geography and climate because Im dying of a visit in a week or two.I once heard from a friend working there,saying in his letter that most of the rivers and lakes were drying away,with patches of land sticking up.I hope to do some research work beneficial to the environment protection.Another pu

24、rpose of my trip there is to help save the wild animals in the need.【答案】I am in need some information relevant to Xinjiangs geography and climate because Im dying a visit in a week or two.I once heard from a friend working there,saying in his letter that most of the rivers and lakes were drying,with

25、 patches of land sticking.I hope to do some research work beneficial to the environment protection.Another purpose of my trip there is to help save the wild animals in need.句法新天地重点句型from where引导定语从句教材原句We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fa

26、ntastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.我们步行了两个半小时才到达那里先是爬山,爬到山脊能看到奇妙的景色,然后走下一个陡坡,一直走到下边的山谷。from where.为“介词关系副词”引导的定语从句,相当于and from here/there。We arrived at the top of Mount Tai,from where we could see the beautiful sun rise.我们到达了泰山顶,在那里我们能看到美丽的日出。China is the birth place of kit

27、es,from where kiteflying spread to Japan,Korea,Thailand and India.中国是风筝的故乡,在那里风筝传到日本、朝鲜、泰国和印度。since when,by when也可引导定语从句。She left home three years ago,since when we havent heard from her.她三年前离家出走,从此我们就没有她的音信。not.but.教材原句The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a voluntary contribu

28、tion towards the lives of people who really need it.你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留念的,而是给那些确有生活需要的人的一项志愿性捐助。not.but.“不是;而是”,在句中连接两个表语。not .but .连接两个平行成分,当连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数按“就近一致”原则确定。The secret to success is not when or where you were born,but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.成功的秘诀不是由你什么时间、在哪里出生决定的,而是由

29、你在生活中所做的事情以及你怎样做这些事情所决定。It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist.能使一个人成为科学家的不是这些工具,而是他使用这些工具的方法。即时演练.原创语境填空Gao Bo sits at a large table by the window of his office,from 1.where he can see a tower not far away.The tower was rebuilt five years ago,sin

30、ce 2.when it has attracted millions of visitors nationwide.In fact,it is not the tower itself 3.but its history and mystery that are fascinating to the visitors.Gao Bo often sighs with emotion.The economy is growing so rapidly that 4.before he knows it the city has become modern and livable.With time 5.going (go) on,the tower will surely witness greater changes of the city.原创语境改错Li Qing,not feeling herself today,is standing by the window,from which she can listen to her classmates

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