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1、青原山游记青原山游记Travel to Qingyuan Mountain导游:青原山为江西名山,位于青原区河东镇东,是集佛教文化,名人文化和秀色风景于一体的省重点风景名胜区之一。山上古木蓊郁,奇葩芬芳;碧泉翠峰,各具情趣。山中的潭、泉、溪、峡35处;攀天岩、芙蓉、翠屏、鹧鸪、西华、华盖诸峰,挺拔巍然,秀色可悦;青原山自古寺庙众多,尤以净居寺最富盛名。Guider: Qingyuan Mountain is one of the most fomous mountains in Jiangxi. It lies in East of East River Villeage Qingyuan D

2、istrict. It is one of the key scenic spot of Jiangxi which centains the culture of buddism, culture of celebraty and beautiful scean. There are many trees on the mountain, big and tall.And Fragrance of so many kinds of flowers was gaven off from the grass of it. It will makes you feel full of temper

3、ament and interest with those clear springs and green pesks. Qingyuan Mountain, the total number of the poors, springs, streams and groges of which is 35, is really a feast of eyes.There are many old temples in the mountain science ancient times, of those temples, Net Occupies temple must be the mos

4、t famous one. 吉安最早的书院青原书院,也设于此。历代文人学士慕名而来,游山礼佛,讲学授徒,吟诗作赋,留下血多珍贵墨迹,仅青原山志就收集诗文500多篇。颜真卿、黄庭坚、李纲、王守仁和文天祥等人的手迹石刻更为山中之墨宝。现山中有净居寺、七祖塔、飞来塔、祖关、待月桥、迎风桥、龙潭等名胜古迹供游览。The Qingyuan Academy ,most earlest academy in Jian lies in here too. All the famous scholars in ancient times were attracted to travel the mountain

5、 to relax themseves, to read pomes, and to enjoy the beauty of nature.What famous of interests exist in the mountain now are Net ocupise temple, Seven fathers tower, Fly tower, Windword bridge, and vauclusion spring,and so on. They are all very worth to visit.导游:游客朋友们,你们好!欢迎来到青原山。很高兴见到你们。我叫XX,今天我将作为

6、向导带领你们一起游览青原山。Guider: hello, everyone! Welcom to our Qingyuan Mountain. I am glad to see you here. My name is XX. Today, I am your guider to lead your travel to the most beautiful mountain in mind Qingyuan Mountain.游客a:很高兴认识你。我的名字叫ROSE,来自美国。这是我第一次到中国,我非常喜欢中国文化。Tourist a :Glad to meet you. I am rose

7、from america.This is my first time to china.I am very found of chinese culture.游客b:大家好!我叫xx,来自日本。我对这里的佛教很感兴趣。游客c:我也是来自日本,在这里遇到本国人真的很兴奋啊!Tourist b: hello,everybody! Im XX,and I came from janpan. I am interested in buddism in chinese.Tourist c: I am from janpan too. Its so excited to meet people in my

8、 own country!游客b:是啊!我也很兴奋,你叫什么名字啊?游客c:我叫yy .Tourist b: great! Its unbelievable. Whats your name then?Tourist c: I am yy.导游:你们真是太幸运了。青原山充满了中国文化气息,相信你们会喜欢的。我们开始今天的主题吧!一起游览青原山。首先,我必须说明下,我们的旅程分为3部分,第一部分爬青云山,第二部分,游览净居寺,第三部分,游玩青原山动物园。大家准备好了么?游客abc:好的!准备好了!Guider: You guys are really lucky! Qingyuan Mounta

9、in is full of Chinese culture. Youll love it. Ooookay, lets start todays topic - climb the Qingyuan Mountain, visit the net occupied temple, and play in the Qingyuan Mountain Zoo. Are you ready?!导游: 现在在我们身后的便是我们的第一个景点青原山,青原山属嵩华山脉,面积45,5平方公里,主峰海拔316米,峰峦连绵10余公里。1993年,青原山被列为省级森林公园;1995年,青原山被列为省级重点风景名胜区

10、。Guider : now,behind us is our first step, Qingyuan Mountain. It is belonging to the Songhua Mountains, and it takes an area of about 45.5 squaire kilometres. Tall 316 metres, all the mountains cover an lengh of more than 10 kilometres. It has been called Provincial Forest Park in 1993,and the most

11、important provincial places of interests in 1995.游客a:好高好大的树啊!导游:是的。据说,这里最古老的树达到50年。游客b:空气很清新,真舒服啊!游客c:这里的水又清澈又凉爽。Tourist a : those trees are so high!Guider: Yes. It is said that , the most oldest trees here living till now are in their 50s.Tourist b : The air is so fresh here! I feel very comfortabl

12、e !Tourist c: the water here is so clean and cold.导游:是啊!古人曾描绘这里的山水为“青原之山高入云,螺江之水无纤尘”。(英语翻译)这里鸟语花香,流水潺潺,景色优美,你们是否感受到了大自然的魅力呢?游客abc:是啊导游:这里景色这么好。为什么不拍着照留恋呢?游客a:好主意!导游:让我来帮你们拍吧!游客b:好的!Guider : yeal. Have youk all feel the charm of nature? With the blue sky, flying bird, sing bugs, flowing springs?Touri

13、st abc: Absolutly!Guider :why dont we take some pictures for memary Since the scien is so charming ?Tourist a :good idea!Guider : let me take the pictures for you .Tourist b: thank you!导游:好的!现在,看到身后的古庙了吧,这是我们的第二景点净居寺。净居寺,始建于公元705年,初名” 安隐寺“。唐朝开元2年(714),行思禅师来到青原山,开辟佛教道场,扩建寺庙,弘扬禅法,使得青原法系大振。一时间,青原,香火鼎盛,

14、八方僧众云集,成为江南佛教圣地和南方佛教禅宗的传播中心。并且,有一法系还远播到日本,并成为日本佛教的正宗。Guider : okay! The temple behind us is our second step net ocupied temple. It was built in 705 A.D.its first name is AnYin temple. A Buddhist came to here in 714 A.D. and start to preach his religion extended the Buddhist temple. At that time, the

15、 Zen method was spread around china and even made great inference in Japan.游客b:哦,我知道,是曹洞宗派。游客c:嗯,我也知道,并且我还知道现在日本佛教中,曹洞一脉占日本新风佛教总人数的70%左右,有800多万人呢。游客a:好厉害啊Tourist b:Oh,I know,it is St.Tourist c: Yael, I know, and St Zen takes about 70% of fresh buddish in japan, conculding more than 8 billionbuddhist

16、.Tuorist a : terrific!导游:你们知道的还蛮多的,我都有些惭愧了。接下来,让我们一起进入净居寺吧!这是金刚殿,这是大雄宝殿,这是念佛殿,这是观音阁。游客b:我要拜菩萨!游客a:拜菩萨?导游:就是祈福,求平安,求财运之类的。游客a:哦,我明白了!那我能求姻缘么?游客c:当然可以啊!而且这个很灵的,菩萨一定会保佑你的。游客a:我只希望我和我老公能一辈子幸福。游客b:哇,好浪漫啊!导游:是啊,我们一起为rose祈福吧!游客bc:好的好的。游客a:哦谢谢你们!你们真善良!Guider : You guys reall knew something,I faked. And tnen

17、 we are going inside this Buddhist temple to see what are stored here. Here is Jingan Hall, here is Main hall, here is Nianfo hall and its Guanyin Hall here.Tourist b: I am going to worship the bodhisattva.Tourist a:What do you mean by worship the bodhisattva?Guider: Its pray. You can pray for wealt

18、h, happiness, and so on.Tourist a: oh, got it. Shell I pray for marriage then?Tourist b: Of course you can! Plus, godll hear your voice as long as you are sincerely.Tourist c: My humble wish is to have happiness with my husband for the last of my life.Tourist b: Wooowwwww. So romantic!Guider : Yeal.

19、 Lets pray for rose.Tourist bc:okay!Tourist a : thank you !It really kind of u.导游:ok! 现在我们所在的地方是青原山动物园。整个动物园占地1500亩,坐落于青原山省级森林公园内,树木青翠,绿草茵茵,碧水潺潺。园内有松木林、马尾松林、樟树林、等许多珍稀树种,为动物创造了尽量接近自然的生活环境。目前,老虎、狮子、河马、梅花鹿、骆驼、熊等40余种动物已经进驻。现在大家自由活动,一小时后我们在这里集合。注意不要攀爬,不要用手触摸动物,不要随便给动物食物,总之大家注意安全。好吗?游客abc:好的!游客a:这个熊好大好凶猛啊

20、!尽管它被关着,还是有些害怕。游客b:我觉得狮子最凶猛了。一看到它,我觉得它很有王者风范。游客c:嗯,不错。不过,我觉得老虎好瘦小。 导游:ok!大家看完了动物么?游客abc:恩!看完了!导游:大家玩得开心么?游客abc:开心!导游:今天看你们都玩得很开心。身为你们的导游我很有成就感,我也很开心啊!由于时间关系,那么我们今天的青原山之行就到此结束了,各位朋友早点回去好好休息吧。游客abc:恩,好的,谢谢导游小姐。Guider: here we r! It is Qingyuan Mountain Zoo here. The whole zoo take an area of 1 kilomet

21、er square. it lies in Provincial Forest Park. And it funny here. Here are many Rear tree species, such as pine, masson pine and camphor treethat contribute to bulding a very natural surondings to the anmials here. Till now, tigers, lions, hippos, sika deers, camels and bears and so many kinds of rea

22、r animals are living here. You can play by yourselves now. Please follow the rules and be safe. right, well meet each other here an hour later.okay? Have a good time!Tourist abc: Yael.Tourist a: the bear is so strong! I am skired even it is be closed.Tourist b: the lion is the strongest! he is ownin

23、g the king style the first sight I saw him.Tourist c: right. But I think that this tiger is little thin.Guider :ok! Have you finished visiting those animals ?That is all!Thank you!Tourist abc: Yael.Guider :are u enjoy your time?Tourist abc: of course!Guider : I glad to hear that! And I am completed. Thank you. Lets end our tour since the time is too late. Now U can go back and wish u relax yourselves well.Tourist abc: thank you, we will.

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