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四年级上册 pep unit1 教案.docx

1、四年级上册 pep unit1 教案 Teaching plan Grade : Four Week: 4 Period: 1 By: TinaTeaching contents: Unit 1 My Classroom Part A Lets talk and Lets learnTeaching objectives: 知识目标:1、学生要从听、说、认读方面去掌握单词:classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door.和句型:Whats in the classroom? One blackboard./ Where is .? Its

2、 in/ on/ under/ near./ Lets go and see. 2、学生要掌握在朗读对话时正确的语音和语调。技能目标:1、 学生能够听、说、认读单词classroom, window, blackboard, light, picture, door。 2、学生能够熟练运用句型Whats in the classroom? One blackboard.来问答教室中的各种物品。能够在情景中运用句型Where is .? Its in/ on/ under/ near.询问并回答物品的位置。Teaching focus: 1、能够正确区分和运用介词in/ on/ under/ n

3、ear.2、在描述中正确地使用单词的单数和复数形式,并发音正确。 Teaching procedures StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activities PurposesShow time 1、Enjoy a song: We have a new classroom2、GreetingsT: How do you feel now? What did you do last Sunday? When did you get up in the morning? When did you take a shower yester evening? Ss

4、greet with the teacher.Ss listen to the teacher, think about the questions and answer the questions.聆听一首与本单元有关的歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,让孩子们以愉快的心情进入本课的学习,同时提前感受本单元的意境。师生的对话不仅可以练习孩子的口语表达能力,还可以检测孩子们对上周知识的掌握程度。Lead in Show the picture of the main scene in Unit One.T: Who do you see in the picture? Whos this boy/ girl

5、? Where are they?Ss: They are in the classroom.T: Is the classroom big or small?Ss: Big.T: Its so big. Whats in the classroom?Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions.用PPT出示本单元的主情景图,引导孩子观察图片,进入本课的话题classroom.In- put 1、T: Whats in the classroom?Lets go and see.Ss: Door, picture, window.T: How

6、 many windows do you see?Ss: I see three.T: How many blackboards do you see?Ss: I see one.T: How many lights do you see?Ss: I see three.2、T: Where is the TV? Ss: Its on the desk. T: Where is the kite? Ss: Its under the book. T: Where is the picture? Ss: Its near the window. T: Where is the boat? Ss:

7、 Its near the book. 3、T: Where is Sarahs picture? Lets watch the video.Ss look at the PPT and answer the questions.Ss listen to the teacher and answer the questions.1、在孩子描述What is in the classroom?时,他们会先表达自己学过的单词。此处在拓展:How many.句型。在提问这一句型时,输入两个新单词blackboard和 light. 老师在输入新单词时,可使用phonics方法,让孩子试拼读单词,从而

8、加深对单词读音的记忆。2、通过观察图片,孩子们运用已学过的介词in/ on/ under回答老师的问题,与此同时,输入新介词near.3、引导孩子回答Where is Sarahs picture? 进入到对话的学习中。Practice 1、students read the words :blackboard, light, near, after the teacher.2、Ss listen and read the words in part lets learn.3、Lets play. (P4)4、Order the sentences. ( after watching the

9、video)5、Read the dialogue in different roles.Students discuss in group and answer the questions.让学生先听老师的发音,然后跟着模仿,尽量让每个孩子都有单独操练的机会,确保学生发音的准确性。在多样和有针对性的操练中,让孩子掌握本课的重点单词和句型。Out-put Pair work:Look at OUR CLASSROOMA: Where is the.B: Its .Ss listen and answer the questions. 根据自己的教室与同伴进行问答,体现语言的真实性。Board

10、writingUnit 1 My New ClassroomWhats in the classroom? One blackboard, three lights.Where is the picture? Its near the window.Homework 听、读P4、5三次。抄写对话一次。 Comments Teaching plan Grade : Four Week: 4 Period: 2 Teaching contents: Unit 1 My Classroom Lets do and Lets spellTeaching objectives: 知识目标:1、学生从听、

11、认读和说这三个方面去掌握5个指令的表达。 2、掌握a-e在单词中的发音规则。技能目标:1、学生能够听懂指令并根据指令语做出正确的动作反应。 2、学生能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词,能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合a-e发音规则的单词。Teaching focus: 引导学生进行发现式的学习,观察、感知、体验并自己归纳出a-e在单词中的发音规则。 Teaching procedures StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activities PurposesShow time 1、Greeting:When did you write yesterday eveni

12、ng?What did you see last Sunday?2、T: Whats in the classroom? Ss: Two doors, many desks and chairs.Ss listen to the teacher and answer the questions.滚动知识,达到温故而知新的效果。检测孩子们对上次课内容的掌握程度。Lead in 1、(The blackboard is full of words.)T: Oh, lets me clean the blackboard.Ss look, listen and read.上课前故意不让值日生擦黑板,

13、以便自然地引入clean the blackboard这个短语。In- put 1、T:Who can help me put up this picture? Ss: Lets me try. T:Its windy. Close the window, please. T: Er, its a little dark. So, open the door, please. Do we need to open the door?Ss: No. 2、T: Look at this girl. She has a small face. Her name is Kate. She has a

14、cap and a bag. T: Whats in the cap? Ss: Its a cat. T: Whats in the bag? Ss: Its a cake. T: Kate can make the cake. Ss look, listen and answer.Ss read the words and the sentences.在师生之间简短的对话中输入五个指令。老师引导孩子做动作并出示图片让孩子理解意义。以Kate为主线引出单词face, name, bag, cap, cake, make. 让孩子感知a和a-e在单词中的不同发音,并通过发现得知a-e在单词中的发

15、音规则。Practice 1 watch the video, then read and do the actions.2 read, listen and chant. 3 read, listen and tick.4 try to blend: date, gate, game, lake, late, plate, plane, grape, snake.Students listen and read the new words.1先听录音再跟读录音,为了让学生模仿其中的语音语调, 反复操练。2 先通过chant模仿a-e的发音,接着辨别两组不同类的单词,加深记忆a-e 的发音规则

16、。最后,利发发音规则尝度去拼读新单词。Out-put Listen, circle and write.Ss do the exercise and say english. 检测和巩固活用本课所学的知识。Board writinga-e : Kate, name, face, cake, makeHomework Finish the exercise book. Comments Teaching plan Grade : Four Week: 4 Period: 3 Teaching contents: Unit1 My classroom Part B Lets talk and le

17、ts learn Teaching objectives: 知识目标:学生要从听、说、读等方面掌握单词和短语:teachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor. 学生要从听、说、认读这些方面掌握表示提出行动建议的句型:Lets. / Let me.技能目标:学生能听说、认读单词teachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor.能够熟练地描述教室里各种物品的颜色,如:The door is orange. 学生能够理解能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音他语调朗读对话,能够在情景中正确恰当运用句型Lets./ Let me.提出行

18、动建议并作出正确反应。 Teaching focus: 如何表达名词复数结构的句子,如:The desks are green. Teaching procedures StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activities PurposesShow time 1、Greeting2、Lets do.Ss answer the questions.Ss say and do.Lets do 的内容与本节课lets talk 内容有关。孩子们边说边做,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,还为接下来学习新内容作准备。Lead in Show a picture of dirty c

19、lassroom.T: the classroom is dirty, what are they going to do?Ss: they are going to clean the classroom.Students look and answer the questions.通过图片dirty classroom导入,制造一个需要打扫教室的意境。In- put 1、T:the students are going to clean the classroom. What can Wu yi fan do? What can John do? What can Mike do? Let

20、s watch the video, then answer these questions.2. Ask students to match the pictures and the sentences. 3. T: the classroom is clean now. Lets see. What color is the wall? What color is the floor? What color is the fan? What color is the teachers desk?Ss look at the pictures and think about the answ

21、er.老师根据对话内容提出三个问题,让孩子看完视频再回答问题。老师要求孩子将句子和图片匹配,让孩子注意到lets和let me不同的意义和用法。出示一幅 clean classroom的图片,并输入单词floor, fan, wall, teachers desk.Practice 1、Listen and read the dialogue.2、Choose and say, one by one.Eg: The chairs are orange.3、Look, ask and answerA: What color is the door?B: Its gray.,Ss read the

22、 passage Ss answer the questions.用不同的形式操练单词和句型,注意纠音。Out-put Color and say.Ss color the picture and describe it.听孩子们描述图片,以此检测他们对本节课内容的掌握况。Board writingLets clean the classroom.Let me clean the windows.Let me.Homework Read the dialogue 3 times.Copy the dialogue. Comments Teaching plan Grade : Four Wee

23、k: 4 Period: 4 Teaching contents: Unit1 My classroom Part B Read and write Teaching objectives: 知识目标:.1学生要借助图片去读懂组句,完成理解判断。 2学生掌握通过关键词(key words)进行阅读判断的技巧。技能目标:1学生能够读懂四组句子并完成判断正误的读后任务。 2学生能够按意群和正确的语音、语调朗读句子。 3学生能够综合运用本单元的核心词句,能在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子填充完整。 Teaching focus: 理解单、复数的不同,并在老师的提示下,以填词成句的方式进行单

24、词和句子片段的书写 Teaching procedures StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activities PurposesShow time 1、Greeting2、Sharp eyesSs answer the questions.Ss say the words quickly.用学生喜爱的略带刺激的的sharp eyes活动能快速地调动学生的学习兴趣,同时激活相关图式,复习本单元的难点(单复数),为后面的阅读、朗读和书写做铺垫Lead in T show some pictures and ask students to make sentenc

25、es like this: This is a ruler. It is a long ruler.Students look and say.引导学生模仿造句,用一个形容词描述图片。让孩子对意群有初步的认识。In- put 1 T show a picture, ask Ss like this: where is the.T make the picture missing, ask SS remember where the things are.2 T show a picture of classroom, T and Ss ask and answer like this:T: W

26、here is the.?Ss: It is in/ on/ under/ near.Ss look at the pictures and think about the answer.运用图示教学,给学生搭建合理的学习支架。Practice 1 Memory challenge.2 listen and read follow the radio.3 Read and tick cross.Ss read the passage Ss answer the questions.请学生跟读、模仿正确的停顿和语音、语调。Out-put Look, choose and write.Ss fin

27、ish the exercise.检测孩子们对本课知识的掌握情况。Board writingWhere is the _?It is in/ on/ under the _.Homework Write about the classroom. Comments Teaching plan Grade : Four Week: 4 Period: 5Teaching contents: Unit1 My classroom Part C Story time Teaching objectives: 知识目标:.通过阅读趣味故事复习巩固本单元所学的语言,增加学生语言的输入。技能目标:1学生能理

28、解故事内容。 2学生能能理解并朗读故事内容 3学生能理解并表演故事,还能恰当运用故事中的语言。Teaching focus: There be 句型。 Teaching procedures StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activities PurposesShow time 1、Greeting2、T: Whats this? Ss: Its a blackboard. T: Where is the blackboard? Ss: Its on the wall.Ss answer the questions.在师生问答时,让孩子回忆本单元的重点单词,

29、并帮助孩子复习介词的运用。Lead in T draw a bee on the backboard.T: Whats this?Ss: Its a bee.T: Where is it?Ss: It is on the blackboard.T: We can say, theres a bee on the blackboard.Students look and say.通过简笔画,让孩子理解故事中的重点句型之一:there be 句型。In- put 1 T: If a bee flies into a classroom, what will happen?(watch the vi

30、deo)How do the students feel?Ss: Theyre happy.T: How does the teacher feel?Ss: She is scared.Ss look at the pictures and think about the answer.让孩子带着问题看视频,了解故事情节。Practice 1 listen and read the dialogue2 read the dialogue in roleSs read the passage Ss answer the questions.请学生跟读、模仿正确的停顿和语音、语调。Out-put Act out the dialogueSs act out the dialogue.让孩子们活学活用。Board writingThere is a

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