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1、探讨美容化妆品翻译技巧以安利雅姿产品为例学位论文AbstractChina government pursue a policy of opening to the outside world since 1978, in particular with Chinas accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001, more and more foreign cosmetics brands come to China. Facing the competitive market, the translation of trade mark

2、 and the product name become very important. Good translations have influence on the companys culture and image in the customers mind. This study provides the translation principles and skills as a guide for the translators. The study showed that, with proper method, the translation will be accepted

3、 by both the company and the customers. Skopos theory also has been used in this thesis, which focuses on translating cosmetics into Chinese with its own purpose. The advantages and disadvantages of the principles, techniques and method will be showed in this thesis.Key words: cosmetics name; skopos

4、 theory; principles; techniques中文摘要随着1978年中国的对外开放,特别是2001年加入世界贸易组织,越来越多的外国化妆品品牌进入中国市场。面对与日俱增的市场竞争,化妆品牌的中文翻译变得越来越重要。一个好的化妆品名翻译,它可直接影响到其公司的文化内涵和对消费者的影响。本课题将给翻译人员提供翻译方法进行参考,方便日后翻译工作。在正确的翻译方法指导下,化妆品名翻译将被绝大多数公司和消费者所接受。本课题将探讨在目的论的指导下,化妆品名翻译中翻译方法的重要性,化妆品名翻译的原则,技巧,和翻译方法的优缺点以及翻译过程中应注意的事项。关键词:化妆品名,目的论,原则,技巧Co

5、ntentsAbstract I中文摘要 II1. Introduction 11.1 Relevant background 11.2 Significance of the study 11.3 innovative points of the Study 22. Literature Review 32.1 Domestic research situation 32.2 Foreign research situations 43. Translation principles of the names of cosmetics 6from English into Chinese 6

6、3.1 The purpose of translation 63.2 The coherence of translation 73.3 The fidelity of translation 74. Techniques in cosmetics translation 94.1 Transliteration 94.2 Literal Translation 94.3 Free Translation 104.4 Meaning Implication 115. Conclusion 13References 14Acknowledgements 151. Introduction1.1

7、 Relevant backgroundWith the development of economic globalization, and further implementation of the reform and opening policy, plenty of foreign merchandises flood into Chinese markets, including foreign cosmetics. In order to receive a good reputation and attract more people to buy its products,

8、the foreign companies not only make the products more catering for the habits of Chinese, but also have an idiomatic and attractive translation name of the brand, so do the cosmetics products. The love for attractiveness is native to humans. Owing to the severe competition among different cosmetic b

9、rands, every cosmetic company racks their brains to promote sales. Therefore, how to make the consumers know their products very well is the main issue. Foreign cosmetics products like Clinique, Lancme, and Artistry, everybody in China knows its Chinese name. It is invisible that a charming translat

10、ed name is half of a success and has the influence on the customers Successful translation can not only bring healthy benefits to the company, but also directly affect the image of the company in customers mind. The Chinese name of foreign cosmetics is the most important thing when the products sale

11、 in China. The principles to translate the foreign cosmetics are to raise attention. Skopos theory is one of the principles in translating. “It focuses on translation as an activity with an aim or purpose, and on the intended addressee or audience of the translation” (Vermeer, 1987). Only when the o

12、riginal cosmetics name is adapted to the targeted culture, can the targeted customers easily understand and be likely to buy the products. Cosmetics have its main purpose as a product which is to attract more customers to buy. Therefore, Skopos theory plays a significant role in translating cosmetic

13、s which should be taken as the basic strategy in translation.1.2 Significance of the studyThe cosmetic industry is a profitable business for most manufacturers of cosmetic products. Many foreign cosmetic companies think that China is a potential market with a large amount of population. If everyone

14、buys their products, they will occupy the main market. The most importance is to raise its reputation among the Chinese customer. Therefore, the language becomes a bridge for people to understand the products. Translating the names of the products has to follow the skopos theory. Because of the diff

15、erences between languages and cultures, Chinese people may not know the product well when it is written in English. So we have to study the successful cases. Skopos theory provides a theoretical guidance for the translator to cope with the complex situation in cosmetics translation. As a purpose ori

16、ented process, cosmetics name translation has good grounds to take Skopos theory as the guiding theory for its purpose of promoting the commodity. The author will list some products of Artistry cosmetics on E-C translation. It can be a reference for the foreign companies when they sell the products

17、in China.1.3 Innovative points of the StudyWhen the economic globalization developed, many kinds of the foreign products are rushing into our domestic market. In order to gain most of the customers, the companies try every effort to sell their products well in China, and their selling modes are vari

18、ous. Some may has their own shop to sell their products. Some may sell the products in all the supermarkets. In this thesis, there is a new mode to sell products-Direct Selling. Amway Company is to use this mode to sell their products. Different from other selling modes, the translations can be diff

19、erent. The most important thing is to make the seller understand the products clearly. Then the translation techniques should be taken into deeper consideration. 2. Literature Review2.1 Domestic research situationYanfu told us that translate the English into Chinese, it has to follow the principles

20、that is “faithfulness, expressivity and elegance”, especially in literature text. But when we enter the commercial period, if a company tends to make a successful step or a big profit, it is significant to translate the trade mark into target language and some principles will have to be taken into a

21、ccount, when the translators are now facing some translation problems. Liyi(2009) wrote in his thesis that trademark translated into Chinese is better than into foreign languages in our country. Application of Pinyin Chinese trademarks, abuse of literal translation, disadvantages of abbreviation, th

22、ese three problems we have to solve. Three principles raised by Sun (2010) have been solved. Firstly, the original language and the translation should have similar meaning or the product function is almost the same. We should adopt the best method from various choices in various styles instead of th

23、e original internal vocabulary. With this method, the consumers could get the most similar feeling as the native language consumers. Secondly, the translators should pay attention to the difference among various cultures and make the translation domestic. The translator can never neglect the nationa

24、l traits and values which are exclusively possessed by the target consumers if a translated name is to be well accepted in the target market. Thirdly, it is easier to read and remember, brief and novel. Because of the purpose of the brand, the translation should reach the predict function of the sko

25、pos theory. There is another solution to translate the trademark. Qin (2009) lists some translation for product name translation techniques. First, it is transliteration. Since not all the English words can be found in the dictionary, we have to use this method of transliteration, like the Mobil pho

26、ne brand named MOTOLORA. The Chinese is 摩托罗拉. It shows a culture gap. Second, it is literal translation. According to the Faithfulness principle, if the translation can reach the result of attracting people to buy it, it can be translated in literal translation. Such as Royal Furniture, it translate

27、s 皇朝家私. Both Chinese and English have the same meaning which is the symbol of domination, and the taste of elegant. Third, it is free translation. Because of the differences in culture languages, free translation is a familiar way as well as the most ideal way for us to translate trademark. Only in

28、this way, customers in different countries will have the same feeling towards a certain commodity. Fourth, it is flexible translation. Zhu(2005) said translators can translate product in a flexible way, just according to the distinguishable features of the products or the psychology of the consumers

29、 or the active association of the products. Fifth, it is zero translation. With the acceleration of international communication, more and more foreign brand names have been well acquainted before they are introduced in the domestic market. It may cost the customers more time to accept the translatio

30、n. As a result, famous brand names composing of English letters which are easy to read and easy to remember that we are usually “translated” in a new wayzero translation. Female, is another potential market, especially the cosmetics products which is well sale in womens world. As an old saying goes,

31、 “Everyone admires beauty”. Particularly, cosmetics play a very important role in womens mind. Guidance for cosmetics translation, Fuleis principles of “spiritual conformity” which suggests the lowest standard for translation is the consistence in contend between after-translation version and the or

32、iginal version, and Qian zhong-shus opinion of sublimed adaptation which focuses on the translators smooth and idiomatic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader (Jiang, 2009, cited). In cosmetics translation, it has to respect the consumers psychology and the local traditions and culture, flexibly use various translating methods, and illustrate the beautiful sound, the wonderful meaning and the beauty of context of situation (Chang, 2007). And it has these characteristics, following: Accord with commodity characteristics, According to the target language co

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