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1、完整word版研究生基础英语答案毛大威版unit711单元所有答案花了我一周时间总结毛大威 教育硕士专业学位研究生基础英语课后答案(自己归纳,保证都是标准答案)Unit7 Music单词词组英汉互译作曲家,交响乐,旋律 / 曲调,节奏 音符,主题,音色,和谐 / 和声。pop music playwright classical music country music vocalist/pop singer the blues light music conductorSECTION ATextual organization:General statement:We all listen t

2、o music on three separate planesPlane1: the sensuous planeFurther explanation:Listening to music for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound itself and hearing music without thinking, without considering it in any way.Plane2: the expressive planeFurther explanation:All music has an expressive power,

3、 all music has a certain meaning behind the notes and that meaning behind the notes constitutes what the piece(of music) is saying and what the piece is about.Plane3: the sheerly musical planeFurther explanation:Besides the pleasurable sound of music and the expressive felling that it gives off, mus

4、ic does exists in terms of notes themselves and of their manipulation.Yet while listening to music most listener:are not sufficiently conscious of the third plane./tend to listen on one or the other of the three planes.The author concludes that:We listen to music in all three ways/and on all three p

5、lanes at the same time.The theme of the text:When listen to music ,one should be a more conscious and aware listenernot someone who is just listening, but someone who is listening for something.Understanding long/difficult sentences1.doesnt need to think anything but just enjoy.2.cause/effect3.the m

6、eaning of music4.typical music commentator advocating this idea that music should have meaning.5.discourage wherever and whenever it is met.SECTION BVocabulary studyA)b c a g d h f eB) to speak (可以这么说) 2. strive for (争取/奋斗) alive to (对敏感) 4.take into account (考虑 /重视) 5.sensitive to (灵敏的) 6.

7、carried away(忘乎所以)mensurate with以相当)8.give off (发出) 9.self-evident (不言而喻的)1O.clarity (清楚/明晰)C)1.other 2.dancing 3.else 4.stage 5.like6.over 8.event 9.for 1O.madeSECTION CGRAMMAR REVIEWA)1.The new-type cell phone will be made smaller and smaller.新型的手机越造越小。2.After the storm all the ships wi

8、th their crews were found out of danger. 暴风雨一过,我们发现所有船只和船员都脱离了危险。3.She went away a little girl and came back a middle-aged scientist 她离开时是个孩子,回来时却是个中年科学家。4.Mr. Green was elected director of the board.大家推选格林先生出任董事长。5.She felt her bed soft and comfortable.她觉得那张床又软又舒服。6.Dont leave your things lying abo

9、ut.别把东西到处乱扔。7.His wife advised him to give up smoking.他的妻子劝他戒烟。8.Where did you get your films developed.你的胶卷在哪里冲的。B)1.It is possible that John will come to visit us tomorrow.2.It is sure that the secretary will be there.3.It doesnmtatter very much whether they come or not .4.It is essential that the

10、re should be more houses built next year.5.I think it a good idea to walk in the rain.6.I fell it sad to see you sitting all alone.7.Do you find it very dull to live here.8.It was rather difficult to get the car on the boat.C)1.B has 2. D place worth seeing 3. B 去掉“ that” 4. B that 5. A was it that6

11、.C will it be 7. C that 8. C takenSECTION D TRANSLATION英译中As a devoted participant in the college annual song contest for the past two years ,it has come to my attention that competitiveness and the desire to win have overthrown the school spirit and overall togethernessthat the event was designed t

12、o generate. When classes are so bent on winning that they actually resort to spying on their rivals in hopes they can turn their opponents in on some technicality, things in my opinion, have gone just a bit too far, Is it really worth winning if it means deliberately damaging your competition to do

13、it?在过去的两年中, 我一直是一年一度校园歌咏比赛的积极参加者。 我注意到, 竞 争和想取胜的欲望违背了我们的学校精神, 违背了学校通过比赛达到全校同学共 同参与的初衷。 如果某个年级取胜心切, 不惜采取刺探的手法将别人的技巧 “偷” 到手,我以为这种做法已经有些过分了。 倘若这样做就意味着比赛原则遭到破坏, 那么即使赢了又有什么意义呢?中译英 让我们假设人们听音乐有三个层面。 第一个是感官层面。 在这个层面上, 听音乐 的方法最简单。 听音乐不用思考, 纯粹为了消遣听音乐美妙的声音。 第二个是表 意层面。我们听音乐不仅听悦耳的声音, 还要了解音乐所表达的意思。 每支乐曲 都有它的主题, 但

14、是,不同的人对同样的音乐有不同的感悟。 最后一个是纯音乐 层面。我们听音乐时,应该注意音乐的旋律、节奏、和声等。其实,我们决不会 只在这三个层面的某一个层面上听音乐。我们本能地同时在三个层面上听音乐。Let suppose there are three hypothetical, separate planes on which we listen to music. The first plane is sensuous.It is the plane on which we listen for the sheer pleasure of the musical sound itself

15、 and we hear music without thinking, without considering it any way. This is the simplest way of listening to music. The second is the expressive plane. On this plane we listen not only for the pleasure of the musical sound but also for the understanding of what the piece of music is saying. All mus

16、ic has a theme. But while listening, each listener feels for himself the specific expressive quality of the theme. The third plane on which music exists is the sheerly musical plane. When we listen to music we must be prepared to increase our awareness of the melodies. The rhythms, the harmonies etc

17、. Actually, we never listen on only one or the other of the three planes. What we do is to instinctively listen in all three ways at the same time.Unit8 Life单词词组英汉互译感伤, 叙述者, 审慎稳重的风格, (文章的)节, 冷嘲 /反语book review , disabled, heroine, publisher, hearing, plotSECTION ALEARN ABOUT THE TEXTComprehension que

18、stions1.b 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. a 7. b 8.cTextual organization:1.At the age of five, she was robbed of her hearing.2.At about 7 years old, she was taught by her grandmother to read.3.She was sent to a progressive school for the deaf.4.Soon after she graduated, she met Jim Lloyd, and they got marrie

19、d.5.Two weeks after the marriage, Lloyd was sent to Europe as a stretcher-bearer while she stayed at home, missing her husband and fighting against the influenza epidemic. 6.She and Lloyd finally reunited.Word study:1.has made up her mind 换成 is determ in ed/has resolved.2.turned换成 resorted3.heavy re

20、sponsibility to 换成 burden4.great disorder 换成 chaos5.great sorrow换成 grief6.take away 换成 rob him of7.responsible for换成 guilty about8.well-written 换成 well-constructedUnderstanding long/difficult sentences1. that shows she is quite familiar with the life of the deaf girl, she knows muchabout how the gir

21、l thinks and feels; the writing technique of Itani; the deafgirl ssilent life is so vivid ; Grain wsorld, her life.2. quiet and everything is carefully thought and depicted. effective and suitable for describing the simple domestic life. still has its remarkable power in winning her readers.SECTION

22、BVocabulary studyA)1. process处理/过程)2. procedure (程序 /步骤) 3. procedure (程序 /步骤)4. lightly (轻松地) 5. slightly (轻微地) 6. slightly (纤细地)7. dividing (分开/区分) 8. divide (划分) 9. split (分离/裂缝/离开)10. deliberate (商议) 11. deliberate (深思熟虑) 12. con siderable(值得考虑)13. alternate (交替 /轮流) 14. alternative (两者取其一) 15.

23、alternative (选择性的)16. suffered (遭受 /允许) 17. has suffered 宽恕)18. endured (忍耐)B)1.was submerged被.淹没) 2. affection (喜爱 /感情) 3.survive (幸存) 4.inthe hope of (怀着的希望) 5.shallow (肤浅的) 6.reassured(使安心) (进步的) 8.attend to (注意 /照料) 9.disabled (有缺陷的)10.intensify (使加强)Recognize fact and opinion1.F 2.

24、O 3.O 4.F 5.FSECTION CGRAMMAR REVIEWA)1.She has been condemned to a living hell, a place full of pain and torture.2.Earnest Hemingway, my favorite writer, was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.3.We visited Europe last month, something we had dreamed of in the last two years.4.“You must go in

25、to the peoples homes as I have done, look into their cooking pots and eat their bread” said Thomas Jeffers on, the third preside nt of the Un ited States.5.People cook fish with beer, a common practice in the area.B)1.They are rebuilding the city destroyed by the earthquake.2.She managed to wash the

26、 tablecloth stained with ink.3.Her first novel, inspired by her experience in Africa, turns out to be a bestseller.4.That model car, made in Germany, is my favorite.5.I still remember the story told by my grandmother.6.Once opened, the package cannot be returned.7.Once invited, you may set out on Fr

27、iday.8.If given a blood transfusion, the patient will be saved.9.When exposed to the sunshine, the plant will grow better.10.When cooled to a certain degree, the gas becomes solid.SECTION DTRANSLATION 英译中Whats particularly remarkable about this novel is that Itain qsuiet, measured style, which seems

28、 so effective for describing the simple details of domestic life, becomes thoroughly stunning when employed in her descriptions of war. Form Jim s initial burst of patriotic enthusiasm, through stages of blinding terror and sickness, he trudges on for years in the world “no one would believe.”These

29、anecdotes of continuous chaos, blood, and waste serve as a serious reminder of the nature of battle before technology allowed us to pretend that the process of killing could be precise and objective.这部小说特别引人注目之处是作者伊塔妮平静和慎重的写作风格, 这种风格用于 描绘家庭生活的简朴琐碎十分有效,没想到用于描写战争时会变得如此震撼人 心。从最初爱国激情的迸发到后来的目不暇接的恐惧和疾病等种种

30、磨难, 吉姆多 年来艰难地在一个 “人人都难以置信的世界” 里挣扎着。 当现代科技使我们盲目 地认为战争中的杀戮可以是精准的, 并且并非随意实施的时候, 这些关于连绵不 断的混乱、流血和荒芜的记事认真地提醒我们不要忘记战争的残酷本质。中译英 二战期间,凯瑟琳 ?琼斯在部队当护士。她和许多其他年轻人一样被派住欧洲前 线。每天她要照顾许多伤员,为他们打针,处理伤口。有些士兵被夺去了手脚, 而另外一些则被夺去了视力或听力。 他们遭受巨大的痛苦, 伤势严重的病人常常 依赖止痛药。尽管这样,他们依然勇敢、乐观。这一切深深地打动着凯瑟琳,让 她看到了胜利的曙光。During the World War I

31、I, Catherine Jones worked as a nurse in the army. Like many other young people, she was sent to the front line in Europe. Everyday she had many patients to attend to, giving them injections and some others had been robbed of their sight and hearing. They had suffered so much that those who were seri

32、ously wounded had to resort to painkillers. Despite all this, they were still brave and optimistic, which moved Catherine so much, and which made her see the twilight of the victory.Unit9 Physics单词词组英汉互译扳机 分贝 枪管 奥斯卡奖 声音的 半自动步枪 好莱坞 干扰sound effect movie producer silencer agent noise pistol/handgun/revolver rifle sound wave transmitSECTION ALEARN ABOUT THE TEXTTe

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