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1、届高考英语第二轮专项突破复习题11温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。语篇训练卷(八)Unit 3Learning about Language. 阅读理解ADoes knowledge of a writers private life help to explain his works? Its an age-old question, but its also one in which interest is aroused(激起)again by Antonia Frasers book about

2、 her life with Harold Pinter, Must You Go? The book is obviously a personal account rather than a study of the plays. All the same, Id argue it sends a good deal of light on Pinter, the dramatist(剧作家). I start from the belief that all information about a writer is helpful. In fact, one of the pleasu

3、res of writing Pinters biography was discovering that nearly all his plays were started by some strong personal memory. This got me into trouble with some critics. I remember Martin Esslin, a great Pinter scholar, arguing that I had reduced the value of Pinter s Betrayal by linking it to the dramati

4、sts seven-year-long love affair with Joan Bakewell. But, as I saw it, that was simply the plays origin. All I had done, I hoped, reminded people that Pinter was a writer who would make use of his own life experience. That point can also be seen from Antonias book. Theres an interesting account of a

5、dinner with Tom Stoppard where Pinter says that he doesnt plan his characters lives and then asks his fellow dramatist, “Dont you find they take you over sometimes? ”, to which Stoppard firmly replies, “No. ”That says a lot. One reason why The Homecoming is a great play is that Pinter allows his cha

6、racters, almost unconsciously, to take over. Despite Stoppard s many strengths, he tends to keep his characters under a much tighter control. Again, theres an eye-opening passage in Antonias book where she recalls a moment in 1983 when Pinter refers back to his relationship with his former wife, Viv

7、ien, “While she was alive, if you think about it, so much of my work was about unhappy frozen married relationships. ”In shortas Stoppard once wroteinformation, in itself, about anything, is light. And modern biography, particularly in the hands of masters, has been helpful to literature by opening

8、writers lives to public eyes. For that reason, among many others, I welcome Antonia Frasers book. 1. What is TRUE about Antonia Frasers book? A. It is well received by the public. B. It carries Antonias views about biography. C. It is helpful to the study of Pinters works. D. It includes serious stu

9、dies of Pinters works. 2. What do the author of this article and Martin Esslin disagree on? A. The literary value of Pinters Betrayal. B. The literary value of the accounts of Pinters life. C. The truthfulness of the contents of Antonias book. D. The truthfulness of Pinters love affair with Joan Bak

10、ewell. 3. What can we infer about Pinter and Stoppard? A. They treat their characters in different ways. B. Stoppard has more strengths than Pinter. C. They often have dinner together. D. They often argue with each other. 4. This article is probably. A. a feature story B. a book reviewC. a news repo

11、rt D. a biographyBGalaxy saw a man and a woman who communicated with the sign language at the train station when she was on the way home one evening. She noticed that the woman asked the man for the direction. He told her that he did not know. Galaxy decided to help them. She had learned the sign la

12、nguage when she served as a volunteer in the deaf and mute(聋哑)school. Then she showed the woman the direction and left her email address to them in case they needed her help later. She received an email from that man the next day. Kazrim was his name. Galaxy replied his mail sincerely. They both sta

13、rted chatting online soon after and began seeing each other. Although they only communicated with the sign language, it never bothered her. Galaxy was fond of him gradually. Obviously, Kazrim was the same too. He presented Galaxy with a bunch of sunflowers and asked her sincerely, “Are you willing t

14、o be my girlfriend? ”Galaxy was pleasantly surprised. She requested him to give her some time to persuade her parents. As she had expected, her parents were very angry after they had learned of their love story. Galaxy explained, “Kazrim is an excellent and a very optimistic person. He has a very po

15、sitive attitude towards life and work. He cares for others always. He is 100% better than the normal. Moreover, the mute is still a human. He should possess a perfect and wonderful love. ”Her parents asked to see him, then. The very worried Galaxy took Kazrim home a few days later. When they were on

16、 the train, Kazrim told her, “Im going to tell your parents that Ill be looking after you well with all my life! ”Galaxy was deeply moved. As soon as they had entered the house, Galaxy introduced him to her parents. She said, “This is Kazrim. ”Just right after her speech, an unbelievable thing happe

17、ned. Kazrim threw the gift away and held her in his arms tightly. He said, “YOU CAN TALK? ”It was the same question that Galaxy wanted to ask, too. The four people were shocked all of a sudden. As a matter of fact, Kazrim always believed that Galaxy was a mute and he still fell in love with her deep

18、ly. 5. How did Galaxy and Kazrim get to know each other? A. They met each other by chance. B. They were introduced to each other. C. They once studied at the same university. D. They both served in a special needs school. 6. How did Galaxy probably communicate with Kazrim before she took him home? A

19、. Writing words on paper. B. Using the sign language. C. Judging from his expression. D. Speaking her native language. 7. What did Galaxy expect her parents to do? A. To have a talk with Kazrim. B. To prepare for her marriage. C. To treat Kazrim as a normal man. D. To accept Kazrim as her boyfriend.

20、 8. What can we learn about the two young people from the passage? A. They fell in love at first sight. B. They cheated each other to win love. C. They mistook each other for being mutes. D. They ignored the anger of Galaxys parents. C“Confidence” is probably one of the most noticeable traits(品质)in

21、the Americans. They show confidence in the way they talk, the way they smile, the way they dress and the way they walk. Living and competing with all these confident American students, I find it extremely important to be confident as an international student and instructor. As a student, being confi

22、dent means you should never hesitate to raise your hand whenever a question or a point comes to your mind. Dont mind if it sounds simple or silly. Otherwise you will never get a chance to speak in class at all. Whats worse, the professors may think you are not prepared for the discussion or you do n

23、ot have your own opinion on the issuethis is the last comment any graduate would like to receive. Being confident for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if I did not get it. Pretending to understand what you actually did not may just bring yo

24、urself embarrassment or even disgrace. But the time I most need to be confident is when my students come to my office and bargain about the grades I have given for their speeches(The course Im teaching here is public speaking). Modesty is a trait highly valued in China, but it wont be of much help h

25、ere if you want to survive and succeed in a good American graduate program. 9. To compete with American students its very important to. A. be quite confidentB. be polite and friendlyC. have more discussions with themD. understand what they think about10. A professor will have the worst opinion of a

26、student who. A. gives a silly or simple answerB. tries to seize any chance to speak in classC. shows no interest in the courseD. is considered to have no opinion of his own11. The author is most likely to feel embarrassed if. A. he asks a student to repeat what he has saidB. the students bargain wit

27、h himC. he pretends to know what he doesntD. he has to give a speech12. We can learn from the second paragraph that. A. we should also remain modest in AmericaB. modesty doesnt help in AmericaC. the Americans also like modest peopleD. modesty can help you through an American graduate program13. The

28、passage is mainly developed by. A. providing examplesB. making comparisonsC. giving different figuresD. telling personal experiences. 信息匹配阅读下列应用文及相关信息, 并按照要求匹配信息。首先请阅读以下一些青少年杂志的简要介绍: A. Teens Now is a successful music magazine for teenagers that lists who is playing, where and when and how to get ti

29、ckets. Interviews with well-known singers and groups as well as biographies are included. It also gives its young readers the chance to send their own articles. B. NS Teens magazine is well-known for its wildlife and environmental content but it also has articles on the history and culture of people

30、 from all over the world. Some of the articles are long and detailed but the magazine is also famous for its fantastic photo-journalism. There are letters from readers as well as maps and facts sheets. C. Top Teens is easy to read and full of color photographs. There are a range of different section

31、s including those offering fashion and beauty advice. But the majority of its pages are devoted to interviews with the popular, well-known fashion models and stars of cinema, music and sports. D. Young WB is the only environmental magazine written by teenagers for teenagers. Readers are invited to s

32、end their articles and photographs to the magazines office and materials are chosen for the next issue. As well as articles about the natural world, the magazine also has many special offers and competitions. E. Teenplus is very different from the average teen magazine that simply offers articles on pop stars and fashion. This exciting new magazine informs readers about what is happening in t

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