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1、英语美文Lets look back all these years youve gone through, what have you done for your life? Are you spending your timewiselyto make your life worthwhile? Neal Wu shared some ways we should do to make our short time of life meaningful on Quora, find out what you need to do next:让我们回顾一下这些年来你在生活中都经历了什么?你都

2、做了什么?你做到了充分有效利用时间让你的生活过得有价值有意义吗?尼尔-吴在Quora网站上分享了一些让我们的生活在短时间内充满意义的方法,对照一下看看你接下来需要做到的:1. Make friends as opposed to networking交朋友但不只是社交Your friends will go a lot further than the professional contacts you make, especially since only one of the two groups is invested in your personal happiness.多和你的朋友沟

3、通交流比你联系专业人士交流探讨要强,尤其是专业人士和朋友圈子这两组人群,只有你的朋友圈子才是你个人幸福的投资方向。2. Become an expert by learning as much as you can and deeply seeking out the things you are curious about尽量通过多学习的方式成为专家,并对自己所好奇的方面执着地探求Find the things you enjoy and practice the skills you want to develop. If you can achieve expertise then it

4、 will be easy to obtain an audience.找到你喜欢做的事情并争取达到熟能生巧的地步。如果你能达到专业的高度,那么就会很容易赢得观众。3. Volunteer to help out those less fortunate自愿帮助那些不幸的人In the process you will gain a ton of new perspective and will better understand other peoples real problems. In a society that always looks upward, these people a

5、re being forgotten easily.在这个过程中你会获得多个新的视角,会更加理解别人所遇到的实际问题。在我们当今这个非常势力的社会中,这个人群很容易被遗忘。4. Become as independent as possible尽量自立Even though you work in a big company, you should constantly make small steps to reduce your dependence on your job. Write a book, build an app, or start a small business on

6、the side. Release your inner entrepreneur.即使你在一家大公司工作,你也应该经常做出小小的改变,减少依赖工作的程度,让自己不那么依赖这份工作。写本书、编个小程序或做个小生意。让你内心的企业家潜质充分释放出来。5. Dont spend too much time worrying about your personal brand不要在你的个人品牌力上浪费太多时间Accomplish things, and the recognition will follow.把事情做好,大家心中都有一杆秤。6. Stop treating life as a com

7、petition and do things for their own sake别把生活当成比赛,做事只是为了自身利益Genuine interest should be what drives you to improve yourself, rather than a desire to beat others. Find a community of people who are interested in the same things as you do, and drive each other to keep improving.你是真心想着要完善自己才做的,并不是希望打败别人

8、。和感兴趣的人一起做,这样会互相带动、精益求精。As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these hugecreatureswere being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for so

9、me reason, they did not.当一名男子经过象群的时候,他突然停了下来。这群庞大生物被一根系在他们前腿的小绳子拴住了,他对此十分困惑。没有锁链,没有笼子。显然,任何时候大象们都可以挣脱束缚,然而,由于某种原因,她们并没有挣脱。He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the

10、same size rope to tie them and, at that age, its enough to hold them. As they grow up, they areconditionedto believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”他看到附近的训练员,问道,为什么这些动物只是站在那儿,却不尝试逃脱。“咳,”训练员说,“在它们很小的时候,我们用同样尺寸的绳子拴着它们,那个时候,这条绳子足够拴住它们

11、了。随着它们渐渐长大,它们习惯性地认为自己无法挣脱。它们以为这条绳子依然可以束缚住自己,所以它们从不会尝试挣脱。”The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldnt, they were stuck right where they were.这名男子十分惊讶。这些动物本来随时都可以挣脱束缚,然而因为它们认为自己无法挣脱,所以它们就被困在了那里。Like the elephants, how many of u

12、s go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?就像这些大象,我们之中有多少人在生活中固守着一个观念,自己办不到某件事情,只是因为曾经失败过一次?Failure is part of learning; we should never give up thestrugglein life.失败是学习的一部分,生活中,我们永远都不应该放弃努力。And now we come to the most alarming del

13、usion of all.现在,我们要讲所有幻觉中最需要防范的一种。The idea that other people dont matter. Their feelings. Their needs.这种幻觉就是:觉得其他人都不重要,他们的感受、他们的需求都不重要。Imagine a cave where those inside never see the ourside world.来想象一个洞穴吧,这里面的人从来没有见过外面的世界。Instead,they see shadows of their world projected on a wall.他们看见的只有投射在墙上的影子。T

14、he world they see in the shadows is not the real world. But its real to them.他们在影子中看到的那个世界当然不是真实的世界,但他们就认为这是真的。If you were to showthem the world as it actually is, they would reject it asincompreshensible.而如果你把真实的世界展示给他们看,他们反而会抵制它,因为他们理解不了这个世界。Now what if, instead of being in a cave, you wereout in

15、the world, except you couldnt see it.那么现在,如果你不是住在一个洞穴里,而是住在真实的世界里,只是你看不见这个世界呢?Because you werent looking. You wereonly looking at what the media has shown you.你看不见它,因为你并没有在看它,你只是在看媒体呈现给你的东西。You trusted that the world you sawthrough the prison was the real world.你坚信你从这个牢笼中看到的世界就是真实的世界。But theres a di

16、fference.不过刚刚举的这两个例子是有区别的。You see. Unlike the allegory of the cave where the people are real and the shadows are false, here other people are the shadows.你看,在那个寓言里面,人是真实的而影子是虚假的;但在这个世界里,其他的人就是那些影子。This is the delusion of the narcissists who believe that they alone are real, that their feelings are t

17、he only feelings that matter because other people are just shadows.这就是那些自恋者的幻觉,他们认为这个世界上只有他们才是真实的,他们认为只有他们自己的感受是算数的,因为其他人都只是影子。And shadows dont feel, because they are not real.而影子是不会有感受的,因为他们不是真的。But what if everyone lived in caves. Than no one would be real, not even you, unless you woke up one day

18、 and left the cave.但如果所有人都是住在自己的洞窟里呢?那么就没有人是真实的了,连你自己都不是,除非你有一天突然醒悟然后离开这个洞窟。And then, how strange would the world look after a lifetime of staring at shadows.这时候你才会发现,这个世界是如此的奇怪;毕竟,你至今为止都不过是在盯着影子看而已。Have you ever gone on vacation and said to yourself, “I could live here?” On a trip to Jamaica, Kalis

19、a Martin entertained that idea and actually went through with it.你是否曾经旅行过并告诉你自己:“我能住在这里”?在去牙买加的一次旅途中,卡丽萨马汀思考了这个想法也事实上将它完成了。It was during alingeringandnastyNew York City winter in March 2014. Martin and her boyfriend Jeff Belizaire decided to escape the snow by taking a last-minute getaway to Jamaica

20、.那是在2014年三月纽约市一个漫长而恶劣的冬季期间。马汀和她的男朋友杰夫贝利泽尔突发奇想决定马上跑去牙买加躲避雪天。At the time, Martin had a dream job in the New Yorkculinaryworld: brand director at Tasting Table, a digital destination for culinaryenthusiasts. She also appeared on national television shows like Good Morning America.在那时,马汀在纽约的烹饪界有着一份理想的工作

21、:Tasting Table的品牌主理人,这是一家美食热爱者的线上聚集地。她同时也在国家电视节目如早安美国中出现过。But there was something about that trip that spoke to Martin profoundly.但是,有关那趟旅程的什么东西深深地印在了马汀的内心。“That long weekend, the idea of the B&B concept came up and we thought, Why not?It could happen, and it could happen right here in Jamaica,”said

22、 30-year-old Martin. “That was the first time we seriously considered the idea.”“在那个漫长的周末里,“床加早餐”理念(一种旅店形式)的想法蹦了出来,我们想着为什么不呢?那是有可能发生的,而且有可能就发生在这儿,在牙买加,”30岁的马汀说道。“那是我们第一次认真考虑这个想法。”Within four months Martin had quit her job and was on her way to Jamaica with Belizaire to create The Runaway, a bed-and-

23、breakfast that has grown into a lifestyle travel brand.在四个月里,马汀辞了职,并和贝利泽尔踏上了去牙买加创造The Runaway的道路,一个有着“床加早餐”理念的想法开始成为一个生活方式旅游品牌。“We ran away from the cold and the typical 9-5 to follow our dreams and create this new life,”says Martin.“我们从寒冷与典型的朝九晚五中逃离出来追寻我们的梦,并创造了这个全新的生活,”马汀说。And this isnt your avera

24、ge bed-and-breakfast. The Runaway Jamaica is the first successfully funded B&B on Kickstarter. Backers donated almost $47,000 to help bring the property to life.这也并非只是典型的“床加早餐”。The Runaway Jamaica是第一家成功在Kickstarter上得到资助的“床加早餐”理念的品牌。支持者们捐献了将近47000美元来帮助它成为现实。Of course, there are a lot of things you sh

25、ould do in your 20s.当然,20多岁时需要做的事情很多。But I always think there are several of them which deserve morepriority.不过我一直觉得其中有一些更加优先一些。And here are the 17 on the top of my list.下面这17条就是我觉得最重要的。1. Plan what to do.规划要做的事。2. Have good command over English language.掌握好英语这门语言。3. Read, read and read.不停地读书。4. Sta

26、rt reading, fiction, non fiction, science, history, politics etc.开始阅读小说、非小说、科学、历史、政治等等类别的书籍。5. Start exercising or yoga or start jogging. Have a decent physique.开始运动,或者做瑜伽,或者慢跑。保持好身材。6. Wake up before sunrise, practice to wake up without alarm.在日出前起床,试着不需要闹钟可以自己起床。7. Learn to communicate with strang

27、ers. Develop the confidence to start a conversation with strangers. Get to know different people around you.学习跟陌生人交流。建立可以与陌生人交谈的自信心。了解你身边不同的人。8. Quit smoking, alcohol or any other bad habits you have.戒掉烟、酒或者其他不良习惯。9. Learn how to cook.学会做饭。10. Learn to plan your day well. Spend at least 10 mins in t

28、he morning and make a list of activities to be done for that particular day.学习规划每一天。在每天早上花上10分钟来对当天的活动做一个列表规划。11. Learn a foreign language.学习一门外语。12. Help people who are in need of help.帮助需要帮助的人。13. Love your parents, love your family. They are the only ones who will love you.爱你的父母,爱你的家人。他们是唯一会一直爱着你

29、的人。14. Learn to live alone.学会独居。15. Never be dependent on anybody, for anything. Learn to be independent.不要依赖任何人或者任何事物。学着独立自主。16. Dont forget to get at least 8 hrs of peaceful sleep among all these activities.不要忘了在活动之后保持八小时以上的充足睡眠。17. Start meditation, this will keep your mind calm, fresh and active throughout the day.学会冥想,有助于你保持沉着、清醒、积极一整天。

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