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1、HeideggerBeingandTime14NOTE ON THE INDEX AND GLOSSARY Being and Time is a work of many interwoven themes, where words are used in strange ways made stranger still by the shift to another language. The reader must constantly remind himself of how specific expressions are used, and he must recall the

2、contexts in which they have appeared before. In our index of English expressions we have tried to list most of those which he may have occasion to look up, indicating which German expressions they have been used to translate and the chief passages in which they appear. We have also provided a German

3、-English glossary for the benefit of the reader who needs a translation as an aid in studying the German text, or who has read other works of Heidegger or discussions of his theories and wants to know how we have handled specific problems. We have taken the reader into our confidence, as it were, ex

4、posing not only the pedantic consistency with which many expressions have been treated but also our many departures from consistency when a little more pedantry might have been warranted. Rather than overloading the index and glossary with trivial details, we have made no effort to list all the impo

5、rtant expressions which belong to the same family, but have usually chosen one or two to serve as representatives for the rest. We have, however, used the expression But cf. to introduce members of the family which have been handled in ways other than those which our main entry suggests; we have don

6、e so even in some cases where these exceptions are quite trivial. In both the index and the glossary we have usually tried to list all the equivalents, for expressions of each family for which an entry is made. In those, cases where our list is incomplete, we have usually indicated this by an etc.;

7、and we can assure the reader that most of the expressions covered by this abbreviation are of little philosophical importance. In the index, an asterisk (*) attached to a German expression means that to the best of our knowledge this expression has always been translated by some member of the family

8、 for which the entry is made. Similarly, in the glossary we have used asterisks to indicate those English expressions which (again to the best of our knowledge) have been used solely to translate the corresponding German expression and its cognates. When several equivalents are listed, we have put t

9、he more frequent ones first. If a word not marked with an asterisk is given as an equivalent for an expression listed in the glossary, but is not itself listed in the index (or vice versa), we have sometimes indicated in parentheses the other expressions to which it corresponds. When an English expr

10、ession has been used to translate several German words of which only one or two are of philosophical interest, we have often confined our index references explicitly to these. When two or more English expressions have been used to translate the same German word, we have sometimes found it convenient

11、 to put all the references together under a single entry. See, for example, our entries for assign and refer. In the index we have usually made no attempt to indicate all the passages in which an expression occurs. Indeed there are several expressions of the utmost importance, occurring nearly on ev

12、ery page, for which we have been content to -503- list only a few key passages or even none at all. When, however, we have some reason to suppose that our list is complete, we have indicated this with a dagger (). In general, the less frequently a word appears, the fuller our coverage. In both the i

13、ndex and the glossary we have used the abbreviation ftn. to indicate the pages on which our relevant footnotes are to be found. In the index we have sometimes used the abbreviation df. to designate the chief passages in which the author has discussed the meaning of an expression, if these do not coi

14、ncide with those in which it first appears; we have done so even in some cases where the author would probably not feel that he has given a full or official definition. The fullness and accuracy of both index and glossary are due in large measure to the extensive and careful records prepared by Miss

15、 Marjorie Ward. She is not responsible, however, for any errors we have made in supplementing her records or reducing them to a more compact form. All references are to the pagination of the later German editions as indicated in our margins. -504- GLOSSARY OF GERMAN EXPRESSIONS abblenden: *dim down

16、Abgeschlossenheit: (See abschliessen.)Abgrund: *abyss (ftn. H. 152 ) abknftig: derivative (ftn. H. 329 ) ableben: *demise (ftn. H. 247 abschliessen, Abschluss: *settle; conclude (H. 184 , 259 ) Abstand: distance abstandmssig, Abstndigkeit: *distantial, *distantiality Absturz: *downward plunge abtrgl

17、ich: *detrimental Abwesenheit: absence (Fehlen; Mangel, H. 9 ; etc.) Aktionsart: aspect alltglich, Alltglichkeit; Alltag: *everyday, *everydayness But cf. alle Tage (every day, H. 370 ) (ftn. H. 16 ) an: at; to; etc. (ftn. H. 54 ) Analyse: analysis, analyse Amalytik: *analytic der Andere: the Other,

18、 etc. Angabe, angeben: assign; tell (erzhlen, Aufschluss geben, sagen, Anweisung, etc.); cite (anfhren); etc. (ftn. H. 408 ) Angnglichkeit, angehen: matter (verb); be feasible (*tunlich, H. 337 ) angleichen: *liken; *assimilate (ftn. H. 214 ) Angst: *anxiety; dread (H. 190 n. iv) (ftn. H. 182 , 277

19、) anhalten: persist (H. 134 ); persevere (H. 354 ) But cf. Anhalt (support, foothold); ansichhalten (hold itself in, H. 75 , 80 ) (ftn. H. 354 ) ankommen, anknftig: *come along, *come on, *oncoming; etc. But cf. Ankunft (*arrival, H. 250 ) Anruf, anrufen: appeal (ftn. H. 269 , 273 ) Ansatz, ansetzen

20、: *approach; regard; start; posit; etc. anschauen. Anschauung: behold (schauen, H. 37 , 169 ); intuit, intuition (ftn. H. 27 , 402 ) anschneiden: *take the first cut (ftn. H. 150 ) ansichhalten: hold itself in But cf. entry for anhalten above. (ftn. H. 75 ) An-sich-sein: Being-in-itself, Being-inthe

21、mselves (An-ihm-selbst-sein, H. 90 ) (ftn. H. 75 ) ansprechen: address; consider (ftn. H. 37 , 408 ) Anthropologie: *anthropology (ftn. H. 17 ) anvisieren: *set our sights anweisen, angewiesen, Angewiesenheit: submit, submission; *enjoin, *injunction; allot; assign; dependent (*abhngig; etc.); *inst

22、ruct, *instruction; tell (H. 19 , 43 , 115 ); provide (H. 19 ) (ftn. H. 68 , 87 ) anwesend: *having presence But cf. Anwesenheit (presence). (ftn. H. 326 ) Anwesenheit: presence But cf. anwesend (*having presence). (ftn. H. 25 , 326 ) anzeigen, Anzeige: indicate; call attention (ftn. H. 77 ) apophan

23、tisch: *apophantical artikulieren: *Articulate (ftn. H. 153 ) sthetisch: *aesthetic auf. to; for; etc. (ftn. H. 84 , 329 ) aufdecken: uncover; expose (freilegen, H. 375 ; sich aussetzen, H. 376 ) aufdringlich: *obtrusive (ftn. H. 74 ) Aufenthalt: dwelling; sojourn (H. 24 ); *stop for a while H. 303

24、) (ftn. H. 61 ) -505- auffllig, auffallend: *conspicuous ftn. H. 74 ) aufgehen: *be absorbed; rise (H. 412 ) (ftn. H. 54 ) aufhalten: dwell; hold up (vorhalten, H. 266 ) (ftn. H. 61 , 354 ) aufrufen, Aufruf: *summon (ftn. H. 269 , 273 ) Aufsssigkeit: *obstinacy (ftn. H. 74 ) aufschliessen: *lay open

25、 But cf. Aufschluss (information; tell; etc.) (ftn. H. 75 ) das Auf-sich-zu: *the towardsoneself (ftn. H. 329 ) sich aufspreizen: *give itself airs (ftn. H. 430 ) aufweisen: exhibit; point out; point to (ftn. H. 53 ) aufzeigen: point out; exhibit; point to (H. 71 ); *point at (H. 215 ) Augenblick: m

26、oment; *moment of vision (ftn. H. 328 , 338 ) ausdrcken, Ausdruck: express, expression But cf. ausdrcklich (explicit; etc.) (ftn. H. 149 ) ausdrcklich: explicit But cf. unausdrcklich (tacit, unexpressed, not explicit, etc.) (ftn. H. 149 ) auseinanderlegen: analyse; take apart (ftn. H. 149 ) ausgleic

27、hen: balance off; *even out (H. 126 ) auslegen: *interpret; lay out (H. 409 ) (ftn. H. 1 , 148 , 149 , 409 ) ausliefern: *surrender ausrichten, ausgerichtet: direct, *directional, *directionality; contribute (H. 82 ) (ftn. H. 102 ) (Note: while Ausrichtung is translated as directionality, Ausgericht

28、etheit is translated as *directedness.) ausrcken: *back away (ftn. H. 339 ) *ausrufen: proclaim aussagen, Aussage: *assert, *assertion; *deposition (H. 197 ) But cf. Aussagesatz (statement); Heraussage (*speaking forth). (ftn. H. 62 , 149 ) Aussein auf . . .: *Being out for *Being out to get . . . (

29、H. 261 ) usserlich: *superficial; external (ftn. H. 339 ) das Ausser-sich: *the outside-of-itself Aussersichsein: *Being-outside-of-itself aussprechen: express; *speak out (H. 168 f) But cf. unausgesprochen (tacit; unexpressed); Ausspruch (pronouncement; etc.); Aussprache (pronouncing; etc.). (ftn.

30、H. 149 , 167 , 224 , 408 ) Ausstand, ausstehen: *outstanding; has yet to be given (H. 205 , 210 ) (ftn. H. 236 , 250 ) ausweisen: demonstrate (ftn. H. 53 ) bedeuten, Bedeutung, Bedeutsamkeit: *signify, signification, *significance (ftn. H. 1 , 87 ) (Note; Bedeutsamkeit has always been translated as

31、significance, which, however, has also been used occasionally for Bedeutung.) bedrohen: threaten befinden, befindlich, Befindlichkeit: *state-of-mind; to be found; find But cf. Befund (findings; datum, H. 53 ; find) (ftn. 134 , 137 , 328 ) (Note: Befindlichkeit has always been translated as state-of-mind, which has also been used occasionally for befinden and befindlich.) befragen: *interrogate befr

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