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1、英语六级积累词汇及短语结合写作提示中给出的“express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big”,就可以确定本题要求探讨的话题就是我们常说的“一屋不扫,何以扫天下”。在此,审题时一定要认真阅读写作提示,不要遗漏其中的重要信息。 Doing Big Things Starts from Doing the Small OnesAs is vividly revealed in the picture above, the boy expresses his worr

2、ies about the disposal of nuclear wastes, while the father tells him to empty the dustbin in the room first. Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed in the picture is that it is vital and necessary to deal with trivial things before accomplishing anything significant.Doing small things may

3、 help us develop the good qualities required in undertaking important tasks, which lays a solid foundation for our future development. It is very likely that these small things would make the difference between success and failure. Seldom do we know any case in which successful scientists or politic

4、ians become so outstanding without starting from doing the basic experiments or elementary activities. Therefore, when it comes to the key to success, the most important thing lies in dealing with every trivial thing well around you.To sum up, for college students, to achieve goals needs not only th

5、e great ambition, but the practical spirit of dealing with trivial things from the beginning. Only in this way can we make the highest eminence.哲理作文范文For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Learn to Be Grateful by commenting on the saying, “God has two dwellings, on

6、e in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Being grateful to others is a way to show your love.” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. As a saying goes, God has two dwellings, on in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Being grateful to others i

7、s a way to show your love, which means that gratitude, the traditional virtue of all culture, never fades in its importance to individual life and the society as a whole. No matter we are in happiness or misfortune, we should hold a grateful heart towards our life, for nothing is impossible to a gra

8、teful heart.In our daily life, we are frequently confronted with hard times and difficulty. At this time, we are blessed to get helps from parents, friends, colleagues or even strangers, whereby we can survive and endure. In return for that, we should hold a grateful heart to be ready to help others

9、 whenever they are in trouble or suffering from misery. For example, we are supposed to do our best to help disabled people or old people, which can help create a more harmonious society, in which we can enjoy better life and environment. The more love we give, the more love we receive.All in all, g

10、ratitude does make a lot of difference to modern people, who sometimes become indifferent to each other due to the increasing pressure from work or life. Nowadays, more emphasis has been put on the construction of harmonious society. Only when each member of our society shows gratitude to others and

11、 to life, can there be less conflict and more understanding. 四六级翻译十大考点讲解 1. 虚拟语气2012年12月四级91. If the reaction were to take place, _(巨大的能量就会被释放出来). 通过were to 判断这个是一个表示将来的虚拟语气,因此需要用would,所以答案是tremendous amounts of energy would be released2. 倒装句2012年12月90. Hardly had John finished this introductory rem

12、ark _(他就被观众打断了). 通过hardly判断这是一个倒装句,固定用法hardly hadwhen所以答案是when he was interrupted by the audience3. 时态2012年12月四级90. This is the first time I _(听到他们用法语交流). 考察点为前面句子中有序数词加time,后面的句子用完成时,所以答案是have heard them communicating with each other in French2012年12月四级90. He is well into his thirties. Its about ti

13、me he _ (安顿下来,开始创业).考察点为it is about time/ high time that sb did sth, 所以答案为settled down and set up his own business2012年6月四级91. The famous novel is said to _(已经被译成多种语言). 考察点是被动语态的完成时态,所以答案为have been translated into many languages4. 非谓语动词2012年12月四级87. David turned away and walked quickly down the stre

14、et, _(完全无视她的存在). 前面是一个完整的句子,后面给出的汉语提示里面又出现一个动词“无视”,应该想到要用ing分词,所以答案为completely/ totally ignoring her presence2012年6月四级90. He left his office in a hurry, with_(灯亮着,门开着) with结构属于非谓语动词中的独立主格结构,这个题的结构为with +n+adj./ adv.,所以答案为with lights on and door open5. 被动句2008年6月四级87. Our efforts will pay off if the

15、results of this research _(能应用于新技术的开发)。被动语态的考察是重点,而且经常和其他考点一起考察,比如虚拟语气和完成时态,翻译的时候应该注意,答案为can be applied to the development of new technology6. 短语搭配2012年12月四级89. With the noise going on outside the classroom, I had great difficulty _ (集中注意力复习功课).短语为have difficulty (in) doing sth 所以答案为in focusing on r

16、eviewing the lessons2012年12月四级91. If you _(发现自己在排长队等候)at a supermarket checkout counter, are you likely to get impatient? 考察短语为find sb/ oneself doing sth,所以答案为find yourself queuing up。Find 的短语还有find oneself done/ find oneself adj.2011年12月四级90. The publishing house has to _(考虑这部小说的受欢迎程度).短语为take sth

17、into consideration/ account所以答案为 take the popularity of the novel into consideration/account2011年12月四级91. It is absolutely wrong to _(仅仅以金钱来定义幸福). 短语为define sth by所以答案为define happiness solely by money,define的短语还有defineas7. 强调句2012年12月四级88. It is mans intellect _(才使他区别于其他高等动物). that distinguishes him

18、 from other higher animals89. Its my mother _(一直在鼓励我不要灰心) when I have difficulties 2011年12月四级in my studies.8. 主语从句2010年12月四级90. _(给游客印象最深的) was the friendliness and warmth of the local people. What impressed the tourists most9. 比较状语从句2009年12月四级91. The more exercise you take,_(你越不大可能得感冒). the fewer c

19、hances you will have of catching a cold10. 让步状语从句2007年12月四级89. I am going to purchase this course, _(无论我要作出什么样的牺牲). whatever/ no matter what kind of sacrifice I have to make虚拟语气语法讲解a. if 虚拟语气 形式if从句时态主句时态例句与过去事实相反过去完成时had donewould/ should/could/ might have doneIf he had known this, he would have to

20、ld me.与现在事实相反过去时(如果动词为系动词,则为were)would doWhat would you do if you were in his place?对将来情况的推测(通常为不愿意看到的情况)1) were to do2) should dowould doIf you should come across any trouble in learning English, I would help you out.错综时态(主句和从句动作发生的时间不一致)大多数的错综时态都是从句表示与过去事实相反,主句表示与现在情况相反,例如:If the weather had been

21、more favorable, the crops would be growing much better.暗含虚拟语气能够表示暗含虚拟语气的词语有but,but for,with,without,比较级,otherwise,介词短语,句子本身的意思例如:1) He would have called you, but he has been so busy.2) But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier.3) With concerted effort, we could have made it.4) Without music,

22、 the world would be a dull place.5) We could have done better under more favorable conditions.6) I was ill yesterday. Otherwise, I would have taken part in the parade.7) Anybody in his position would have done the same.8) Such mistakes could have been avoided.If虚拟语气的倒装句如果if从句中包含有were, had, should, 可

23、以把if省略,把上面三个单词提前到主语前面例如:1) Had we made adequate preparations, we might have succeeded.2) Were it not for their assistance, we would be in serious difficulty.3) Should Mr White call, what would you say?b. 愿望,建议,命令型虚拟语气1)Wish (if only) 型从句表示跟现在事实相反,谓语动词用过去式;从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用过去完成式;从句表示对将来的愿望,谓语动词用would

24、/ could do 例如:Iwish I knew the answer to each question in CET 4. I wish I had paid more attention to my English study. I wish I could pass the CET 4 this June. If only I were there with you.2) would rather, would sooner, would as soon, had rather 后面同wish3)advise, suggest,order,demand,prefer, propose

25、,command,request,require, urge, desire,insist,后面的宾语从句,谓语动词用should+动词原形,should可以省略 例如:The teacher insisted that a deadline be set for handing in the assignment.4) it is desired that, it is suggested that, it is requested that, it is ordered that, it is proposed that后面的主语从句同(3)5) advice, suggestion, m

26、otion(动议), proposal, order, recommendation后面的表语从句和同位语从句同(3)6) it is necessary that, it is advisable that, it is important that, it is essential that , it is strange that, it is impossible that,后面的主语从句同(3)c. as if/ as though 就好像,同wish例如:They talked as if they had been friends for many years. They are

27、 talking as if they knew each other well.It seems as if the meeting would never end.d. Lest, for fear that, in case 从句用should doe. Whatever, whoever, no matter what 谓语多用may加动词原形例如:Whatever defects he may have, he is an honest man. No matter what you may say, I am determined to do what I think is rig

28、ht.f. It is (high) time that 后面用过去式(it is time for sb to do sth; it is the first time that 后面的从句用现在完成时)g. 提出建议might as well do sth不妨做某事;had better do sth最好做某事h. as it were可以这么说,就好像,宛如,姑且这么说例如:He is, as it were, my second self. He became, as it were, a hero from a strange land.i. Should have done/ sh

29、ouldnt have done; could have done/ couldnt have done; would have done/ wouldnt have done; neednt have done; must have done; might have done四六级常考短语come upon偶然遇到或发现/ Come true/ Come up with提出/ Come through如所预料地到来/ Come to sb 被某人想起/ come to达到某种状态/come up变得更强更亮/Come up with想出,提出/ come by经过/ come to苏醒/ c

30、ome to terms with与达成协议,与妥协/ come about 发生/ Come by 经过/ Get by勉强度日四六级常考短语be determined to do sth决心做某事/Be bound to一定会做某事/be addicted to对上瘾/ Be reluctant to do sth不情愿做某事/ Be willing to do sth愿意做某事/Be sure of很确定/ be short of缺少/ Be composed of/ be capable of有能力做某事/ Be caught up in对入迷/ be supposed to应该/ Be known as以闻名/ Be ashamed of为感到羞耻/ be based on/ upon以为基础/ Be on the lookout for注意,守望/ Be finished with sb/ sth完成某事,不再与

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