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1、六级作文3自主学习资料 六级作文3一、Introduction Clear view for beginningBrief and to the Point Reiterates the viewpoint in the end Threads up the subject:重复词序数词关联词下大雨了,他发烧了。发烧了,不能上班了。他不能去上班了,扣工资了。 Because of the heavy rain, he developed high fever, and thus had to sleep at home. His absence resulted in reduction of

2、 his pay.句间衔接v 英语写作中的衔接关系:A. 表示附加: and, what is morenot onlybut alsoas well as _. Besides this, _. _. In addition, _. _. Apart from this, _. _. Furthermore, _. _. Moreover, _. _.To put it in another way, _.B. 表示顺序:FirstSecondThirdFirstlySecondlyThirdly To begin with, Following this, Next, Initially,

3、 After this, Then, On one hand, On the other hand, Last but not the least,C. 表示因果: because / as / for / since. Owning to_, _. Due to_, _. _. For this reason, _. _. Hence, _. _. Accordingly, _. _. Therefore, _. _. Thereby, _.D. 表示对比:but _.While, _. _. By contrast, _. _. Conversely, _. _. On the contr

4、ary,_. _. Whereas, _. _. Nevertheless,_. _. Nonetheless,_.E. 表示肯定:Of course / certainly Surely, _. Clearly, Naturally, _. Obviously, _. Plainly, _. Undoubtedly, _.F. 表示条件:If _, _. As long as _,_. As far as_,_. Depending on_,_. Provided that_,_.G. 表示定义:_is_. _ refers to _ _ means _.H. 表示举例:for exampl

5、e/ such as/ for instance In particular_. Namely _. As an illustration, _. Specifically, _. To demonstrate,_.I. 表示时间:When_.v As _, _.v While_,_.v Meanwhile_,_.v Whenever_,_.J. 表示承接: About/ On_.v With regard to_,_.v As for_,_.v Around_,_.K. 表示强调:especially,_. Mainly, _. Particularly, _. In particular,

6、 _.L. 表示总结(总而言之): in short/ in conclusion/ in a word/ in summary, To conclude / to sum up, As far as Im concerned,M、表示概括(整体来讲): as a rule for the most part in general in most cases on the whole speaking generallyv Unified contentDoctrine of the Meanv Water dropping day by day wear the hardest rock a

7、way.v Celebrity Quotes & Famous Sayings:Immanuel KantNietzscheWilliam ShakespeareGeorge Gordon ByronConfucius适用于道德类话题v 不得分文章1,不写/ 中文/ 完全与范文一样2,与题目完全无关3,政治态度过激v 从论文入手二、 Strategy for Essay Writingv wordHow many? 2000 positive words To avoid the following words:v wordv word good positive, favorable, ro

8、sy, promising,perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding Think harbor the idea that, take the attitude that; hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that in my opinion As to me, from my own perspectivev grammarWarning: A _,_. B _! C _? D _. E should be do sth

9、F 主谓一致use modal verb(can, could, must)v SentencesA:anticipatory itThat + 完整句 = N.E.g. Education is vital. That education is vital is obvious. It is obvious that education is vital.v SentencesExamples: It is announced / estimated /reported It goes without saying that It cannot be denied that It is vi

10、tal / imperative / significant / of importance / essential that It is suggested / demanded / required / advised that + should do It is obvious / clear / evident / manifest / as clear as crystal that v Samplev it is a striking fact that every modern city boasts not only of its prosperity but also of

11、its culture.v It is an inescapable fact that a small, but troublesome minority of school students behave badly, some only occasionally but others regularly.v Sentencesv Object clause some people think that v Some people insist / maintain / argue / deem / contend / conclude / advocate / emphasize v S

12、ome people point out / do strongly believe / be convinced / do not mistrust .v Sample对比引入v A large number of people insist that lack of practical knowledge, among other things, contributes to this situation.v In light of this, they contend that college teachers should lay more stress on practical co

13、urses than on traditional ones.v For my part, I am in favor of their viewpoint.v SentencesFamous saying:v I have a dream that one day all roads will be made plain.v We hold these truths to be self-evident that men are created equal.v Many people are fancied that money means everything.v Sentencesv N

14、on-restrictive clauseA: whichv Many people think that frequent culture communications are beneficial, which can enhance the culture integration.v Business research should be advanced, which can pave the way for a nations economic development.v Sentencesv B: asv As is well-known,v As is known to all,

15、v As is widely-accepted,v As is universally-known,v As is universally-accepted,v Sentencesv As has been said,v As has been mentioned,v As has been discussed,v As has been remarked,v As has been outlined,v As has been presented,Nonfinite verbsA : to dov To begin with / start with / illustratev To sum

16、 up / conclude / summarizev To be honest / be frank / tell the truthv SentencesB doingv According to / concerning sth. / judging by / respecting sth.v taking all factors into considerationv taking all things into accountv Speaking of / talking of.= when it comes tov Sentencesv Preposition :amazing /

17、 eye-catching / earth-shaking / relaxing / entertaining / far-reaching/ decision-makingv Postposition :Those who hold the latter view do strongly believe that doing so may be a waste of time.those holding .v Sentencesv Emphasizingv A : adv.especially, mainly, particularly, in particularv B: S + do/d

18、id/does We do believe that a friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.v C : it is/was that/ who Michael is waiting for me in the woods.v Sentences InversionA: Here/ there / now / then / thusHere comes a dog.Then came a new difficulty.B: Prepositional phraseIn the fields stands a tree.Ahe

19、ad sat an old man.v SentencesC: no /not /never /seldom /little /hardly /at no time /in no way /not until Never in history had technology made such spectacular advances. Little do we realize how essential this decision is. Hardly a day goes by without my thinking of her./ such a question.v SentencesD

20、: only Only in this way, can we solve the problem. Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed.v Ways to find reasonsv P: public &politicsv E: environment/ education/ experience/ economyv T: time & technologyv C: culture & characterv S: societyv SamplePart time jobs: living expense;the s

21、ense of independence;enrich working experience; be well prepared to the future development;put theory into practice. distract from study ;be a waste of time;lack of experienceStudy abroad: education conditions; communication skills and interpersonal skills; rich social and life experience cost a lot

22、; sentimental ; lack of self-care abilityv Para. 2原因分析段v Schools are too academic in orientation and it would be more useful for children to learn about practical matters.v My first reason is that it is the duty of parents, not teachers, to practice their children to deal with the practical affairs

23、of life.v The home, not the classroom, is the ideal place to learn about home management and interpersonal skills. As for work abilities and attitudes, they are the best learned “on the job” and under the supervision of an experienced older worker.v Schools are too academic in orientation and it wou

24、ld be more useful for children to learn about practical matters. My second reason is that academic subjects have withstood the test of the time. They represent the accumulate wisdom of our ancestors down through the ages, and, far from being impractical, they equip us with the knowledge and confiden

25、ce to make sound judgments about any problems which may crop up. In addition, academic subjects are good for training us in mental discipline, while practical subjects are weak in this regard.v Schools are too academic in orientation and it would be more useful for children to learn about practical

26、matters.v My third reason is based on the saying “Man does not live by bread alone”.v Schooldays devoted solely to instruction in down-to-earth practical matters would be dull indeed! Lessons in the best literature of the past enrich our lives and make us feel that we are part of the great family of

27、 mankind.v Reason?For: It moulds strong and real character. It helps to reinforce the authority of teachers and parents. Permissiveness results in undisciplined children. Parental laxity leads to the spread of juvenile delinquency.v progressive.v Corporal punishmentAgainst: It seriously violates the

28、 legal rights and interests for children. It endangers childrens physical and mental development. It is a kind of brutality and cruelty which may lead to injury or even death of the student. Researches reveal that students who suffer from corporal punishment tend to resort to violence in their future life. The mission of education can be fulfilled in other more civilized School or parents responsibilityThe school: As an institution of education, the school has the sole responsibility to edu

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