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1、食品企业设备和基础设施审核检查表This module serves as a guide to the auditor in completing the compliance part of the audit of an operation. The auditor will determine whether or not the Operation is complying with the specifications and requirements of The Coca-Cola Company by completing this audit module. Plant:

2、Date: Auditor(s): 1) Questionnaire:YesNoAre all electrical equipment suitable for intended use? 1Do all electrical systems have a grounding system? 1Is there an over current protection in place? 2Are the necessary precautions taken for installations in wet locations? 2Are the rules for flexible cord

3、s and cables determined and followed? 2Are the practices suitable the hazardous locations? 2Are electrical panels and rooms designed accordingly? 2Are the electrical equipment guarded as required? 3Are battery charging and storage practices in-line with requirements? 3Is there an inspection program

4、in place? 3Is training provided as necessary? 32) Reference Standards List:Electrical Safety RequirementsTCCQS updates are captured till June 30, 20053) Specifications and Requirements Summary:Specifications / Requirements12Are all electrical equipment suitable for intended use?是否所有的电器设备适合于预期的使用?Sui

5、tability of equipment for an identified purpose may be evidenced by listing or labeling for that identified purpose by the manufacturer.确定目的处使用了合适的设备可以通过供应商提供的清单或标签中确定的用途证明 All electrical distribution equipment and cordage to be suitable (as to type, size, voltage, current capacity, insulation, mech

6、anical strength, heat generation) for the intended installation and use. 所有的电力分配设备和变压设备是适用于指定的安装和使用(型号/尺寸/电压/电流/ 绝缘/机械强度/发热等)3Do all electrical systems have a grounding system?是否所有的电器系统有接地装置? All electrical systems have a grounding system that provides a permanent and continuous path to ground from

7、circuits, equipment, and enclosures.所有的电器系统都有接地,确保能永久持续地通过电路/设备或栏杆和地面相连。 A bonding and grounding system to be used when transferring flammable liquids to ensure that the pipes and/or container are maintained at the same electrical potential to prevent sparking. 是否有可用的保险或接地系统 以便转移可燃液体,确保同一电器单元中的容器和管道

8、不接触到火星 。 The bonding/grounding conductors identifiable and distinguishable from all other conductors.保险和接地系统导线须能和其他导线有区别并能被识别。 Bonding/grounding systems tested annually to verify the effectiveness of the system.保险和接地系统每年被测试以评估系统有效性。4Is there an over current protection in place?电器设备的现场是否有合适的防护措施? Fus

9、es, circuit breakers and other over current devices correctly rated for the circuit they protect and may not be modified, even on a temporary basis.保险丝/阻断器和其他超电流保护装置正确地按它们保护的电路额定了,并且即使在临时需要时也不得改变。 Each disconnect switch or over current device clearly labeled to indicate the circuits function unless

10、it is clearly evident what the device controls (e.g., the disconnect switch is adjacent to the device controlled), whether they are in the open (OFF) or closed (On) position, the fuse class, voltage, and current rating.每个断开装置或者过电流装置被清晰地指示电路的功能,不论电路是开启或关闭的位置,或者是保险丝/电压/额定电流,除非它被清楚地证明它控制什么(如断路开关临近控制装置)

11、, Disconnects should be maintained so that they are readily accessible in an emergency.断开点必须被维护以便在紧急情况下能迅速到达。5Are the necessary precautions taken for installations in wet locations?在潮湿区域安装设施是否有必要的预防措施?“Weather-proof” designations for electrical devices do not necessarily mean that the device is “liq

12、uid tight” and suitable for locations with heavy water or chemical exposure. Fixtures, switches, circuit breakers, switchboards and equipment installed in dry locations whenever possible and protected from direct contact or immersion in water unless they are designed specifically for this use.不管接头/开

13、关/断路器/开关盒和设备等是可能接触或浸没在水中(或已经已采取保护措施)都必须安装在干燥的地方,除非它们本身是特别设计的。 Fixtures, switches, circuit breakers, and switchboards installed in wet locations approved for the purpose, enclosed in weatherproof enclosures, and constructed or installed so that water cannot enter or accumulate in the enclosures, wire

14、ways, lampholders, or other electrical parts. 为特定目的而批准安装在潮湿区域的接头/开关/断路器/开关盒和设备必须有防水围栏,设计安装以确保水不能进入围栏/线槽/灯架或其他电器部件。 Equipment installed in wet locations have the correct IP (Ingress Protection) rating for the installation as per international standard IEC 60529. “Liquidtight” flexible conduit and fit

15、tings, which are designed for use in “wet” industrial environments, or a local equivalent, should be used in wet areas. 在潮湿区域安装的设备必须按IEC60529国际标准额定有IP(进入保护),为在潮湿工业环境中使用的防水导管或配件或其他国内专用设备必须在这些区域使用。 Regular armored cable is not suitable for this environment and should not be used.普通的导线不能在这些环境使用 Packing

16、 glands, bushings, gaskets or other controls used to ensure a water-tight seal regularly inspected and maintained or replaced as necessary.密封管/套管/垫片或其他措施的防水密封情况定期检查和维护,在必要时进行更换。 Motors, motor-control apparatus, and branch-circuit conductors used in wet areas protected against short-circuits or groun

17、d faults.在潮湿区域使用的泵/泵的控制设备以及支路控制器必须有短路防护和接地防护。 Portable electrical equipment that is for use in areas that are wet or that is likely to contact conductive liquids are double insulated or provided with ground-fault protection controls.在潮湿区域或可能接触导电液体区域使用的移动式电器设备必须有双重密封或者有接地防护措施。6Are the rules for flexi

18、ble cords and cables determined and followed?是否制定并执行了柔性材料和电缆的标准?Insulating tapes alone are not considered satisfactory, as they do not generally have sufficient adherence or provide enough mechanical protection to repair a cable sheath adequately. Unless specifically permitted by regulation, flexibl

19、e cords and cables may not be used:除非有法律法规容许,柔性材料和电缆不能被用于: As a substitute for the fixed wiring of a structure;成为结构中固定导线的一部分。 Where run through holes in walls, ceilings, or floors;那些通过墙/天花板/地面的洞 Where run through doorways, windows, or similar openings;那些通过门/窗或类似的区域。 Where concealed behind building w

20、alls, ceilings, or floors; orIn contact with walls, floors, wood cross members, or partitionsunless the cords/cables are encased in ridgid conduit, cable trays, or bushings of noncombustible, nonabsorbent insulating material. 那些建筑物墙面/天花板/地坪的后面,或者和墙面/地坪/木质结构/隔离物的后面,除非柔性材料和电缆被紧密包裹在电箱/不燃套管/不变形绝缘材料中。 Al

21、l cables/cords and cable conductors electrically insulated and protected against mechanical damage. 所有的 柔性材料和电缆及电缆控制箱都有措施防止机械损坏。 Cabling run underground rated for this application and buried at a depth to preclude damage from surface activities. Cable run overhead located at a height to preclude dam

22、age from moving equipment or to present a risk to employees.埋设在地面下的电缆的深度必须能防止地面活动带来的损坏。过顶电缆的高度必须能防止设备移动带来的损坏或对员工产生危害。 Where the cable is vulnerable to damage, additional precautions such as conduit, flexible armoring, protective braiding or superior forms of sheathing used.在那些电缆易受损害的区域,附加的防护措施或柔性保护材

23、料/防护编织物或更高级的措施必须被使用。 Conductors entering boxes, cabinets, or fittings protected from abrasion and be provided with strain relief where necessary. Openings through which conductors enter are effectively closed or sealed.接线盒/电器柜或其他设施等在需要的地方需要有防磨损和抗超强度措施。进入电器箱柜的门必须有效地关闭和密封。 Flexible cords used only in

24、continuous lengths, preferably without splices or taps. Cords must be supported at least every 6 feet (2 meters) to avoid stress on the connections.柔性材料必须被连续使用,不得有接头和接口。电缆至少每2M有支撑以防线路过度拉伸。 Conductors joined by soldered or crimped joints, so that the current-carrying capacity of the cable is not redu

25、ced.导线连接使用焊接或扁接口,以确保通电能力不被减弱。7Are the practices suitable the hazardous locations?危险区域的操作是否符合对应的要求? Equipment, wiring methods, and installations of equipment in locations where flammable liquids, flammable gases or explosive dusts are, or could potentially be, generated to be approved not only for th

26、e hazard class of location but also for the ignitable or combustible properties of the specific gas, vapor, dust, or fiber that will be present.设备/配线方法/配套设备被安装在易燃液体/气体或爆炸性粉尘区域的,或可能有这些情况的,不仅得按危险性等级进行批准,同时必须对现场易燃易着火的气体/挥发物/粉尘或光缆的危险等级进行批准 。8Are electrical panels and rooms designed accordingly? 电器间和电器面板

27、的设计是否符合要求? Electrical distribution panels guarded against accidental damage by locating them in specifically designed rooms, using substantial guard posts and rails and other structural means.通过牢固的张贴和栏杆或其他方法对处于特定设计房间内的配电箱进行保护以防意外损坏。 A clear approach and 3 foot side clearance maintained for all distr

28、ibution panels. Sufficient access, working space, ventilation and lighting provided.所有配电箱都有足够的道路,3面都保持干净。有充足的道路/工作空间/通风/照明。 Metal-enclosed switchgear, unit substations, transformers, pull boxes, connection boxes, and other similar associated equipment marked with appropriate caution signs to alert u

29、nqualified.含金属的开关,小变电单元,变压器,插线盒,连接盒或其他同类的设备必须标有适当的非专业人员不得接触的警示或注意事项。 Access to electrical installations controlled to permit entry/access only to those workers who are qualified by training and experience to enter. Warning signs posted to prevent unauthorized entry.电器装置必须被控制以保证进入的人员是受过培训和有经验的人员。有警告标

30、志严禁非授权人员进入。 Fire control equipment approved for use on electrical fires provided in electrical power distribution centers.在配电中心配置适用的能灭电器火灾的消防设备。 Power distribution centers not to be used as storage rooms and maintained free of flammable and combustible materials. 配电中心不得用作仓储区域,同时确保没有易燃易爆材料进入。9Are the

31、 electrical equipment guarded as required?电器设备的监管是否符合要求? Live parts of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or more guarded against accidental contact by approved cabinets or other forms of approved enclosures, or by:50伏或以上电压的运行中的电器设备通过认可的箱或柜或其他方式保护以防意外的进入: By location in a room, vault, caged area or similar enclosure that is accessible only to qualified persons.设置在适合的房间/围栏/笼中以确保只有有资格的人员才能进入。 By suitable permanent, substantial partitions or screens so arranged that only qualified persons will have access to the space within reach of the live parts. Any openings in su

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