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1、校对英语复习资料Unit 1. Vocabulary1. Those who believed their religious leaders prophecy that the end of the world would come soon went into a panic. B. forecast C. prediction D. declaration 2. It became obvious when the boy floundered through the recitation in class today that he had not taken the trouble

2、to do his homework. B. faltered C. contemplated D. staggered 3. The teacher told the students that they should avoid using clichs in their composition. A. popular proverbs B. well-known stories C. famous quotations D. trite expressions 4. After listening to the same old moral lesson all these years,

3、 the villagers became almost immune to it. A. insensitive to B. fed up with C. familiar with D. accustomed to 5. I cant claim credit for her English proficiency; after all, she only came to my class this semester. for money B. expect paymentC. say that I deserve praise D. declare that I am grateful6

4、. Believe it or not, this popular novel now you see on every shelf was censored only a few years ago. examined and banned B. despised by the general publicC. sold out soon after its publication D. condemned by the critics party leader regards the result of the election as a personal triumph. B. cele

5、bration C. satisfaction D. propaganda immigration officer scrutinized his passport before he was allowed to leave.A. Stamped B. examined C. returned D. issued suffered a long period of depression before his first suicide attempt. B. hypertension C. ailments D. dejection was never able to enjoy the m

6、etropolitan delights of cinemas and theatres. B. modern C. urban D. various quickly _ behind the building to avoid being hurt by the stones thrown in his direction. B. evaded C. escaped D. dodged dislike of the course may prove to be a _ barrier he cannot overcome.A. Biological B. ideological C. spi

7、ritual D. psychological the Cup Final was drawing closer, the injury of the best player was a _ for the whole team.A. misdemeanour B. mistrust C. misfortune D. mischief14. The best solution to the problem can only be found by a process of trial and _. A. error B. mistake C. success D. experiment 15.

8、 He thought that he might be able to avoid paying some of his taxes by taking advantage of the _ in the law. A. circles B. loopholes C. exceptions D. misunderstanding16. When he lived in that remote place, radio was the only means he had to keep _ of current events in the country. B. trace C. record

9、 D. track 17. _ what is generally believed, the adjustment to this kind of work is quite easy. A. Contrary to B. Contrast with C. Controversial of D. Contradictory to 18. The flashing red light served as a _ of danger ahead. A. predictor B. caution C. precaution D. prevention 19. Their confidence in

10、 him was greatly _ by his prolonged hesitation before taking any action. A. appreciated B. confirmed C. undermined D. cherished 20. Your headache is likely to _ if its real cause is not identified and proper treatment administered accordingly. A. cure B. recover C. recur D. release. Translation (Chi

11、nese to English)1. 你对他说的话不能为你这种行为辩护。(justify) 2. What you said to him can hardly justify such conduct of yours.3. 你认为他会因为同主教的私人关系而免受宗教迫害吗 ? (immune from) Do you think he would be immune from religious persecution by reason of his personal relation with the Bishop?3. 你对心理医生的忠告采取什么态度会影响到你是否会再做恶梦。(recu

12、r)Your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist will affect whether or not your bad dream recurs.4. 乐观主义者成功的秘诀在于他们是用积极的态度对待失望和失败。The secret to the success of optimists is that they deal with disappointments and failures in a positive way.5. 悲观主义者往往容易失败,部分原因就是一个人对自己的看法常常是一种能够自我实现的预言。(in part)T

13、he reason that a pessimist tends to fail is, in part, that a persons opinion about himself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy.6.(1)在幼儿的性格特征没有来得及发展之前,他们的行为不如大多数成年人的行为那样保持一致 (consistent)。In very young children, before traits have had much chance to develop, behavior is less consistent than it is in m

14、ost adults.(2) 一个儿童行为的改变,可能表明他的注意力已因其活动特点的不同而转变。His changing behavior may show his changing concern with different features of his activity.(3) 他的兴趣总是集中在手头的事情上。His interest always focuses on the business at hand.(4) 个性坚强、兴趣强烈的人能够坚持把自己正在做的事进行下去,只有重大的环境变化才能干扰其行为的方向和目的。The person with strong traits and

15、 interests persists in what he is doing. Only a major situational change can disturb the direction or purpose of his behavior.Unit 2. Vocabulary1. After his father died, Bill took on the management of the factory. A. got B. undertook C. organized D. held2. Those students who have access to his esote

16、ric discussions were impressed by the scope of his thinking. A. known by few B. known to all C. very lively D. quite popular 3. The music of the radio distracted me from my reading. A. engrossed B. confused C. refrain D. diverted 4. Abraham Lincoln was quintessential American patriot. A. great B. fa

17、mous C. typical D. revered5. Every now and then, the speaker interjected some witty remark. A. rejected B. criticized C. inserted D. jeered 6. Why do you get angry over such trivial matters? A. of great worth B. of great benefit C. of little worth D. of little help 7. The youngest boy was laughed at

18、 for his naive remarks. B. witty C. amusing D. foolish8. The lady rumpled her skirt by sitting on the seat while flying.A. disordered B. disarranged C. creased D. crashed9. Thousands of people are needlessly slaughtered in road accidents in his country each year.A. wounded B. killed C. injured D. cr

19、ushed10. I bought this cloth cheap because there is a small defect in it.A. spot B. dot C. flaw D. point11. Your job is not to make decisions but to _ the decisions we make.A. complete B. accomplish C. Implement D. affect12. Would you _ him among the worlds great statesmen?A. rank B. call C. name D.

20、 hail13. Understanding is one of the most important _ of a successful marriage.A. ingredients B. standards C. keys D. methods14. There are _ of poison in the dead mans blood.A. pieces B. traces C. slices D. lots15. He had been ill for months, and we were disturbed by his _ complexion.A. fair B. sall

21、ow C. dark D. white16. A witness in court is _ to tell the truth. B. obligated C. urged D. praised17. A _ swelling or tumour can usually be cured.A. malignant B. benign C. small D. mild18. It is better to _ on the side of mercy.A. err B. add C. work D. offer19. He has a very _ address; he lives in t

22、he best part of town.A. wealthy B. comfortable C. prestigious D. Accessible20. We all listened to the priest _ the psalm.A. intoning B. uttering C. speaking D. delivering.Translation (Chinese to English)1. 那个政客以许多事实和数字作为武器。(arm with) The politician was armed with many facts and figures.2. 我觉得我们在那里确实

23、学到了许多东西。 (strike) It struck me that we had really learnt a great deal there.3. 现在工人们的各方面条件比起10年前都大大改善了。(as compared with) The conditions of workers now, as compared with what they were ten years ago, have been greatly improved.4. 根据人民共和国的法律,父母有责任送子女上学。(obligate)According to the laws of the Peoples R

24、epublic, parents are obligated to send their offspring to school.5. 他的错误是确定事实前就做了决定。(err) He erred in making his decision before he confirmed the facts.1) 科研工作不断开辟以前梦想不到的可能性。Scientific research continues to open up previously undreamed-of possibilities.2) 50年前几乎没有什么人能够想象得到像计算机、激光和全息照相术这样的东西。Fifty ye

25、ars ago, few people could even imagine things like computers, lasers and holography.3) 今天大量的新兴技术,如人工智能,遗传工程,正在为技术人员开辟各种新途径。Today, a host of newly-emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and genetic engineering are opening up all kinds of new paths for technologists.4) 不管喜欢不喜欢,不断发展的技术已经

26、使我们成了地球的主人。Like it or not, our advancing technology has made us masters of the earth.Unit 5. Vocabulary1. His beautiful writing is akin to drawing.A. as B. from C. above D. like2. His knowledge on the subject seems to be on a par with my own.A. different from B. the same asC. related to D. in accord

27、ance with3. Tom and Mary were married a week after they met and soon found themselves at odds about religion.A. in disagreement B. on strikeC. in question D. on purpose4. The inventor was vilified in yesterdays newspaper.A. abused B. slandered C. praised D. criticized5. The Mississippi flood of 1973

28、 was a major catastrophe in which a great many lives were lost.A. casualty B. disaster C. change D. threat6. She almost yielded to an unexpected impulse to dance in the street.A. urgent desire B. sudden wish C. good idea D. fancy thought7. Mr. Green posed as a rich man though he owed more than he ow

29、ned.A. worked B. looked C. clothed D. behaved8. They feared the plague and regarded it as a deadly scourge.A. punishment B. Illness C. trouble D. ailment9. Some people have a bias against foreigners.A. prejudice B. dislike C. hatred D. favour10. Your stay abroad will give you ample opportunities to

30、learn a new language.A. good B. suitable C. proper D. enough11. The dark clouds suggest a(n) _ storm. A. impending B. surprising C. fast D. unexpected 12. Since the club owed $15 and had only $10 in the treasury, there was a _ of $5. A. sum B. deficit C. difference D. surplus13. The oil lamp _ softl

31、y on the table. A. glowed B. lighted C. sizzled D. sounded 14. It _ with you to decide. A. talks B. refers C. lies D. indicates15. He _ among the best heavyweight boxers of the past fifty years. A. projects B. shows C. displays D. rates 16. The constant turmoil in the office proved that he was an _ administrator. A.

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