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1、酒店常用英语酒店常用英语Part one : general expressions 感谢您在我们饭店下榻。 39) 我能为您干点什么, 先生,您预订了吗, 1) Good morning 20) Im very grateful to you. 40) Is there anything I can do for you? 53) Would you come with me, please? (afternoon ,evening),sir (madam).非常感谢您。 有什么能为您效劳的吗, 请跟我来,好吗, 早上好(下午、晚上好),好,先21) Its very kind of you

2、. 41) Just a moment, please. 54) Please step this way. 生(夫人) 谢谢,您真客气。 请稍等一下。 这边请。 2) How do you do? (- how do you 22) You are (most) welcome. Dont worry about it别担心。 55) Would you like to sit near the do ?)您好 不用谢,不用客气。 42) I beg your pardon? (Or Pardon?) window? 3) Hello (or hi)! 您好 23) Not at all.不

3、用谢。 对不起,请再说一遍好吗, 您喜欢靠窗坐吗, 4) How are you? (- Fine, thank 24) Dont mention it.不用谢。 43) You are wanted on the phone, Mr. 56) Where would you like to sit? you .and you?)您的身体 25) My pleasure.(or with pleasure) Part three: Food &Beverage Service 您希望坐在哪儿呢, 5) Good bye.(or bye-bye)再见 很高兴能为您服务。 第三部分:餐饮服务 57

4、) Ill be with you in a minute. 6) Good night.晚安(晚间告别用) 26) Glad to be of service. 44) A table for two? 我马上就来。 7) Have a good rest.祝您休息好 很高兴为您服务。 你们是两个人吗, 58) Would you mind sitting here in the 8) We wish you a pleasant stay in our 27) At your service.乐意为您效劳。 45) For how many? corner? hotel.愿您在我们饭店过得

5、愉快 28) Im sorry.很抱歉。 几个人, 靠角坐您不介意吧, 9) Please dont leave anything behind.29) Excuse me.对不起。 46) You can sit where you like. 59) We are open from 6 in the morning 请不要遗忘你的东西。 30) Im terribly sorry. Its my fault. 您可以随便坐。 to 11 in the evening. 10) Mind (or watch) your step! 非常抱歉,那是我的过错。 47) Is this tabl

6、e suitable? 我们的营业时间是从早上6:00到晚请走好 31) Im awfully sorry for my 这张桌子合适吗, 上11:00。 11) We wish you a pleasant journey. carelessness.对于我的粗心大意48) The waitress will be here in a few 60) We serve 24 hours. 祝您旅途愉快 我非常抱歉。 minutes. 我们24小时营业。 12) Have a nice trip! 一路平安 32) Sorry to have kept you waiting. 服务员马上就来

7、。 61) May I have your name, please? 13) All the best! 万事如意。 对不起,让您久等了。 49) Im sorry, there arent any tables 请问您的姓名。 14) Take care! 多保重 33) Sorry to interrupt you. left now. 62) Can you give me your 15) Good luck! 祝您好运 对不起,打扰了。 对不起,没有空桌子了。 name,please? 16) Thank you (very much) 34) Thats all right.这没

8、什么。 50) Im sorry,the restaurant is full now. 我可以问您的姓名吗, 35) It doesnt matter.没关系。 谢谢您(非常感谢)。 对不起,现在餐厅已坐满。 63) Heres the menu. 17) Thanks a lot.多谢。 36) Never mind.不要紧,没关 51) We can seat you in twenty 这是菜单。 18) Thank you for coming. 37) What can I do for you? minutes. 64) Ill bring you the menu,sir. 谢

9、谢您的光临。 我能为您干点什么, 二十他钟后才能安排您入座。 先生,我给您拿菜单。 19) Thank you for staying in our hotel. 38) Can I help you? 52) Do you have a reservation, sir? 65) Here are the menu and wine list. 这是菜单和酒单。 您要点什么饮料。 您还要别的什么吗, 处。 66) Are you ready to order? 79) Would you like green tea or red 91) Is there anything else? 10

10、1) Im sure everything will be 您现在点菜吗, tea? 您还要别的什么吗, satisfactory again next time you 67) Would you like to order now? 您喜欢绿茶还是红茶, 92) Could I serve you anything else? come. 您现在点菜吗, 80) Would you like to try MaoTaithe 还需要我给您点什么吗, 相信下次您再来时,一切都会使您称68) May I take your order now? best Chinese spirits? 93

11、) If you need anything else,just feel 心满意。 您现在可以点菜了吗, 您想尝尝中国最好的酒茅台酒free to tell me. 102) I do apologize for giving you the 69) What have you decided on? 吗, 如果您还需要别的什么,尽管告诉我wrong dish. 您决定吃什么了吗, 81) What kind of vegetables would 好了。 实在对不起,我把菜送错了。 70) Would you like Chinese food or you like? 94) Whats

12、 the problem,sir? 103) I seem to have misserved a dish. Western food? 您想吃什么蔬菜, 先生,出了什么问题, 我好象上错了一道菜。 您要吃中餐还是西餐, 82) I suggest you have a taste of 95) Ill take to the chef and see what 104) Ill change it immediately for you. 71) What would you like? Sichuan dishes. he can do. 我马上给您换。 您想吃点什么, 我建议您尝尝四川

13、菜。 我去和厨师商量一下,看看他能否给105) I can offer you some oyster soup. 72) What would you like to start with? 83) Id recommend this dish to you. 予补救。 Compliments of the chef. 您先来点什么, 我愿意向您推荐一个菜。 96) If you dont like this dish, how 我可以向您免费提供一些牡蛎汤,算73) What would you like to follow? 84) Im sure youll enjoy it. abo

14、ut getting you another one? 是厨师的一点敬意。 您下一道菜点什么呢, 我肯定您会喜欢它。 如果您不喜欢这道菜,是不是换个别106) Is everything all right? 74) Would you like something to 85) Its delicious and worth a try. 的。 一切都还好吗, drink? 它鲜美可口,值得一尝。 97) Would you like it cooked a little 107) How was the food? 您想喝点什么吗, 86) Im sorry,there are no ch

15、ops left. more? 饭菜还好吗, 75) What would you like for a drink? 对不起,没有排骨了。 您愿意把它再煮一下吗, 108) How do you like the fish cooked 您想喝什么, 87) We havent any more lobster 98) Once its ordered and served, it this way? 76) Would you like to order aperitif? today. cant be exchanged. 您觉得鱼这样烧怎么样, 想要点开胃酒吗, 今天的大虾已经卖完了。

16、 凡是点的菜上桌以后是不能换的。 109) Is everything to your satisfaction? 77) Would you like an aperitif before 88) This is the soup you ordered. 99) Regretfully not. 吃得满意吗, lunch? 这是您点的汤。 遗憾的是不行, 110) Whats your opinion of our 饭前您想吃点开胃的东西吗, 89) Do you care for a dessert? 100) Im really sorry,but you see my service

17、? 78) What kind of drink would you 您是不是想吃点甜食。 difficulty. 您对我们的服务有什么意见吗, like ? 90) What else do you want? 真对不起,但也希望您能体谅我的难111) Would you like to sign for that? 您准备签字挂帐吗, 您在我们这儿预订房间了吗, room card? accounts here. Which kind would 112) Could you sign here,please? 121) Did you make a reservation? 请让我看一上

18、您的房卡好吗, you like to open? 请您在这儿签字。 您预订房间了吗, 131) Heres your room key. 我们这儿有各类帐户,您想开那一113) May I also have your room 122) How long do you expect to stay? 这是您的房间钥匙。 种, number,please? 您想待多长时间, 132) Ill show you to your room. This 142) Would you like a deposit account th我可以问一下您的房间号码吗, 123) Room 707 on t

19、he 7 floor is way,please. or a current account? 114) In our hotel we dont accept tips. vacant. 我会领您去您的房间的,这边请。 您想存定期,还中活期, 我们饭店是不收小费的。 七楼707房间没人住。 133) Channel 6 carries programs in 143) How do you want to send this 115) The minimum charge for a dinner 124) Im sorry,we dont have any single English.

20、letter? party of 200 people is 6000 yuan rooms left,would you like a double 第6频道播放英语节目。 您想如何邮寄这封信, FEC, excluding drinks. room? 134) For local telephone calls,please 144) Ordinary mail or air mail? 200人的宴会最低的6000人民币换对不起,我们没有剩余的单间了,你dial 9 first and then dial the 您寄普通邮件,还是航空邮件, 券,不包括饮料。 想要双人间吗, numbe

21、r. 145) Normally it takes about one week 116) May I have a look at your 125) Im sorry,were rather full at the 若打本地电话,请按9,然后再拔号。 for an air-mail letter to reach invitation card? moment.can I recommend you to 135) What kind of currency do you America. 我可以看一个您的请柬吗, another hotel? have? 通常情况下,航空邮件到达美国需要

22、117) At a Chinese party the guests 对不起,我们这儿目前客满,我将为您有什么货币, 大约一个星期。 usually arrive 5-10 minutes early. 您推荐到另一家宾馆好吗, 136) What currency do you want? 146) Your letter is overweight and you 中餐宴会客人通常提前五至十分钟到126) The price lf one single room id 70 您要什么货币? have to pay one yuan more. 达。 dollars per day. 137

23、) I regret to say that we dont accept 你的信超重,你得再付一块我。 118) Its not good to be late. 单间是每天70美元。 personal cheques here. 147) What does this parcel contain? 迟到是不好的。 127) Would you please fill in this 很遗憾,我们这儿不受理私人支票。 这个包裹里包的什么东西, Part four: hotel English registration form? 138) How much do you want to 1

24、48) Whats in side this parcel? 第四部他:饭店服务英语。 您填写一下这张登记表好吗, convert? 这包裹里是什么, 119) We have single rooms,double 128) Would you please show me your 您想换多少钱, 149) Do you want to register this letter? rooms,suites and deluxe suites in passport? 139) Would you please endorse this 你想寄信挂号信吗, our hotel. 请出示一下您

25、的护照好吗, check? 150) You need a box to send these 129) Ill ask a attendant to send your 请在这张支票上签个字好吗, 我们宾馆有单间、双人间、套间和豪bottles. 华套间。 luggage up. 140) Please count the money. 寄这些瓶子需要一个箱子。 120) Did you have a reservation with 我会叫服务员把您的行李拿上去的。 请把这钱数一下。 151) Whom do you wish to speak to? us? 130) Could you

26、 please show me your 141) We have different kinds of 你相同谁讲话, 到今天下午你的电话才能接通。 我们在大米、面条、馒头和饺子供你这个围巾配上这件上衣显得很得体。 152) Which call do you wish to place 162) Please put down your 选择。 185) They are all there on the shelf. first? name,address and telephone 173) What would you take for dessert? 它们都在那边的那个货架上。

27、你想先打哪个电话, number at the bottom of the form. 你想要点什么甜点, 186) Im sorry theyre sold out. 153) Do you have the number ad the 请将您的名字、地址、电话号码写在174) What liquor do you prefer? 对不起,它们都卖完了。 name of the called party? 这张表的下面。 你喜欢什么饮料, 187) I regret to say they are out of stock 你有被叫方的号码与名字吗, 163) Thats altogethe

28、r 26 words. And 175) Would you like something at the moment 154) May I know your name and your the charge is stronger? 很遗憾眼下缺货。 telephone number? 总共26个字,共计费。 来点度数高的酒好吗, 188) Shall I wrap it up for you? 我可以知道您的名字和电话号码吗, 164) Will you please fill in this laundry 176) What are you going to have? 我给你包一下

29、吧。 155) Please hold the line. Ill put you sheet? 你想要点什么, 189) Thank you for shopping at our through in a minute. 你将这张洗衣单填写一下好吗, 177) We have different kinds of strong store. 请拿好电话,马上就可以为您接通。 165) What color do you want your coat drinks here for your choice. 谢谢你光临我店购物。 156) Im sorry the extension is

30、busy just dyed into? 我们有各种不同烈性酒供你选择。 190) When do you plan to leave? now. 我想将你的大衣染成什么颜色, 178) Would you like it with soda or ice 你计划什么时候离开, 对不起,电话分机刚才占线。 166) Were terribly sorry that your shirt cubes? 191) Which train do you want to take? 157) Im sorry the line to Paris is very was damaged. 你想加苏打还是

31、冰块, 你想搭那一趟车。 heavy this morning. 十分对不起你的衫衣给弄坏了。 179) How would you like it, single or 192) Your ticket is available now. 对不起,今天早上巴黎的线路很忙。 167) How about this table over there? double? 你的票现在有效。 158) Please take a seat. Ill let you 那边那张餐桌可以吗, 怎么个要法,要单份还是双份, 193) Would you like a single or a return kno

32、w when the call comes. 168) Im sorry. Were rather full 180) Would you like anything to go ticket? 请坐,电话来了我会叫您的。 tonight. with your drinks? 你想要单程票还是往返票, 159) Would you like to postpone or 对不起,今晚我们这儿客满。 你想要点什么菜下酒吗, 194) Im sorry,the flight is fully booked thcancel your call? 169) How about this beef dish? 181) This style is very popular now. for the 20. 您随后打电话,还是不打了, 这道牛排怎么样, 这个款式现在很流行。 对不起,20日的航班已全部预订完160) Mr.Wilson,New York is on the line. 170) What about

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