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1、高考词汇3500归纳总结高中词汇3500归纳总结高考对于词汇的考查基本可以分为两类:词汇的辨析和词汇的使用,词汇的辨析要求考生熟悉词汇的词义;词汇的使用需要考生掌握词汇的用法和固定搭配。还有一部分认知词汇是超出2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲要求的3000词范围,基本上只要求认识即可,除个别高频重点认知词需掌握搭配、用法之外,不需要着重学习。词汇3500中简单词汇在1100左右,核心词汇在1600左右,认知词汇在800左右。根据统计分析高考试题,历年高考命题中的高频词汇为1000左右。一、 高频辨析词汇高频名词辨析“能力”:ability, capacity ,talent, com

2、petence“疼痛”:ache, pain, hurt, harm“声音”:accent, noise, sound, voice“事件”:affair, matter, thing, business, event, accident, incident, occurrence“目标”:aim, object, target, purpose, goal“地区”:area, region, district, zone“论文”:article, paper, essay, thesis“岸边”:bank, coast. beach, shore“战争”:battle, war, fight

3、“信念”:belief, faith, trust, confidence“原因”:cause, reason, excuse“运气”:chance, fortune, luck“国家”:country, nation, state, power“疾病”:disease, illness, trouble“操练”:drill, practice, train, exercise“土地”:earth, ground, land, soil, mud“力量”:energy, strength, force, power“测试”:test, examine ,inspect“工厂”:factory,

4、 plant, mill, works“家”: family, house, home“门”: gate, door, entrance“错误”:fault, mistake, shortcoming“恐惧”:fear, dread, fright, dismay, panic, terror, alarm“雾气”:fog, mist, haze, smog“丛林”:forest, wood(s), jungle, plantation“客人”:guest, visitor, caller, passenger, customer“假日”:holiday, vacation, leave“工作

5、”:job, work, labor, task“演讲”:lecture, speech, talk, address “信息”:news, information, message“工资”:pay, salary, wage“时期”:period, epoch, era, age“影响”:result, effect, influence, outcome“外形”:shape, form, figure“风景”:scenery, scene, sight, view“种类”:kind, sort, type“旅行”:travel, trip, journey, tour, voyage高频动

6、词/动词短语辨析“接受”:accept ,receive“指控”:accuse, charge, indict, blame, sue“获得”:achieve, gain, get“承认”:acknowledge, recognize, admit“允许”:allow, permit, let“争论” argue, debate, dispute“到达”:arrive, get, reach“建立” build ,build up, found, put up, construct, set up“抓住”:catch, seize, hold“检验”:examine, check, test“

7、选择”:choose, elect, pick“连接”:connect, join, unite“认为”:consider(as),regardas,think ofas,treatas“继续”:continue, go on, last“花费”:cost, spend, pay, take“喊叫”:cry, shout, yell, scream, call“毁坏”:damage, destroy, ruin“保卫”:defend, guard, protect“推迟”:delay, postpone, put off“期望”:desire, wish, want“处理”:do with,

8、deal with“怀疑”:doubt, suspect“穿”: dress, be dressed in, be in, have on, put on, wear“期盼”:expect, look, forward to, wait(for)“修理”:mend ,repair, patch, fix“建立”:found ,establish, organize, form “变化”:grow, get, become, turn “发生”:happen, take place, occur, come about “参加”:join, join in, take part in, atte

9、nd “杀死”:kill, murder, shoot“喜欢”:like, love, enjoy, be fond of, go in for “获得”:obtain, acquire, gain “提供”:supply, provide, offer“说服”:persuade, convince“拥有”:possess, own, have“准备”:be prepared for, be ready for, prepare, prepare for“寻找”:search, search for, find“说”: speech, lecture, talk“停止”:cease, paus

10、e, stop“拜访”: call on, drop in on/at, see, visit“看上去像”: appear, seem, look“拿来,带来”:bring, take, carry, fetch, get “看,发现”: discover, find, find out, invent, see, look, look at, watch, catch sight of ,notice, observe高频形容词/形容词短语,副词/副词短语辨析“准确的”:precise, accurate, correct, exact“惭愧的”:ashamed, shameful“美丽的”

11、;beautiful, handsome, pretty, good-looking “特殊的”:particular, special“安静的”:quiet, still, calm, silent“不同的”:various, different“困难的”:difficult, hard “渴望的”:eager, keen, anxious“著名的”:famous, well-known“迅速的”:fast, quick, rapid, swift“好的”: good, fine, well, all right, nice“笨的”: stupid, foolish ,silly“许多的”:

12、many, a lot of/lots of, much, quite, very“真实的”:real, true“正确的”:right, correct, just, upright“完全的”:all, whole“正确的”:right, correct, just, upright“也”: also, either, too/as well“特别地”:especially, specially, particularly“曾经”: ever, once“快速地”:immediately, quickly“相当地”:fairly, quite, rather“别的,其他的”: else, o

13、ther“有可能的”: likely, possible, probable“类似的,相似的”:similar, like, alike “平常的,普通的”:common, ordinary, general, universal, usual, normal, easy, Simple表“程度”: 的确 certainly绝对 absolutely necessarily 必然 probably 大概,恐怕 perhaps maybe或许 possibly 从不,不可能 never高频介词,连词辨析表“方位”:above, below, on, beneath, over, under, i

14、nside above on below beneath 表“之间”:among, between表“因为”:because, since, as, for表“之前”:before, ago表“除了;除此之外”:except, except for, except that, but二、 高频固定搭配/常用短语、句型ableabilitydisabledisabledunableenabledisabilityinabilitybe able to do sth. 能做某事ability for/in some work 做某项工作的能力ability in doing sth./abilit

15、y to do sth. 做某事的能力be about to do 正要做某事,表示即将发生的动作be going to do 可预见,或即将发生的事情be to do 按计划即将发生的动作across from 在对面come(run) across 偶然碰到get sth. across 使人理解,领会actactioninactionactiveinactiveactivityinactivityactoractress act as 充当,担任 act out 表演(对话,故事等) in the act of (doing sth. ) 正要干某事 put on an act 装模作样

16、 take action 采取行动 bring an action against sb. 对某人提起诉讼 be active in 在-积极adaptadaptationadapt oneself to sth. 使自己适应或习惯于某事adapt sth. to 是某事物适应或适合adapt for 使适合于,为-改编adap from 根据-改编addadditionadd in 包括,加进去add up to 加起来总和是;意味着add to 增加,加强add-to- 把-加到-上in addition 另外,加之in addition to 除-之外advanceadvantagein

17、 advance 预先,事先in advance of 在-去前面,在-之前be of great(no) advantage to 对-大大有利gain (have) an advantage over (of) 胜过,优于take advantage of sb. 利用某人;欺骗某人adviceadviseask for sb.s advice 征求某人的建议give advice 提建议give sb. advice on how to do sth. 就如何干某事提出忠告take sb.s advice 接受某人的意见be afraid to do sth. “怕”或“不敢”去做某事b

18、e afraid of donging sth. 担心做某事be against ones proposal 反对go against nature 违背自然all along 一直,始终all over 遍及at all 全然;究竟not at all 一点也不in all 总计most of all 最-first of all 首先all but 几乎,差一点amazeamazingbe amazed at/be amazed to do sth./be amazed that 对-/因-而感到惊讶analyseanalyseanalysisto make an analysis of

19、分析in the final/last analysis 总之on /upon analysis 经分析anxietyanxiousbe anxious to do sth. 渴望做某事be anxious for sb. to do sth. 渴望某人做某事ve anxious than 渴望be anxious about/for sth. 对-焦虑appearappearancein appearance 看起来,外貌上keep up appearance 撑门面,维持体面make ones appearance 登台,出现put in an appearance 露一下,参加一下by/

20、from all appearances 显然appreciateappreciationappreciate(doing)sth. 喜欢(做)某事appreciate sb./sb.s doing sth. 感激某人做某事 keep balance 保持平衡lose balace 失去平衡be in the balance 悬而未决ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事 battle(against) sth.向-开战battle with 与-搏斗battle for 为-而战give/offer battle 挑战accept battle 应战win/lose

21、a battle 战胜/战败battle on 继续/斗争border conflict 边界冲突border disputes 边境争端border on/upon sth. 跟-一样;接近于boundboundarybe bound to 一定;注定be bound up in/with 与有密切关系;随-而定catch on 受欢迎catch up with 赶上catch sight of 看到catch fire 着火catch (a) cold 感冒challengechallengingbeyond challenge 无与伦比,无可比拟by chance 偶然,凑巧by any

22、 chance 万一,也许take ones chance 碰运气,冒险changechangablechange st. with sb. 和某人交换某物change-into-将-变成-in charge of 支配;负责in the charge of 受-的支配take charge (of sth.) 控制,掌管free of charge 免费charge sb. some money 像某人要价check in(at) 登记,报道check out (of) 结账退房check(up) on 检查in check 受控制的cheercheerfulcheer sb. on 为某人

23、鼓劲儿cheer sb. up 使某人高兴,振作起来choosechoice have no choice but to do sth 别无选择,只能做某事have a command of sth. 控制/掌握某事make comments on/upon sth. 评论某事competecompetition compete with/against sb. in sth. 在某方面与某人竞争 compete with/against sb. for sth. 为了某物与某人竞争concentrate (sth.) on/upon sth. (把某事物)集中在某方面be concerned

24、 about/for sth. 担心,忧虑,关心be concerned with- 与-有关congratulatecongratulation congratulate sb. on sthbe content with- 对-满意be content to do- 乐于做-continue to do /doing sth. 继续做某事continue with sth. 继续做某事on the contrary 相反creditcredit-card offer sb. credit 给某人提供赊账 give credit 信任,信赖cut down 砍到cut off 切断cut u

25、p 齐根切断,切碎damagedamagingdamagement damage to- 对-造成伤害dealdealer a agreat deal of - 大量 make a deal 成交 deal with 处理,解决demanddemanding in great/high demand 急需 meet the demand of- 满足-的需要 demand for sth. 需要某物differdifferencedifferent differ on sth. 关于某事观点不一致 differ from 和-不同,相异 differ with sb. about/on/ove

26、r sth. 关于某事与某人意见不同 make a difference 有影响,有作用 be different form sth. 与某事不同distantdistance at a distance 隔一段距离 in the distance 在远处do away with 摆脱;废除do well in 在-方面做得好do sb. a favor 帮某人忙hane something to do with 和-有关drawdrawingdrawer draw a conclusion 得出结论 draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意drop in/by 随便拜访drop

27、 off 脱落drop out 放弃effecteffection have an effect/effects on- 对-有影响,起作用endendless in the end 最后 at the end of 在-的末尾 by the end of 到-结束的时候 come to an end 停止 end up 结束;死 on end 连续地enjoyenjoyment enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 enjoy sth. 喜欢某事物 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事even in/though 即使enen so 即使这样exchange a few words

28、交谈in exchange 作为交换fall apart 倒塌fall behind 落后fall in love with sb. 爱上某人fall off 跌落,从-上掉下fall asleep 入睡fall ill 生病favourfavourite in favour of 支持- in ones favour 对某人有利 do sb. a favour 帮某人的忙a few 少数几个only a few 只有几个;没有多少quite a few 相当多not a few 相当多fight against 与-战斗,对抗-fight with 和-作战fight for 为-而战cat

29、ch fire 着火make a fire 生火set fire to 放火烧-(be)on fire 着火,起火fire at sb./sth. 朝某人/某物射击fortunemistortune make a fortune 赚大钱,发财 seek/try ones fortune 碰运气 for free 免费free of charge 免费set-free 释放be free from/of 免受-gathergathering gather together 聚在一起 gather around 聚集在-周围get get along/on (well) with- 与-相处(得好) get down to 开始认真做- get rid of 摆脱,除去 ger through 通过;打通电话 get out og 从-出来 get away 逃脱,离开 get across 通过;理解 get over 克服;恢复 get ready to do 准备好做 get in/into 进入,到达 get out 出去 get up 起床 get off 下来;出发 get around 四处走动;传播开来 get usek to doing 习惯做-habithabitualhabituallycusom develop/form/get in a

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