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本文(广州沈阳通用八年级英语下册Module2ArtsandcraftsUnit4Cartoonsandcomicstrips教案牛津深圳版310.docx)为本站会员(b****9)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广州沈阳通用八年级英语下册Module2ArtsandcraftsUnit4Cartoonsandcomicstrips教案牛津深圳版310Module 2 Unit 4Cartoons and comic stripsThis text is about cartoons, which is close to the students life. It should be said that students are more interested in learning. So for me this class the teaching goal is to make the stude

2、nts know how to use English to express, and stimulate their imagination and desire to understand and be able to have the interest to have to use English how to say what they know about comic books.【知识目标】1Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this period.cartoon,symbol,bubble,thou

3、ght,rough,sketch,program,record,effect,basic,stage, pleasant, detailed, appear,actor,match,separately,play;comic strip,pop out, decide on,video camera2Help students to learn about useful expressions.【能力目标】To read the passage and answer some questions about cartoons and comic strips.【情感目标】1Help them

4、understand more about arts.2Develop students sense of cooperative learning.【教学重点】How to train their reading ability step by step.【教学难点】1Develop students reading ability.2Help students understand the difficulties. MultimediaPart1step1 Getting ready1) Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.2)Wha

5、t is Lo doina?He is looking ar /imself in the irror.When Lo sovs the besr corroon character in the world who is he referrino to?What can you learn from the story?step2. Brainstorm.Cartoons and comic stripsArtists use many symbols in comic strips to show special meanings. Match the symbols below with

6、 their meanings. Write the correct letter in each box Meaningsofsymbols1Thisisaspeechbubbleforthewordsthatthecharactersays.2Ifacharacterseyespopoutlikethis,itmeanshe/sheisverysurprised.3Thelightbulbsymbolmeansthatthecharacterhasanidea.4Thisisa “thoughtbubbleforthewordsthatthecharacteristhinkingof.Re

7、ad the introduction on page 51 and answer the questions. Jason is learning how to make cartoons. He has found some information in a magazine.WhatisJasonlearningabout?WheredidhefindthisinformationeStep3. Before reading 1. There are six stages of making a cartoon. Do you know the correct order? Read t

8、he first sentence of each paragraph in the article on page 51 and write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes.aMakearoughsketchofthestory.bHaveagoodideaforastory.cUseacomputerprogramtoputthepicturestogether.dThinkaboutthecharacters.eAddcolourtothedrawings.fRecordthevoicesandsoundeffects. Step4. Reading:How t

9、o make a cartoon Read Lines 1-8 and complete the table. First, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story.This story is about a robot, Han. He always forgets things. One day, Han meets his friends Sarah and Tim at the underground station. He says, “Im happy. I bought a new notebook. Now I wo

10、nt forget things.” Sarah says, “Yes. I have one too. Here it is.” Tim asks, “Wheres yours, Han?” Han says, “Oh, no! I forgot to bring it!”.2).Place _Characters _ _ _The story_ 3). Read Lines 9-13 and draw a picture of each character. In the second stage, think about the kinds of characters you want

11、and what they will look like.Han is a tall robot. He has square eyes. They are actually video cameras. Tim wears glasses, so he looks clever. Sarah is a pleasant girl. She has straight, black hair.WhatdoesHanlooklike?WhatdoesTimlooklike?WhatdoesSarahlooklike?4). Read Lines 14-20 and decide whether t

12、he statements on the following slide are True (T) or False (F).Now make a rough sketch of the story. Next, use a computer to draw detailed pictures and add colour. To make the characters and things appear to move, each picture should be made a little different from the one before it.In the next stag

13、e, a computer program is used to put the pictures together as a film.First, we should draw detailed picturesDetailed pictures are drawn using pencilsWe only need one picture to make the characters and things appear to moveA computer program can put the pictures together and make them move.5).Read Li

14、nes 21-26 and put the items in the correct box on the following slide. Finally, record the voices and sound effects. The actors will do the characters voices. Their speech must match the pictures. Sound effects, like the noise of the underground, must also be added separately. After everything has b

15、een checked, the cartoon is ready to be played for everyone to enjoy.VoicesSound effectsStep4. Repeat the article after the recording.First, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story.This story is about a robot, Han. He always forgets things. One day, Han meets his friends Sarah and Tim at

16、the underground station. He says, “Im happy. I bought a new notebook. Now I wont forget things.” Sarah says, “Yes. I have one too. Here it is.” Tim asks, “Wheres yours, Han?” Han says, “Oh, no! I forgot to bring it!”In the second stage, think about the kinds of characters you want and what they will

17、 look like.Han is a tall robot. He has square eyes. They are actually video cameras. Tim wears glasses, so he looks clever. Sarah is a pleasant girl. She has straight, black hair.Now make a rough sketch of the story. Next, use a computer to draw detailed pictures and add colour. To make the characte

18、rs and things appear to move, each picture should be made a little different from the one before it.In the next stage, a computer program is used to put the pictures together as a film.Finally, record the voices and sound effects. The actors will do the characters voices. Their speech must match the

19、 pictures. Sound effects, like the noise of the underground, must also be added separately. After everything has been checked, the cartoon is ready to be played for everyone to enjoy.Step 5. Homework 1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文,并尝试复述动画制作的过程。2. 抄写单词和短语:cartoon,symbol,bubble,thought,rough,sketch,program,record

20、,effect,basic,stage, pleasant, detailed, appear,actor,match,separately,play;comic strip,pop out, decide on,video camera。3. 完成综合练习册第57页Reading A的练习。 Part2Step1 Vocabulary1).C1 The words in italics explain the meanings of some words from the article on page 51. Find the words to complete the sentences

21、. Change their forms if necessary.1 The ideaofthestorymustbesimpleaswellasimportont(line1)2Thepaintingisreallyinteresting.Thepeopleinitlookreal.The tobealive.(line16)3Hewantstobeapersoninafilm.Hisdreamistobean . (line22)4This shirt yourtrouserswell.Theircoloursreallygotogether. (line23)5 Theydidnot

22、watch thecartoontogether.Theywenttothecinema . (line24)2) C2 Jason is writing an email to his friend Anna in Germany. Complete his email with the words from the box. Change their forms if appear basic decideon recordHiAnnaIve astoryformycartoon.ItsaboutaboycalledJim.Helivesonanotherp

23、lanetintheyear2200.Jim to be a humanfromtheEarth,buthesactuallyarobot.lllmakethecartoonmyself,asIhavesome drawingand computerskills.However,Ineedsomepeopletohelpme thevoicesandsoundeffects.MyfriendTomhasalwayswanted to be an .SoIllaskhimtodothevoiceoftherobot .Ill show my cartoontoyouwhenitsready.Ih

24、opeyoulllikeit.Yours,Janson3). Complete the sentences with the words from page 51.step2. Further reading1). Read the article on page 51 and match Column A with Column B.AB1. Everything is ready and2. To begin with, 3. After that, you need to4. Next, a computer is used to5. In the second stage, 6. Fi

25、nally, 7. Each picture should be8. Then, you can usea. a little different from the one before it.b. some basic ideas for a story are necessary.c. draw detailed pictures and add colour.d. you can sit down and enjoy it.e. the characters and their appearances should be decided on.f. the actors will do

26、the voices and sound effects will be added.g. make a rough sketch of the story.h. a computer program to put the pictures together.2).Put the sentences in the correct order and then try to retell the steps of making a cartoon2 5 3 4 7 8 6 1 To begin with In the second stage, After that, Next,Finally,

27、 Step3. More details1).Read the passage on page 51 and find out the meaning of the pronouns in italics in the following sentences. oh, no! I forgot to bring it!Tney are actually video he looks cleve.She has straight, black hair,each picture should be made a little different from the one b

28、efore it.Their speech must match the pictures 2). D1 Anna wants some advice on how to make cartoons. She has asked Jason some questions in a chat room. Read the article on page 51 and help Jason answer her questions in complete sentences.Anna: After ve decided on the story of my cartoon, what should

29、 I do?Jason: 1) .Anna: What should I do after that?Jason: 2) .Anna, How do make the characters and things appear to move?Sason: 3) .Anna: what should I do next?Jason:4) .Anna: what should I do last?Jason:5) .3).Read the Strategy on page 53 and finish the flow chart for making a cartoon.4). *D2 Read

30、the article again and make a summary of it. Remember to use your own words. You may begin like this:There are six stages of making a cartoon. First,.There are six stages of making a cartoon. First, some basic ideas for a story are decided on. Second, the characters and their appearances are thought about. Third, a rough sketch of the story is made. Fourth, detailed pictures are drawn and colour is added. You s

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