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Application of Domestication and Alienation in the Translation of Enigmatic Folk Simile.docx

1、Application of Domestication and Alienation in the Translation of Enigmatic Folk SimileApplication of Domestication and Alienation in the Translation of Enigmatic Folk Simile1. IntroductionLanguage is the carrier of culture, on one hand culture is based on language, and language plays a great role i

2、n culture. On the other hand, language is also influenced by culture, and they are interdependent and interactional to each other. Chinese enigmatic folk simile, treasure of Chinese culture, is a special form of Chinese idioms. It is created by laboring people in their daily life, with a strong nati

3、onal cultural color. Meanwhile enigmatic folk simile also has a unique structure, and its language is brief but full of humor. Owing to this, Chinese enigmatic folk simile spreads widely among Chinese people and it is favored by ordinary people.With the trend of the globalization continuing to stren

4、gthen, international cultural communication all over the world is also deepened. Foreigners have raised a hit on learning Chinese culture recent years, as essence of Chinese culture, Chinese enigmatic folk simile needs to be learned. And learning Chinese enigmatic folk simile can not only deepen the

5、 understanding of Chinese culture, but also contribute to spreading of Chinese culture all over the world widely. So it is particularly important for the translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile. However, due to the unique form of language, it is difficult to find the appropriate way to explain

6、it in another language. Therefore, translation of enigmatic folk simile has become a difficult point of academia. How to reproduce language features of Chinese enigmatic folk simile and its rich cultural significance is a problem worth exploring. In 1995, the strategy of domestication and alienation

7、 was put forward by Lawrence Venuti who was a famous American translation expert. Since then the strategy had been widely used in various fields of translation, greatly facilitating the communication of international culture. This paper intends to find appropriate methods to the translation of enigm

8、atic folk simile by analysising application of the strategy of domestication and alienation in the translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile.2. An Introduction to Chinese Enigmatic Folk SimileAs for the word “歇后语”, when translated into English, it can be “rest-ending sayings” or “post pause expre

9、ssions”. Besides, some people translate it to “example folk similes”, according to its structure. Professor Luo Jiahao who is a famous American translation expert translated it to “enigmatic folk simile”. (Guo,1996) Simile refers to that Chinese enigmatic folk simile is generally made up of two part

10、s. The front part is vehicle, which means vivid metaphor, and another part is the body, which furtherly elaborated on the vehicle to explain its intention;Folk indicates that Chinese enigmatic folk simile possesses the characteristics of colloquial. And on account of originating and spreading in ord

11、inary people, Chinese enigmatic folk simile has typical characteristics of colloquial;Enigmatic suggests that the expression of Chinese enigmatic folk simile holds the nature and characteristics of riddle. In other words, Chinese enigmatic folk simile is a riddle that consists of two parts: Riddle (

12、vehicle) and answer to a riddle (body). In a word, “enigmatic folk simile” reflects the characteristics of special structure and nature of enigmatic folk simile.2.1 Definition of Chinese enigmatic folk simileChinese enigmatic folk simile, which was created by Chinese laboring people in their daily l

13、ife, is a special form of languages. Ci Hai makes a definition of enigmatic folk similes: Enigmatic folk similes are a form of idioms, and most of them are humorous phrases that are familiar to ordinary people. And it can hide latter text to show the meaning of the former one. From the definition, i

14、t can know the nature of Chinese enigmatic folk similea branch of idioms, besides, it has its special structural features that is made up of two parts: the former part always describes and explains common phenomenon in daily life and the latter part makes comment and analysis towards the phenomenon.

15、2.2 Classification of Chinese enigmatic folk simileAccording to the contact of two parts: the former and latter one, Chinese enigmatic folk similes can be divided into two categories: metaphorical sayings and homophonic sayings2.2.1 Metaphorical sayingsMetaphorical sayings refer to Chinese enigmatic

16、 folk simile in which the former part is a metaphor and the latter one is the original intention. For example:小葱拌豆腐一清二白放虎归山后患无穷风箱里的老鼠两头受气2.2.2 Homophonic sayingsDescription section is a word of double meaning in this type of Chinese enigmatic folk simile, and it both contains the surface meaning of

17、the metaphor and other deeper meaning. That is, literal meaning is the explanation of the first half part, but its hidden meaning is complete contrary to the whole context. Homophonic sayings can be classified into harmonic meaning pun and homophonic pun.一根筷子吃藕挑眼“挑眼” of original work refers to a cho

18、pstick to pick up the eyes on the lotus root, and its true meaning is “pick holes”.三九天的萝卜冻了心(动了心)“冻了心” of original work refers to the weather is so cold that carrots freeze from the heart, which is homonym with “动了心”,and it has played homophonic pun effect.2.3 Language features of Chinese enigmatic

19、folk simile Chinese enigmatic folk simile is a unique phenomenon of languages, and its structure is special which generally consists of two parts: the first part is usually a metaphor which is often called as “vehicle”; the latter part explains its intention which is known as “body”. Chinese enigmat

20、ic folk simile is the crystallization of Chinese culture and wisdom and known as the essence of language. And it is more typical than other forms of language in reflecting the culture of national characteristics. Chinese enigmatic folk simile whose language is vivid, humorous and full of philosophy

21、is widely used not only in all levels of society, but also in ancient and contemporary literature and so on. Chinese enigmatic folk simile contains rich cultural connotations, and mainly reflects the local culture, religion culture, books and so on.3. Translation of Chinese Enigmatic Folk SimileTran

22、slation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile needs to overcome barriers in both language and culture and she also points out that it can take up different methods, according to types of Chinese enigmatic folk simile.3.1 Present situation of translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simileAs for the studies

23、of Chinese enigmatic folk simile, many scholars have made untiring efforts to explore this form of language and have made great progress. In 1920 the Ballard Seminar was established in Beijing ; since 1930s some scholars have whole-heartedly embarked on researches and have carried out heat debates(W

24、en, Zhou, 2000:123).Translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile has always the hot spot of the academic discussion. Zou(2006)believes that translating method of enigmatic folk similes mainly depends on its own characteristics, however, in any case , the metaphoric meaning of Chinese enigmatic folk

25、simile need to be translated accurately. Yang(2008)considers that translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile can not just focus on the language in the form of conversion, but also understand the cultural connotation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile to find the meaning beyond the language of its su

26、rface. Han(2010)claims that translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile should focus on both language section and cultural part, and especially cares for the degree of cultural “fax” in the process of operation. It is necessary to notice differences and similarities of cultural connotation between

27、Chinese and English, besides, it also should pay attention to differences and similarities of superficial meaning. Qi (2011) holds the opinion that translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile needs to overcome barriers in both language and culture and she also points out that it can take up differe

28、nt methods, according to types of Chinese enigmatic folk simile.3.2 Translation principle of Chinese enigmatic folk simileTranslation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile stresses on both similar form and the same connotation. In other words, in the process of translation, translator needs to express bo

29、th surface meaning and deep meaning of Chinese enigmatic folk simile accurately and clearly. And translator should apply different translation methods, according to different types of Chinese enigmatic folk similes and different language environment, in order to reflect the stylistic features and pr

30、agmatic characteristics of Chinese enigmatic folk simile. As for translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile, it is better to regard it as an unique cultural and linguistic phenomenon. Besides, the structure of Chinese enigmatic folk simile determines that translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simi

31、le needs to grasp its true meaning and connotation through literal meaning, and then translator should employ flexible methods to be engaged in the work of translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile so as to promote Chinese national culture.4. Application of Domestication and Alienation in the Tra

32、nslation of Chinese Enigmatic Folk SimileIn the process of translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile, there always exists dispute of domestication and alienation. And the strategy of domestication and alienation can make translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile easier, whats more, it can also

33、 make the target text easy to understand.The strategy of domestication and alienation is a translation strategy that is put forward by Lawrence Venuti in 1995. And it accelerates the translation of Chinese enigmatic folk simile, and it also promotes the international exchanges.4.1 Definition of the strategy of domesti

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